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"The Barren Winter Treescape"


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Blogger Tatyana@MySecretGarden said...

It's an interesting picture: some trees are bare, some are green and some are brown. Diversity makes this world beautiful.

9:55 AM

Blogger Jennifer said...

I miss the green color as well! It is very frosty here with a bitter wind that stings and burns with cold. I look forward to warmer days to come. Your pictures are beautiful by the way.

4:46 PM

Blogger Karen said...

Lovely shot KL, the other posts below are wonderful too, have a nice day.k.

3:18 PM

Blogger betty-NZ said...

I know that feeling, here in New Zealand. I wish spring to hurry but find interesting beauty in winter.

4:03 PM

Blogger Carver said...

I love the barren trees and the waterfall in the shot before this is magnificent.

5:22 AM

Blogger EG CameraGirl said...

I actually love to see the lines vreated by bare tree limbs, though I am still enjoying the greenery that will soon turn to yellows, oranges and reds.

6:06 AM

Blogger Hootin Anni said...

That is mighty pretty!!!

2:00 PM

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5:28 AM

Blogger DeniseinVA said...

This is a lovely photo! Truly beautiful trees :)

6:05 PM

Blogger My Garden Diaries said...

Amazing winter indeed! I do so hope spring arrives soon, though they are predicting this arctic weather all the way through March in our parts! Beautiful picture! And a wonderful weekend to you! Nicole

11:06 PM

Blogger Anni said...

What glorious images in your last two posts. Nature is grand.

2:33 AM

Blogger Linda said...

Gorgeous capture! Thank you so much for sharing, and thanks as well for your kind comment on my blog post, please know that you are welcome anytime! I am so glad that you had the opportunity to come here to Montreal! :)

7:36 PM

Blogger NatureFootstep said...

a nice composition sharing the gorgeous leafs.

12:06 PM

Blogger Sigrun said...

Thank your for your visit on my blog. No, that is not my garden, it is a big public garden. You can use the translate programm at the side bar.


10:34 AM

Blogger eileeninmd said...

Pretty shot of the trees and leaves. It is barren here too. Happy Wednesday, enjoy your day!

6:40 AM

Blogger Tom said...

Looks like home, but with blue skies.

7:32 AM

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