26 April 2018

Fenugreek Chicken Curry (Methi curry)

I used to call myself a 'survivor', but I'm changing it to 'winner'...Why? I've realized I never loose- I either win , or I learn my lesson. 
Cheers to all those who feel like winners, no mater what life serves to you at the moment!

This is one of my favorites from Indian kitchen. 

Manjoo's recipe  Chicken Methi Curry

800 g chicken meat, cube
3 tbs coconut oil (or other)
2 onions, diced
1 tbs  ginger, grated
1 tbs garlic, finely chopped
2-4 green chilies, chopped
1 tbs fenugreek seeds, soaked for 4 hours+
2 tsp coriander powder
1 tsp chilly powder
1/4 tsp turmeric
salt to taste
1 cup coconut milk
1 tsp vinegar
fenugreek leaves to garnish (optional)

Heat coconut oil, fry onion until translucent. Add chicken, chilies, garlic and ginger. Mix well and cook until meat change its colour. Add spices and other ingredients, stir, and cook for 20 minutes. Serve with rice or naan.

Image result
Nutrition Facts
Amount Per 

Calories 323
% Daily Value*
Total Fat 6 g 9%
Saturated fat 1.5 g 7%
Cholesterol 0 mg 0%
Sodium 67 mg 2%
Potassium 770 mg 22%
Total Carbohydrate 58 g 19%
Dietary fiber 25 g 100%
Protein 23 g 46%
Vitamin A 1% Vitamin C 5%
Calcium 17% Iron 186%
Vitamin D 0% Vitamin B-6 30%
Vitamin B-12 0% Magnesium 47%

Nekada sam samu sebe nazivala ' prezivljenikom', ali sada to mijenjam u 'dobitnik'. Zasto? Shvatila sam da Ja nikada ne gubim - ili dobijam ili naucim novu lekciju! 
Uzdravlje svima onima koji se osjecaju kao dobitnici, bez obzira sta im zivot servira u ovom trenutku!

Ovo je jedno od meni najdrazih jela Indijske kuhinje.

Fenugrik Kari

800 gr piletine, isjecene na kocke
3 K koksovog ulja (ili drugog)
2 crvena luka, sjeckana
1 K ribanog djumbira
1 K ribanog / sjeckanog bijelog luka
2-4 zelene papricice, isjecene
1 K fenugrik sjemena, potopljene u vodu na 4 sata
2 k corijandera u prahu
1 k chili praha
1/4 k turmerika (kurkume) u prahu
so prema ukusu
1 solja kokosovog mlijeka
1 k sirceta / octa

Zagrijte kokosovo ulje, proprzite luk, pa ubacite meso, papricice, djumbir i bijeli luk. Dinstajte dok meso ne promijeni boju. Ubacite ostale zacine, zalijte sa mlijekom i kuhajte oko 20 minuta. Servirajte sa rizom ili nekim Indijskim hljebom.

05 February 2018

Easy Chocolate Mousse Cake

Hello Folks! Here I am, after almost a whole year after my last post. I"m glad I'm back... missed you all!

200 g plain biscuits (milk coffee, petit beurre or similar)
125 g melted butter
300 g dark chocolate (or any other)
300 ml double cream
4-6 tbs icing sugar
4 eggs, separated 
-Salted caramel for topping (optional)

Process biscuits and butter, press firmly into a 20-22 cm tin. Refrigerate.
Heat cream and pieces of chocolate (microwave ok), stir until smooth. Let it cool.
Beat egg whites add icing sugar and continue until firm foam appears. Mix egg yellows into chocolate mixture. Add a 1/4 of egg whites to this mixture, stir, then add the rest of beaten egg whites. Mix well. Pour onto biscuit base and refrigerate until firm and ready to serve.

Lagani Cokoladni Mus Kolac

Pozdrav narode! Evo mene nakon gotovo cijelu godinu od posljednjeg posta. Drago mi je da sam ponovno tu sa vama; nedostajali ste mi!

200 gr obicnih keksica (betit beurre npr)
125 gr otopljenog maslaca
300 gr tamne cokolade ( ili neke druge)
300 ml 'duplog' krema (vrhnje 45% masnoce)
3-6 K secera u prahu
4 jaja (odvojena bjelanca od zumanjaka)
-Karamel za povrsinu (po zelji)

Sameljite kekse, dodajte maslac i utisnite u 20-22 cm kalup. Ohladite.
Zagrijte vrhnje (mikrovalna OK), ubacite komadice cokolade i mijesajte dok masa ne postane glatka i jednolicna. Ohladite. Umijesajte zumanjke.
Umutite bjelanca, dodajte secer i nastavite mutiti dok ne dobijete cvrst snijeg.
Dodajte 1/4 snijega cokoladnoj masi, izmijesajte zatim dodajte preostali snijeg i ponovno izmijesajte.
Uspite ovu smjesu preko baze i ostavite u frizider dok se ne stagne i bude spremno za sluzenje.

14 February 2017

Brawn / Jelly Meat

It's been looong time! 
I have less time and not so much enthusiasm for bloging..But I did miss it.
It doesn't mean I haven't cook and bake...I tried many of your recipes in last few months.. Pity I didn't take many photos.
This recipe is waiting for more than 6 months in draft..

Smoked pieces of pork (with skin and bones...ears, tails, hocks... )
onion and carrot (optional)
bay leaves and black peppercorns

Wash and clean pork pieces, cut them into smaller size pieces. Place them into a pot, cover with cold water (2 cm above the meat). Place veggies and seasoning inside, cover and cook for 2+ hours or until meat starting fall apart from the bone. Take out meat and veggies. Discard bones. Return it to the pot, mix it then place into smaller portions. Leave it cool, then refrigerate it. Brawn is ready for consumption after few hours o r when nice and firm.

Hladetina / Pače / Pihtije / Sulc

Nakon duuugo vremena...
Nemam tako puno vremena a niti entuzijazma za blogiranje u posljednje vrijeme...Ali nije da mi nije nedostajalo!
To naravno ne znaci da ne kuham i ne pecem; isprobala sam mnoge od vasih recepata u zadnjih par mjeseci. Steta sto nisam uspjela nista uslikati.
Ovaj recept ceka vec vise od 6 mjeseci u draftu.

dimljeni komadi svinjetine (sa kozom i kostima. usi, potkoljenice, repovi...)
crveni luk i mrkva, opciono
lovorov list i crni biber u zrnu

Operite meso i ocistite ako je potrebno. Isjecite ga na manje komade. Postavite u lonac i zalijte vodom, tek tolikoda je par cm iznad mesa. Ubacite povrce i zacine. Kuhajte oko 2 sata ili dok se meso ne pocne odvajati od kosti. Izvadite povrce (narezite ako cete ga koristiti), odvojite meso od kosti zatim Umijesajte natrag sa tekucinom u kojoj se kuhalo. Rasporedite sadrzinu u manje posude i ostavite ohladiti. Smjestite u frizider i nakon nekoliko sati ce se masa zelatinirati. Tad je spremno za jelo.

13 August 2016

Apple and Rhubarb Crumble Pie

New beginnings in life can be challenging, but always bring good things too. Best thing that happened to me in this new chapter of my life is that I got bonus: 3 beautiful step-daughters... So when my 2 sons and my 3 step-daughters visiting, it makes my dear B. and me very happy.
The other day, when we had a get-together, I made this pie... I loved the contrast between soft apple-rhubarb filling and crispy crumbly crust. Girls loved it too...One of the best I made so far!

250 g flour
125 g almonds, ground (I used walnuts)
125 g golden caster sugar
250 g butter, diced, chilled
450 g apples, diced
300 g rhubarb, diced
80 g golden caster sugar
1/2 tsp cinnamon
1 tbs semolina
1 tbs brown sugar
1/2 tsp cinnamon

First make filling; Cook apples and rhubarb with sugar, until soft. Let it cool, then add semolina and cinnamon.
Prehet oven to 180*C; prepare a cake / pie tin.
Process all ingredients for the crust until crumbly. Spoon 2/3 of this into a cake tin; press with spoon making sure you make a 'wall' to hold the filling. Put filling onto it, then add the rest of crumble on top. Sprinkle with sugar and cinnamon. bake for 45-50 minutes. Serve with double cream.

Hrskava Pita sa Rabarbarbarom i Jabukama

Novi pocetci u zivotu mogu biti izazivajuci, ali uvijek nose sa sobom i dobre stvari. Jedna od najboljih stvari koja se meni desila u mom novom poglavlju je ta da sam dobila 3 divne pastorke / pokcerke... Kada moja 2 sina i moje 3 nove kcerke dodju u posjetu,  moj dragi B. i ja smo jako sretni.
Neki dan sam za njihovu posjetu pravila ovu divnu pitu. Dopao mi se kontrast u okusima - mekani filing i hrskava okolina. Svidjelo se i djevojkama...Jedna od najboljih hrskavih pita koje sam do sada pravila!

Hrskava podloga-
250 gr brasna
125 gr badema, mljevenih (ja sam koristila orahe)
125 gr sitnog secera ('zlatnog' po mogucnosti)
250 gr maslaca, rezanog, rashladjenog
450 gr jabuka, sjecene na kockice
300 gr rabarbare, sjeckane
80 gr 'zlatnog' secera
1/2 k cimeta
1 K griza / krupice
1 K braon secera
1/2 k cimeta

Najprije napravite fil; stavite jabuke, rabarbaru i secer da se kuhaju dok ne omeksa. Ostavite prohladiti, pa umijesajte cimet i griz.
Ukljucite rernu na 180*C; pripremite obruc za kolac ili pitu.
Stavite sve sastojke za hrskavu podlogu u elektricnu sjeckalicu i ukljucite dok se ne pocnu stvarati mrvice. 2/3 od ove smjese utisnite u kalup, vodeci racuna da napravite 'zid' za fil. Ubacite fil, zatim pospite preostalim mrvicama po povrsini. Pomijesajte secer i cimet pa i ovime pospite odozgo.
Pecite oko 45-50 minuta. Sluzite sa 'duplim' slatkim vrhnjem.

18 July 2016

Leek and Potato Soup...Or, Life's beautiful!

Dear all...
here I am ...a year after divorce, a month after moving from my (former family ) house...and in a new chapter of my life. Now you know all the reasons for my absence! It took some time (a lot of energy, emotions and thoughts) to put everything  on it's place, but It was worth it. I'm much happier person today, than I was a year ago...plus,  I got a bonus that I didn't expect ...I met someone and fell in love at time that I didn't really think I would...Just before my 50th birthday...
Life sometimes has real surprise for us when we expect it the least..

Thank you so much to all those who contacted me through my blog and/or email and expressed their concerns and interests in my life.

50 gr butter
1 onion, medium, chopped
3-4 potatoes, peeled
1 large leek, washed and sliced
4-6 cups water
2-3 vegetable stock cubes (or 1 tbs Vegeta)
salt and pepper to taste
1/3 cup parmesan, grated
2-3 tbs sour cream
chives, for sprinkling

Heat butter, sautee onion and leek. Dice potatoes (leave one for grating) and place them ino saucepan; add water. Bring to boil, cook until potatoes soft. Blend, then add other ingredients. Bring to boil again and finally grate last potato into it. Cook 2-4 minutes then sprinkle with chives.

Praziluk (Poriluk) i Krompir Juha...Ili, zivot je lijep!

Dragi prijatelji i citaoci...
Evo mene...Vise od godinu dana poslije razvoda, mjesec dana poslije iseljenja iz porodicne kuce..i u novom poglavlju mog zivota. Sad znate sve razloge mog izostanka! Trebalo mi je nesto vremena (mnogo energije, emocija i razmisljanja) da stvari postavim na svoje mjesto, ali je vrijedilo. Mnogo sam sretnija osoba danas, nego sam to bila prije godinu dana..Osim toga, dobila sam neocekivani bonus kad sam mu se najmanje nadala..Srela sam osobu koja mi je dala nadu za buduci zivot i zaljubila se u svojoj 49-oj godini zivota...cemu se nisam niti najmanje nadala.
Zivot ponekad ima istinska iznenadjenja za nas, kada ih najmanje ocekujemo.

Hvala svima koji su me kontaktirali kroz blog ili email i pokazali svoje interesovanje za mene.

50 gr maslaca
1 crveni luk, srednji, sjeckan
3-4 krompira, oguljena
1 veci porilul (praziluk, prasa), isjeckan
4-6 solja vode
1 K Vegete (ili 2-3 povrtne kocke)
so i biber, prema ukusu
1/3 solje parmezana, ribanog
2-3 K kiselog vrhnja
vlasac, za posuti po povrsini

Zagrijte maslac, proprzite luk i poriluk. Ubacite isjeckan krompir (jedan ostavite za kasnije) i zalijte vodom. Kuhajte dok ne omeksa, zatim izblendirajte / propasirajte. Ubacite ostale sastojke, dovedite do vrenja, zatim izribajte preostali krompir. Kuhajte jos par minuta pa pospite sa vlascem i sluzite.
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