Showing posts with label I-15 Fighter. Show all posts
Showing posts with label I-15 Fighter. Show all posts

Saturday, March 23, 2019

December 22, 1941: Major Japanese Landings North of Manila

Monday 22 December 1941

Italian POWs in North Africa, 22 December 1941
"Italian troops surrendering to a patrol of the Polish Independent Carpathian Rifles Brigade on the road south-west of Gazala, Libya, 22 December 1941. One of the prisoners even brought his bicycle with him." © IWM (E 7301).
Battle of the Pacific: In the Philippines, the Japanese make their main landings on the east coast of Lingayen Gulf during the morning of 22 December 1941. The Japanese have 43,110 troops of the 48th Division and a regiment of the 16th Division, supported by about 90 light tanks and artillery. US commander General Wainwright sends the 11th and 71st Filipino Divisions in a futile counterattack. The Japanese win a brief battle at the coastal town of Rosario against the 26th Cavalry Division of the Filipino Army, which withdraws south toward Manila. Offshore, US submarine USS S-38, sailing out of Manila, torpedoes 5445-ton Japanese transport Hayo Maru. The transport quickly sinks in the Lingayen Gulf. This is S-38's first war patrol and the first US submarine success of the war.

Life magazine article on how to tell Japanese and Chinese apart, 22 December 1941
Life Magazine's 22 December 1941 issue provides a guide to telling Japanese and Chinese citizens apart.
A US Navy relief operation to Wake Island was organized by Admiral Husband Kimmel before his dismissal. On 22 December 1941 Task Force 14 (Admiral Wilson Brown), supported by Task Force 14 (Admiral Frank Fletcher) is approaching the beleaguered US Marines there. However, at 21:00, the acting commander in chief of the US Pacific Fleet, Vice Admiral William S. Pye, recalls Task Force 11. He bases this on reconnaissance that reveals the presence of two Japanese aircraft carriers and two battleships around the island. While there aren't any battleships, there definitely are two modern aircraft carriers, but the real opponent at this stage of the war is simply the unknown. The Americans don't know where all the Japanese carriers that attacked Pearl Harbor went, and the remaining US carriers are too precious to risk with naval forces so vastly reduced by the attack on Pearl Harbor. Pye instead plans on sending F2A Brewster Buffaloes from USS Saratoga at extreme range to land on the island on the 23rd, supported by a quick run to the island by seaplane tender USS Tangier. However, it is unclear how long the island can hold out against vastly superior Japanese forces.

On Wake Island itself, the US Marines suffer from two Japanese raids launched from carriers Hiryu and Soryu. There are only two operational USMC F4F Wildcats left on the island, and one is shot down and the other badly damaged.

Time magazine, 22 December 1941
"Japan's Aggressor, Admiral Yamamoto" is the cover story for the 22 December 1941 Time Magazine. The cover portrait by Arthur Szyk shows Yamamoto as vaguely human but definitely menacing.
On the Malay Peninsula, fierce air battles develop over Kuala Lumpur. Sergeant Malcolm Neville Read of RAAF No. 453 Squadron rams his Brewster Buffalo fighter into a Nakajima Ki-43 "Oscar" fighter of 64th Sentai and perishes. The Indian 11th Division continues its retreat behind the Perak River, while the Indian 9th Division establishes a strong position around Kuantan airfield that also protects the east flank of the 11th Division.

The situation in Burma is deteriorating rapidly, with Japanese forces making good progress in the extreme south. Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek realizes that his best supply route runs through Burma, so he gives General Archibald Wavell, Commander-in-Chief, India, ground forces. He sends the Chinese 6th Army's 93rd Division and a regiment of the 49th Division, with the promise of more to come. The American Volunteer Group (AVG, aka "Flying Tigers") are operating east of Rangoon, but there is a serious lack of Allied ground troops in the country which Chiang can remedy faster than the British.

USAT Willard H. Holbrook, 22 December 1941
USAT Willard H. Holbrook arrives in Brisbane, Australia, 22 December 1941. It is part of the United States Navy's "Pensacola" Convoy that includes heavy cruiser USS Pensacola, gunboat Niagara, naval transports Chaumont and Republic, Army transports Holbrook and Meigs, and three freighters. They carry the first US troop units to arrive in Australia from the United States.
A Japanese convoy leaves Miri, Borneo for Kuching. A Dutch flying boat X-35 radios a warning to HNLMS K XIV (Lt. Cdr. Carel A.J. van Groeneveld), which heads to intercept it on the 23rd.

Newsweek, 22 December 1941
Newsweek, 22 December 1941, features Navy dive bombers.
About 15 nautical miles off the coast of California southwest of Lompoc, Japanese submarine I-19 uses its deck gun against 10,763-ton American tanker H.M. Storey. The recent spate of Japanese submarine attacks off the coast has attracted a great deal of attention, and a US Navy aircraft swiftly arrives and drops a depth charge. This provides enough of a distraction for the tanker to escape.

A Quad artillery tractor towing a 25-pounder gun, 22 December 1941
"A 25-pdr field gun and 'Quad' artillery tractor, 22 December 1941" North Africa. (© IWM (E 7245)).
Battle of the Mediterranean: In North Africa, the British Commonwealth forces continue pressing against the Afrika Corps, which has retreated to Beda Fomm and now is evacuating from Benghazi. The Germans have received some reinforcements from Tripoli and manage to stop the British by deploying 30 panzers. General Erwin Rommel, commander of Panzer Group Africa, sends a battle report to German General Headquarters in Rome for translation to Mussolini which notes "the extraordinarily strong enemy air superiority."

Universal carrier of 40th Royal Tank Regiment, 22 December 1941
"Universal carrier of 40th Royal Tank Regiment, 8th Armoured Division being recovered from a hole at Warren Camp, Crowborough in Sussex, 22 December 1941. The regiment was about to embark for the Middle East, hence the desert camouflage." © IWM (H 16283).
Eastern Front: Having taken a somewhat leisurely drive from his former headquarters in Smolensk to East Prussia, Field Marshal Fedor von Bock arrives at the Fuhrer Headquarters in Rastenburg. After a brief visit with Hitler, during which the Fuehrer assures him that he understands the dire situation at the front, von Bock continues on to Berlin. It is an odd interlude because von Bock is not actually sick, but Hitler tells him to report back when he is "recovered."

I-15 fighters being repaired in Moscow, 22 December 1941
Four Polikarpov I-15 biplanes ("Chaika," or seagull) under repair in Moscow, 22 Dec 1941.
At the front around Moscow, things are not quite so pleasant. In a driving snowstorm, Soviet 49th Army attacks at Tarusa and scores a quick breakthrough against the German Fourth Army. This separates the German 43rd Corps from the rest of the army and sets up a possible encirclement. The Army Group commander, Field Marshal Guenther von Kluge, follows standing orders and tells the corps to stand fast. However, von Kluge warns Fuehrer Headquarters of the danger. At Chekalin, Soviet sled troops surprise a German construction unit, which cannot be reinforced because of the snow and push it back. General Guderian spends the day at the front south of Moscow and is dismayed. He finds that the Soviets have broken through 296th Infantry Division at several points. He also warns Fuehrer Headquarters that he will lose the division entirely if it is required to hold its position.

Winston Churchill and Franklin Roosevelt, 22 December 1941
President Roosevelt and Winston Churchill in Washington, D.C., 22 December 1941.
US/British Relations: The Arcadia Conference ("Arcadia" being the official code name for it), also known as the First Washington Conference, begins in Washington, D.C. on 22 December 1941. This is a meeting of top British and United States political and military leaders. Winston Churchill makes the hazardous ten-day journey across the Atlantic in battleship HMS Duke of York. This is the first of many military conferences between the two powers while both are at war. The conference lasts until 14 January 1942 and establishes the defeat of Germany as the top priority of the alliance. This comports with the established US military Rainbow 5 plan which already is in effect. Other agreements reached at the Arcadia Conference include establishing a Combined Chiefs of Staff, based in Washington, limiting resources to be sent to the Pacific Theater, and a "Declaration by United Nations" which establishes the principle of no separate peace with the Axis. The Arcadia Conference projects the first combined offensive action by the two powers as an invasion of North Africa, creates a unified American/British/Dutch/Australian Command (ABDA) in the Far East and establishes that military resources will be combined for the common benefit in the European Theater of Operations (ETO).

Smashed Luftwaffe planes in North Africa, 22 December 1941
"Western Desert, Libya. 22 December 1941. The fierce attacks upon enemy aerodromes by the Allied Air Forces destroyed many aircraft which never had a chance of taking the air." Australian War Memorial MED0221.

December 1941

December 1, 1941: Hitler Fires von Rundstedt
December 2, 1941: Climb Mount Niitaka
December 3, 1941: Hints of Trouble in the Pacific
December 4, 1941: Soviets Plan Counteroffensive
December 5, 1941: Soviets Counterattack at Kalinin
December 6, 1941: Soviet Counterattack at Moscow Broadens
December 7, 1941: Japan Attacks Pearl Harbor
December 8, 1941: US Enters World War II
December 9, 1941: German Retreat At Moscow
December 10, 1941: HMS Prince of Wales and Repulse Sunk
December 11, 1941: Hitler Declares War on US
December 12, 1941: Japanese in Burma
December 13, 1941: Battle of Cape Bon
December 14, 1941: Hitler Forbids Withdrawals
December 15, 1941: The Liepaja Massacre
December 16, 1941: Japan Invades Borneo
December 17, 1941: US Military Shakeup
December 18, 1941: Hitler Lays Down the Law
December 19, 1941: Brauchitsch Goes Home
December 20, 1941: Flying Tigers in Action
December 21, 1941: The Bogdanovka Massacre
December 22, 1941: Major Japanese Landings North of Manila
December 23, 1941: Wake Island Falls to Japan
December 24, 1941: Atrocities in Hong Kong
December 25, 1941: Japan Takes Hong Kong
December 26, 1941: Soviets Land in the Crimea
December 27, 1941: Commandos Raid Norway
December 28, 1941: Operation Anthropoid Begins
December 29, 1941: Soviet Landings at Feodosia
December 30, 1941: Race for Bataan
December 31, 1941: Nimitz in Charge


Thursday, August 11, 2016

August 11, 1940: Huge Aerial Losses

Sunday 11 August 1940

11 August 1940 Spitfires
Spitfires during the Battle of Britain.
Battle of Britain: The German meteorologists predict fine weather in the coming days, so the prospects for Adlerangriff improve. Reichsmarschall Goering has a start date of 13 August, which now looks likely to occur.

The heightened pace of the aerial battle that began on 8 August resumes on 11 August 1940. One can view today as the climax of the "Kanalkampf," the preliminary softening up of British defenses. Today has the highest losses for both sides to date. High losses are worse for the RAF than for the Luftwaffe, since the Germans start out with a huge advantage in aircraft. The Luftwaffe has roughly:
  • 700 Bf 109s;
  • 160 Bf 110s;
  • 250 Stuka Ju 87 dive-bombers;
  • 800 Heinkel He 111s, Dornier Do 17s, Junkers Ju 88s, and other medium bombers.
Against this, the RAF has roughly 650 Hurricanes and Spitfires.

The numbers are only part of the story. The Luftwaffe has not had to scrimp on training and has veteran pilots who cut their teeth during the Spanish Civil War. The British have had to shorten their pilot training programs in order to keep up with losses.

The Luftwaffe begins to implement Reichsmarschall Goering's change in focus from shipping to airfields and factory targets. At around 08:30, a large fighter-bomber force ignores the ships in the Channel and bombs Dover instead. RAF Nos. 64 and 74 Squadrons intercept the force of about 60 Bf 109s and 110s, but not before the Germans bomb the town heavily. The barrage balloons over the town turn into a liability, as they fall on the town in flames and start larger fires.

A little later, another, larger Luftwaffe bombing raid heads in from the south from the Cherbourg area. This one is not fighter-bombers, but rather mainly Junkers Ju 88s and Heinkel He 111s escorted by Bf 109s and 110s. This is a huge aerial armada of about 170s planes. The RAF this time is on the ball and gets RAF Nos. 145, 152, 213, 238, 601 and 609 Squadrons in the air as the bombers approach. Massive dogfights take place off the coast, but the mass of bombers continues heading for its target of Portland Harbour and Weymouth. This raid causes extensive damage, including to trawler HMS Hertfordshire which is in drydock.

In addition, the Luftwaffe damages the destroyer HMS Windsor in the Thames Estuary, destroyers HMS Scimitar and Skate at Portland Harbour, and destroyer HMS Esk at Harwich. In addition, British trawler HMS Edwardian is damaged off Kent (3 dead, 3 other casualties), British freighter Kirnwood is damaged, and British tanker Oil Trader is damaged by the Luftwaffe off Shipwash Light Vessel.

Overall, it is estimated that the Luftwaffe loses 38 aircraft today:
  • 2 Heinkel He 59s
  • 2 Ju 87 Stukas
  • 6 Junkers Ju 88s
  • 3 Dornier Do 17Zs
  • 10 Bf 110s
  • 15 Bf 109s
There also are numerous heavily damaged planes that barely make it back to France, around 15 planes. JG 2 is decimated, losing over half a dozen fighters, but the elite formations such as JG 26 do relatively better. The British continue shooting down Heinkel He 59 rescue planes, too, which is of dubious legality.

As for the RAF, it also takes massive losses. Its losses are estimated at around 30 planes, but they are almost all Hurricane and Spitfire fighters. Thus, as usual, there are different ways to analyze the day's losses. Based purely on fighter losses, the Luftwaffe comes off slightly better or at least even, but the German bomber losses are not inconsequential.

RAF Bomber Command continues its raids on oil installations, airfields and factories at Dortmund, Gelsenkirchen, Wanne Eickel, Cherbourg, Dusseldorf, Hamm, and Soest.

Overall, it is possible to see today's vicious actions as a step forward for the Luftwaffe in its plan to grind down the RAF. It is a good set-up for the true start of Adlerangriff. Simply reciting plane losses that appear to slightly favor the RAF completely ignores the massive damage being inflicted on British shipping and shore installations and the increasingly over-strained condition of the British defenses. It also overlooks the dozens of scarce pilots lost today. While it is normal to lose new pilots on their first missions, when you lose this many at once, you also lose very experienced men.

One final point: one of Stalin's aphorisms is that "Quantity is its own quality." When hundreds of planes are in action at once, any slight qualitative advantage by the RAF is nullified (and it is very unclear who actually has such an advantage). There are many hushed-up reports of "friendly fire" incidents where new, inexperienced RAF pilots shoot down other RAF planes through sheer confusion and accident as they navigate the melee. Massive air battles with no clear winner tend to fulfill the Luftwaffe's goals.

11 August 1940 Spitfire
P/O Leonard W Stevens (right) was one of 3 pilots from No 17 Squadron RAF who had their Hawker Hurricanes shot down or badly damaged by ZG2 on 11 August 1940, operating from RAF Debden. Hurricane Mk I YB-J was the replacement aircraft that he received after claiming 2 Bf 110 fighters probably destroyed during the day. Note the winged Popeye with a screwdriver on the port side beneath the cockpit.
Battle of the Atlantic: U-38 (Kapitänleutnant Heinrich Liebe) torpedoes and sinks 4966-ton British freighter Llanfair in the Western Approaches about 125 miles west of Ireland at 15:19. There are 30 survivors and 3 crew perish. Llanfair is a straggler from Convoy SL 41, and stragglers are easy prey.

In the South Atlantic near Capetown, passenger ship Ceramic collides with freighter Testbank. Both ships make it back to port with major damage.

The British conduct minelaying in the North Sea.

Convoys OA 197 and MT 137 depart from Methil, Convoy OB 197 departs from Liverpool, Convoy FN 249 departs from Southend, Convoy FS 249 departs from the Tyne, Convoy HG 41 (45 ships) departs from Gibraltar headed for Liverpool, Convoys SL 43 and SLF 43 depart from Freetown, Convoy BS 2A departs from Suez bound for Aden.

Operation Fish, the transfer of gold from England to Canada, continues. Battleship HMS Revenge leaves the Clyde with £14.5 million pounds in gold destined for Halifax and then the Bank of Ottawa. The convoy, which includes half a dozen freighters and four destroyers, is designated Convoy ZA.

Battle of the Mediterranean: It is quiet again on Malta, the first quiet Sunday in some time. Governor Dobbie has been urged to build more air raid shelters, so he requests large quantities of cement, reinforcing timber and the like from Middle East Command.

11 August 1940 U-38
U-38 after a successful mission.
British Somaliland: The Battle of the Tug Argan Gap begins with probing Italian attacks against entrenched British positions defending Berbera. British Major General Reade Godwin-Austen arrives in Berbera to take command of the British forces.

Of the six hills occupied by the British that overlook the main coastal road, the Italians capture one defended by the 3rd Battalion of the 15th Punjab Regiment. Attacks on two other hills are stopped with great difficulty.

British Government: General Wavell, commander of British forces in the Middle East, is successful in convincing the British War Cabinet and Prime Minister Winston Churchill to send 150 tanks, 48 anti-tank guns, 48 field guns, and 20 Bofors anti-aircraft guns to Cairo. This is a highly risky move, since the threat of invasion still hangs over London, and it effectively halves the armored forces in England.

Soviet/German Relations: The Baltic states now have been absorbed into the Soviet Union as Soviet Socialist Republics. Soviet Foreign Minister Vyacheslav Molotov thus asks the Germans to withdraw their ambassadors to those defunct nations. As is his practice, he gives the Germans a deadline, 1 September. The Germans, meanwhile, are planning their own demands on the Soviet Union for Spring 1941.

Swiss/German Relations: The nations sign a new trade deal.

11 August 1940 Presidential yacht Potomac
The 165-foot long Presidential yacht USS Potomac. Launched in 1934, it remains a tourist attraction in the 21st Century.
US Government: President Roosevelt completes his inspection of the Boston Navy Yard aboard Presidential yacht Potomac.

Argentina: Arnulf Fuhrmann, a German leader, is arrested.

Albania: A revolt centered in the northern Miriditi district continues to spread, with the Italian occupation forces engaging in ruthless pacification practices such as burning villages.

China: The Japanese bomb Chungking, the Nationalist Chinese capital. A handful of Chinese flying I-15 fighters cross above the Japanese formation and drop time-delayed parachute bombs. This causes mass confusion among the bombers and disperses the attack, but major damage still is caused to the city.

Holocaust: Confiscation of Jewish property in Paris and surrounding areas shifts into high gear with Einsatzstab Reichsleiter Rosenberg ("ERR"), a "special" formation of the NSDAP Office of Foreign Affairs to steal paintings, sculptures and "decadent" art. In point of fact, under German law this is not theft, because such works are now considered "ownerless" and their Jewish owners "stateless."

American Homefront: Hurricane season is in full swing. Following on the hurricane that struck Texas, another one hits the coasts of Georgia and South Carolina, killing about 50 people in all.

11 August 1940 Polikarpov I-15 fighter
 A Polikarpov I-15 fighter.
August 1940

August 1, 1940: Two RN Subs Lost
August 2, 1940: Operation Hurry
August 3, 1940: Italians Attack British Somaliland
August 4, 1940: Dueling Legends in the US
August 5, 1940: First Plan for Barbarossa
August 6, 1940: Wipe Out The RAF
August 7, 1940: Burning Oil Plants
August 8, 1940: True Start of Battle of Britain
August 9, 1940: Aufbau Ost
August 10, 1940: Romania Clamps Down On Jews
August 11, 1940: Huge Aerial Losses
August 12, 1940: Attacks on Radar
August 13, 1940: Adler Tag
August 14, 1940: Sir Henry's Mission
August 15, 1940: Luftwaffe's Black Thursday
August 16, 1940: Wolfpack Time
August 17, 1940: Blockade of Britain
August 18, 1940: The Hardest Day
August 19, 1940: Enter The Zero
August 20, 1940: So Much Owed By So Many
August 21, 1940: Anglo Saxon Incident
August 22, 1940: Hellfire Corner
August 23, 1940: Seaplanes Attack
August 24, 1940: Slippery Slope
August 25, 1940: RAF Bombs Berlin
August 26, 1940: Troops Moved for Barbarossa
August 27, 1940: Air Base in Iceland
August 28, 1940: Call Me Meyer
August 29, 1940: Schepke's Big Day
August 30, 1940: RAF's Bad Day
August 31, 1940: Texel Disaster