Introducing the #makermonday hat!  There’s a pattern down below, so bear with me for a bit of a long-winded update beforehand.  🙂

(Oh, and FYI, this post ended up being a lot longer than I had planned, so if you’re just here for the pattern, scroll down a ways and you’ll find it.)

It’s no huge shocker for me to say that I love making things.  I find such joy in creating something with my own two hands, and I don’t think there’s anything quite like it in the world.  You just created something that didn’t exist yesterday?  Whaaaa?  Equating it to having a child would probably be the most ridiculous comparison in the world, but I’m gonna do it anyway – everything I make is a little part of me, and so I tend to think of everything I make as my baby.  (God, I can’t even imagine how this is making me sound!)  I personally think that everyone should have at least one hobby that requires them to use their hands – I’m sure it would make a lot of people more appreciative of the little things in this technology-laden, non-DIY life!  (Don’t get me wrong, though –  technology is super awesome, too, especially if it allows me to share my love of making with all of you!)

I’m a member of an online maker community called Kollabora.  It’s different than other knitting sites I’ve experienced because it’s way more community-based and sharing-friendly.  You can follow other makers, comment on and “heart” their projects, as well as make collections of the things you like.  There’s not a million members like some other crafting communities, so you really get the feeling that the people who see your projects appreciate them.  It’s also not solely focused on knitting and crocheting, but rather ANY kind of making: sewing, quilting, embroidery, painting, drawing, paper crafting, upcycling, jewelry-making, pottery, basket weaving – you name it, it’s there.  It’s awesome, and it’s so inspiring to see the things everyone makes because then I want to do them ALL.

and / here / are / some / links / to / a / collection / of / my / favorite / projects / so / far

I’d heard about the idea of Maker Monday before and have seen other crafters post their creations on social media sites with the tag #makermonday, but it’s never been something that I’ve really participated in, mostly because I never even knew that it was a thing to participate in.  Maker Monday?  How about Maker Every Day of the Week?  I don’t really need an excuse to make something, but it is still nice to know that there is a day within the maker/crafter community that is dedicated solely to the art of creation.

When I saw on the Kollabora blog that they were hosting their own Maker Monday, I knew I would participate.  So when I got an email from them reminding everyone, I whipped up this hat, the #makermonday hat – because why not use a hashtag?

So, without further ado, the pattern for the #makermonday hat!  It’s a beginner level hat, but sometimes those are the best.  They take no time at all and they’re super customizable.  I’m writing out the instructions based on how I knit mine up, and 54 stitches was a good size for my somewhat larger head.  Altering the number of stitches will change the pattern, so if you want a smaller/bigger hat, go down/up a needle size after considering your gauge.

I’m not an experienced pattern writer, so if you notice any errors, or something isn’t working out for you, let me know, and I’d be happy to fix the error and/or help you out.

Also, in italics and indented are some notes about the process.  More experienced knitters will probably know them, but they’re tips that I wish someone else would have given me when I started knitting 8 years ago.

Size 11 circular needles, 16 or 24 inches
Size 11 double-pointed needles (optional)
Lion Brand Wool-Ease Chunky, one skein each in Fisherman (A) and Nantucket (B), or any bulky weight yarn
1 large split-ring stitch marker, or any other stitch marker type that can be removed mid-row
6 stitch markers
Tapestry needle

8 stitches x 12 rows = 3 inches

Using color A, cast on 54 stitches.
Join in the round, being careful not to twist stitches, and place the split-ring stitch marker to indicate beginning of round
Begin a K1P1 ribbing, continuing for 10 rows, or until desired brim length.

Row 1: Knit one row around using A
Row 2: Knit one row around using B

When knitting anything in the round with thinner stripes, it can sometimes get frustrating to see that the stripes don’t line up at the color changes, and instead create an annoying zig-zaggy type look in the back.  Well, here’s a super easy fix for that:

When you reach the end of a round, slip the first stitch of the round purl-wise, remove your split-ring stitch marker and place it at the new beginning of the round, then continue knitting with the next color.  BUT BEWARE – don’t pull the yarn too tightly when you knit the first stitch of the second color, or the last stitch of the previous round in that color will be tight and smaller than the rest, creating an un-clean look.  The color changes inside your hat will create a diagonal line.  If you don’t see that, you’ve done something wrong.

And, as with mostly all color changes, pull your new yarn under and around your working yarn, or else there will be a hole.  Learned this the hard way, unfortunately.  Hashtag womp.

Repeat these two rows 10 more times (22 rows total)
Row 23: with A, *k6 K2tog pm* two times, k5 k2tog pm, *k6 k2tog pm* three times, k5 k2tog – 47 stitches
Row 24: with B, knit all stitches
Row 25: with A, *knit to 2 stitches before marker, k2tog* repeat 7 times around.
Repeat these two rows 5 more times, knitting together the two stitches before each marker on the odd numbered rows (12 rows total) – 12 stitches

Continue slipping the first stitch and moving the split-ring marker with each new row.  This will shift your increases over with each row, but as long as you leave the decrease stitch markers where they are, you shouldn’t have a problem.

You can move to double-pointed needles when you need to, or you can continue with the magic loop method.

Row 35: *k1 k2tog k2tog* twice, k2tog

Cut your yarn, leaving about 8 inches, and weave it through the remaining stitches twice.  Pull tight, and weave in ends.


I used a pom-pom maker, but if you don’t have one, here are a couple of tutorials to show you how to make a pom-pom without one:

using your hands / using cardboard

Both are simple.  Using your hands takes less time and less materials (and is better if you don’t have any cardboard) but use what’s best for you! But forreals, if you make a lot of hats and a lot of pom-poms (and pom-poms are awesome, in my opinion), you should invest in a pom-pom maker.  You can get one inexpensively, and they’re super helpful and way quicker.

When you’re done making the pom-pom, don’t cut short the yarn you used to tighten around the pom.  This is the yarn you will use to attach if to the hat, since attaching new yarn to a pom-pom is hell.  To attach it, use your tapestry needle and insert it in the very top of the hat.  Knot it through one of the top stitches, weave in the end, and you’re done!

Ta-daaaa!  #makermonday hat complete!  If you make one, I’d love to see it – and then you should make a Kollabora account and post it there.  🙂

And here’s the link to the pattern on Ravelry.

© Maggie McGuire, 2013
Please feel free to make this hat to give as a gift or to sell.
I believe that if you’ve made it, you deserve to do whatever you’d like with the finished product! 

DON’T BUY, DIY image courtesy of Kollabora

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