<img height="1" width="1" style="display:none;" alt="" src="https://ct.pinterest.com/v3/?tid=2613670012499&amp;pd[em]=<hashed_email_address>&amp;noscript=1"> The Dinner Cooks Itself Party!
Let's Load the Freezer
with Quick & Easy Dinners that Basically Cook Themselves!

(Well, at least the Slow Cooker or Instant Pot does most of the work!)



Yes, they exist.

A dinner that cooks itself is one that...well, cooks itself.

It's a meal that you've prepped ahead and then it cooks itself in the slow cooker or Instant Pot.

Freezer to Slow Cooker meals

Freezer to Instant Pot meals

THESE ARE THE DINNERS THAT COOK THEMSELVES and they are total lifesavers in this season that we are saving as many dollars as we can on groceries, and need some backup for dinner when eating at home all the time.

Never made a Freezer to Slow Cooker or Freezer to Instant Pot meal?

That's okay! I will teach you everything you need to know about these meals that cook themselves. 

I want to help you get meals prepped and into your freezer, so you have simple dinner options available to you when you just don't feel like cooking at home AGAIN AND AGAIN.

With the Dinner Cooks Itself freezer meal plan, you get...

  • Recipes
  • Shopping Lists
  • Step by Step Instructions
  • Informational Videos on How These Meals Work

And when you're finished with the meal prep, you'll be totally equipped with a fully loaded freezer with amazing meals!

***BREAKING NEWS: Your counter will soon look like this! YAY!

"Having meals prepped in my freezer has helped me get through this first phase of this social distancing thing. It's been so helpful to know that I have options to eat at home, especially for those nights that I really don't feel like cooking, or when I would have gone out to dinner. I can still eat at home but not feel like cooking. Thank you for helping make this so easy for us all."  - Jen S. 

What I need you to do next...
Will you make the meals in the Slow Cooker or the Instant Pot!?


You get both cooking options in the same PDF!

Cheesy Salsa Chicken
Mississippi Beef Roast
Root Beer Pulled Pork

RSVP to the right and I'll email you everything you need for the Dinner Cooks Itself Meal Prep Party!

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