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Websites & digital marketing
that deliver more leads

It takes more than great web design to attract new customers. With us, it’s all about results. Our digital agency goes below the surface and gets to know what your ideal customers really want before we get to work. (We hope that’s ok?)

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How smart businesses grow online

Your future customers are online! Here’s how to get their attention, demonstrate your value and make yourself irresistible to them…

Your website is your 24/7 sales team. Our Brisbane website design and web development team creates responsive websites that look good and get you more business.

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Get more buzz for your business and more visitors to your website with digital marketing. Count on us for the right strategy to attract your target audience.

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Direct a steady and sustainable stream of visitors to your website with an organic search engine optimisation strategy that works for you.

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Unlock the best Google ranking by paying your way to the top of the search engines. Google Ads puts you ahead of your competition, quicksmart.

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Meet your customers where they are with Facebook Ads and social media marketing. We’ll put you in front of the right people.

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Send your customers from your ads to a perfectly-curated landing page designed to sell. Our web designers create landing pages that convert.

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Boost your SEO results and give your website visitors real value with a clever content marketing campaign.

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Your brand and logo are your first impression. Our graphic design team knows how to make a good impression on your target market. Leave it with us.

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Websites for businesses at every stage

Our team gets you more buzz for your business through clever website design, conversion-focused copywriting, and digital strategy personalised to your business. 

It’s user-centric web design for desktop, tablet, and mobile devices created to get your business noticed online. It’s not just a seamless user experience, though. It’s powerful visual design created to appeal to your target audience and smash your business goals.

But what kind of businesses do we work with?

Small businesses that want to take their model from cold calls to inbound leads. 

SMEs that are ready to take their business to the next level.

And businesses with a national presence who already have taken it to the next level — they just need their digital presence to match.

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We’re Excite Media, an experienced team of Brisbane web designers and digital marketing experts.

And we’re a little bit different. 🤩

Before we dive straight in and wow you with a new, user-friendly, responsive website design that suits your business down to the ground, we actually take the time to understand your business and who your ideal customers are.

After all, it’s the impression your website leaves on your customers that counts! Not just how you or your web designer feel about it.

We also understand our own customers – that’s you, we hope! And we know that trying to choose the right web design agency can be a tricky task. So, we make the process super simple, and we just speak in plain language. Sound good?

When it comes to things like branding, search engine optimisation, Google Ads and all things digital marketing, we’ve got your back!

Want to work on a digital marketing or web design project together?

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Stunning web design that makes you look good

Your website is how you turn searchers into paying fans. We match your website design to your customers. What do they like? What do they respond to? Your web designer will work it out and help you create serious online success.

We’ll help you get it right.

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Why choose Excite Media? 🤔

Since 2006, we’ve been designing websites with conversion and lead generation in mind – that’s fancy marketing speak for using web design to get you more business. We’ve been playing trial and error to create a clever and efficient methodology for successful websites. Today, it’s our methodology that sees so many Brisbane businesses beat their competitors (without them even knowing what happened).

We’ll help you get it right.

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Excite media brisbane office with employees group photo

Your new team of 25+ Brisbane web designers and digital marketing experts 👇

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Want to get to know all of us?

Experience matters when it comes to choosing a web design agency


years in business


websites launched


local experts


ad spend managed





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Want even more proof? Read through 40+ handwritten client testimonials.

Your website and online marketing questions answered

Your website is usually the first impression your business makes on your customers. Web design is how you make sure that impression is a good one.

When we create a professional website for you, there are a few key benchmarks we’re trying to hit.

We make sure:

It explains exactly what you do
Your visitors shouldn’t even have to scroll from the top of your homepage to work out what it is you do. We take a practical approach to User Experience and web design to make sure the people visiting your website are your dream customers.

It explains the value of what you do
Your professional web designer won’t just make sure your website visitors know why they need your services or products. We’ll make sure they know why they need you specifically.

It portrays your brand well
Your website needs to be cohesive with your brand. We’ll make sure your website design matches your brand’s style and personality to a tee.

It gets your customer to buy
Using conversion rate optimisation (CRO) techniques, we’ll make sure your website gets your customers to buy. We do this through clever copywriting, smart design, and the implementation of user experience (UX) principles.

It works really well
Your website should load quickly, all the links and buttons should work, and your visitors should be able to find their way around without any friction.

Oh, and it looks good!
We want your website to work well and convert, and we have all the technical experience we need to make that happen. But none of it will work if your website doesn’t look good. Don’t worry, we’ll take care of that, too with custom website design that ticks all the boxes.

This is a tricky question. The cost of your website depends on a lot of different factors. Your design style, the CMS we build on, which modules you need (blogs, team profiles, case studies), and how many pages you need. That’s without factoring in extras like copywriting, search engine optimisation (SEO), or photography.

At Excite Media, we work with small to medium-sized businesses. Because your website has a job to do in bringing in new business, our team will advise you on what investment is needed for the size of your business, your industry and the results you’re looking for. You’re always welcome to have an obligation-free chat with us to get a ballpark quote.

Similar to the cost of your website, the time it takes to build will depend on the complexity of your website and other factors like your availability for meetings and approval points.

Typically, we can build websites in three to four months.

We’re WordPress content management system experts, and our clients get a lot of unique benefits from our experience with the world’s most popular CMS. This is because WordPress is universally the most user-friendly website, meaning we can set you up with some training and give you the keys to your website with no worries. 

Plus, for most of our service-based clients who are looking for lead generation, WordPress is the best content management system (CMS).

Of course, we have a team of experienced web designers and developers. So, when it comes to eCommerce websites, we can build on Shopify, Magento, and more.

We sure do! When you team up with us for a new website, we’ll set you up with website training so you know how to edit your content, upload new blog posts and pages, and make simple tweaks. But you can also go onto ExciteCare. ExciteCare offers you:
  • Website Backups
  • Website Security Updates
  • Cost Coverage & Updates for Plugins
  • Ongoing WordPress Support
Basically, we’ll keep your website up-to-date and secure. And if something goes wrong? We’ll get it sorted.

Yes! You can BYO website or have us design and build one for you before we get started. Then, we’ll create a next-level digital marketing strategy, including services like SEO, Facebook Ads, Google Ads, content marketing, and more.

We’ll keep tinkering away at your campaign to make sure it continues to produce serious success for your business.

Yes, absolutely. Once we’ve completed your web design project and have launched your new website, we’ll send you a training video you can keep handy. This will take you through how to update and edit existing posts and pages and how to create new posts and pages.

We build our websites on WordPress using Elementor, a really easy-to-use page builder. Once we’ve set up the website and design for you, it’s simple to edit and manage your website’s content. We’re always here if you do need some help, though.

Latest updates from our Blog 📌

Want to get to know us a little better, steal some clever marketing ideas, or discover new tools and resources that can help your business grow? You can find it all right here, in our blog!

We're an award-winning agency

We're a digital marketing agency delivering more leads.
Let’s chat about your goals today!

We love to talk with business owners about achieving incredible returns on the web. To find out if we’re a good fit for each other, the best next step is to have a short discovery call with one of our digital experts.

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Excite Media