Close-up shot of Muir Glen Organic tomatoes with dew hanging on the vine.

Make our tomatoes your secret ingredient.

Explore Our Principles

Close-up shot of 2 hands holding three organic Roma tomatoes.

Always Organic

Muir Glen was founded on the belief that there must be a way to grow a better tasting tomato—it must be grown organically. That’s why we source sun-kissed and vine-ripened tomatoes from farmers who use organic farming methods to tend the rich soil in beautiful California. It takes a lot of hard work, but it’s worth it.

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A close-up shot of a honey bee sitting on a daisy.

Protecting Pollinators

We believe in protecting the unsung heroes of agriculture—pollinators. With the help of native pollinators, tomato plants grow more and bigger fruit. By supporting our local pollinators we’re keeping the California ecosystem healthy for all living things.

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A bowl of tomato soup and a grilled cheese next to a can of Muir Glen Organic Diced Tomatoes on a wood cutting board.

Our Recipes

Everyone's favorite dishes, made with love and tomatoes.

Explore Our Recipes