Local Knowledge Aids Scientific Understanding

An illuminating perspective about indigenous people and forests


Brazilian_amazon_rainforest_web WIKIMEDIA COMMONS

In a perfect dovetail with yesterday’s nod to one science writer, today we nod to the contributions of ancestral ways in helping scientists better understand the life cycles of forests. Thanks to Richard Schiffman for this interview:

Lessons Learned from Centuries of Indigenous Forest Management

CMPeters_web.jpgIn an interview with Yale Environment 360, botanist Charles M. Peters discusses how, in an era of runaway destruction of tropical forests, the centuries-old ecological understanding of indigenous woodland residents can help point the way to the restoration of damaged rainforests.

Over centuries, even millennia, indigenous communities have developed interdependent systems of agriculture and forestry that are uniquely suited to the ecological requirements of the land they inhabit. Yet even today, says Charles M. Peters, the Curator of Botany at the New York Botanical Gardens, that skill and knowledge often remain unacknowledged, with some government officials and conservationists arguing that indigenous communities…

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4 thoughts on “Local Knowledge Aids Scientific Understanding

    1. A very fascinating and intriguing article! Thank you for sending it. I do not agree with everything in it, and I’m sure you’re aware also of the potential for abuse when human beings make use of animals to create “art” (not to mention sending them into space!); however, I know that that is not what you are primarily talking about. Instead you are writing about an intrinsic ability of animals to genuinely create art and to be truly in touch with aesthetic and spiritual levels of reality. This is a refreshing and profound perspective. Thank you very much for your very perceptive insights!

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