Friday, March 7, 2014

Marwadi Aloo Pyaz Subji, Happy Women's Day!

Let me begin with this cool message- Behind every successful man is a woman who is getting ahead of him every day! Happy Women’s Day :) No one can make us feel inferior without our permission. Women are the whole circle, within us lie the whole power to create and transform.

Today women are doctors, engineers, teachers, astronauts- you name it. But the sad part is that March 8th is just the ‘date’ as Sexual violence against women in India is widespread throughout the country. The tragic Delhi gang rape episode in December 2012 shook us all. It is reported that a woman is raped every 18 hours in India. Irony is that society teaches us ‘not to get raped’ instead of ‘do not rape’
Respect her, love her...above all understand her. Only then will the country have a true cause to celebrate International Women's Day.

I am lucky to have many incredible women around me, my mother, and mother in law, grandma, friends and all you lovely ladies. On the occasion of International Women’s Day I dedicate this post to my super women- my mother :) My mother- the women who gave me birth, who sacrificed for me, who gave me everything and anything that I wanted in my life.

Here is her signature dish- Aloo Pyaz ki Subji in typical desi marwadi style. Love this with plain rice and lehsuni daal tadka-ah tastier if eaten with hands. Well being marwadi that too from Rajasthan I know what authentic aloo pyaz ki subji is. Yes, there is no bliss better then having the scoops of this piping hot subji.

What is the wow factor? Well fennel seeds , gram flour and loads of coriander leaves. You cannot miss fresh coriander leaves in this subji, no you just cannot. Basic and yet royal; simple and yet classy-Do I say more?Characteristic and authentic Marwadi Aloo Pyaz ki Subji....

2 large potatoes
2 large onions
1 tablespoon gram flour/besan
1 tablespoon cumin/jeera
1 tablespoon mustard/rai
2 tablespoon oil (mustard)
1/4 teaspoon asafoetida/heeng
Salt to taste
1 bay leaf/tej patta
2 whole dried red chilli/sukhi lal mirch
1 teaspoon red chilli powder
1 tablespoon fennel seeds/ saunf
1 tablespoon coriander seeds/sukha dhaniya
1 teaspoon turmeric powder/haldi
1 tablespoon coriander powder/dhainya
1 teaspoon dry mango powder/amchur
1 teaspoon lime juice
4-5 tablespoon coriander leaves

Coarsely paste the coriander seeds and fennel seeds. Keep aside.
Chop potatoes and onions in quarters.
Heat oil in kadai/wok. When oil is hot, add cumin and mustard and let it splutter. Add asafoetida, bay leaf and dry red chillies.
Then mix coriander seeds and fennel seeds paste and stir.
Add turmeric powder, salt and mix potatoes and onions. Stir well.
Cover and cook on a medium flame till potatoes are tender.
Finally add in all coriander powder, red chilli powder and gram flour. Cover and cook for 5 minutes.
Finally add in lime juice and dry mango powder.
Mix in the coriander leaves and cover. Turn off the heat and serve.


  1. Lovely combo......looks delicious!!

  2. Looks very tempting and spicy. Love to try this soon.

  3. happy womens day to you shewta.curry looks awesome.

  4. Delicious aloo sabzi n a happy women's day to u too....

  5. aloo looks super yumm and nice post dear. Happy womens day!

  6. Happy Womens day....Ur Aloo Pyas subji is really droolworthy and the best combo with chappathi :)

  7. This healthy combo looks super yummy!

  8. Looks delicious and sure it tastes too. Happy womens day to you too :)

  9. Excellent recipe and great photography... stay connected... Happy Women's Day...

  10. Nice pics! I have tasted this sabji and it really tastes wonderful!
    Happy Women's day to you too!

  11. Looks delicious and yummy subji :)Happy women's day !!

  12. What a photography! Superb colour combinations. The dish is also so tempting.

  13. Happy women's day.. Simply irresistible aloo dish.

  14. Delectable sabji! And happy Women's Day- love what you said about teaching "Don't rape" not "Don't get raped".

  15. delicious twist of the humble sabji... the spices makes it more tasty and flavourful.

  16. looks so good...droolworthy subji..

  17. Happy Women's day to you too dear...

    healthy Subji recipe too :)

  18. Hi Shweta, thanks for visiting my humble blog. Wow, you have a very nice and informative blog. I am glad that you visited my blog and here, I found yours! This curry of yours is so tempting and irresistible. Thumbs up! You have a wonderful day ahead and cheers :)

  19. Thanks for sharing such a authentic dish . Looks spicy and scrumptious .


  20. Lovely,so tempting,potatoes are always welcome at my home:)

  21. Happy women's day ladies...
    Thanks for over whelming comments:)

  22. I love the addition of fennel seeds in this dish! Sounds delicious!

  23. Super photography and amazing recipe..

  24. This is a awesome recipe. Tried it and absolutely loved it. Thanks for sharing

  25. This is a awesome sabji. Have already made it thrice. Of that once I even replaced potato with chayote. And once besan with soaked and ground moong dal. Love the whole combination of spices.


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