GREAT BUDDHA TOWER Buddha’s first sermon was probably the most important event in 2600 years of Indian history. The memory of this incident should remain forever and to show his respect towards Buddha, a huge building was built by Emperor Ashoka at the place where buddha gave his first sermon, this building is called Dhamekha…

DHARMA CHAKRA PRAVARTAN (Turning The Wheel of Moral Law) What were the first teachings of Buddha? and their importance .

Prince Gautama attained enlightenment in a village called Uruvela in Gaya and he was given a new name Buddha by the children of this village. Buddha mean ”one who is awakened” . The path discovered by Buddha to attain enlightenment was called the Way of Awakening.​ Buddha had come to Sarnath with the purpose of meeting…


SARNATH ~ THE PLACE WHERE BUDDHISM BEGAN Sarnath is located in Varanasi city of Uttar Pradesh state of India. Sarnath got its name because of the ancient Sarangnath temple situated here. Sarnath was also known as Rishipattan and Mrigadava in ancient times. Sarnath can be divided into two parts from tourism point of view. (I)…

20 important facts related to the life of Swami Vivekananda.

Thirty-Nine Years, Five Months and Twenty-Four Days Swami Vivekananda lived for only thirty-nine years, five months, and twenty-four days. But due to the great work done by him, he is counted among those people who gave a new shape to modern India. India is a country full of diversity but even today people’s love for…


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About Me

Postgraduate in International relations. Experience in writing in various journals, from BBC WORLD NEWS SERVICE to India’s one of the oldest Hindi daily. I like to write on international relations, religion, religious conflict. Social media has bridged the distance between writing and reading. Now writing is not just the expression of one’s own thought, but also knowing the expression of people on various subject.