
Meet Saul Fougnier

We recently welcomed Saul to our Automattic Design team. Enjoy this short interview with him.

Saul Fougnier

where are you located?

Syracuse, NY.

What do you like best about being a designer?

The ability to balance the expressive and the functional. I love the variety of things to consider in the design process. I started learning HTML and CSS when I was younger and then later developed an interest in fine arts—the visual aspect of design is what originally attracted me to the field, and discovering design’s more technical side is what made me even more excited. I enjoy considering design solutions from different angles—the way something makes you feel, the associations it may conjure, the way you may use or interact with it, the benefit it provides to you, etc. I love thinking about a project in the abstract and being able to zoom into the details to consider the technicalities.

What’s an aspect of design that you are really into?

Finding what makes a business or product special and exploring how to make each part of the customer journey feel like a representation of that brand. I like to consider how each touchpoint in a brand experience can feel unique to that brand’s ethos. A brand is so much more than just a logo, type, and a set of colors—it’s about behaviors. How can a specific gesture or interaction pattern become part of the brand fabric? How can the user interface capitalize on that and become visually iconic and identifiable? How does that translate into the rest of the brand’s ecosystem?

A brand is so much more than just a logo, type, and a set of colors—it’s about behaviors. How can a specific gesture or interaction pattern become part of the brand fabric?…How does that translate into the rest of the brand’s ecosystem?

What’s something you’ve learned about yourself recently that has really helped you?

I am at my best when I have time to reflect and plan. I need space to go away on my own and really consider a problem and how it can be resolved. It’s something I’ve had to learn to adapt to different settings where I may need to think more on my feet, though something I’ve come to realize is that it’s ok to observe and make more calculated decisions.


I’m pretty introverted and tend to take some time to warm up in new settings. Once I get my footing, though, it’s hard to get me to stop talking. I play drums and love listening to music, collecting records, and attending live shows.

Connect with Saul.

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By Vanessa Riley Thurman

midwesterner, maker, and wanderer