Friday 24 July 2015

Shenga Hindi / Shengadanyachi Chutney

Shenga Hindi is a dry peanut chutney which is served along with the side dishes in complete North Karnataka / Maharashtra meal. It is served along with Bhakri (Jowar), chapati, dosas, rice. It's a dry chutney which goes best with curd. This chutney is must at our home. My mom used to make this and give when I was in hostel since I used to get bored with the same hostel mess menu.
This is not a difficult recipe, can be prepared with minimal number of ingredients easily available at home. Lets go through the procedure.

Roasted Deskinned peanuts -2 cups
Garlic Cloves - 8-10
Sugar - 1/2 tsp (Optional)
Salt - pinch of 
Cumin seeds - 1 tsp
red chilli powder - 3-4 tsp
Oil - 3-4 tsp

1. Dry roast peanuts, allow it to cool and rub them with your palm to remove the skin.
2. Dry roast cumin seeds and garlic for about 1-2 mins.
3. Grind the peanuts, cumin seeds and garlic together to a coarse powder.
4. In a mixing bowl add the coarse powder, salt, sugar red chilli powder. Mix well. Add oil and 
mix well.

5. Adjust the quantity of salt/red chilli powder as per your taste.
6. Store this in an airtight container.

  • You can skip adding sugar. I add it since I like the sweet taste of chutney.
  • If you do not like garlic you can reduce the quantity / skip if you don't like it at all.

Shenga Hindi Recipe Below:
Shenga Hindi / Shengadanyachi Chutney
Shenga Hindi / Shengadanyachi Chutney - by
It is a peanut powder chutney which is generally served along with chapati, dosas, rice in Maharashtra and Karnataka, India.

Prep Time: 20 minutes
Cook time: NA
Yield: Can be stored for long time

Roasted Deskinned peanuts -2 cups
Garlic Cloves - 8-10
Sugar - 1/2 tsp (Optional)
Salt - pinch of
Cumin seeds - 1 tsp
red chilli powder - 3-4 tsp
Oil - 3-4 tsp

1. Dry roast peanuts, allow them to cools and rub them with your palm to remove the skin.
2. Dry roast cumin seeds and garlic for about 1-2 mins.
3. Grind the peanuts, cumin seeds and garlic together to a coarse powder.
4. In a mixing bowl add the coarse powder, salt, sugar red chilli powder. Mix well. Add oil and mix well.
5. Adjust the quantity of salt/red chilli powder as per your taste.
6. Store this in an airtight container.

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