Pringles Ventures Out of Its Iconic Can

Plus, it’s introducing flavors you won’t see coming.

May 14, 2024

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Photo by: Photo courtesy of Pringles

Photo courtesy of Pringles

What sets Pringles apart from other snacks? Whether you answered the crisps’ duck bill shape, iconic flavors or signature cylindrical can, think again, because all of that is about to change.

This October, Pringles Mingles will hit shelves nationwide, and they’ll be unlike any Pringle before. Instead of oval crisps, you’ll get airy, bite-sized, bowtie-shaped puffs inspired by Mr. P’s style. And, for the first time in its 15-year history, these Pringles won’t come in a can. Gone are the days of reaching to the bottom of the tube for the last crisp; the new bagged snack will be easier to share than ever.

"Our iconic Pringles can is part of our identity — and it’s not going anywhere — but we’re always looking for new ways to innovate and satisfy our fans’ latest cravings,” says Mauricio Jenkins, US marketing lead for Pringles, in a press release. "This puffy, airy snack not only gives fans a new way to experience Pringles, but its easy-to-share packaging creates a new way to enjoy their favorite snack with friends and family, whether munching at home for movie night, at a party or on-the-go.

The last big innovation is right in the name: Each Pringles Mingles flavor will actually be two in one. The new puffs are combining familiar Pringles flavors to create something new: Cheddar and Sour Cream, Sharp White Cheddar and Ranch; and Dill Pickle and Ranch. Fans might just find that the only thing better than their favorite flavor is two favorites put together.

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