
Round 2


47 y/o Canadian woman, My account crypticveil was terminated after 8 years. I lost my main account plus 4 side blogs, miscme, nomseverywhere, can-of-corn and odd & odder. I guess I'm starting over..

Floating islands in Norway. While bizarre, the phenomenon of floating islands is fairly common around the world. Composed of aquatic plants, mud, and other detritus, they’re generally capable of supporting not only a varied aquatic community below, but also small trees and species above. They tend to form when plants like cattails or reeds extend out into deeper water and are torn loose from shore by storms. Some have been known to last only a season, while others endure for decades or longer. (Source)

So enchanted and inspired

Knowing that trans women of color started the movement in the united states and were literally immediately erased and excluded from what they started is the most deeply jading knowledge.

It is the original sin of the so-called queer community and it damns it from the cradle.

no white gay boy will ever reblog this, watch:

no white gay will reblog this

no white lgb person will reblog this

Without Stonewall, without the efforts of Marsha P. Johnson and Sylvia Rivera, the LGBTQ Community wouldn’t be where it is today. Don’t forget the roots, don’t forget the catalyst.

and then TERFs wanna be like, “hmm well the LGBT community existed before Stonewall!”

but like…Becky, of course LGBTQ+ people existed before Stonewall. We’ve all existed since the beginning of time. But the movement got a shock to its senses, a jump-start, a rocket-into-space when that glass shattered via Marsha P. Johnson, and when Sylvia Rivera was up on-stage protesting guess who was on the sidelines heckling her?

The same fuckers who won’t ever reblog or acknowledge this

My apologies to the original poster as I photo captured this post to add to the thread-I reposted this last year for pride and expect to repost it every year I have left-it’s our history people.

Marsha P. Johnson allegedly died of suicide in 1992, and her death was never investigated. Even I, a mere prole, could catch the “she was murdered” vibes from the circumstances surrounding the discovery of her body.

Without a trans black woman, LGBT+ rights would not exist. Never forget. Never “pay it no mind”.


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