About the Sky

It’s a curious thing
Raindrops so huge
They land with a splat!
On my windshield
While across the sky
The sun fights its way
Through dark clouds
There must be a rainbow close by
Natural progressions
Able to awaken
A belly full of emotions
Welling up through
My lungs, exiting
With each breath
Pulling me
Into the day
While a song
About the sky
Plays quietly
In the background
Another sky photo from my Mom. 🤍💙


My recent desire for a pet may be related to our recently empty nest. What is it about that need to care for someone or something? As a young mom, someone always needs you. And though some moments felt overwhelming, part of me misses those days. Yes, they will always need me at some level. And I will always be their mom. The difference now is I realize how very much I need them. ❤️


You were scared
No purring
No quiet meows
Only hiding
Not in an
Unfriendly way
You were scared-
I think she needs me
Even though
The thought of
Taking you home
Made me nervous
Pets bring responsibility
But here we are
And I think maybe
I need you, too

Simply Sunday

Side by Side

Every now and then
A sweet moment
Becomes an instant
Replay of the past
Even if not initially
Recognized as such-
A smile captured
Awakening a
Prompting a search-

A search for
An image from
Another time
That when placed
Beside the new
Allows past and present
To share smiles
And sweet joy
Cherishing a
Precious treasure
Handmade with love

A rocking airplane built by my husband almost thirty years ago.
Son and daughter on the left, granddaughter on the right. ❤️

Simultaneous Smiles

How is it
When I sit
Across the table from you
Noticing your beautiful
Grown-up smile
I simultaneously see
Your sweet smile
As you held
Your baby brother
For the first time
Your hesitant smile
On the first day
Of kindergarten
Your teary smile
On the last day
Of fifth grade-
All of them
Spun together
Into the lovely
Tapestry of you
Each thread, a memory
Sewn into my heart
I suppose that’s why
It is how it is
When I sit
Across the table from you

For Rachel ❤️

Simply Sunday


Happy Birthday to our sweet Emi June! This year has flown by so fast. And she helped fill it with so much joy and laughter. We love watching her grow and explore her world. And we are thankful to be her Gig and Papa. 💗

Row, Row, Row Your Boat-The Piano Guys Kelley Morris, piano

The Flower Shop

Perhaps because it was
My thirty-first
Wedding anniversary 
Perhaps because your 
Silvery white hair
Brought memories of Dad
And the anniversaries 
He and Mom celebrated-
I don’t know why
I noticed you walking
Into the flower shop
While sitting in
The drive-thru line
Next door, waiting
For my lunch
But I wondered
Why you were there-
You looked distinguished 
In your dark navy slacks
Light blue button-down
And silvery white hair
So many possibilities 
For your stop at
The flower shop-
If only I could wait
To see what flowers
You purchased-
But I couldn’t wait
There were cars behind
And work ahead-
I chose to picture you
And your lovely wife
Celebrating your anniversary
Fifty or sixty years, perhaps?
I guess I’ll never know
But I’m thankful
My thoughts had
The chance to wander


My best ones
Are with you
Those from
Before you
Are blurry
Well, at least
The bad ones
Oh, we’ve had
Our challenges
But we faced
Each one
Here’s to another
Eleven thousand
Three hundred
And fifteen-
Happy 31st Anniversary! ❤️

Simply Sunday

A sacred space
Exists between
Birth and death
No matter the
Length of time
It is so much
More than time
Influenced by
Experiencing it
We embrace it
Hide from it
Run away from it
But it finds us
And sometimes
Surprise us

Exquisitely Unique

Creatures crawling
Across desert sands
Ocean floors
Swimming in
Deep seas
Mountain streams
Flying leaf to leaf
Tree to tree
In the jungle
In the forest
An unending variety
Of shapes and sizes
Colors and textures
Infinite possibilities
Of patterns
Infinite possibilities
For imagination
Nature, science, math
Impossible to separate
Creatures living
And dying
As the artist searches

https://crystalbridges.org/calendar/exquisite-creatures/ A surprising and beautiful exhibit!
Snapshots from our hike at Tanyard Creek in Bella Vista, AR

Simply Sunday

As a new Mom, I had much to learn. On-the-job training at its finest! There were many changes and emotions to process. I was barely able to catch my breath. And I haven’t even mentioned the lack of sleep. But, oh, so much love.

As a new Gigi, there is still much to learn. Much of it through reflecting. Seeing my babies as I hold my granddaughter. Understanding how my mom must have felt holding my children for the first time. And again, so much love.

Motherhood is a beautiful circle of strength and love sewn with unbreakable threads. It causes us to need each other in ways we may never completely understand. It leaves me humbled and grateful.

Happy Mother’s Day! 💗