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Study Shows The Power Of Social Influence: 5 Ways To Avoid The Herd Mentality

Updated Dec 10, 2021, 08:28am EST
This article is more than 9 years old.

Mom was right when she said, “Be careful who you surround yourself with.” Although those words of wisdom are usually handed out during adolescence, there's evidence that suggests we need to follow that advice into adulthood. Apparently, we’re still easily influenced by those around us.

We’d like to believe that each choice we make is based upon our independent assessment and best judgment. But, unfortunately, that’s not always the case. Even as adults we’re prone to being copycats, according to a new study in the Journal of Consumer Research called “Social Defaults: Observed Choices Become Choice Defaults.”

Although other studies have shown that we’re prone to copying the body language of a person we’re speaking with, and some studies have concluded we experience the same emotions as the people around us, this study shows we also mimic other people’s product choices.

What the Research Shows

A series of experiments concluded that when people didn’t have a strong opinion about the choices presented to them, they simply mimicked the people around them. Rather than asking questions, or spending time learning about products, people deferred to the “social default.”

Participants in the study chose products that were clearly inferior simply because they were copying the people around them. The authors concluded, “Our research demonstrates that automatic forms of social influence are more pervasive than previously thought. The automatic processes that underlie behavioral mimicry appear to not only influence nonverbal communication, emotions, and behavior when people interact, but they adopt the same preferences as other consumers.”

How to Avoid the Herd Mentality

Reatailers and sales professionals can definitely use this information to their advantage. It gives credence to the high-pressure pitch that "Everyone's doing it," if you want a consumer to buy a particular product. But it's important to be aware of our natural tendency to adopt the herd mentality when you're on the buying end of a transaction as well.

Whether we’re talking about which smartphone to purchase, or what software program to use, choosing a product based on your observations of what other people are doing obviously might not be the wisest decision-making tool. Here are five strategies to decrease the likelihood that you’ll simply defer to the “social default,” when making choices:

1. Stop Being on Auto-Pilot

When we don’t stop and take the time to consider our options, we go through the motions as if we’re on auto-pilot. Instead of conducting our own research, we’ll look around at what others are doing and simply copy what we see. Once you’re aware of the natural tendency to go with the “social default,” you can begin making more conscious decisions for yourself.

2. Make a Conscious Effort to Form Your Own Opinion

Rather than simply saying, “I’ll have what he’s having,” develop your own opinion. Researchers discovered that when people knew they would need to justify their choices, they were much less likely to blindly mimic other people. Rather than adopt the herd mentality, educate yourself about your choices so you can make a well-informed decision.

3. Take Time to Make Decisions

Participants in the study were more likely to copy other people when they felt pressure to hurry. Take time to make decisions by asking questions and thinking about your options – even if that means you risk looking “stupid” or holding up the line. Just because everyone else seems to be making a quick decision doesn’t mean they know best.

4. Be Aware of Ways in Which Stress Affects Your Decision Making

When participants were thinking about something else – such as numbers they were asked to memorize – they were much more likely to mimic other people. If you’re stressed about something going on in your personal life, or you’re distracted by something another problem that’s weighing on your mind, you’re at greater risk of being a copycat. Recognize that risk, and when possible, put off decision making until you can concentrate on the task at hand.

5. Be Willing to Stand Out

The study shows that we’re more likely to copy other people when we lack social acceptance. In an attempt to fit in with the crowd, we go along with the consensus. But, successful people don’t make it to the front of the pack by sticking with the crowd . Instead, they strive to stand out and dare to do things differently.

Don’t allow anyone else to tell you what you should think, feel, or do. Instead, be conscious of how other people are likely to influence your choices. Take time to evaluate whether or not the choices you’re making are really your choices. Remember, it's better to be known as a lone wolf than a copycat .

Amy Morin is a psychotherapist and author of forthcoming book 13 Things Mentally Strong People Don't Do.