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The adventure of life is to learn. Am I the only one who wakes up in the morning, gauges the time of day by the light coming in through the windows, slips her legs out from under the warm covers, and slowly stands up because she can no longer just jump out of bed without […]


“You see, insanity runs in my family. It practically gallops.” -Joseph Kesselring My daughter walked into my room this morning and said, “I had an intense dream last night. You and Dad were getting divorced, and all of us kids were yelling at you about the stupidity of such a decision at your age (I […]


Carrying my lukewarm coffee in my sweaty hand, I’ve been traipsing through a tangle of vines, spider webs, and sandy trails for hours, all the while being pummeled by wind, sand, and salt water. Let alone the jarring screech of vagrant roosters, but I’d be remiss if I didn’t mention the stunning shoreline we’re following, […]


It’s A Thing I am forever changed by what I discovered: life is so beautiful and life is so hard. For everyone. Kate Bowler The older I get, the more I notice the forces within me that create both happiness and havoc in my life. Okay, I might be a slightly damaged human being after […]


Bryan Walsh says that raising kids is one long experience of loss, and I have to admit, that statement made me squirm. What the hell?  I loved raising my kids—all those sleepless nights, mingled with those sweet little faces who I grew in my own body, the temper tantrums that rolled seamlessly into prepubescent angst, […]


I woke up this morning to a lovely and unexpected review of Grow Damn It by Smith Vishwanath. Larry and I have been vacationing in Portugal, living on a riverboat that has been coasting down the Douro River for a week. We’ve been cycling along the tiered vineyards of Douro Valley, stopping at wineries, museums, […]


“It’s up to you to let a dream be a dream or to bring it to life.” ― Giovannie de Sadeleer The boat is not moving, and we’re encased in utter darkness. I’m in the happiest place on earth, but sadly, something has gone terribly wrong. There are ten of us in the boat, including […]


Feast On Your Life “Birds know themselves not to be at the center of anything but at the margins of everything—the end of the map. We only live where someone’s horizon sweeps someone else’s. We are only noticed on the edge of things, but on the edge of things, we notice much.” ― Gregory Maguire […]


Playing Ball with Wynne Leon and Dr. Victoria Atkinson It’s a pitch, all right, but not one you can bat out of the park.  Wynne and Vicki put me on the mound, so to speak, and asked for a live pitch of the new book Larry and I are writing in tandem. Please don’t ask […]


So come to the river of your imagination, or the harbor of your longing, and put your lips to the world. And live your life.” ― Mary Oliver Sunday was Easter, followed by April Fools’ Day, which was considered a major holiday in my family of origin. While I was growing up, I was honing […]