France Follows Britain, Dissolving Its National Assembly To Make Us Believe We’re In Democracy 

June 9, 2024


Who is giving the orders? In Britain, Sunak, who could have clung years longer by leading a chamber of deputies full of tories, called for national elections on July 5. The Tories are 20 points behind. Sunak made no frinds by paying half a million of taxes on a revenue of something like 150 millions (his wife is a multibillionaire heiress who paid no taxes for more than a decade). Sunak wasa lso one of the pillars of Brexit… a demonstrated disaster… Sunak will lose and the Labor Party will be left with… the arduous task of reversing Brexit. Everybody with half a brain in Europe, even Britain, knows that Brexit was a disaster with no positive purpose whatsoever.

It’s so true no serious party in Europe is now anti-European.

Whatever Europe means. 

It certainly should not mean the impotent, overregulated, plutocrat dominated… ANTI-European powers that be, in their evil state right now in Brussels… And not just Brussels. Yes, anti-European. Ursula Von Der Whatever, the head of the EU Commission went on an anti-EUROPEAN wolf rampage simply because of of her prized horses had been attacked by a wolf. She ordered the killing of wolves, and their DNA was analyzed to see if she had the miscreant assassinated as she wanted to… in her plutocratic rage. Imagine: she heads the commission and all of Europe (including me) discovers she just does not ride horses, but has plenty of prized horses and ponies too… Ursula’s family has been powerful for 4 centuries… I appreciate The Teror already much more…. No wonder the USA asks applicants to US citizenship whether they are nobel….

Vladimir, the friend of Obama, and the pet of Brussels, turned out to be a rabid head of the KGB. Brussels had done everything for Vladimir… It’s not just a question of being corrupt, it’s a question of being veule (French that is stronger than and related to spineless).

So Vladimir, the ingrate rabid dog, attacks, and what does Trump-hating Europe do? It buys weapons… And where does it buy them? The USA. Now it’s not that Europe does not build good weapons. France, in particular, has a remarkable arsenal of state of the art weapons… but most of them in too small quantities…

So Europe buys lots of weapons since February 2022… two-thirds of them in the USA. A glaring example was Switzerland organizing a competition for a new superiority fighter. The French Rafale wins it, and Suisse purchases… the F35, a stealth bomber. Arguably, the Rafale and hte F35 are the two best Beyond The Horizon fighters (yes, way better than the F22). But everywhere they sing the same song: if we buy US, US will protect us… Let’s see how well that reasoning works with Trump… Obama had already declared the Pacific was more important than Europe. 


The fact is Vladimir and Xi are both, to a great extent, European problems… created by Europe. Sure US plutocrats played Xi like a violin. Gates, Buffet and their ilk helped the ascent of Xi and his dictatorship… However now here we are: Obama a little, and then, strongly, both Trump and Biden, have taken anti-Xi measures. Biden put 100% taxes on X electric vehicles…


Meanwhile treacherous European policies exported European capital, industry and know-how to Asia. This happened because this is what Roman plutocrats did: empty the core, where potential opposition lies, and avoid more general local legislation at the core, crafted by said opposition. Roman plutocrats went to Spain, Africa, the Balkans, Anatolia. European plutocrats went all over the world but especially China….

The result has been to empty Europe of its essence and turn We The People into zombies… But the zombies have been revolting.


In France the Rassemblement National ended nearly twenty points ahead of the governmental party which dominates the National Assembly. Let me repeat slowly: the RN scored in the European election of June 9, 2024 more than twice the party which dominates the National Assembly.

The elegant, democratic thing to do was to call for a new parliamentary election, otherwise it would look really bad, namely having in power for the next three years a party which scores half of the main opposition party.


This is what Macron did.

However, it’s still stunning to see the leaders of Britain and France suddenly decide to behave as if we were in democracy…

Did some conspiracy of plutocrats up there, pulling the strings decide to make it appear as if we were in democracy? In any case: wealth per capita in Europe is falling behind the US; this has real consequences on freedom, because a vassal is generally poorer…

Now as Macron pursues his economic melt-down, he will be able to accuse his RN PM to have caused it… On the positive side, now he can get rid of Lemaire, his finance minister. . The fundamental problem is Europe is too much law crushing small people, but not crushing Islamists, there, it’s just the opposite, because judges pee in their pants when they see the bearded ones… taxes and laws and regulations everywhere: France has 216 regimes of housing rental for example (I did the math; most people in French gov casn’t do math… That’s why they are there)… And a general killing of free enterprise, hence freedom… And why the startups flee to the USA… But the subsidies, in the guise of greenwashing to send industry to China, or Vietnam (etc.) are the most spectacular…        

Patrice Ayme

Fate Is Chancy

June 8, 2024

Love of wisdom breathes from the unexpected. Looking at history, chance is a huge factor. However, as historians prefer systems, they often explain the flow of history as the evolution of a system, and not a succession of accidents. 

For example, in the Fourth Century, the Roman state collapsed into a genocidal fascist theocratic plutocracy which preferred accommodation with the Barbarians to losing power over the Populus. That’s generally viewed as an irresistible evolution, and not even as the Christianization and Cretinization it was. And the point is this: if Constantine had been killed in his youth (he had been detained as an hostage by the Oriental Roman emperor, and escaped, super hero style…), or if Julian had NOT been killed (he fought without armor, after lapses in his security detail in Mesopotamia), or if Valens had waited for Gratian at Adrianopolis, or if that terrible wind had NOT brought the defeat of Arbogast and Eugenius at Frigidus… the story of civilization had a high probability to have turned out completely differently.


Another case that should be famous is the defeat of France fighting the Axis in 1940: it was made possible by at least half a dozen unpredictable “miracles” which favored the Nazis, If any of these half a dozen “miracles” had been different, the Nazis (and their allies: Japan, italy, Russia, etc.) would have lost: no holocaust, no loss of European autonomy, etc. 


Philosophers learn from their life experiences, because those are not in the books. Yet.

And a lesson I see is the importance of unpredictable chance, unforeseeable change. Here is one, from this week.


My car was parked along a towering exuberant edge, and had to squeeze to get in between organic material and man-made steel. Thereafter I drove 20 minutes to a mountain village, finding myself behind a grey SUV. The mandatory speed was very low, 30km/h. A speed bump, which I knew, appeared in front of the SUV. Then two unlikely events happened in very quick succession, which could have caused a collision. I lost vision in my left eye, which became a black star. Simultaneously I saw red in my right eye. I smashed on the brakes, engaging the ABS, While tearing away what was in front of the left lens of my glasses, The car I was following had come to an emergency stop… while at the same time an enormous spider had decided to make a rappel in my field of vision. Fortunately, I am a mountain runner with very fast automatics.

Retrospectively, the spider had been on top of my long hair since I picked it up at the hedge…What was the probability of having the spider acting up spectacularly at the same time as the car driver in front of me would stop for no good reason? One would say, very low.


But the probability that improbable events with dramatic consequences would occur is, history shows, very high. In this thermonuclear age, with so much power in so few hands, that’s all we need to know.

Patrice Ayme 

Senegalese spider of my childhood… I used to see quite a few of these… They incarnated Africa’s wild colors…Not the one hanging from my head which may have been a Brown Recluse (I grabbed crushed destroyed it instinctively, making its identification difficult)… usually I spare spiders, but destruction happened before cortical analysis could be engaged… as clearing field of vision when driving a moving car is paramount…)

Europe: Not Even Woke!

June 6, 2024

Another day, another comment censored by the New York Times. And another day, another article on the NYT about Europe. The NYT wants to talk about Europe, and talk as if it knew, but it knows very little except what it reads in the leaked Dragghi report coming next week: Europe is completely losing its way technologically, relative to the US, China and even others… in great part because European lives are rendered too complicated from cushing taxes and regulations…

The NYT wrote an article on Europe, were the world “populist” was used in place of “extreme right” systematically and many times. So, basically, according to the NYT, if one is of, from and for “WE The People”, one is a fascist. I fully expected the servants of plutocracy to block my comment, and they did. The media, in the West is held by the Oligarchs, same as in Putin’s Russia. The difference being that it’s safer to criticize Putin’s own oligarchs… If one is living in the West, as yours truly… Here is my comment blocked by the mentally handicapped cogwheels at the NYT:


It is pretty retelling that “populist” is becoming synonymous with “far right”. Democracy means “people-power”… Demos-kratia… We have seen that movie before when the Roman Republic collapsed and the self-declared “Best” (Optimates), the Roman plutocrats holding the Senate, declared that populists werre fascists. The Gracchi brothers, Marius and his nephew Caesar were all leaders of the “Populares” Party at the end of the Roman Republic, and they were fighting to redistribute extreme wealth of the richest Roman plutocrats to… the People –As had been the law during centuries of the Roman Republic… Which had an absolute wealth limit. 

So what does that mean that people-power is supposed to be “far right”?

Europe, right now is crushed by the redistribution of industry to China. While Biden struck Chinese electric cars with 100% tariff… Europe is doing nothing: having European industry in China was viewed as… ecological… European peasants are crushed by laws… Which don’t apply to imports

Europe is crushed by taxes, laws, regulations and redistribution of wealth… often to illegal immigrants… Or then to an entire class of ex-employees who retired early. France was widely viewed as having too many civil servants, already 15 years ago. What did the government do? Add another one million civil servants and much of their work is to watch and punish… normal citizens… Foreign Islamists preaching in mosques? A new law from 2023  makes their expulsion possible… How many were expelled? One. back to his native Tunisia. He is appealing to the European Court of Justice….

Europe officially believes in “woke” and free trade to an extent even Biden does not believe. Time for change by We The People!


Insufferable for the NYT which is turning nowadays in a little more than anti-Trump propaganda (I am a full subscriber, have been since ever…

[Blocking comments should be unlawful, because it violates isegoria and parrhesia ΙΣΗΓΟΡΙΑ and ΠΑΡΡΗΣΙΑ, pillars of democracy.]

The French invented “woke”… It’s an ideology reminiscent of Iran. In Iran, all feasts are tragedies (except Norouz, the pre-Islamist celebration of Spring). So one can see Iranian males going down the street, beating their own backs bloody with chains. “Woke” is similar: it accuses Europe to have invented anti-civilization… And so now Europe is acting accordingly with European loudly Muslim judges equating terrorist groups and democracies, etc… And the European Union ordering that everybody should have a windmill in their backyard, like in the Middle Ages…. Until Europe spends less energy that the savage in the forest, a worthy objective, since, according to “woke” there is no savage in the forest because big bad Europeans forced him to migrate to Europe (the savage is a man, typically)…

On an even more amusing note, SpaceX succeeded to do a soft sea touch down of the two parts of its giant rocket… In France a self sufficient arrogant architect of France’s ruination, the finance minister, had decided rockets could not land. He writes porno novels, speaks German, and has spent seven years destorying France, but he is apparently not done yet… Is it better to do like the Germans, and just wait for the Americans to tell the country where to jump and how high?

At this point Europe can access space only courtesy of SpaceX… While China is cavorting on the Dark Side of the Moon by the south pole where India realized the first landing a few months back… European wokists believe the Moon is beneath them… Can’t wait for them to take their orders from Donald Trump… Not that this is particularly Trump: Obama, form the start of his presidency announced the US would worry about the Pacific more than about Europe… After all, he was born there…

Rome fell in two days, two battles… against the Goths. The 8th of August 378 CE, destroying the Oriental Roman field army, and one day in September 394 CE, destroying the Occidental Roman field army… The threats of Putin, this modern Goth, a savage without parallel in history, but also a coward whom Europe put on steroids with its even greater terror of thinking, and weakness of the will, should then be taken more seriously, than wokism, a pack of lies. Putin also lies, but like the Goths, he has the authenticity of his own cannibalistic savagery. Europe, as it is, is fake: Europe is fake, because it’s a plutocracy claiming to be a democracy… while insulting the demos with all the power European plutocratic propaganda has

Patrice Ayme

Planned versions of Starship below will be half as high as… The Eiffel Tower… And reusable… What Europe can’t do, thus does not want to do… But must do, or then apply to Porto Rican status, medium term:

P/S: After the preceding was published on several sites, my comment appeared in the NYT, after a delay of nearly 20 hours… typical: censoring by time delay….

The Least Democratic Times Ever? Now!

June 3, 2024

These are the best of times, these are the worst of times. For the best, antibiotics, smartphones. For the worst, the lowest democratic quotient ever, and arsenal of nukes. Our lives, all our lives, happiness, hopes, dear ones and any single uplifting value we have are in the hands of so-called “leaders”… Who are typically in “leading” positions, because they are the lowest of the low… being attracted, as they are, by the domination they want to exert on others… so much so that they did every single little things they could and big ones too, so as to arrive in position of dominance…

There are exceptions, typically opposition figures standing for principle, not office (say Haclev once in Prague, a writer, or Zelinsky in Ukraine who arrived where he is after scathingly criticizing the corrupt system in a TV show, playing president!)… But the fundamental problem is that we confuse, as a cognitive system, in our ignorance, carefully engineered, elective oligarchy and real democracy. We have the former, not the latter, and it’s putting all in extreme simultaneous danger…

In theory a handful of individuals around the planet can order the gory death of 50 million people in twenty minutes. As a French general caustically remarked: we thought that was enough as deterrence. Indeed  the US has 14 Ohio class subs, each with 24 intercontinental ballistic missiles with up to ten thermonuclear warheads. France and the UK have 8 equivalent subs, with to-third the capability. Russia has plenty. An aid of Putin came up in May 2024 saying that Russia was ready to take out British nuclear deterrence, pointing out it was a matter to take out four subs. For France, it would “more complicated” (France has at least six nuclear subs and also supersonic bombers with stand-off supersonic cruise missiles…)… but still feasible. Now, of course, it’s unlikely that the US would let Russia take out its mother countreies without a fuss…

In any case, it’s complete insanity to have so few individuals with so much (thermonuclear) power. With retaliation included, billions may be burning to death under irradiated skies, within hours. 

This delegation of enormous powers to so few is a symptom of a more general power crisis: never before in the history of humanity has so much power been concentrated among so few. Caligula could threaten to make a horse Senator… But a Roman emperor could not vaporize 50 millions in twenty minutes. That this potentially genocidal state of affairs has been allowed to bloom as such a menace is a testimony to a deep lack of foresight, and needed readjustmement of all values.

Some of course will roll out the peaceniks, white flags and surrender monkeys… That was tried in the 1950s, it didn’t work out. Disarmement is too serious a matter to be left to amateurs. In 1918 a ceasefire was organized with Germany. President Wilson, a racist, pro-white man, pro-German, had imposed his peace. The French leaders instead wanted to march the French army on Berlin and organize Germany in such a way it could not attack again… As was done in 1945. Instead, the pseudo-peaceniks from Washington, imposed a fake peace, and Clemenceau, the French PM predicted France would be at war again with Germany within 20 years.

A world with a non democratic thermonuclear weapons state will suffer thermonuclear war… Except if the non democratic state’s leadership is persuaded that it will lose and be killed in the attempt. Practically that means that the Kremlin monkeys hace to really believe that, if they go too far, they will de destroyed.

Let’s measure democracy by the standard of how many people can be killed by so few. If we do, we must admit that we are living in the least democratic times ever. As I already basically implied, that state of affairs should have been viewed as enough of a threat… to make war to prevent its occurence.

Fighting concentrations of power must start at the political level… While we stoically wait for the next fully unhinged world war (now we are getting the civilized sort of world war, as Puting believes -erroneously- that it will win, thanks to elections in his various most dangerous adversaries: US, Britain, France…. Because of the increasingly enormous powers science has put into human hands, only one strategy that can potentially insure a path towards survival: direct democracy. 

One could always try first nuclear disarmament, as a matter of survival. Very few bombs should be kept, more or less under UN supervision, in case of a comet heading our way, or a sudden localized terrorist threat (say with bio weapons). Thermonuclear non-proliferation is tried with Iran… The implict reason being that if Iran does not disarm, Israel will attack. As Israel is much smaller, that could entail the usage of nukes (however, in the 14 C England, population 2 millions, fought France, successfully… France had twenty millions, ten times more…)

If buttressed by enough power, nuclear disarmament can be done: In the 90s, Ukraine surrendered 5,000 nukes to the Kremlin (big mistake). Meanwhile, we are potentially in a situation where, because of the whim of just one individual, billions could be injured, or die. This has never happned before and makes the present times, potentially the worst there ever were…

Patrice Ayme

Augustus thought he was the boss. He could not have imagined Putin. If Augustus had been told of Putin, he would have been aghast… And very jealous…

Modern Tech Made Propaganda Ever More Blatant… And Efficient!

June 2, 2024

George Orwell (1903-1950) once wrote that “history stopped” in 1936. Truth after that point was drowned out by state propaganda, enabled by modern technology… at the time wireless radio. It was a phenomenon that terrified him. Orwell was not an optimistic type, and thus missed the best of life, hope springing eternal… Instead he hopped into unrealistic gloom:

A happy vicar I might have been
Two hundred years ago
To preach upon eternal doom
And watch my walnuts grow;

But born, alas, in an evil time,
I missed that pleasant haven,

In truth, Orwell lived in the times of antibiotics, not just big bombs and state propaganda. Vicar’s 300 years ago didn’t live that well. However, he observed the following during the destruction of the Spanish Republic by the fascist forces of Hitler, Mussolini and Stalin:

I saw newspaper reports which did not bear any relation to the facts, not even the relationship which is implied in an ordinary lie. I saw great battles reported where there had been no fighting, and complete silence where hundreds of men had been killed.

I saw troops who had fought bravely denounced as cowards and traitors, and others who had never seen a shot fired hailed as the heroes of imaginary victories; and I saw newspapers in London retailing these lies and eager intellectuals building emotional superstructures over events that had never happened.

I saw, in fact, history being written not in terms of what happened but of what ought to have happened according to various ‘party lines’.”

From Orwell’s 1943 essay “Looking back on the Spanish War,

The most dramatic case of deception is the description of the French Republic by some Anglo-Saxons as a nation of cowards. Actually no nation had more victories, ever. (more than 1,500!) And France, defeated from terrible generalship combined with very bad luck and a treachorous USA in 1940, had the astounding courage to attack Hitler, his Nazis, Italian fascists, with their Japanese and Soviet allies in 1939! Not so US!

Each time the US government was criticized by entities emanting from France, that objection was rolled out, that France was a nation of cowars. For example during the 2003 illegal Iraq invasion. Nowadays, amusingly, the USA has adopted French wokism, complete with Islamophilia, and the French government, having embraced fake free trade propaganda from the US and ecology from the agents of Putin, has made France increasingly irrelevant… Thus, increasingly France has become another object in orbit around the Washington corruptocracy… And its mighty propaganda, second to none… Because, differently from Putin’s or Xi’s, it’s much more plausible…

Now, with the Internet, the situation has become much worse. The Internet is full of stealth censorship, and financially dependent “boost” (to use the word of Facebook). So, if you pay oir are connected to wealth, they will publish you. The New York Times will delay a comment 24 hours, or more, to make sure nobody reads it. Suggesting that the Qur’an has anti-Jewish statements… is against the “Community Standards” of the Wall Street Journal. In the French media I am subscribed to, I have never seen one of my comments appear, ever (yes, they are written in perfect French). So there, I don’t even try.

The world is a village… ruled by tyrants… That propaganda is known to be blatant does not make it any less effective. So friends contacted me and said: “How come you have disappeared from the Internet?” Actually I write and publish more than ever… But I am censored and made to disappear, more than ever. At some point in life, the work well done becomes more important than the success well deserved. One has to learn to happily make hope breathe, and live off, the lighest fumes…

Patrice Ayme

The best of life, hope springing eternal…

Existential War, Or When The Ends Justify The Means

June 1, 2024

Abstract: Do the ends never justify the means? No. Quite often the ends justify the means, when the greatest overriding principle, survival, is at play. We explain why: surely, if nobody were left, morality would be overriden. Daring to observe that ends can justify means? Common intellectuals are scandalized, and will pontificate that believing that the ends could ever justify the means goes directly against all the highest principles of the present civilization…

But those self-declared, or establishment-declared prophets of triteness are lying… that’s their job… Or, if they are not lying, and many Jewish intellectuals were deluding themselves that way in the 1930s… those haughty cardboard thinkers are on the straight and narrow path to Auschwitz… or its thermonuclear variant.

Indeed, principles conducive to weakness which are hypocritical and in denial of reality …. were promoted because they repelled revolution and fostered the establishment! (Wokism, windmillism and Islamism being the latest). However, when one denies reality, one denies a gathering tsunami, by walking on the old sea bed, amazed by all the wondruous sights. The tsunami will come back, worse than ever, streaked wit thermonuclear lightning.

The fundamental anchor of human ethology, thus the bedrock of human morality, is survival. And survival was insured by… violence, and, more generally, the Dark Side. To get rid of formidable Cave Bears, Nenderthals did not offer them flowers, or the other cheek, but deep thrusts of pointed lances, and flaming torches.

Now that the dangers meancing the biosphere are the most formidable ever since animals evolved, it’s time to roll back survival as the bedrock of all and any human motivation.


An old idea is that the ends do not justify the means. The usual hypocritical exploiters are behind it: Aristotle, Confucius. The principle sounds noble, and it indeed it is! As many noble qualities, its origin is rather gory. Persuading the commons that the ends never justify the means insures that the nobles will keep on enslaving the mentally stunted masses. During the fiercest revolutions… against the “nobles”, the “well-knowns” (this is the origin of the concept of “noble”!)… During the fiercest revolutions, the ends (out with the nobles) justify the means (for example roasting and eating nobles during the Jacqueries of the Fourteenth Century, or so a chronicle related).

Indeed common people are not always completely dense, all of the time, and when they revolted en masse against the nobles in Europe (10C, 14C, 18C) they made a point that the ends hustified the means. The atrocities of the Jacquerie of 1358 CE were carefully planned, and those terrible means were used to inflict terror. Homo Sapiens itself is an end who justified the atrocious means necessary for evolving such a captivating creature. Relax: Atrocious originally meant seeing fire…

Arguing that the genus Homo is innocent is not factual: Homo is the genocidal species par excellence. The excellence of humanity comes partially from its ability to commit genocide. Deliberately. This observation is so obvious that even officialized cretinism, Christianism, got that one right with the theory of “Original Sin”.

Few things are as dangerous as failing to combat violence. The will to combat violence has been the generating emotion of humanity, second only to seizing opportunity. Granted the notion is delicate, and nuanced, as it takes a greater violence to extinguish violence… So the chronology and causality of violence are paramount.

It is also extremely dangerous not to consider where the violence is going, what its ends are. The atrocious way in which they Allies conducted world war two was justified, not just by considering the abomination of the Axis powers…. But when realizing that was the most safe and effective way… for the Allies… to conduct the war (I will give anecdotes another time, including complaints by SS officers of the utmost brutality of… US armed forces).

Claude Adrien Helvétius had more delicate worries; he said: Nothing is more dangerous than to tolerate intolerance

Yes, at least so it was in the 18C French salons Helvétius organized and took part in. But intolerance pales in contrast to maximal violence, inflicting death. And ultra violence works. Much of the time… if not opposed by even greater violence. Gandhi was a myth, the UK was pulling out of India anyway, and Gandhi’s ultra violent non-violence fed the Muslim-Hindu conflict, something not resolved to this day.

When the Algerian FNL fought the French state in the 1950s, it circulated fliers promoting maximal violences against little girls considered to be “French” (that included all the little Jewish girls of Algeria, as they all had French nationality, from the Cremieux decree of the 1960s…) The result was that one sixth of Algeria at the time, those who could leave, left (many ended in Israel, most in France). Millions more wanted to leave but didn’t have the means and were not welcome in France (from De Gaulle racism, etc.) The FNL, a dictatorship of hyper violent individuals, got control of Algeria, and more than 60 years later is still in control.

Nearly all species of megafauna are violent. I was feeding a horse with wild plants and another rushed in to attack my friend and force me to feed… Her…

“Turning the other cheek” is fine if you want to feed a bear with your cheeks. But, once, while carrying chicken ready to roast  in Upper Yosemite Valley, I was charged by a bear who had already attacked a group of a dozen hikers (they left their bags as offrands and the bear went through them), I was ready, I threw a large rock at the bear, hitting him in the ribs.. He fled as if he had met the devil (after it gravely wounded somebody else, rangers shot and killed it three weeks later). Peaceniks will say that I had just to offer the chicken, etc. But nature does not work like that. A bear in Italy attacked some hiker. As she was from a very endangered subspecies, a judicial intervention spared her. A year later, she saw a young male human runner who was in tip top shape, and killed him. This time, after a controversy, she was executed. 

I have walked in wild Africa among the fiercest predators, as a child, and was not attacked, because wild predators know that humans are extremely dangerous, and the aura carries to their young.

Penetrated by slave religions, Buddhism, Confucianism, Islam, Christianism, Judaism, most influencers will whine that fighting bears is obsolete. But recently (May 2024) a small fragment of a comet, streaked across the sky of Spain, at a ten degree angle and a huge 48 km/s speed… It was seen by many, and videos exist. A posteriori, it was found to be a comet fragment… It is clearly a warning. Any time, one can imagine, a comet on a hyperbolic trajectory could take aim at Earth. Granted, that sort of danger is nothing new. However the sudden melting of the ice caps and the permafrost is a man-made reality around the corner. Scientific consensus is that it won’t happen very much soon. Let’s say only one meter in the next 75 years is what reasonable institutions (such as the US Navy) are planning for… But what if, as I expect, there is a catastrophic failure of ice shelves much sooner? That’s much more difficult to fight than cave bears…

So war, what the Muslims call Jihad, is not obsolete…  Far from it. Now more than ever, humanity in general is under threat.

And the rise in the power of dictators, thanks to the rise of power of weapons, including weapons of propaganda, is greater that ever, increasing the powers of maniacs like the leaders of terror groups, all the way to Putin and Xi. 

The war in Ukraine is exemplary.  It’s an existential war because the aim of the war is to eradicate Ukraine …and the Ukrainian people as distinct from the Russian people. So this is a genocidal war. It is the same with Israel.   

The prosecutor of the ICC, Khan, whom I accused of Islamism, gave an interview. He addressed the main point in the present essay, and he gave an example, and this example demonstrates Khan’s lack of understanding of the situation. I will address his childish misunderstanding in an independent little essay to point out his glaring mistake… which is implicitly full of stealth Islamism…

The point of the present essay is that the ends often justify the means when survival is compromised…. 

Of course, not always. One has to be careful with the means. Sometimes, the usage of worse means imply more compromission of the survival of what’s left. Example: In 1945, the Nazis did not try to use their reserves of neurotoxic gas. The Nazis had enough to kill dozens of millions… But by then, even the Nazis ,who were deeply idiotic intrinsically, had realized that resistance was not just futile, but counterproductive: too many Germans would get exterminated, if the Nazis used means of mass destruction. This is what the anti-Israeli extremists must realize in sufficient numbers to change policy.. And try to kill Israel with love, not bombs.  

The question of urban war, as in Gaza, is still something else. Urban war is often devastating… even when not done with the aim of genocide (remeber the liberation of Manilla in 1945: 17,000 Japanese occupiers killed, 100,000 civilians dead…).

War is the ultimate arbiter of human destiny. Total war does not play according to human rules, but according to its own, devastating, civilization-class rules. Just ask the Cave Bears.

Patrice Ayme

Cave Bears, as their name indicates, used the same real estate favored by Neanderthals, caves… both species made architectural changes to caves. There were so many Cave Bear remnants that earth from the caves where cave bear bones occurred was used as a source of phosphates during World War One by the fascist Austrian regime undergoing the blockade of the democracies…

Cave Bears seem to have been very vegetarian. But their predilection with limestone caves was the cause of their demise. Cave Bears and Ursus Etruscus (eliminated from southern Europe, including Croatia by Neanderthals 100,000 years ago) were in deadly competition with men for real estate. Cave bear population drastically declined starting around 40,000 years ago at the onset of the Aurignacian, coinciding with the arrival of anatomically modern humans… One thing the new Neanderthal-Sapiens hybrid agreed on was the elimination of Cave Bears… Soon the quasi-complete elimination of dangerous megafauna, the work of humanity, was complete in Australia, the Americas, and most of Eurasia  . 

Massive Governmental Research Advances Civilization. No Alternative.

May 30, 2024

Abstract: Government is how society gets organized, how it decides what to be. Does a society decide to be curious? The most important societies of the past were curious. Although some Roman individuals were curious, the empire killed that behavior which threatened the established order.


First flights (Avion 1, Avion 2 and Avion 3) were from the enterprising Ader, a sophisticated French engineer who made a fortune from his craft in telephony. He got money from the French military to help, as he hoped the military would build “avions”. Ader realized tethered flights as early as the 1870s. A problem he had was the engine, first a miniaturized steam engine, then alcohol fueled. Meanwhile Peugeot made the first practical internal combustion engines (selling them to… Mercedes Benz). By the time Ader switched to a minaturized gasoline engine, his plane had crashed in front of military commission, thanks to a strong wind and a small runway, and the project was cancelled. Nor was Ader the only one. Another French engineer, Alphonse Pénaud, son of an admiral, despirited by lack of governmental funding (and hip tuberculosis which forced him to stop his naval career) committed suicide, at the age of thirty. However his patents were the bedrock of all progress in aviation thereafter… This is why French aviation dominated until the 1920s.

A similar thing happened with cars and hot air balloons. Both of the latter were French military programs of the Ancient Regime… Prior to the revolution. By the way, the first steam engine and steam boat was from another French professor of engineering. The opportunistic British businessmen struck later…

The reason to point all of this is that it puts to rest the theory that genius engineering gets invented in a garage by complete amateurs (Wright brothers) and not by sophisticated professors with government support. SpaceX for example, is building on 60 years of NASA (originally Nazi!) engineering… Landing a rocket (on the Moon!) was realized by NASA… In the 1960s… and so were excellent nuclear rocket engines… operated by NASA in 1960s, 1970s, killed by… Nixon…

This is the fourth type of motorized aircraft of Ader, a two seater… The first one,  Éole, achieved the first attested, official flight in 1890… with a steam engine. The aircraft above is powered by a light twin-cylinder 20 horsepower alcohol steam engine of its own design (20 hp for 51 kg, while that of the Wright Flyer of 1903, by the brothers Orville and Wilbur Wright, developed 12 hp for 75 kg ). During tests on October 9, 1890, in the park of the Château d’Armainvilliers of the Pereire brothers, southeast of Paris, Avion III took off. It is considered by the history of aviation, as “the first motorized aerodyne heavier than the air to rise from flat ground by the sole power of its engine”

And here is the reciprocal of government funded research…

On October 12 and 14, 1897, the very poorly controlled aircraft rolled along the circular runway 450 m in diameter at the Satory military aerodrome, made a short flight of 50 m at 20 cm above the runway, and in an attempt to turn around using the differental regimes of its propellers, in a wind, crashed with serious damage about 300 m from where it first got airborne. The French Ministry of War then canceled its contracts with Ader, and abandoned the very expensive aeronautical research, which forced Ader to stop the construction of its prototypes and its Airplane IV project with the new Ader gasoline engine. Classified as “secret defense”, the military archives of the Satory military airfield were only made accessible in the 1990s… Nearly a century after the facts. Ader himself could not talk of what he had achieved…

A similar situation exists with nuclear research: the French Minstry of War withdrew all nuclear patents from public view in January 1938, after Irene and Frederique Joliot-Curie persuaded the French goverment to start, the nuclear bomb program, what would become four years later the Manhattan project. It’s all classified…

The lesson, looking forward, is that massive government programs and intellectual expertise is needed for the giant engineering we need. We learned much, scientifically, technological, emotionally and poetically, by going to the Moon. But only governments could have done that.


Egypt, Carthage, Phoenicia, Marseilles, were explorers… Not so Rome:

When Pytheas of Marseilles went to explore all the way to maybe Iceland, and came back with the idea of how to compute the size of the Earth, was it a Marseilles government program? Probably. It certainly was the case when Carthage launched expeditions all the way to equatorial Africa, bringing back hairy forest women (female gorillas) and durably trading fish with Senegal… Maybe Marseilles had been inspired by Egypt and Carthage… Pharaoh, who, like his allies the Phoenicians, had decided to have a better picture of the situation during his war against the Babylonians, and he recruited a fleet to circumnavigate “Libya” (Africa).

Herodotus’ story

Libya is washed on all sides by the sea except where it joins Asia, as was first demonstrated, so far as our knowledge goes, by the Egyptian king Necho, who, after calling off the construction of the canal between the Nile and the Arabian Gulf, sent out a fleet manned by a Phoenician crew with orders to sail west about and return to Egypt and the Mediterranean by way of the Straits of Gibraltar. The Phoenicians sailed from the Arabian Gulf into the southern ocean, and every autumn put in at some convenient spot on the Libyan coast, sowed a patch of ground, and waited for next year’s harvest. Then, having got in their grain, they put to sea again, and after two full years rounded the Pillars of Heracles in the course of the third, and returned to Egypt. These men made a statement which I do not myself believe, though others may, to the effect that as they sailed on a westerly course round the southern end of Libya, they had the sun on their right – to northward of them. This is how Libya was first discovered by sea.

Not to be outdone, and inspired, the oligarchic democracy of Carthage organized a gigantic expedition to Africa… Where Carthage already had colonies. Roman historian Livius tells us that:

This is the account of Hanno, king of Carthage, about his voyage to the Libyan lands beyond the Pillars of Heracles, which he also set up in the shrine of Kronos.

1) The Carthaginians ordered Hanno to sail out of the Pillars of Heracles and found a number of Libyphoenician cities. He set sail with sixty fifty-oared ships, about thirty thousand men and women, food and other equipment. [Livius’ story goes on, with much details…]

The Carthagenians went on, all the way to the giant Mount Cameroon volcano, then erupting, with lava reaching the sea…. The hairy women were captured further south, resisted, and had to be killed and flayed. Their skins were brought back to Carthage and exhibited… Until the Romans burned the museum where they were shown.

And that brings us to the problem with Rome: how come Rome, with much greater means than Pharaoh, the Phoenicians, Carthage or Marseilles, did not organize far away expeditions to find out about the world? This is all the more remarkable as Roman intellectuals knew about all the preceding stories: after all, we got those stories, through the Romans…

A first explanation is that Phoenicia depended upon far away trade between very diverse civilizations. So did Carthage. Moreover Carthage was a Phoenician colony… Marseilles was a Phrygian colony, famously founded with a pact of co-prosperity with the Celts, the Gauls, the sort of co-prosperity pact that Arabs should make with Israel… Phrygia is in the middle of Anatolia….

Roman culture was fundamentally uncurious. The conquest of Britain was started by Caesar who was a curious Roman, nephew of equally curious and very adventurous Marius, conqueror of Africa’s Jugurtha. That Caesar was curious was not enough to make Rome curious. No doubt the pillars of the Augustan order thought that the less the Populus knew, and the less curious they were, the better. That’s why dictatorships bury civilizations.

So no great research program for Rome… Great water works, for sure, but that was pragmatic. Curiosity is also pragmatic, but only in the very long run… Even Ptolemaic Egypt achieved a higher level of governmental curiosity than Rome. Tellingly Roman Catholicism killed intellectual Egypt, physically destroying libraries and intellectuals, while implementing the sort of mental order the worst Islamists dream of.

When Nero built a gigantic rotating dining room, propelled by water, Vespasian, his imperial successor, not a friend of technology, had it destroyed. The Franks? Well, the first “wall of glass” cathedral, at Saint Denis, was a government program ground breaking in 1135 CE, and was inaugurated with king, queen, princes, princesses and all the upper crust of society present. Plenty of new technologies, from fancy architecture to metallic works were used… What about before this? Well the funding of monasteries, which were basically universities was anchored as a government program by the Seventh Century. Under the Romans, Gallia, although wealthy, populated and with a lower GINI than Italy, had been an intellectual zero. That changed under the Franks by the Sixth Century. Gregory of Tours, Fortunat are examples in the orbit of Brunehilde, the formidable queen of France, who, although she was tortured to death over three days in her seventies, seeing her descendency eradicated, ultimately triumphed as her ideas went on… And on, to this day…


Free markets and middle age solutions (windmills) won’t make it… China has understood that part. Just what makes people culturally and thus scientifically smarter, aside from Xi cult, is missing…. By the way, Ader was harshly criticized for having neglected the problem of controllability of his aircraft and for his obsession with bats… when less curvaceous designs were also tested, and when he got detailed objections from other engineers. This shows the importance of debates…

Another lesson is that France used to have a very innovative, engineering dominated culture… At a time, when Germany occupied a sizable part of her territory, and according to the longest traditions, older than Rome herself… But that was before “woke” explained to us that, if one opposed theocracy, one was a racist… And if one was not riding a bike, pushing with one’s muscles, one was not a progressive., And if one was not bringing back, to gargantuan proportions, the windmills of 1,000 years ago, one was not oriented towards energy conservation, justice and the future…

And what if civilization does not advance anymore? Well the problems roll in: there was something very wrong with the economy of imperial Rome before it got stuck by a “plague” under Marcus Aurelius, the metallic production was collapsing. In general “plagues” are tied in with preliminary nutritional and living difficulties… Then, after crippling problems, Barbarians, perceiving weakness, dive in… as vultures tend to do…

Now we are in full singularity mode: the Kremlin tyrant could go nuclear any time, applauded by the young Nazis in the West, who feel they are progressive, behaving like the Hadrian, while the iceshelves in Antarctica disintegrate, etc… So things move fast… Civilization has to move ever faster, and smarter.

Patrice Ayme

Rolling Stones: Humanity A Musical Avalanche Painted Black

May 28, 2024

Mick Jagger is turning 81, admitting “to be honest I would prefer being 30“. What are 81 years in this huge universe, and monster show of possibilities? A spark of hope? The cooing of a child? Asked questions about the world, by El Pais, the Spanish paper, Mick prefered to recognize he had been “idiotic” in the past… so he will pass… Anyway the Rolling Stones are touring, as they have been doing for more than 60 years (yes they lost to death 3 or 4 of their original members in the 1960s, plus Bill Wyman to retirement, but the core song writing Jagger-Richard is still live and kicking). Some of the music the Stones play has sounds never heard before (as in “Whole Wide World”: When the whole wide world’s against you and that’s got you on the run). Striking in this era when engineers make “music”. That proves one can be 81 and not senile (although Biden is also not doing too bad with his Trump impersonation, striking China’s “green” cars with 100% tariffs).

The music of classical rock now has its own life, the music the Rolling Stones contributed so much to…. It’s everywhere, it has become classical. Electric guitars, solo and choruses, harmonicas and other wind instruments, amplified and, or distorted by electronics, ancestral rhythms from all over the world, entangled, maybe now with new riffs…

Going to listen to the Stones is not just about them, but the lives those songs have acquired and what they teach.

And also even to get acquainted with the underlying philosophy, which owed quite a bit from Brian Jones, founder of the Stones and his friends (Jimmy Hendrix, etc,).Much of the wisdom has to do with a more honest view of humanity, with less gender dysmorphia, and less contrast between good and bad individuals. As Soljenitsin pointed out later, the line between good and evil passes inside every heart, and it fluctuates with time. And, added the Stones, circumstances. 

There is philosophical power in “Paint it Black” or “Sympathy For The Devil”…Or “Brown Sugar” and many other songs, a nuanced perspective on humanity which the present times should explore in much greater depth.The Devil is not just in the details, but in the nuance.

Homo Sapiens is a complex creature, both good and bad, and the bad can be good, and the good, bad. Also the story of this music, where the Stones were pioneers of electric guitar and other instruments (Satisfaction’s guitar was a new way of making sound) is symbolic of the entanglement of humanity and its artistic expression with advancing technology. The Stones were once an ode to the future… And the future keeps on coming, warts, threats and sweet sounds of heaven, all together. It’s a whole wide world of corruption of everything and beauty spurts out of it like a volcano of love.

Logic is nuanced, it’s best sung about and throughout…

Humanity is an avalanche, a musical avalanche and the universe has to learn our tune… Maybe we can’t get no satisfaction, but if we try sometimes, we can get the whole wide world to be against us, but it’s only rock and roll and our black heart will blot their sun out of heavens. Let our hand of fate rock and roll…

Patrice Ayme 

Thirty years before the rise in philosophy departments of gender as performance, professor Mick Jagger, above, taught it in full, and with panache. All others have been pale imitations….

[1]: Some words of Painted Black, adding to its furious Afro-Moroccan rhythm:

I see a red door And I want it painted black

No colors anymore, I want them to turn black

I see the girls walk by, Dressed in their summer clothes

I have to turn my head, Until my darkness goes

I see a line of cars, And they’re all painted black

With flowers and my love, Both never to come back

I’ve seen people turn their heads, And quickly look away

Like a newborn baby, It just happens everyday

I look inside myself, And see my heart is black

I see my red door, I must have it painted black

Maybe then, I’ll fade away, And not have to face the facts

It’s not easy facing up, When your whole world is black

No more will my green sea, Go turn a deeper blue

I could not foresee this thing Happening to you

If I look hard enough, Into the setting sun

My love will laugh with me, Before the morning comes

No colors anymore, I want them to turn black

Black as night, Black as coal

I wanna see the sun, Blotted out from the sky

I wanna see it painted, painted, painted, Painted black, yeah


In the real world as it was… Both Michelle Obama and Kamala Harris

have white ancestors, a slave master in Harris’ case,

British lawyer Harris who gave his name to his own brown sugar children:: 

Gold coast slave ship bound for cotton fields

Sold in the market down in New Orleans

Scarred old slaver knows he’s doing alright

Hear him whip the women just around midnight

Brown sugar, how come you taste so good? Uh huh

Brown sugar, just like a young girl should, uh huh, oh (Woo)

Drums beating, cold English blood runs hot

Lady of the house wonderin’ when it’s gonna stop

House boy knows that he’s doing alright

You shoulda heard ’em just around midnight…


No humanity without sympathy for the devil:

Please allow me to introduce myself, I’m a man of wealth and taste

I’ve been around for a long, long year, Stole many a man’s soul and faith

And I was ’round when Jesus Christ, Had his moment of doubt and pain

Made damn sure that Pilate, Washed his hands and sealed his fate

Pleased to meet you, hope you guess my name

But what’s puzzlin’ you is the nature of my game

Stuck around St. Petersburg, When I saw it was a time for a change

Killed the Tsar and his ministers, Anastasia screamed in vain

I rode a tank, held a general’s rank, When the Blitzkrieg raged and the bodies stank

Pleased to meet you, hope you guess my name…

I watched with glee while your kings and queens

Fought for ten decades for the gods they made

I shouted out, “Who killed the Kennedys?”

When after all, it was you and me

… I laid traps for troubadours

Who get killed before they reach Bombay

… Just as every cop is a criminal, And all the sinners saints

As heads is tails, just call me Lucifer

‘Cause I’m in need of some restraint

So if you meet me, have some courtesy, Have some sympathy and some taste

Use all your well-learned politesse

Or I’ll lay your soul to waste

Mmm, yeah…

Stress Prepares For Fight, Flight, Heroism, Great Feats & Utmost Mental Nobility… But Stress Is Counterindicated To Slaves

May 27, 2024

Is Stress as bad as its repute? Does one get addicted to it? And why? Why stress? Does stress have a good side? Is stress inherent to the mental creation process? (Yes it is!)

“Stress” as a word is very old, but the modern notion of stress as a psychological condition is very recent. I reckon that this has to do with the state of the world.

The word “stress” comes from Old French estrece from Latin “strictus”, a narrowness or oppression and the French French destresser, distress, “afflict with mental or physical pain, make miserable.” 1400s…. In mechanics the meaning of stress as “physical strain on a material object” is from mid-15c. The purely psychological sense in reference to a cause of anxiety is attested only by 1955.

So the notion of “stress” in the modern sense is very modern -1955. How come? 

Human life is of course a disaster that ends up in death, and blessed are those who are spared enormous physical and, or psychological pain. So why should we stress out about stress in the modern age? Why didn’t stress exist before 1955 as a psychological condition and why the analogy with a material ready to snap?

One could say the condition, characterized by some elevated neurohormones [1], was not diagnosed before. 

Maybe, but unlikely. Indeed these neurohormones released during stress are those of Jihad, combat, effort, struggle and human beings enjoyed those for millions of years.

So why the problem since 1955? Not enough outlets for Jihad, combat, effort, struggle, and release from suffering?

Stress involves the body’s autonomic nervous system, triggering a readiness for “fight or flight” …to deal with the stressor with these arduous physical ways. 

Are soldiers of democracy fighting the blood thirsty fanatics, stressed? Not really: they are at war, in war mode.

Stress is supposed to arm, in preparation to bring release through combat or flight.

The occurrence of stress in modern society may be an indication of inability to reach release, that is to fight for one’s cause, or to escape to a better world. 

So stress as a malady is an indicator of impotence. Stress is the chronic infliction of what should be an ephemeral condition.

But stress as a preparation for an effort, a struggle, a worthy jihad, some sort of humanely profitable heroism, is at the core of what made humanity possible… Because humanity self-evolved, self-created, by always demanding the impossible… From itself! We are going to Mars because our distant ancestors, ten million years ago, longed for the stress of the savannah.  

That sort of stress, and even addiction to it, because we aspire to superhuman efforts, is not just good, it renders the human condition possible. For millions of years stress, as a preparation for the worst, made it possible to dine and drink… But also to evolve our capacities for our better ways, means and values… By putting pressure on the environment (stress!) which in turn favored the genetics it fostered...  

Some will sneer that stress can become an addiction… So what? Most of the greatest human thinkers had to lead incredibly stressing lives to be who they were, and contribute as they did. Only stress enables to accomplish crazy feats… which themselves are symbolic of the divine character of the human condition:

?????????? Vertical skiing down giant north face… Yes the whole way down little spaces, inventing new techniques like dry skiing on rocks, facing down runnels by planting the heels of the skis in the snow… In an apparent imitation of middle age gargoyles…

Benjamin Vedrines, the world’s “ultra-alpinist” went down the nearly vertical, nearly a mile high north face of the Pic Sans Nom, Hautes Alpes, May 2024…  [Here is his partner, the highly concerned Nicolas Jean, is pictured by Benjamin who just passed where Nicholas is] Notice the near vertical snow caused by a storm (“placages”). This is maximally rated extreme skiing. Smallest mistake, death. This was the second such face the two descended that day, after climbing them The ultra expert friend sounded more than a bit worried in a video. That face had been descended once by one ultra expert, ten years earlier... Nobody had been crazy enough to repeat it. Until now. 

The unexamined life is not worth living, said Socrates, and yet, when properly examined, his life was found so unworthy, it was terminated. Life is a tangled knot. And in any case, stressful in the moment, and then vivid with action. Or at least so it evolved into. The latter part is now missing and mental life has become amputated. Meaning may have vaporized, gangrene may even have set in.

Patrice Ayme


[1] Stress hormones and neurohormones are many, the stress system is very complex, and those who say stress is bad should wonder why something so bad is so incredibly complex: 

Cortisol: The archetypical “stress hormone,” cortisol is produced by the adrenal glands (pyramids on top of kidneys). It helps regulate metabolism, reduce inflammation, and control the body’s sleep-wake cycle. During stress, cortisol levels increase to provide the energy needed to respond to the stressor by raising blood sugar levels and enhancing the brain’s use of its fuel, glucose.

Adrenaline (Epinephrine): Secreted by the adrenal medulla, adrenaline prepares the body for combat, flight, fight and Armageddon. It increases heart rate, blood pressure, and energy supply by facilitating the breakdown of glycogen to glucose in the liver. It was given to me, among other injections, by doctors as I was going into cardiac arrest consecutively to my left brain being flooded by the poison of the largest flying hymenoptera.

Noradrenaline (Norepinephrine): Also released by the adrenal medulla and by certain neurons in the brain, noradrenaline complements the effects of adrenaline. It enhances alertness, arousal, and the body’s readiness to act, while also constricting blood vessels to redirect blood flow to essential Armageddon organs like the heart and muscles.

CRH (Corticotropin-Releasing Hormone): Produced in the hypothalamus, CRH initiates the stress response by stimulating the pituitary gland to release adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH). ACTH then travels through the bloodstream to the adrenal glands, prompting them to release cortisol.

ACTH (Adrenocorticotropic Hormone): Released by the pituitary gland in response to CRH, ACTH stimulates the adrenal cortex to produce and release cortisol.

These neurohormones work together in a nonlinear complex feedback system known as the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis. It enables the body to respond to stress, ensuring that energy and resources are allocated to optimize survival… or damage to the enemy. Chronic activation of this system without release into action, however, has an adverse effect. can lead to health issues such as immune suppression, weight gain, hypertension, and mood disorders… and thus cancer and cardiovascular disease (from immune suppression)

Relativistic Length Contraction Busts Helium3

May 26, 2024

Could it be that matter under a steady acceleration in vacuum would end up exploding? A naive interpretation of Special Relativity would deny this… HOWEVER, I don’t think the situation of length contraction in Relativity is fully settled. I am of course not denying Michelson-Morley, etc. 

Einstein came up with the standard answer regarding length contraction: comoving frame versus non-comoving frame: what’s absolute in Relativity is, and only is, the relative relationship. He wrote in 1911. 

The so-called Bell Paradox gives an inkling of something more serious… The intriguing breaking of the string between two similarly accelerating spaceships was looked at in 1959 (Dewan and Beran, not Bell; their paper seems complete to me). In 1976, Bell claimed most physicists at CERN got the problem wrong when it was presented to them. There is no doubt that the string will break: that comes from the intriguing non simultaneity of time at the extremities of any extended object (from the term (-vx/cc) which appears in moving frame time).

What I observe is a problem at the nuclear level: if one submits a Helium 3 nucleus to a constant acceleration from an electric field, it is in a similar case to that of a couple of spaceships united by a string. Now the string is the strong force and the spaceships are two protons. This nuclear assemblage should split when reaching a certain speed. Whereas that does not destroy the Relativity Principle of Galileo in the strictest sense… it destroys the idea that things stay the same under constant acceleration… whereas a clock slows down under constant acceleration, as it does in a gravitational field (equivalence principle)… the clock never explodes… Or at least so it was thought…. But Helium 3 should explode . Does Relativity then breaks Relativity? Is it possible to detect high speeds in the bowels of the ship, as the He3 explodes? Skeptics may say that the preceding hints that there is an electromagnetic connection from the outside to the bowels of the ship… from the accelerating electrostatic field itself… OK, whatever, if it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, etc…

As Poincare pointed out, if it always happen, it’s a law of nature…


Exposed to the preceding, some have sneered that “dissenting” viewpoints such as the preceding have no value, because all was discovered long ago, and quoting all problems go nowhere. But, first of all, when Relativity was elaborated, nobody had any idea of the structure of Helium3, or even that it existed.

Something else unrelated to Relativity pertaining to the logic of discovery in physics : The basic equation of Quantum Mechanics is something like: variation of wave function relative to time is equal (up to an imaginary constant) to potential energy. But it took thirty years to realize that this would have a physical effect, the Bohm-Aharonov effect… and, related, the importance of Gauge theories

An even more spectacular case is Aristotle getting confused by friction: one had to wait until 1340, 17 centuries later, for Buridan in Paris to realize this, and set up the correct laws of mechanics.

Or one could look at Dark Matter, discovered and labeled this way by the Swiss Zwicky at Caltech… in the 1930s… Most physicists just refused to look at the evidence (which was striking, an order of magnitude). Something similar happened with Dark Energy. Famous physicists were making money and gathering fame with their first three minutes and “Theory Of Everything”… while it was pretty obvious to seriously inquiring minds that all they talked about was 5% of the mass-energy of the universe. 

While translating Newton, the Marquise du Chatelet noticed that Isaac had confused momentum and energy…. She went on to demonstrate E = 1/2 mvv… and infrared energy…

Simplicius: Sorry to interupt your tangents on epistemology. I have a basic question: if you consider proton 1 at the bottom of a tower, and proton 2 on top, and the tower is standing on Earth’s surface. Both Proton 1 and Proton 2 are submitted to one g, then what? Do they separate?

Patrice Ayme: No they don’t. And the tower is irrelevant. The breaking of the strong force was caused by the term (-xv/cc) ((1-vv/cc)^(-1/2))… In the example you give, the founding principle of General Relativity, there is no v, so this term of desynchronization of clocks does not appear…

Could you explain clock synchronization?

PA: I will, it’s crucial. I found a nice little drawing, involving two half mirror and two light clocks, to explain clock synchronization… It’s a conceptual generalization of the well-known light clock picture. In an essay, soon.

Patrice Ayme


Human Biodiversity, IQ, Evolutionary Psychology, Epigenetics and Evolution

Political Reactionary

Dark Enlightenment and Neoreaction

Of Particular Significance

Conversations About Science with Theoretical Physicist Matt Strassler

Rise, Republic, Plutocracy, Degeneracy, Fall And Transmutation Of Rome

Power Exponentiation By A Few Destroyed Greco-Roman Civilization. Are We Next?

SoundEagle 🦅ೋღஜஇ

Where The Eagles Fly . . . . Art Science Poetry Music & Ideas

Artificial Turf At French Bilingual School Berkeley

Artificial Turf At French Bilingual School Berkeley

Patterns of Meaning

Exploring the patterns of meaning that shape our world

Sean Carroll

in truth, only atoms and the void

West Hunter

Omnes vulnerant, ultima necat

GrrrGraphics on WordPress

Skulls in the Stars

The intersection of physics, optics, history and pulp fiction

Footnotes to Plato

because all (Western) philosophy consists of a series of footnotes to Plato

Patrice Ayme's Thoughts

Striving For Ever Better Thinking. Humanism Is Intelligence Unleashed. From Intelligence All Ways, Instincts & Values Flow, Even Happiness. History and Science Teach Us Not Just Humility, But Power, Smarts, And The Ways We Should Embrace. Naturam Primum Cognoscere Rerum

Learning from Dogs

Dogs are animals of integrity. We have much to learn from them.


Smile! You’re at the best site ever


Human Biodiversity, IQ, Evolutionary Psychology, Epigenetics and Evolution

Political Reactionary

Dark Enlightenment and Neoreaction

Of Particular Significance

Conversations About Science with Theoretical Physicist Matt Strassler

Rise, Republic, Plutocracy, Degeneracy, Fall And Transmutation Of Rome

Power Exponentiation By A Few Destroyed Greco-Roman Civilization. Are We Next?

SoundEagle 🦅ೋღஜஇ

Where The Eagles Fly . . . . Art Science Poetry Music & Ideas

Artificial Turf At French Bilingual School Berkeley

Artificial Turf At French Bilingual School Berkeley

Patterns of Meaning

Exploring the patterns of meaning that shape our world

Sean Carroll

in truth, only atoms and the void

West Hunter

Omnes vulnerant, ultima necat

GrrrGraphics on WordPress

Skulls in the Stars

The intersection of physics, optics, history and pulp fiction

Footnotes to Plato

because all (Western) philosophy consists of a series of footnotes to Plato

Patrice Ayme's Thoughts

Striving For Ever Better Thinking. Humanism Is Intelligence Unleashed. From Intelligence All Ways, Instincts & Values Flow, Even Happiness. History and Science Teach Us Not Just Humility, But Power, Smarts, And The Ways We Should Embrace. Naturam Primum Cognoscere Rerum

Learning from Dogs

Dogs are animals of integrity. We have much to learn from them.


Smile! You’re at the best site ever


Human Biodiversity, IQ, Evolutionary Psychology, Epigenetics and Evolution

Political Reactionary

Dark Enlightenment and Neoreaction

Of Particular Significance

Conversations About Science with Theoretical Physicist Matt Strassler

Rise, Republic, Plutocracy, Degeneracy, Fall And Transmutation Of Rome

Power Exponentiation By A Few Destroyed Greco-Roman Civilization. Are We Next?

SoundEagle 🦅ೋღஜஇ

Where The Eagles Fly . . . . Art Science Poetry Music & Ideas

Artificial Turf At French Bilingual School Berkeley

Artificial Turf At French Bilingual School Berkeley

Patterns of Meaning

Exploring the patterns of meaning that shape our world

Sean Carroll

in truth, only atoms and the void

West Hunter

Omnes vulnerant, ultima necat

GrrrGraphics on WordPress

Skulls in the Stars

The intersection of physics, optics, history and pulp fiction

Footnotes to Plato

because all (Western) philosophy consists of a series of footnotes to Plato

Patrice Ayme's Thoughts

Striving For Ever Better Thinking. Humanism Is Intelligence Unleashed. From Intelligence All Ways, Instincts & Values Flow, Even Happiness. History and Science Teach Us Not Just Humility, But Power, Smarts, And The Ways We Should Embrace. Naturam Primum Cognoscere Rerum

Learning from Dogs

Dogs are animals of integrity. We have much to learn from them.


Smile! You’re at the best site ever