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"Chocolate Glazed Spiced Pumpkin Donuts - Low Carb & Luscious"


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Blogger CyberSis said...


Well, what can I say? These are awesome! Your genius never fails to amaze! What a way to celebrate autumn. I love pushing the season and these pumpkin donuts are perfect ... and this recipe has suddenly risen to the tippy-top of my queue! :-)

9/17/14, 1:32 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have everything I need to make this right now except for the pumpkin. I CANNOT WAIT!
Jeri from WDM

9/17/14, 3:17 PM

Blogger Gourmet Girl Cooks said...

Hi CyberSis,

Thanks! I hope you enjoy them. I just ate the last one and hope to make another batch this weekend! I even ordered another donut pan today (I only have one) so I can bake a full batch of 12 at the same time instead of shifts. Hope you enjoy these! :-)

9/19/14, 12:04 AM

Blogger Gourmet Girl Cooks said...

Hi Jeri,

I hope you enjoy these and are able to find the pumpkin to make them. My stores have lots of pumpkin recently in anticipation of all the fall baking I'm sure! :-)

9/19/14, 12:05 AM

Blogger CyberSis said...


Made these tonight and not only are they wonderful, they also passed the Hubby Test! I turned some of the batter into donuts and some into mini-muffins. The mini's took a few minutes longer to bake than the donuts did, which was somewhat surprising to me. Tomorrow they will be the perfect "finale" to a nice cabbage soup supper! Just oozes Autumn, doesn't it? :-)

9/20/14, 2:17 AM

Blogger Gourmet Girl Cooks said...

Hi CyberSis,

You certainly are on an "Autumn roll" aren't you! So glad you liked them...and hubby too! I thought the batter would make great mini muffins (I made muffin tops with the rest of my donut batter). Isn't it funny that the mini muffins took a bit longer...sometimes you never can tell. Glad you both enjoyed them...and yes, bring on Autumn! :-)

9/20/14, 10:16 PM

Blogger CyberSis said...


We've really been enjoying these! It occurred to me that this recipe could probably be tweaked just a little to make another fall favorite ... Gingerbread!

Have you seen fresh cranberries where you live? My freezer supply ran out quite a while ago. When I went to buy some yesterday they were nowhere to be found. Seems like it should be about time for them to start showing up.

9/22/14, 4:49 PM

Blogger Gourmet Girl Cooks said...

Hi CyberSis,

So glad you are enjoying them. I'm sure you are right about being easy to morph into Gingerbread. I will have to give that a try soon.

Haven't seen any fresh cranberries yet, but you are right...I'm expecting them any day now. Maybe Costco will have them this weekend! I definitely made my share if cranberry muffins last year! LOL I'm sure this year won't be any different. Our cooler weather is just beginning -- 79 was our high today and we are supposed to begin dipping into the 50s at night this week...I can't wait. :-)

9/22/14, 5:54 PM

Anonymous Judith said...

I made a batch today but used a 4 oz scoop and baked for 30 min. The recipe made 10 this way. Oh, I also used EVOO....if the Greeks can do it, so can I.

9/25/14, 6:25 PM

Blogger Gourmet Girl Cooks said...

Hi Judith,

So glad you liked them! I have used extra light olive oil for baking sweets before but never EVOO -- you are right though -- if Greeks can do it so can we! ;-)

9/25/14, 6:37 PM

Anonymous Stacy said...

These are so yummy! I have a daughter who has been very skeptical of this new way of eating and these passed her test!
My question is this, I just made these again and the first time I used powdered sugar because I don't have powdered sweetener. This time I didn't have anything so I just ground up xylitol. Is that just as good as swerve? Also, do I substitute it 1:1 ratio?
Now another question. I am trying to switch out my pantry to better products, it is sure costly! Can I ask you what a reasonable "grocery budget" might be? I find recipes that have so many different things in them, I get over whelmed when I go to the store and try to buy them. I want to be able to make sure my family is fed and not always hungry, that has been challenging. Any advice? Thanks in advance!!

11/9/14, 10:36 PM

Blogger Gourmet Girl Cooks said...

Hi Stacy,

Glad the donuts helped your daughter see that you can still enjoy eating some favorites...even without the added grains and sugar!

Yes, the xylitol is perfectly fine. About xylitol, yes it is 1:1 the same as sugar...BUT, for some people, it can cause some tummy troubles. A lot of that depends on how much is consumed. The only other caution about xylitol is if you have is DEADLY for dogs. I really don't know why, but make sure the kids never share any treats made with xylitol with pets.

I will say that yes, starting out it is more expensive as you stock your new grain free pantry. But, as you collect the necessary items, and don't have to buy them again every week, you will find that it almost evens out. We don't eat out anywhere near as much. If you keep your eye out for sales on meats, produce, etc., it isn't really too bad. Now, that also depends on the size of your family, too. I belong to Costco and Sam's Club both and depending on the size of your family (and having one near you, of course), you can save by purchasing larger quantities.

My regular grocery shopping includes meats and poultry, fresh and frozen veggies, berries in season, yogurt, cheeses, cream, butter, eggs, etc. You can change it up with spices. Some of the costlier items on this plan are the flours, particularly almond flour. But, once you purchase a bag, it does last a while. My baking staples include blanched almond flour, coconut flour, ground golden flax, chia seeds (ground for baking) and occasionally peanut flour and cashew flour.

My suggestion to you is to try and keep it simple initially so you don't become overwhelmed. While there are lots of great recipes...try and keep it simple for you in the beginning. If you are going to do any baking, don't try to do so much in the beginning. Make a treat or two when you have time (particularly with kids) and just get used to and focus on eliminating wheat, grains and sugars. Don't burn yourself out because it takes a while to get used to it...but believe it or not, it does get so much easier as you go along. Depending on your kids ages, maybe get them involved in choosing meals and helping you out in the kitchen. Your food budget will be the highest in the very beginning but it really does taper off and become more "normal". If you tell me what the most difficult items that your family will have a hard time eliminating or doing without..I might be able to give you some suggestions, alternatives or suitable substitutes. Once your body stops the carb is SO much easier; I promise! Let me know...I am always willing and available to help out.:-)

11/9/14, 11:26 PM

Anonymous stacy said...

Hi ggc
Okay some of the things my family misses the most are bread, rolls, bread! You get the idea. I have tried some biscuits but the texture with the flax is unpleasant to me. I did find a recipe for bread using psyllium powder, nasty and spongy! I would love to be able to have quick sandwich for lunch when we are busy working outside on the farm. We would make or buy pizza once a week usually. I am not totally sold on the crusts I have made so far but I am not done trying. We do like having more meat on the table though. I do LOVE to bake so I am always looking for something that I have ingredients for while trying to cut out sugar. With the holidays coming I have got to figure out things to take to gatherings for us to eat and not feel left out. Anyway, not to keep rambling but I will figure this out. Both my husband and I and our 2 girls have seen weight loss and are excited about that so we will persevere. Love your blog, it is the first one I go to! One more question, I find so many recipes that are more "gluten free" using starchy flours, how do I sub that out for something else? Thanks again!!

11/15/14, 6:44 PM

Blogger Gourmet Girl Cooks said...

Hi Stacy,

I've never seen flax added to a biscuit before. I have a couple of delicious biscuit recipes; one a Southern Style Buttermilk Biscuit and another Cheddar Black Pepper Biscuit. Not sure if you've seen the recipe for them yet or not.

When you say you don't care for flax, are you referring to all flax or regular "brown flax"? I don't care for brown flax at all...but I like golden flax which is much milder. I have several different pizza crusts (some with flax and some without).

I have a few grain free bread recipes that are loaf style and for sandwiches, etc., my favorite are my Sesame Seed Sandwich Rolls - they are the closest in taste and texture to regular bread that I've had in 2-1/2 years. But, if you definitely don't want flax...I also have a no-flax sandwich bun.

As far as psyllium powder goes, I tried a couple of recipes from others using it and also found it unpleasant. What I have found is that the best bread is typically a blend of almond flour, coconut flour and ground golden flax or ground chia. I don't care for baked goods that rely solely on coconut flour...but used in combination with other flours it improves texture without imparting a weird coconut flavor on everything. Here is a blog post I did recently where I linked some of my more popular bread recipes. If you click on the different colored links in it, it takes you to that recipe. Here you go:

Let me know if you need me to point you to any of the pizza crust recipes too. So happy you are enjoying my blog. Let me know if I can help. :-)

11/15/14, 9:30 PM

Blogger Unknown said...

Who says you can't hang on to fall, even when it's past Christmas? With temps in the 30s in Minnesota, it even seems like fall. I mashed and froze some pumpkin a couple of months ago and took a container out. Used powdered buttermilk (Saco) and added 2 TB of water at the end. As the sole consumer, I mixed a bit of cream cheese frosting for some donuts, but I'm melting chocolate chips for others. Yummy! Thanks for the delicious recipe!

1/26/15, 11:41 AM

Blogger Gourmet Girl Cooks said...

Hi Denise,

What a great idea! I need to make some of those again soon, too. I still have a couple cans of pumpkin in the pantry. So happy you are enjoying them. Keep warm! :-)

1/26/15, 12:47 PM

Blogger Unknown said...

I really want to make these! The problem is I don't want to use a pan with non-stick coating due to all the chemicals that are in them, then it leaches into the food. So far I haven't been able to find a pan that doesn't have a non-stick coating.
Has anyone heard of one?

9/15/15, 9:30 PM

Blogger Gourmet Girl Cooks said...

Hi Julie,

Have you looked into the USA Pans? While they are nonstick, they aren't the typical kind of nonstick pans (teflon, etc.). Here is what I copied from their website:

"Our bakeware has been designed with many of the same standard features of industrial baking pans. Each pan is constructed of aluminized steel, the material of choice for commercial bakeries. Metal thicknesses have been selected that allow even heat distribution and maximum service life. Our pans also use steel wires in the rim construction of most pans to provide additional strength and resist warping.

Each pan is coated with AMERICOAT© Plus, a proprietary silicone coating that nearly all North American bakers prefer over dark non-stick coatings. AMERICOAT© Plus is a clear non-stick, environmentally friendly coating that is specifically formulated for superior baking and does not contain any PTFE’s or PFOA’s.

Another unique feature of USA Pan bakeware is the corrugated, or fluted, design. The corrugation maximizes pan strength and prevents warping, denting and other effects of everyday use. Corrugation also minimizes surface contact with baked goods which translates into an evenly baked product that is easily released."

If you still don't want to use something like the USA Pan, I found a cast iron small cake donut size pan online (not sure how it works) like this one: (it's a Webstaurant store) . You could make the small round cakes and then use a small biscuit/cookie cutter (like this one) to cut out holes after baking like this one at Amazon:

Hope that helps! Maybe someone else might chime in as well. :-)

9/15/15, 11:00 PM

Blogger Unknown said...

Thank you so much for the information! I do remember now reading about the coating on the USA Pans. It does sound better than the others, but I now remember why I didn't want to use them - they are made from Aluminum. I threw out all of my aluminum pans because aluminum leaches into our food from cooking, as does using tin foil, drinking from aluminium cans and it is even in our deodorant. There has been a strong correlation found between Alzheimer's and aluminum, so I got rid of it all....pots, pans, deodorant, foil and cans. For some reason aluminum like to store itself in our brain and stay there. They did autopsies on people that died from Alzheimer's and 80% of them had a lot of aluminum in their brain. I don't mean to bum anyone out but after taking a holistic nutrition degree program, that was in one of my classes.
Now the cast iron mini cake pan sounds great! Thanks so much for finding it for me!

9/15/15, 11:18 PM

Blogger Gourmet Girl Cooks said...

Hi Julie,

Yes, I have read about aluminum and its correlation to Alzheimer's as well. I tend to use mostly parchment paper and not much aluminum (even by aluminum free baking powder) but hoped that the silicone coating in these pans might reduce that exposure.

If you decide to give the cast iron mini cake pans a try, let me know what you think about them. I am curious! :-)

9/15/15, 11:23 PM

Blogger Gourmet Girl Cooks said...


P.S. -- I found a Lodge Cast Iron Biscuit Pan that you could probably use for the same thing (donuts) without holes or make your own holes in them. Here's the's at Bed Bath & Beyond. :-)

9/16/15, 12:16 AM

Anonymous Inez said...

Not being a fan of spice and chocolate, I topped mine with some xylitol, cinnamon and walnuts all ground into a streusel thing. I also put the batter in a quart freezer bag to pipe them into my pans. They are in the oven and looking good so far. I had great faith in the recipe when I saw the vinegar and soda! Didn't have buttermilk, so subbed some whole milk yogurt.

10/1/17, 8:33 PM

Blogger unter der laterne said...

If I baked this in a loaf pan, it would be easier for me, would this dough amount be enough to fill a regular loaf pan ? How much longer would I bake it ?
Sorry to be such a nuisance . My joints now rule my world . lol.

10/4/17, 5:56 PM

Blogger Gourmet Girl Cooks said...

Hi Barbara,

I don’t think it’s enough to fill a regular loaf pan; maybe a smaller loaf pan or possibly an 8-inch round or square pan instead? You are never a nuisance! 😀

10/8/17, 1:29 PM

Blogger lritchie said...

Hello, I am just starting a Low Carb diet and was wondering if you have any idea of nutrient value for this recipe? ie how many carbs?



3/21/18, 9:19 PM

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