The Tao of Two

"You are allowed to be both a masterpiece and a work in progress, simultaneously." - Sophia Bush Someone had asked about the "Form into emptiness, emptiness into form" thing. It's a mysterious Zen Buddhist phrase that philosophers love to tackle. But all it means is things rise and fade, and while they rise they carry... Continue Reading →

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The Tao of Bitter-Sweet

"It's absurd to divide people into good and bad. People are either charming or tedious." - Oscar Wilde Oscar seems to have a handle on our social field much better than most. At least he's willing to admit living from ego, opinion, and judgement, which he did very well. Which most of us do really... Continue Reading →

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The Tao of Attention

"Thank you for misunderstanding me, rejecting me and not seeing me and teaching me to always see myself." - Maryam Hasnaa One of the things about being aged experienced is I'm learning about attention. Both attentions. In meditation we are obsessed with PAYING ATTENTION!!!!!!! Which always seems a little strange, because I haven't figured out... Continue Reading →

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The Tao of a Genuine Self

"When you see the genuine, you don't deal with the fakes anymore." - Nima Davani Genuine, what does it mean to be "genuinely yourself?" When you look it up it says genuine means to be authentic, and when you look up authentic it says it means to be genuine. I never know what to do... Continue Reading →

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The Tao of a Stop

"Stop. Stop everything. Then you will realize you are the freedom you've been searching for." H.W.L. Poonja Stopping is weird. I have been fascinated by the idea of being in a state of free fall. Where there is no attachment, not done purposefully by ego, not under the statement "I am unattached." But under the... Continue Reading →

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The Tao of being Useless

"If you can spend a perfectly useless afternoon, in a perfectly useless manner, you have learned how to live." - Lin Yutang I finally figured something out. In order to remain in the experience of freefall one must give up being in freefall. Buddhists love freefall. They call it stream entry. And although they are... Continue Reading →

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The Tao of Reading

"You can't do big things while being distracted by the small things." - Unknown It's one of those "motivational" memes. I can't do small things when distracted by big things either. I get confused by some of the "wise guy" sayings posted on Reddit and elsewhere. I guess common sense is wisdom when seen clearly.... Continue Reading →

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Tao of Hope

"In spite of everything, I still believe people are really good at heart." - Anne Frank I hope Anne is right. The very idea that she could hold this belief is amazing in itself. It's more of a hope than anything else. And, honestly? It's pretty difficult to see Himmler or Dr. Mengele as someone... Continue Reading →

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A Tao of Connection and Sangha

"Realize that everything connects to everything else." - Leonardo Da Vinci I walk. It's good for me, or at least that's the story. What's most annoying about walking is it comes in two forms. One I want to walk, the other I convince myself to walk because it's good for me. I'm not sure what... Continue Reading →

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Accidently Skillful Tao

"The times is always right to do what's right." - Martin Luther King For years I was caught up in the lawn game. Anyone know the lawn game? In the era I grew up, playing the lawn game was a necessity. Only weirdo's and old witches had lawns that were anything less than pristine. We... Continue Reading →

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Tao of the Sissy

"Having a soft heart in a cruel world is courage, not weakness."- Katherine Henson I grew up in simple times. Boys did boy stuff and liked Blue. Girls did girl stuff and like pink. If, for some reason, you didn't fit that simple model your were tortured endlessly on the playground and were the source... Continue Reading →

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The Tao of One

"The power to change the world begins with a single person who believes in something greater than themselves." - Bryce Courtenay Daryl Davis was a musician who also happened to be black. He performed with Chuck Berry among others. Roger Kelly was the Grand Wizard of The KKK. Daryl, although just one man, made friends... Continue Reading →

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The Tao of the Dancing Angels

"If you're a really mean person you're going to come back as a fly and eat shit." - Kurt Cobain Classical Buddhism likes to argue about angels dancing on pinheads. It's the eastern version of a bunch of Pseudo Intellectuals mentally master-baiting each other over silly stuff. Well, I believe this, one announces. I believe... Continue Reading →

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Tao of 1,000 posts

"Just do the next thing, one thing at a time." - Glennon Doyle Melton A dharma friend Zoomed and asked what special event I had planned for the thousandth blog. I appreciated the enthusiasm, but I had to tell her I had forgotten about it. A few weeks ago I had noticed it was coming... Continue Reading →

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Seeing Clearly, Again and Again

"It's strange how simple things become, once you see them clearly." - Ayn Rand I am always fascinated by the idea that in some way I can see things clearly. It's a big encouragement in some meditation circles, to see clearly. See it for what it is! Don't buy into your stories, just see life... Continue Reading →

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The Tao of Words

"A disciplined mind brings happiness." - Buddha No it doesn't. I mean it could if it existed, but for me in my experience, it doesn't. Wow, how arrogant I must be to go against the words of the wonderful always right Buddha. But listen, this is another comment attributed to the same guy. Buddha's having... Continue Reading →

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Roles and the Tao

"A person playing a role will eventually forget their lines....... Pay attention, the act can't go on forever." - Kendrick Perkins I'm always wobbling around when I end up with a role. I was involved in a project and part of a group discussion. My "role" was to formulate an agenda with another person and... Continue Reading →

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A Tao of Fixing People

"If you try to fix people, sooner or later you're going to be the one who needs fixing." - Dr. Nitin Perhaps this is why I avoid the label "Teacher." It narrows to this fine line, am I "teaching" or am I "fixing?" Do I want to "teach" from a position of sharing information and... Continue Reading →

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The Tao of a Heart

"When the heart truly understands, it lets go of everything." - Ajahn Chan If you're a meditator you've probably heard the "Let go" phrase a lot. Spiritual authority is build on the silliest things. Like the awesome skill of "JUST LETTING GO." We have these images of people floating through personal disasters and the evils... Continue Reading →

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A Birthday’s Tao

"An ending is not the end." - k. Tolnoe It's all relative. I mean everything. Contingent. Mysterious. Unknown. It seems every time I think I know something, I don't. Ah-ha turns to Oh-no. No wonder I occasionally suffer from anxiety, worry, fear, and the dreaded feeling that I'm never going to figure out what my... Continue Reading →

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Tao of Trust

"You are the answer to all your questions." - Ama Ma When I initially discovered Zen and Buddhism I was thrilled that soon, I would end world suffering and probably my own. Like a small child I raced around for a while attempting to find some Guru who lead me directly to myself. Finally a... Continue Reading →

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The Tao of “Mine”

"I'm not jealous (greedy, self-obsessed, narrow-minded,) but what's mine is mine." - unknown Mine. It's mine, they are mine, and that's mine. Inside, in my strange little interior world that only I know, I live out of two perspectives. And lately I've been noticing I'm not the only one. It feels as though we all... Continue Reading →

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Zen of Giving

"To receive everything, one must open one's hands and give." - Taisen Deshimaru Giving is a wonderful thing. I have, then you have. A simple direct transaction. A movement from A to B. As a species you would think we would have this down, this giving thing. But what I find over and over, is... Continue Reading →

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The Tao of an Unfolding Turkey

"Every life is complicated, every mind a kingdom of unmapped mysteries." - Dean Koontz Sometimes I don't have to pay attention to life's unfolding miracles, it raps me on the forehead yelling "Hey, look!." Life has these mysterious threads of people, places, and things that seem to gravitate and gain my attention at different times,... Continue Reading →

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The Tao of those annoying Humans

"We cannot despair of humanity, since we ourselves are human beings." - Albert Einstein Occasionally, due to an inability to grasp reality, I find myself at odds with humanity. In my experience, when I have no contact with humans, life is pretty balanced and understandable. Things work, or they don't. Things are or they aren't.... Continue Reading →

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The Unfolding Impermanence

"I would like to live as a river flows, carried by the surprise of it's own unfolding." - John O'Donohue I am angry at my left foot. Well, left leg really. In some beliefs the body is seen as a vehicle, in others its seen as a part of whole. And lots of different chatter,... Continue Reading →

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A View, the past from the Present

"Death is not the greatest loss of life. The greatest loss is what dies inside us as we live." - unknown. That's it isn't it? A few people seek to expand an inclusive view of accepting life by meditating. Sitting quietly and experiencing the flow of useless thoughts that they once found so fascinating. And... Continue Reading →

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The Tao of Deeper Stuff

"The only thing I keep learning over and over is, I don't know nothing." - Dwayne Johnson Exactly so, Dwayne. Some Dharma friends and I are examining what constitutes Deeper Teachings. You know, really deep, deep, teachings. What seems really important is finding someone who is the possessor of said deep teachings so they can... Continue Reading →

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The Tao of Butterflies and Us

Sometimes people come into your life for a moment, a day, or a lifetime. It matters not the time they spent with you but how they impacted your life in that time. - unknown Which I guess means I need to try to pay attention to them. And it's not just people, butterflies too. Carol... Continue Reading →

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The Tao of Reaction

The difference between responding or reacting is choice. - Henry Cloud Except a reaction is based on reflex and reflex is an automatic conditioned movement. It's not a choice. For me, it becomes a choice only after the reaction has risen and I have experienced it in attention. It's like flipping the light switch when... Continue Reading →

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The Tao of a Spiritual Life

"The only spiritual life you need is not to react. - Robert Adams Reflexive reaction? Or measured response? Robert's statement means more to me than I ever could have believed. Although he's wrong about not reacting, for me spiritual means to acknowledge the trigger and the feeling of reaction, and wait through the feeling until... Continue Reading →

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The “Feeling” Tao

"Sometimes the most profound feelings are the ones words fail to express." How are Ya?............................. I'm Ok.....................How are you? I wonder how many thousands of times I've been through the above in one form or another? It's always been the opening salvo in the Midwest. Testing the waters. It works well, this "Hello, lets... Continue Reading →

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Something New

"The biggest risk a person can take is to do nothing." - Robert T. Kiyosaki Of course, Bob isn't talking about meditation. Because in meditation there's nothing to do. I'm just sitting and being. That is the point. Being is the point, not doing. Despite all the activities the "spiritual authorities" like to spin around... Continue Reading →

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A “Future” Tao

"I look to the future because that's where I'm going to spend the rest of my life." - George Burns What an exciting time of year, of life, really. Yesterday I noticed a lot of buds on everything. The Japanese Maple is fun to watch as it dresses itself quickly once the buds appear. Seemingly... Continue Reading →

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Good Days

"Success is the sum of small efforts - repeated day in and day out." - Robert Collier Well, I'm not really sure about that. I have this image of someone working on a factory line doing a numbingly small task day after day for 50 years. But maybe that is success. I know people who... Continue Reading →

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Exquisite Moments

"Never apologize for what you feel, it's like being sorry for being real." - Lil Wayne He nailed this. Not from Gautama the Buddha, but from the American music scene. Yesterday was the rarest of days, in terms of being human in a state of being. I was fortunate to have two different conversations that... Continue Reading →

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A Tao of Being

"The challenging is not to be perfect, it's to be whole." - Jane Fonda A wonderful quote from someone who was famous for reasons I never understood. Like a lot of "famous" people in this world, she grew up famous already. If mom or dad is famous, so are you, it's a default issue. Yesterday... Continue Reading →

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The Tao of People

"I love mankind! It's people I can't stand." - Linus van Pelt Linus has a point. As unpleasant a point as it is, it's still a major philosophy among the human species. How do I know this? Every time I find myself in a group of people, whether I know them or not, and someone... Continue Reading →

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A Quirky Journey

"Do something today that the future you will thank you for." - Unknown I always think of the future me way up the timeline somewhere. Like the future me exists only after so many days have passed to be official. The official "me" of the future is almost always an improved me, at least in... Continue Reading →

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The Tao of Sound

"The Sound of the Rain needs no Translation" - Alan Watts and Impermanence 1956, The family had this molded vinyl, beige record player and it weighed a ton, the harbinger of the newest pollutant, plastic. It had 33 1/3, 45, and 78 as the preselected speeds one could use to play records. One of the... Continue Reading →

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"The Truth will set you free, but first it will make you miserable." - James A. Garfield Only if you think it's TRUE. The TRUTH. Identification of something that is always exactly what it is, permanently. No matter what. I don't know if you've noticed, but nothing in this part of the universe is exactly... Continue Reading →

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Stories of new Stories

"What Story will you Tell?" - Advertisement A commercial appeared for hair dye and presented this statement at the end, with shots of redone blondes, brunettes, and redheads, smiling, having fun, and hanging around with the upper class. Racing cars and going hot air ballooning. Of course all the models were the 1% of 1%... Continue Reading →

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Reaching Out

Having a need and needing help isn't a sign that you're weak. It's a sign that your human." - Kate Northrup A while ago I came to the conclusion that being human has to be the most challenging experience in the universe. It's a life sentence of changing perspectives on self and others, attempting to... Continue Reading →

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Craving and Not the Craving

"We are all craving to be deeply loved." - unknown Sometimes we talk about things like wanting, craving, and desire. There are some pretty powerful statements about moving away from the pull of these things in the world of meditation. "Let go of wanting, craving, and desire, and you'll be, you guessed it, HAPPY! (It's... Continue Reading →

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Do it, Tao.

Yesterday you said tomorrow, just do it." - Nike Nike. I like the assertive tone, It's like having an irritated parent. But, I'm an expert in delaying things. Mostly things that I don't really want to do anyway. So it's helpful to have rude companies around to remind me that I'm a responsible adult. "Just... Continue Reading →

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The Tao of Movies and Connection

"It's not what you look at that matters, it's what you see." - Henry David Thoreau I love movies. I was one of those children who became addicted to television at a young age. I'm convinced my mother was thrilled with the new babysitter/mentor/parent that now sat against one wall. I would carefully place a... Continue Reading →

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Context of Care

"Determination, energy, and courage appear spontaneously when we care deeply about something. We take risks that unimaginable in any other context." - Margaret J. Wheatley Another way of saying the background matters. Backgrounds are interesting. A play needs props for it to be what it is. A script written about the civil war needs civil... Continue Reading →

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Tao of Good and Evil

"In real life, the hardest aspect of the battle between good and evil is determining which is which." George R. R. Martin I guess. The hard part for me is the whole idea that there's nothing that's truthful anymore. It' started with the words, "Fake news." And people selling lie after lie. And that's the... Continue Reading →

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Tao of the “Other”

"As for not liking people, that's fine. I don't really like people either. Maybe we could not like people together." - Tricia Levenseller Lately I've been noticing how true this is for me. I don't actually "like" people. Or perhaps it's more of a low tolerance. I wonder why? I think it's because I'm conditioned... Continue Reading →

A tiny Sangha

"Enjoy the little things, for one day you may look back and realize they were the big things." - Robert Breault I'm tired of the big sloppy human sangha's. The drama, the angst, and the ongoing childish attempts to end suffering by sitting and suffering silently for 45 minutes. 40 minute of which is spent... Continue Reading →

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