Showing posts with label Helmuth Reinberger. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Helmuth Reinberger. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

January 12, 1940: New Soviet Attacks at Taipale

Friday 12 January 1940

12 January 1940 Goering Kesselring Speidel
Albert Kesselring (gesturing) with General Speidel and Hermann Goering.

Winter War Army Operations: On 12 January 1940, the Soviets of 7th Army, now under Kirill Meretskov, attempt to cross the River Taipale, which is ice-bound. They choose a 16 km area between Taipale and the Munasuo swamp. They use an armored wedge to force a breakthrough, followed by infantry and other forces. They have built up their tank force and drastically increased manpower. The ultimate aim is Viipuri.

Winter War Peace Talks: There is a secret meeting between Finnish representatives and Madame Kollontai, the Soviet ambassador to Sweden, in Stockholm.

Mechelen Incident: Hitler believes that the Allies have the documents despite all assurances to the contrary. The Belgians continue trying to convince the Germans that they learned nothing. General Gamelin holds a meeting with his military subordinates, and the consensus is that, regardless of the authenticity of the documents, this is a good excuse to pressure the Belgians to allow the stationing of French troops on their territory. The Dutch also are skeptical because they have not been told of the exact source - the Belgians are being very cagey with their allies.

The two men in the plane, Majors Reinberger and Hoenmanns are sentenced to death in absentia - which is the lawful punishment for what they did. Hoenmann is beyond the Gestapo's reach, but not his wife, who soon dies under interrogation.

To replace the fired Felmy, Hitler and Goering appoint General Albert Kesselring to command the 2nd Air Fleet. Kesselring had done good work in support of army operations during the Battle of Poland but does not have a lot of knowledge about strategic air campaigns.

Battle of the Atlantic: U-23 (Oberleutnant zur See Otto Kretschmer) scores another victory, sinking 10,517-ton Danish tanker Danmark at 06:50. The sinking is spectacular because it is done when the Danmark is lying at anchor at Inganess Bay, Kirkwall, Orkney Islands, and the two halves of the tanker drift ashore. All 40 crew survive. Fuel is highly prized by the Allied war effort, and this is a big tanker, so it is a big score for Kretschmer.

British freighter Granta hits a mine and sinks.

Convoy OA 71 departs from Southend, Convoy OB 71 departs from Liverpool, Convoy OB 71M departs from Liverpool, and Convoy HXF 16 departs from Halifax.

European Air Operations: The RAF conducts night reconnaissance over Western Germany and flies missions over German seaplane bases on the Heligoland Bight. There also is a targeted raid on minelaying infrastructure at Rantum Bay.

China: Chinese 4th War Area captures Pachiangkou and Yuantan.

12 January 1940 Kretschmer Topp
The “tonnage king” Otto Kretschmer, seen here with cigar and papers in hand. Erich Topp is in the foreground on the right, he sank 35 merchant ships for a total of 197,460 tons while skipper of U-57 and U-552 in 1940–41.

January 1940

January 1, 1940: Finns Carve up the Soviets
January 2, 1940: Finnish Counterattacks Continue
January 3, 1940: Soviets Trapped
January 4, 1940: Soviet Breakout Attempts Fail
January 5, 1940: Dicing Up the Soviets
January 6, 1940: Soviet 44th Division Runs
January 7, 1940: Shakeup in Soviet High Command
January 8, 1940: Ratte Road Battle Ends
January 9, 1940: British Submarines in Peril
January 10, 1940: Mechelen Incident
January 11, 1940: Finns Surround More Soviets
January 12, 1940: New Soviet Attacks at Taipale
January 13, 1940: Fall Gelb Postponed
January 14, 1940: Japan's Government Falls
January 15, 1940: Soviets Prepare More Carefully
January 16, 1940: German Atrocities Uncovered
January 17, 1940: Bletchley Park in Action
January 18, 1940: New Hope for Allied Shipping
January 19, 1940: Finnish Attacks at Salla
January 20, 1940: Churchill Urges Cooperation
January 21, 1940: Asam Maru Incident
January 22, 1940: Dissension Within British Government
January 23, 1940: Dissension in South Africa
January 24, 1940: NKVD Blocking Detachments
January 25, 1940: Auschwitz Site Selected
January 26, 1940: Millionaire Bunker Destroyed
January 27, 1940: U-20 Sinks Four Ships
January 28, 1940: Softening Up the Finns
January 29, 1940: Moscow Willing to Talk
January 30, 1940: Hitler Throws Down the Gauntlet
January 31, 1940: Timoshenko Is Ready


January 11, 1940: Finns Surround More Soviets

Thursday 11 January 1940

11 January 1940 Gloster Gladiator
Gloster Gladiator in use in Finland during the Winter War.
Winter War: Kombrig Vinogradov, Commissar Parkhomenko, and Chief of Staff Volkov of the 44th Rifle Division each are found guilty by a court-martial and sentenced to death. The charges are irrelevant, the outcome was preordained by the military defeat, but they are accused among other things of leaving behind wounded to die. They are executed on 11 January 1940 in Vazhenvaara by firing squad in front of what remains of their troops. The commissar of the Ninth Army, Furt, is appointed the acting commander of the 44th Rifle Division, which must be completely rebuilt.

Winter War Army Operations: The Finnish IV Corps (12th Infantry Division and 13th Infantry Division) surround the 34th Tank Brigade, Soviet 168th Division and 18th Rifle Division of Soviet 8th Army north of Lake Ladoga. They call this the "Great Mottie of Kitilä." The weather is good enough for the Soviets to supply the pocket by air, but the men inside are miserable and immobilized. The Finns beat off a Soviet relief attempt and set to work cutting up the pocket as they did near Suomussalmi. Major Matti Aarnio of the 4th Jaeger battalion leads the effort and becomes famous as "Motti-Matti."

At Salla, the Soviets try another attack toward the Kemijarvi-Tornio railway but make a little progress.

Winter War Air Operations: At frozen Lake Kemi, the Swedish volunteer air group, Flygflottilj 19, starts off with a dozen obsolete Gladiator Gloster fighters and 4 Hart light bombers. They are a good match for Soviet airplanes, however, which in general are also obsolete by current standards.

Mechelen Incident: In a fit of pique, Hitler fires General Helmuth Felmy, commander of the air fleet (2d Luftlotte) involved, and also his chief of staff Josef Kammhuber. For the moment, Fall Gelb remains on the docket for 17 January, because nobody knows yet how much the Belgians learned. Several senior officers burn their hands throwing papers into stoves and then retrieving them to see how much remains legible. Hitler issues Fundamental Order No. 1 about the handling of military secrets.

The Belgians attempt to trick Reinberger into thinking they didn't learn anything from the papers so that he will tell that to the German ambassador. This does work for now.

In fact, the Belgians had basically all the information. General Raoul van Overstraeten concludes that the documents are genuine. King Leopold informs the French, via General Gamelin, and the Belgians give them a copy. They also tell Lord Gort, in charge of the BEF. Everyone considers a German attack imminent.

Battle of the Atlantic: U-23 (Oberleutnant zur See Otto Kretschmer) torpedoes and sinks 1,150-ton Norwegian coal freighter SS Fredville east of the Orkney Islands. The bow of the ship remains afloat for some time but eventually sinks. There are five survivors and eleven perish. A Swedish ship picks up the survivors and takes them to Kopervik, Norway.

British freighter SS El Oso hits a mine and sinks 6 miles from the Bar lightship at Liverpool. Three crew perish, 32 survive.

The British at Gibraltar detain US freighter Tripp for inspection. 

Convoy OA 70G departs Southend, and OB 70 departs from Liverpool.

European Air Operations: The RAF coastal command attacks three Kriegsmarine destroyers off Jutland, and also protected three British cargo vessels in the same area from Luftwaffe attack.

A Heinkel 111 crashlands in Holland after being shot up by RAF fighters.

The Women's Section of the Air Transport Auxiliary goes into action. The women deliver the first aircraft from factory to depot. Some civilian men who are waiting for a commission into the RAF are unhappy at this employment of women.

French Homefront: "Meatless Fridays" are announced by the government, and sales of beef, veal and mutton are prohibited on Mondays and Tuesdays.

US Military: The Navy conducts an amphibious exercise in Puerto Rico.

China: The Chinese 4th War Area takes Tsunghua.

American Homefront: "His Girl Friday" starring Cary Grant and directed by Howard Hawks is released.

Future History: Flygflottilj 19 remains in operation to the end of the Winter War and claims 12 Soviet aircraft downed for 2 planes of their own lost to enemy action, and four lost in accidents.

"His Girl Friday" is remade in 1974 as the Jack Lemmon/Walter Matthau comedy "The Front Page."

11 January 1940 Dutch soldiers skating
Dutch soldiers training on the ice, 11 January 1940.

January 1940

January 1, 1940: Finns Carve up the Soviets
January 2, 1940: Finnish Counterattacks Continue
January 3, 1940: Soviets Trapped
January 4, 1940: Soviet Breakout Attempts Fail
January 5, 1940: Dicing Up the Soviets
January 6, 1940: Soviet 44th Division Runs
January 7, 1940: Shakeup in Soviet High Command
January 8, 1940: Ratte Road Battle Ends
January 9, 1940: British Submarines in Peril
January 10, 1940: Mechelen Incident
January 11, 1940: Finns Surround More Soviets
January 12, 1940: New Soviet Attacks at Taipale
January 13, 1940: Fall Gelb Postponed
January 14, 1940: Japan's Government Falls
January 15, 1940: Soviets Prepare More Carefully
January 16, 1940: German Atrocities Uncovered
January 17, 1940: Bletchley Park in Action
January 18, 1940: New Hope for Allied Shipping
January 19, 1940: Finnish Attacks at Salla
January 20, 1940: Churchill Urges Cooperation
January 21, 1940: Asam Maru Incident
January 22, 1940: Dissension Within British Government
January 23, 1940: Dissension in South Africa
January 24, 1940: NKVD Blocking Detachments
January 25, 1940: Auschwitz Site Selected
January 26, 1940: Millionaire Bunker Destroyed
January 27, 1940: U-20 Sinks Four Ships
January 28, 1940: Softening Up the Finns
January 29, 1940: Moscow Willing to Talk
January 30, 1940: Hitler Throws Down the Gauntlet
January 31, 1940: Timoshenko Is Ready


January 10, 1940: Mechelen Incident

Wednesday 10 January 1940

10 January 1940 Mechelen Incident
Crash site of Bf 108 Taifun on 10 January 1940.
Western Front: The "Mechelen Incident" occurs on 10 January 1940 when a German Bf 108 liaison aircraft flies, against very strict regulations, on the Belgian side of the border with an officer carrying Fall Gelb (Invasion of France) plans. Major Erich Hoenmanns, the pilot, loses his way while flying from Loddenheide to Cologne due to fog banks. He fails to see the Rhine River, which is frozen over and flies all the way to the River Meuse. He then accidentally cuts off the plane's fuel supply, and it crash-lands in a Belgian field at Mechelen-sur-Meuse. His passenger, Major Helmuth Reinberger, is a paratrooper carrying plans to the 7th Air Fallschirmjäger (paratrooper) Division in Cologne detailing the dropping of paratroopers at Namur (somewhat ironically, on the Meuse) to seize bridges there. The plans carry the current (much postponed) date for Fall Gelb of 17 January 1940.

Reinberger attempts to burn the documents but fails. The two men are taken by Belgian border guards to a border guardhouse. Still somehow in possession of the papers, Reinberger tries to stuff them in a burning stove, but one of the border guards seizes them (and badly burns his hands in the process).

Enough of the papers survive for the Belgians to see that they are copies of a secret plan to invade their country, along with Holland and France. The countries involved study the plan and adapt their defenses accordingly.

The Germans, of course, quickly learn of the loss of the plans (the Belgians helpfully tell them for some reason) and the invasion finally (and quite fortuitously, because it would have been a terrible time to launch an offensive) is postponed indefinitely - right after Hitler tells his three service chiefs (Goering, von Brauchitsch, and Raeder) that this time the 17th of January was a firm date.

Winter War: Some 350 Hungarian men begin military training. They are to be formed into the Hungarian Volunteer Detached Battalion. It will be commanded by Lieutenant Imre Kémeri Nagy and have 24 officers, 52 NCOs, 2 doctors, and 2 Padres.

Winter War Army Operations: The Soviet command is consumed with recriminations about the defeats suffered to date. It is not a time for grand operations. Much of the rest of January is consumed with court-martials, command changes and replacement of lost troops.

European Air Operations: The RAF mounts a bombing raid on the German seaplane base at Sylt. There is a running battle with Bf 109s over the North Sea that costs each side one plane, with damage to two other German planes.

Battle of the Atlantic: The Luftwaffe sinks the British freighter Upminster.

The Kriegsmarine lays mines along the Channel coast.

Convoy OG 14F forms at Gibraltar.

British Homefront: The Railway Executive responds to passenger complaints about untimely departures and arrivals. He claims that it is the fault of the blackout, which makes loading and unloading more difficult and causes other delays. Troop movements and the commandeering of trains for vital food shipments also are blamed.

British Military: General Sir Alan Cunningham becomes commander of the 66 Infantry Division.

General Freyberg leaves New Zealand by air and proceeds to Egypt in advance of the troop convoy leaving New Zealand and Australia.

Australia/New Zealand: New Zealand and Australian troop convoys join and head for the Suez Canal. Convoy is US 1.

Sweden: The government passes new laws giving it sweeping authority in the event of an invasion. It also responds in the negative to the Soviet accusation that it is not acting in a neutral fashion.

China: Chinese 4th War Area captures Chingyuan. Chinese 9th War Area attacks to the rear of Japanese positions and cuts their communications. At the Battle of South Kwangsi, the Japanese 18th Infantry Division and Konoye Division move to assist the Japanese 5th Infantry Division near Nanning.

10 January 1940 Mechelen Incident
The Mechelen incident plane.

January 1940

January 1, 1940: Finns Carve up the Soviets
January 2, 1940: Finnish Counterattacks Continue
January 3, 1940: Soviets Trapped
January 4, 1940: Soviet Breakout Attempts Fail
January 5, 1940: Dicing Up the Soviets
January 6, 1940: Soviet 44th Division Runs
January 7, 1940: Shakeup in Soviet High Command
January 8, 1940: Ratte Road Battle Ends
January 9, 1940: British Submarines in Peril
January 10, 1940: Mechelen Incident
January 11, 1940: Finns Surround More Soviets
January 12, 1940: New Soviet Attacks at Taipale
January 13, 1940: Fall Gelb Postponed
January 14, 1940: Japan's Government Falls
January 15, 1940: Soviets Prepare More Carefully
January 16, 1940: German Atrocities Uncovered
January 17, 1940: Bletchley Park in Action
January 18, 1940: New Hope for Allied Shipping
January 19, 1940: Finnish Attacks at Salla
January 20, 1940: Churchill Urges Cooperation
January 21, 1940: Asam Maru Incident
January 22, 1940: Dissension Within British Government
January 23, 1940: Dissension in South Africa
January 24, 1940: NKVD Blocking Detachments
January 25, 1940: Auschwitz Site Selected
January 26, 1940: Millionaire Bunker Destroyed
January 27, 1940: U-20 Sinks Four Ships
January 28, 1940: Softening Up the Finns
January 29, 1940: Moscow Willing to Talk
January 30, 1940: Hitler Throws Down the Gauntlet
January 31, 1940: Timoshenko Is Ready