Chelsea Flower Show 2013: Press Day

✿❀ Queensland Orchid International ❀✿

LONDON, ENGLAND – MAY 20: British artist Marc Quinn poses with his sculpture of an orchid in the Royal Horticultural Society (RHS) garden during the Chelsea Flower Show press day on May 20, 2013 in L..

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Orchid Festival at Kew Gardens

✿❀ Queensland Orchid International ❀✿

LONDON, ENGLAND – FEBRUARY 06: Horticulturalist Ellie Biondi arranges plants in the new exhibition ‘Orchids’ in the Princess of Wales Conservatory at the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew on February…

LONDON, ENGLAND – FEBRUARY 06: Horticulturalists Ellie Biondi and Alex De Hoyle arrange plants in the new exhibition ‘Orchids’ in the Princess of Wales Conservatory at the Royal Botanic Gardens…

LONDON, ENGLAND – FEBRUARY 06: Horticulturalists arrange plants in the new exhibition ‘Orchids’ in the Princess of Wales Conservatory at the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew on February 6, 2014 in…

LONDON, ENGLAND – FEBRUARY 06: Horticulturalist Jess Lee arranges plants in the new exhibition ‘Orchids’ in the Princess of Wales Conservatory at the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew on February 6…

LONDON, ENGLAND – FEBRUARY 06: Horticulturalist Jess Lee admires the Phalaenopsis hybrid ‘Diamond Sky’ in the new exhibition ‘Orchids’ in the Princess of Wales Conservatory at the Roy…


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RHS Wisley Butterflies « Implausible blog

While searching for snowdrops and crocus I happened by the glasshouse at RHS Wisley which is currently hosting a dozen species of exotic butterflies amongst the tropical plants :) – Also see Agent Butter-Fly below!

via RHS Wisley Butterflies « Implausible blog.

RHS Hampton Court 2010 « Implausible blog

Beautiful gardens, designs and creativity on display at the show, ending with the stunning English (Morning) Mist rose.

via RHS Hampton Court 2010 « Implausible blog.

RHS Chelsea 2010 « Implausible blog

Gardens galore with fantastic creative talents on display at this world famous extravaganza including my absolute favourite, a dress made of roses worn of course by a model!

via RHS Chelsea 2010 « Implausible blog.

RHS Harlow Carr and Betty’s a Match Made in Heaven

Small Adventures and Grand Discoveries

Harlow Carr was one of those places I remember going to with dread when I little. Don’t get me wrong it was and is a lovely place but years ago it was a garden that held absolutely no interest for me at all. It didn’t have a play area and it wasn’t somewhere to go to mess about, but how times have changed.

I’ve been to Harlow Carr twice in the last month and bit. The tulips were out the first time and I went with my Mum, Dad and Sister, a much more enjoyable trip than when we were younger. The second time I went with my hubby the tulips were being removed, new plants added and gardens being repainted.

There were many families walking around all enjoying the gardens and the children certainly didn’t look bored, there were activity sheets, things to find, a treehouse playground and a…

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Visit Peak District & Derbyshire

Since the RHS show first arrived at Tatton Park 14 years ago Tatton’s gardening team have been creating gardens that have met with admiration from both judges and visitors .. and this year is no exception with a silver gilt being added to their medal collection which already consists of over 20 medals.

tatton garden rhs 2012

The title of this year’s Cheshire East garden is Interplantatary Travel – A Flight of Fancy. It was inspired by Tatton Park Arts Biennial 2012 Flights of Fancy which runs until September 30 and explores Tatton’s aeronautical legacy and the idea of achieving the impossible. The history of Tatton Park and its owners plays an important role in the `plot’. The concept behind this year’s winning garden is that Maurice Egerton (4th and last Baron of Egerton of Tatton) sent plants from Tatton’s gardens not only to other countries in the world but also to other…

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Wisley Gardens, a plant heaven


As some of you might know, I recently moved to the UK, and now live in a lovely town called Guildford.

About 10 km from Guildford lies the second most visited English Garden, Wisley, which is maintained by the Royal Horticultural Society. Covering around 100 hectares, it’s a lovely place, with many different features…I haven’t seen everything, but I will certainly go again, now that I’m a RHS member! 🙂

The visit begins with the “Laboratory”, an old mansion and its pond with many different waterlily varieties….and a rather proud heron!

After the laboratory, we walked to the “Alpine Meadow”, a gentle hill covered in blooms with scenic ponds and great views over the the garden.

Next to the Alpine Meadow lies the “Rock Garden”, which displays alpine plants, bulbs, or exotics all loving dry and rocky slopes. I particularly liked the pink bed made by these South African…

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Who needs flowers when foliage will do?


You will be glad to know this is a rhetorical question. If asked to find an answer it would be a simple response – we all do! But, on a recent visit to the Royal Horticultural Society’s garden in Devon, the wonderful Rosemoor, I took this collection of photographs featuring foliage with occasional interesting bark. Not a flower in sight.

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Di’s visit to RHS Flower Show Tatton Park, 2012

Primrose Blog

Of all the RHS Flower Shows held across the country, I have to admit that the Tatton Show is closest to my heart! It’s almost on our doorstep (well, 20 minutes drive away) and situated in the heart of our beautiful Cheshire countryside.

I cannot believe it’s been 14 years since our very first “Tatton”, and we’ve visited most of them ever since.

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Tatton Park Part 1

Mitzvahs and Marrows

RHS Tatton Park Garden Show Part 1

On 19th July 2012 the Mitzvahs and Marrows group (thanks to a grant) were able to attend the RHS Tatton Park Garden Show.  This was a tremendous opportunity to see and enjoy show gardens, fruit and vegetable exhibits and garden art of the highest standards.  It was an inspirational visit and the group came back with so many ideas (… and items bought from the various stall holders too!)

There were various show gardens, a floral pavilion, a fruit/vegetable/herb pavilion, stalls with everything from food to garden art to garden structures for sale, and in some cases there was a chance to talk to the exhibitors themselves about their excellent displays.

In Part 2 there will be more comment and pictures from Mitzvahs and Marrows members.  For this post please enjoy checking out these selection of photos.  If you know any of the names of…

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