Mahadeva, Ender of Worlds

amazing waterfall with lush foliage on rocks
Photo by ArtHouse Studio on

Ender of words, you who are

The moon-winged light

Glimpsed through silver clouds that recall only

The music

Of the rain

That hums

On the dry branches of the scrub oak,

You who are the soul

Of the juniper trees and the wind-waving sage,

Re-awaken now your lands of magic,

And so,

Unmask the deeper, greener forest

Of long ago,

Abode of the forgotten fairy folk.

Young Ganesha watches from among the red-encircled blossoms

To hear anew

The clear

Ringing chimes

Sound, that the dust of a crumbled age

Is gone,

Swept away and cast


On the gusts of the great


That peace may settle ever after

On the blue-

Belled petals

That gather in an opalescent bowl,

A glimmering, crystal grail,


Beyond where the ragged hulls of iron ships

Were set adrift on a tired sea.

Soon the haloed star

May bless the night,

And the coyote

Sing her laughing song again

In the darkness, beside the shimmering gate

Of a time beyond times


At last

The long-toed crane

Dips his beak

Into the cold waters of the creek.


Mahadeva, Shining One, Dispeller of fear,

May the swans, who know, and have always known, all things, sail

Ever near

Before the bright, sky-clad boat of the dawn,


On through the echoing waters of a many lilied mist.

© Copyright Sharon St Joan, 2024

Mother Owl

barn owl perched on tree
Photo by DSD on

Singing stars, of galaxies long


Or soon

To be – or still to become.

Mother Owl

Who watches over her offspring,

Hears the odd, rustling songs of the night,

She seeks deep notes to hum,

Calling all the angels into existence,

And will sing

The night along,

Having created encircled lands and islands,

Nights where the fierce howl

Of the wolf of electric fur,

Who would prowl

Along the diamond-enchanted snow,


Under the sky,


To bring into being the waves that reach the far rocks

On the ice-riven


The Owl gathers all the threads, the strands

Of day and night,

With which to build her

Holy nest,

All the stories ever told,

And all the rest,

All the arrows that light

The way.

Mother Owl,

Of ringed mists, dark and gray,

Queen of all, author of being,

Purveyor of the sunset and the arctic flight –

Where now fly the flocks

Of geese

That unfold

In the black sphere, white-winged,

Where the friends of the night still

Watch and remember?

Mother Owl, essence of meaning,

Bringer of peace,


Will you fly,

To re-imagine all the worlds that are to be again

In the cool spring of the twinkling brook

Within the mists of the moon,

Within the mountain of the mystic dawn

Of yesteryear?

After a wise look –

The clear-singing Owl,

Steps upon the branch half-bent,

Takes flight

Across the star-gowned


Through light rains blessed

And gladly given,

Drifting down.

© Copyright, Sharon St Joan, 2024

Where are we among the happenings in the world?

By Sharon St Joan

We do not need to drown in the sorrows of the world – or be angry – or disconsolate.

a cormorant perched on a tree stump near the lake
Photo by Siegfried Poepperl on

We can take a walk in the woods.

At this time in our world, it may be possible, as always, to be aware of the universal transcendent presence of peace, beauty, grace, courage, dignity.

It may not be possible for us at this precise moment – if we have just experienced a personal tragedy – or witnessed the profound pain of others.

But, unless this is, for you, one of those profoundly tragic moments in life (though often even then) – then it is still possible today to be aware that – beyond the horrors of this world – beyond the blood-soaked terrors of the news on TV – beyond our own personal pain that may sometimes come by for an uninvited visit –– it may still be possible, no matter what feelings we are caught up in – to encounter a moment of profound transcendence – profound peace.

There may yet be a startling moment when we are aware of the Presence of God. These days, we are supposed to call God something else – the “Universe”, for example – as if God were embarrassed to be called God.

Mostly, we have a choice – if we prefer not to be bothered with God, that’s just fine. There are many other things we can read instead of this.

On the other hand, there are those among us who cannot avoid glimpsing the profound beauty of the universe. This vision comes upon us maybe unexpectedly – a glimpse of the splendor of the night sky or the grace of a deer running through the forest. Or the sense that we have never been without the Friend who has aways been there with us.

Especially in nature it is very hard to be unaware of the profound beauty all around us — the delicate lace of the tree branches. The glow of the petals of the sunset. The sound of the little stream rushing by.

It is hard not to sense the overwhelming power of eternity, of love, of the infinite – not to be aware of the intense presence of Grace.

So, when wild birds sing to you, when the snow sparkles in the arctic cold, when an invisible Presence walks with you – you are blessed. The ultimate reality is the presence of God.

© Copyright, Sharon St Joan, 2023

Ask yourself a question – What is meaning?

leafless tree on grass field
Photo by Johannes Plenio on

Now-a-days we are taught that only the physical level exists. If someone mentions heaven or angels or (God forbid!) God – Himself or Herself, they are met with a condescending smile and a bit of a smirk (poor thing, they obviously have no education at all – imagine believing in all those silly things!)

There are still some Christians and some other believers of one sort and another (and some of those too are fairly toxic in their condescension and definitely to be avoided).

There are even a few people who talk about “the Universe” – as something vague and amorphous, rather like God – but one wouldn’t want to get caught actually talking to this Universe – after all that would be childish.

This transformation in society – which is particularly overwhelming in western society – has become really much more apparent within the last twenty years or so. It was there before – especially among those “well-educated” – even among those from other parts of the world – especially those who traveled to the west – to Europe or the U.S. — to become the beneficiaries of “Western Education.”

This atheism goes along with the rise of science and modern technology.  Instead of worshipping the moon – as our very distant ancestors used to do, we build great spaceships that travel to the moon. This is considered a tremendous advance – astounding progress.

Instead of worshipping trees, mountains, hills, rivers – as our distant ancestors used to do – we “manage the wilderness” trying (some of us) ever so painfully to preserve something of the natural world, even as we, as a society, poison the earth with carbon dioxide and all manner of pollution.  We carefully measure our carbon dioxide footprint and calculate our honorable intentions.  Meanwhile governments, armies, and big tech industries pollute to their heart’s content – smiling and proclaiming to all who would listen, their very, very sincere efforts to  protect the earth and all its “resources.”

This state of affairs goes hand in hand with this being the age of science and technology.

Scientists and other very, very wise people discuss at length the meaning of “consciousness.”  Psychiatrists diagnose and prescribe drugs for all manner of human behavior. A pill will change your child’s behavior – and it does – never mind the long-term cost.

But look at how very far advanced we are. Now we are civilized. We torture people quietly, only beyond closed doors. We are so very humane. We destroy cities, quietly – beyond the headlines. Our warfare isn’t brutal at all – not like those long-ago atrocious times of our ancestors. Now we kill and maim people quietly – we pay for other people to do our torture for us. We complain that they are too cruel and inhumane – as we finance their armies.

But back to the point. We now, as a society, see only the physical level of existence – nothing more. We see no heaven, no hell, no spirits, no angels, no God, no Divine Presence, no Eternity, no karma, no dharma, no purpose – no spiritual level or awareness of other levels beyond the purely physical.

Now ask yourself a question:  Have you ever seen a miracle? – maybe an illness, declared irreversible by a doctor—simply disappear with no apparent explanation? Have you ever heard the phone ring and known who was calling you? Have you ever had a premonition of something about to happen? Have you ever felt a presence in the room with you – maybe your grandmother who passed away?  Have you ever been visited in a dream by a beloved pet who died and felt that you were really and truly visited and blessed by their presence? Have you ever been saved, inexplicably, from a very dangerous situation – or had a prayer answered?

Have you ever felt an invisible presence guiding you, protecting you, inspiring you?

Science, of course, would tell us, that all those things are simply our imagination – nothing more.

What about the beauty of nature?  Have you ever looked at a sunset and found it so overpoweringly beautiful that it took your breath away? Was that just a meaningless coincidence – a trick of light and shadow – and colors appearing by chance – devoid of any meaning?

What about the meaning of meaning? Does your life have a meaning? Do events have a meaning? Does the beauty of a flower have a meaning? Or the distant hills in the sunrise? Or the life of a butterfly? Or the kind words of a friend?

What does meaning mean? Some of us struggle dutifully, in obedience to some apparently required unwritten law to try to efface all meaning altogether.  After all, we must adhere conscientiously to the principle that only the physical reality exists. And if only the physical exists, then what can meaning mean? We are left trying to accept the principle of a meaningless universe – improbable though it seems.

And if there is actually a meaning, then what? Then there is more than purely physical reality. That is just simply logical, since a meaning is just not a physical thing. It just isn’t – you can’t stretch or twist or turn it into a physical thing – it just isn’t.

Meaning is meaning – and whatever the meaning may be – it transcends the physical.  It is on another level, and that means – uncomfortable as it may be – that there is more than just the physical level. There is more than the material plane.

This opens the door to the universes of ancient knowledge taught and perceived by our distant ancestors – by ancient peoples – even shamans and wise people – healers and seers – those ancient ones who taught wisdom that we have long forgotten.

It opens the door to magic, to miracles, to wisdom, love, perception – to truth, to knowledge – to worlds upon worlds of beauty, of the divine, of the mysterious and the magnificent – the doors of perception – to the infinite perception of beauty – to art, to poetry, to mystical realities and awareness – to levels and universes we can scarcely imagine.

We are called from quite near and from quite far beyond. We can listen and respond if we wish.

© Copyright, Sharon St Joan 2023

Presentation: If you live in or near Kanab, Utah….

green tree
Photo by Shahid Tanweer on

Please join us for the talk: Season of Giving

A Forest Voices of India presentation….

Saturday, December 2, at 2 PM

At the Nomad Café – at the Port of Entry, Kanab

In the relaxing atmosphere of the Nomad Café – this is a unique opportunity to have our financial questions answered.

How do we structure our finances and develop a savings plan? How do we plan for the future?

Born and raised in southern Utah and very active in our community – attorney David Westwood specializes in the in’s and outs’ of setting up an estate plan and how to avoid probate and unnecessary costs, fees, taxes etc. to maximize your charitable giving and distributions to heirs – a unique opportunity to have our questions answered clearly.

This is for everybody and everybody is welcome!

There is no charge. There will be a donation box, and if you wish, you may donate to the 501-C-3 charity Forest Voices of India that helps protect the natural world. Thank you!