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Personal Injury Questions & Legal Answers
Do you have any Personal Injury questions and need some legal advice or guidance? Ask a Lawyer to get an answer or read through our 426 previously answered Personal Injury questions.

Recent Legal Answers

No one can give advice without knowing facts. Security wont bother you unless you bother them. what is the full story here?
No one can give advice without knowing facts. Security wont bother you unless you bother them. what is the full story here?
You should have a claim for one or more of the following causes of action: (1) negligence; (2) fraud; (3) battery; (4) negligent or intentional infliction of emotional distress; (5) breach of contract; (6) defamation. Please see a lawyer as soon as practicable.
You should have a claim for one or more of the following causes of action: (1) negligence; (2) fraud; (3) battery; (4) negligent or intentional... Read More
Sister cannot "press charges" as that would have to come from BF. If he legitimately exited a moving vehicle and thats all there is to it, then you likely have little legal liability if any. If there are "other" facts, that position could change.
Sister cannot "press charges" as that would have to come from BF. If he legitimately exited a moving vehicle and thats all there is to it, then you... Read More

Slip in fall case ?!

Answered a month ago by attorney Stephen Arnold Black   |   1 Answer   |  Legal Topics: Personal Injury
Did the firm you hired file a lawsuit? If they did not, then you should speak with another attorney about possible substitution of counsel. In some cases, Insurance companies don't really take a law firm seriously UNLESS they file a lawsuit. Most lawyers just want to "settle" cases on the phone without doing the hard work of filing suit, doing discovery, hiring expert witnesses and spending time and their "own" expense litigating the case to trial. They just want to "negotiate" with a non lawyer insurance adjuster. Do you see the big difference? Reach out to one of us to discuss. If a law firm withdraws from the case they by law don't have a charging lien on the file, so you have nothing to lose by getting a second opinion. Cases involving injuries that occurred prior to Spring 2023 are subject to the old statute of limitations of 4 years. Cases involving injuries that occurred after Spring 2023 are subject to the new 2 year statute of limitations. ... Read More
Did the firm you hired file a lawsuit? If they did not, then you should speak with another attorney about possible substitution of counsel. In some... Read More

Why do some attorneys send their representatives to court instead of going themselves?

Answered a month ago by Mr. Paul L. Whitfield (Unclaimed Profile)   |   13 Answers   |  Legal Topics: Personal Injury
You don't like your lawyer. you don't trust your lawyer. Why don't you just walk on down the street and find another one instead of writing ugly things about the one you don't trust. You may not have much of a case. If you had a good case he would likely spend more time with it and you. If you have a problem with your lawyer, tell him or write him a civil note without calling him ugly names and tell him you need an answer from him not his associate.... Read More
You don't like your lawyer. you don't trust your lawyer. Why don't you just walk on down the street and find another one instead of writing ugly... Read More

Can I sue my parents and the pharmaceutical companies for neglect?

Answered a month ago by Ronald A. Steinberg (Unclaimed Profile)   |   1 Answer   |  Legal Topics: Personal Injury
No, you can't sue your parents.
No, you can't sue your parents.
You will likely need to spend the money to retain a tenant lawyer to address this. I fyou don't have the resources for that you can try legal aid. If the older son has legal authority, such as a power of attorney, to sue for your removal from the property - you will likely find yourself in a bind because "mom said I could stay" is not a legal defense unless she is competent and comes to court to testify in your favor. Assuming you are an adult, absent some exigent circumstances, the remedy here is that you will need to move out and find your own place elsewhere. You DO NOT want the sibling to actually file an eviction lawsuit, as even if you won it, you will still have an eviction on your record making renting elsewhere even more difficult. ... Read More
You will likely need to spend the money to retain a tenant lawyer to address this. I fyou don't have the resources for that you can try legal aid. If... Read More

Can I sue the city?

Answered 2 months ago by attorney Mark Tischhauser, Esq.   |   1 Answer   |  Legal Topics: Personal Injury
Your complaint is more that the local government does not support your business. That is a political issue not a legal one. As to the water issue, thats generally covered by soveriegn immunity where you cannot sue the goverment for its discretionary or decision making conduct. Water contaminaiton is typically a short term issue solved by boiling the water or using bottled water temporarily.... Read More
Your complaint is more that the local government does not support your business. That is a political issue not a legal one. As to the water issue,... Read More
Class action lawsuits are extremely expensive and most law firms just do not have the money to advance the costs to finance a case that large and see it through trial. You might check with the national law firms that have the capital to go to war with a big corporation.
Class action lawsuits are extremely expensive and most law firms just do not have the money to advance the costs to finance a case that large and see... Read More
You should retain a personal injury lawyer here in Florida on contingency fee which means you pay nothing unless you win. Seek medical attention immediately. We cannot solicit your case per Bar rules, but you can research our backgrounds and reach out to one of us. 
You should retain a personal injury lawyer here in Florida on contingency fee which means you pay nothing unless you win. Seek medical attention... Read More

Does an attorney have the legal right to make decisions without the clients knowledge and approval?

Answered 4 months ago by Francis Paul Hajek (Unclaimed Profile)   |   27 Answers   |  Legal Topics: Personal Injury
In a personal injury case, most attorneys obtain the approval of the client before agreeing to a settlement. However, sometimes the contract between the lawyer and the client provides that the lawyer can settle the case using his or her best judgment. If you believe the attorney did not follow your wishes, you should discuss the matter with your attorney. If you are still not satisfied, then you may want to consult another lawyer. Of course, a settlement usually involves paperwork such as a release that requires your signature. If you are not satisfied and did not agree to the deal, then you do not have to sign the release (assuming the contract does not provide otherwise).... Read More
In a personal injury case, most attorneys obtain the approval of the client before agreeing to a settlement. However, sometimes the contract between... Read More
It is gratifying that you recognize this was most likely an unfortunate accident.  It is common for certain businesses that provide potentially dangerous activities, like a trampoline park, to require such a waiver as a condition for participation in the activity.  Some individuals are not as well-grounded as you and would try to sue them for such an accident.... Read More
It is gratifying that you recognize this was most likely an unfortunate accident.  It is common for certain businesses that provide potentially... Read More

What can I do?

Answered 5 months ago by attorney Stephen Arnold Black   |   1 Answer   |  Legal Topics: Personal Injury
If the school was on actual or constructive notice that your daughter was being bullied by these students and didn't separate the bullies from your daughter, then she may have a case. You didn't specify the extent of her injuries. This is important because the value of the case would not only depend on liability but also on her damages, past and future. ... Read More
If the school was on actual or constructive notice that your daughter was being bullied by these students and didn't separate the bullies from your... Read More

Compression fracture in L5

Answered 5 months ago by attorney Loren L. Gold   |   2 Answers   |  Legal Topics: Personal Injury
You should seekrepresentation immediately. It would be wise to preserve photos of the scene, your body and store away your footwear. Seek appropriate medical care. You should contact a Personal Injury Attorney as soon as possible to review all facts and circumstances-especially details regarding the dangerous condition which caused your injury- and hopefully obtain representation. If there is a dangerous condition that caused your fall, resulting in a significant injury, a Personal Injury attorney can investigate this matter and determine all possible responsible parties rather than you pursue this on your own. A Personal Injury attorney experienced in handling Slip/Trip and Fall cases can guide and advise you and evaluate your claim. However, if you are interested in consulting with one of us, you will have to reach out, as attorneys are unable to directly solicit on this forum. Do not delay so a notification to preserve any video evidence may be sent timely and not to potentially prejudice your rights. Loren L. Gold, Esq.... Read More
You should seekrepresentation immediately. It would be wise to preserve photos of the scene, your body and store away your footwear. Seek appropriate... Read More

Should I try to sue for Roach in my burger at sonic?

Answered 5 months ago by attorney Mr. John Michael Frick   |   1 Answer   |  Legal Topics: Personal Injury
Whether you should sue Sonic for finding a roach in your burger is up to you.  In a lawsuit, you may recover the damages you sustained as a result of the acts or omissions of Sonic or its employees.  Your burger was a non-conforming good because a reasonable trier of fact is highly likely to conclude that you ordered a hamburger without a roach.  Because Sonic delivered a non-conforming hamburger with a roach, you are entitled to receive a refund of the price you paid for the hamburger.  If the presence of the roach caused you to sustain other compensible damages--for example medical expenses, lost wages from your job, etc.--you likely can recover those damages as well.It is highly unlikely any reasonable experienced attorney would accept such a claim on a contingency fee.  So, you will likely need to pay the attorney an hourly fee for services in your case.  ... Read More
Whether you should sue Sonic for finding a roach in your burger is up to you.  In a lawsuit, you may recover the damages you sustained as a... Read More

Suit was filed lawyer disbared what to do

Answered 5 months ago by attorney Stephen Arnold Black   |   1 Answer   |  Legal Topics: Personal Injury
You should retain substitute counsel immediately. 
You should retain substitute counsel immediately. 

held in jail with black mold

Answered 5 months ago by attorney Mark Tischhauser, Esq.   |   1 Answer   |  Legal Topics: Personal Injury
Possibly as a civil right issue, BUT, you won't find a lot of people willing to address such things for convicts when law abiding folks are forced to live in lesser conditions. If there is some actual definable injury the considerations might be different. 
Possibly as a civil right issue, BUT, you won't find a lot of people willing to address such things for convicts when law abiding folks are forced to... Read More
After a slip and fall in a California grocery store, promptly seek medical attention, document the scene, and report the incident to store management. Preserve evidence and consult with a personal injury attorney. To pursue a claim, establish the duty of care, breach of duty, causation, and damages. California law considers comparative negligence. Seek legal advice tailored to your case for guidance.... Read More
After a slip and fall in a California grocery store, promptly seek medical attention, document the scene, and report the incident to store... Read More
Yes it is possible to hold a bar liable for the man's damages caused as a legal result of the bar overserving him. He should contact a personal injury attorney in his jurisdiction for more specific advice. 
Yes it is possible to hold a bar liable for the man's damages caused as a legal result of the bar overserving him. He should contact a personal... Read More

Motion to extend time billing question

Answered 6 months ago by attorney Mr. John Michael Frick   |   1 Answer   |  Legal Topics: Personal Injury
Yes, a motion to extend time is a common motion, and the client is responsible to pay for motions filed by the lawyer in the client's case.  If the lawyer wasn't working on your case, it would not have been necessary for him to file the motion.
Yes, a motion to extend time is a common motion, and the client is responsible to pay for motions filed by the lawyer in the client's case.  If... Read More
This simply does not exist. There is no "pre-approval" process for dogs to be deemed not dangerous. That said, you may want to hire a lawyer that deals with "animal law" but expect to spend thousands of dollars or more in legal fees trying to challenge the label. That said, if your dog broke a prong collar and "jumped" on anyone else, it may well qualify as a dangerous dog under Fla. Stat. 767. ... Read More
This simply does not exist. There is no "pre-approval" process for dogs to be deemed not dangerous. That said, you may want to hire a lawyer that... Read More

Can you sue a group home for an injury that happened under their care?

Answered 7 months ago by Bernard Huff (Unclaimed Profile)   |   15 Answers   |  Legal Topics: Personal Injury
If negligent in the care and custody of a patient, a group home may be sued and held liable for a patient's injuries. Contact and/or consult with a local plaintiff's personal injury or accident attorney.
If negligent in the care and custody of a patient, a group home may be sued and held liable for a patient's injuries. Contact and/or consult with a... Read More

Can I sue?

Answered 8 months ago by Jason R. Young (Unclaimed Profile)   |   1 Answer   |  Legal Topics: Personal Injury
I'm glad you're OK. Without a physical injury, there is no legal redress for an emotional or mental injury in PA (and most if not all states) if this was negligence in not fixing the brakes properly, Intentional or reckless behavior does allow for damages for an emotional injury but it is hard to prove it was recklessness or intentional and unless you are debilitated and unable to work, the damages wouldn't make bringing a lawsuit worth it.... Read More
I'm glad you're OK. Without a physical injury, there is no legal redress for an emotional or mental injury in PA (and most if not all states) if this... Read More

do i have a case

Answered 9 months ago by attorney Mark Tischhauser, Esq.   |   1 Answer   |  Legal Topics: Personal Injury
Unless this is a workers comp claim originally, employers are not obligated to employ you on light duty just because your doctor recommends it. You be at risk of being fired. It is YOU that is required to abide by the doctors orders and if you cannot or chose to work in a manner that causes more problems, this is not generally the responsibility of the employer.... Read More
Unless this is a workers comp claim originally, employers are not obligated to employ you on light duty just because your doctor recommends it. You... Read More
Maybe.  You don't say what happened after you found el cucaracha and complained to management. You did complain to management, didn't you? Did they fill out a report? Did they give you a phone number to file a claim? Did you give them a written statement? If you didn't make a report, you're probably out of luck. Did you contact the city and/or parish health authorities and make them aware of the conditions at the restaurant?  Did you take pictures? Everyone has a cellphone with a camera these days. Did you go to the doctor or the E.R. afterward? Any pre-existing medical issues? Did you get the names of any unbiased witnesses who might have seen you run to the restroom? It must have caused quite a commotion. Cases like this usually wind up going all the way to trial because the restaurant's reputation is at stake. Unless there are very serious medical issues and provable damages, it will probably be difficult to find an attorney who will accept your case on a contingency fee basis. I think I'd find another restaurant.  ... Read More
Maybe.  You don't say what happened after you found el cucaracha and complained to management. You did complain to management, didn't you?... Read More