Mary Randolph

J.D. · UC Berkeley School of Law

Mary Randolph earned her law degree from the UC Berkeley School of Law. She is the author of The Executor's Guide: Settling a Loved One's Estate or Trust8 Ways to Avoid Probate, and other books about law for nonlawyers. She has been a guest on The Today Show and has been interviewed by many publications, including the Wall Street Journal, the Los Angeles Times, the San Francisco Chronicle, and more.

Articles By Mary Randolph

Notifying Trust Beneficiaries After the Trust Maker’s Death
One of your first jobs as trustee is to let beneficiaries know you're in charge.
Is a Living Trust Public?
One of the advantages of using a living trust, instead of a will, to leave the bulk of your property is that it gives your family more privacy.
Choosing a Successor Trustee
When you create a simple living trust to avoid probate, you must decide who to name as your “successor trustee.” It’s an important decision; this is the person who will take charge of the trust assets after your death, or sooner if you someday become incapacitated and unable to manage things yourself.
Leaving Real Estate to Your Children
Before you leave a house to your children together, consider the emotional and financial consequences.
Avoiding Fights Over Your Estate
A death in the family doesn’t always bring out the best in people. Encourage family harmony with these simple steps.
Using a Pet Trust to Care for Your Pets
With a pet trust, you can leave money to be used for the care of your dog, cat, or other animal.
Putting Strings on What You Leave Your Children
How to protect beneficiaries from themselves.
Settling an Estate: Does The Will Appear Valid?
As an executor, before you start deciphering a will in preparation for settling an estate, you should take a moment to consider whether the will is valid.
Avoiding Probate With Joint Tenancy
Joint tenancy is unquestionably the most popular probate-avoidance device around. And why not? Property owned in joint tenancy automatically passes, without probate, to the surviving owner(s) when one owner dies. Setting up a joint tenancy is easy, and it doesn't cost a penny.
If You Don't Want to Leave Retirement Accounts to Your Spouse
Your spouse—or former spouse—may have a legal claim to your retirement account, so proceed with caution.