


Bone-deep in winter

meadow trees are sleeping, but

time skates on thin ice.



(c) 2022  Betty Hayes Albright


Water-color by my grandmother, Lilly Bjornstad


Winter Solstice


Underneath the frost it turns,

hidden in a fog it churns —

winter snaps its coiled whip

cracks the ice but holds its grip.


It wraps the trees in shiver beads,

chews on shadows, spits out seeds

to grace the gardens flocked in sleep

waiting for that northward leap

of the wandering,

prodigal sun.



(c) Betty Hayes Albright  2014, 2021


(Re-posted from 2017)


Wishing everyone a Happy Winter’s Solstice — and may your holidays be filled with love, joy and peace!




She likes feathers –

leaves of lace,

wings in willows

kissed with grace,


trails of moonlight,

velvet strings,

dew-lit grass

and faerie rings.


She likes watercolors

in the trees

and lichen stirring

in the breeze


and mossy fractals

around lagoons

and gossamer tendrils

in founts and plumes.


She likes sea spray

on crystal clear

and Agape in

the atmosphere


and deep behind

a filigree shawl


on the wall.


She likes feathers,

leaves of grace,

time on the wing,

a kiss on the face


and ribbons dangling

from the mirror

and sweet suggestions

in her ear.



© 2021  Betty Hayes Albright

Congratulations to Lauren Scott on the publication of her beautiful new book!

Baydreamer ~ Lauren Scott

I am very excited to announce the release of my new book, More than Coffee: Memories in Verse and Prose.”


From the early woes of childhood and teen years, this collection of stories and poems paints a picture of young dreams and fears. But as adulthood sets in, these dreams and fears change. More than Coffee touches on love and loss, nature and endurance, marriage and parenting. In these memories, humor diffuses fear and taking risks proves to be a powerful method in boosting self-confidence. Through it all, whether in the wilderness near a sparkling lake or in the comfort of home, there’s nothing like a good cup of coffee. A poignant and reflective collection of verse and prose that is best enjoyed sipping your favorite coffee roast.

If you would like to purchase the paperback or ebook, below are the links:

US: Amazon: https://tinyurl.com/22a75vhj


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The tree turns into bone

while its leaves

turn into feathers

in the alabaster light

just before the sun goes down.


Ninety feet up

a young eagle leaps

around his nest

of sticks and straw

flapping his wings

like wide miracles


until the sun finally sets

and they fold again

hugging his wild sides –

every bone and feather

neatly back in place.



© 2021   Betty Hayes Albright


Inspired by watching the Redding, California eagle cam. I highly recommend! The three eaglets will fledge in 2-3 weeks.

Sorry for my absence here… hoping to eventually catch up with everyone.

Also hope you’re all well — I’ve missed you all. ❤


Son Sets


Like those nesting dolls

in graduated sizes

my sons became

encased each year

inside of bigger boys.

Now grown and sealed

inside tall men

they’re unaware

I still see through

a mother’s eyes

to all those younger little boys

still playing deep inside.



(c) 1992, 2021  Betty Hayes Albright

(A re-post; also previously published in Skipping Stones)


This week my first born son turns 50….! 

(Hard to grasp, as I still haven’t accepted that I’m over 50! 😊 )

And I still often see that little boy still playing deep inside him. 

The Collector

We miss you, Ben Naga.

Ben Naga


When you talk
The air becomes filled with butterflies
And while you talk
I catch them in my hands
And put them gently in my pocket
And when I leave you
I go home
Take them gently from my pocket
And arrange them
…………………….Like this
On a piece of paper
So that when you find out what I am doing
And no longer let them loose when I am there
I can come home
…………………….And remember …

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Thank you, Charles, for putting my thoughts into words. It has been an unbelievable day.

charles french words reading and writing

I was going to do a post on writing today, but with what is happening in Washington, D.C., I have to speak about this insanity.

I will start by saying that I support peaceful protest of all kinds, because it is guaranteed in our Constitution, but I never support protest that is violent, including from those with whom I agree politically. Violent protest is never acceptable. Please do not reply by comparing today’s actions to other protests; as I stated, I disagree with all violent protests. Besides that would be like a child saying “Well, he did it, so I am too.” The logic is ridiculous.

What is happening today, though, is far worse than violent protest. By breaching the Capitol and disrupting the Constitutional work of the government, these people, who were incited by President Trump have committed many federal crimes and are committing insurrection. They are attempting to…

View original post 226 more words

Winter Fire


I am the water

you draw from your well –

steep me

into your tea.


I am the slice of hot toast

on your plate –

let me melt

your fresh apple butter.


I am the evergreen

on your morning walk –

breathe me

into your shadow.


I am the eyes

meeting yours in the marketplace –

see the pangs

of my hunger.


I am the line

down the middle of your road –

follow me

through the desert.


I am the match

that lights your winter fire –

catch my sparks

in a jar.


I am the shooting star

in your fevered night –

wish for me

one more time.



(c) 1995, 2020 Betty Hayes Albright


(a re-post, revised….)



Untouched Snow


O magic tilt of earth,

we sing and dance

in this new wash

of winter.


Icy prisms

play the stars


while we gather

reds and greens

to weave ourselves

a holy wreath


as one tall candle


the untouched snow.



(c) 1992, 2020  Betty Hayes Albright


(A re-post from 2011 — revised…)


Wishing everyone a holiday season

filled with love, joy, peace and good health.

Merry Christmas!!