Showing posts with label U-434. Show all posts
Showing posts with label U-434. Show all posts

Thursday, March 22, 2018

June 21, 1941: Damascus Falls

Saturday 21 June 1941

Entry of Free French into Damascus 21 June 1941
Members of the Free French forces entering Damascus after Vichy forces surrendered the town on 21 June 1941 (Australian War Memorial AWM 009747).

It is the last day of the old world, with multiple power centers. Adolf Hitler has managed the unthinkable, to amass over three million men on the Soviet border without having his plans discovered by Soviet leadership. After this day, the course is set for a world of very few superpowers who keep the peace by having complete control within their own domains.

Syrian/Lebanon Campaign: During the early morning hours of 21 June 1941, the Australian troops to the south and west of Damascus take possession of several stone forts atop hills that overlook key roads leading to Damascus. The battle rages back-and-forth through the night, with the defending Vichy French launching counterattacks that temporarily succeed in dislodging the Australians in places. Ultimately, the Australians consolidate their control over the forts that control the approaches to Damascus. Australian troops also take the Barada Gorge on the road running west to Beirut and hold it against furious French counterattacks. This completes the isolation of Damascus, which the Vichy French now can neither supply nor reinforce.

The battle outside of Damascus having been decided by daylight, the Vichy French in the city surrender to Gentforce around 11:00. The remaining Vichy French forces in the vicinity retreat west toward Beirut. This completes the first phase of Operation Exporter.

Free French 1st Infantry Brigade (General Dentz) and 2nd Infantry Brigade enter Damascus. While Free French troops are present at the surrender of Damascus and usually given credit for the victory, there is little question that Australian and Indian troops (hundreds dead in Mezzeh just west of Damascus) have done much of the fighting that made the capture possible.

Habforce arrives in Syria, having returned from Baghdad. They approach Palmyra, which is the site of a major Vichy French airbase.

A Vichy French destroyer, the Vauquelin, evades the Royal Navy ships off the coast of Lebanon and makes it to Beirut with a much-needed cargo of ammunition. The Royal Navy does capture a French hospital ship, 9684-ton Canada, and takes it to Haifa for "inspection" until the 22nd.

Panzer IV awaiting Operation Barbarossa 21 June 1941
A German Panzer IV tanks preparing for the start of Operation Barbarossa, 21 June 1941 (Federal Archive Bild 169-0861).
European Air Operations: After dark, the Luftwaffe bombs Southampton, England. The bombers drop naval mines in surrounding waters. The bombing causes a leak in the King George V Dry Dock, and demolishes the down-line platform of the Southern Railway Central Station, blocking rail traffic.

The Luftwaffe, having transferred the bulk of its units east, now has only two fighter units remaining on the "Kanal Front." These are JG 2 and JG 26. These units total about 140 Bf 109 E and F fighters, the Reich's only front-line fighter at this time. Henceforth, the Luftwaffe, for the most part, will be fighting a defensive battle against the RAF in northwest Europe.

After dark, RAF Bomber Command raids Cologne with 68 aircraft, Boulogne with 18 planes, and Dusseldorf with 55 planes. During the day, it sends 23 planes on anti-shipping missions.

The RAF conducts a Circus attack on JG 26's airfield at St. Omer around noontime. It results in wild melees in the sky, with the RAF losing six fighters and one Blenheim to the Luftwaffe's six planes (with four pilots killed and two taken as prisoners, including ace Franz Luders of JG 26). Among the deaths is ace Carl-Hans Röders, with eight victories.

It is a day of legendary accomplishments by legendary figures of the air war. Oberstleutnant and Geschwaderkommodore  Adolf Galland of JG 26 destroys two Blenheims in quick succession during the Circus attack. These are his 68th and 69th victories. After that, an RAF plane damages his fighter and Galland has to force-land at Calais-Marck airfield. After driving back to his base, Galland takes off again alone at 16:00 to defend against another attack. This time, Galland shoots down a Spitfire northeast of Boulogne, his 70th claim. However, then Galland is shot down at low altitude and badly injured. His parachute only opens at the last second before he hits the ground, and he survives only with the aid of French civilians who take him to an aid station.

The unit commander, Oberst Theo Osterkamp, drives over to the hospital and lets Galland know that he is to be awarded the newly created Schwerten Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross with Oak Leaves and Swords (Ritterkreuz des Eisernen Kreuzes mit Eichenlaub und Schwertern). Galland is the first Luftwaffe pilot to be so honored with his "1st Swords."

During the same action, RAF Ace Douglas Bader shoots down a German Bf 109E aircraft off Boulogne-sur-Mer, Pas-de-Calais, France. This, however, is not Galland's aircraft.

Lt. Josef ‘Pips’ Priller of 1./JG 26 also downs a Spitfire from RAF No 603 Squadron during these actions. This is his 24th victory.

Dawn at the Soviet border on 21 June 1941
A first look at the Soviet Union from occupied Poland on the morning of 21 June 1941 (Federal Archive Bild 169-0867).
East African Campaign: East African 22nd Infantry Brigade captures Jimma in Galla-Sidamo, Abyssinia. Italian commander General Pietro Gazzera escapes unobserved, but 15,000 men surrender.

Battle of the Atlantic: The confused state of relations between Great Britain and Vichy France explodes in the Atlantic. French warships Air France IV and Edith Germaine intercept Royal Navy prize ship 4564-ton SS Criton (captured on 9 May) on its way to Freetown, Sierra Leone. The Criton is part of Convoy SL-78 from Freetown on its way to Belfast, but has developed engine trouble and is on its way back to Freetown for repairs. Thus, it is traveling alone.

The French ships order the Criton to stop, but it radios a distress call. Air France IV then opens fire from close range (about 50 yards/meters). The crew of Criton launches its lifeboats on the side opposite the firing. Shortly after the crew abandons ship, the Criton sinks off Conakry, French Guinea. Two crew perish and the remaining crew survives the sinking, though Captain Gerald Dobeson (King's Commendation for Brave Conduct) of the Criton is injured when he falls into his lifeboat. The French take the crew prisoner, but four will perish during their extended captivity (which lasts until December 1942).

Royal Navy cruiser HMS London intercepts 4422-ton German supply ship Babitonga near St. Paul Rocks. The Babitonga's crew scuttles the ship rather than allow it to be captured. This continues the Royal Navy's successful destruction of the Kriegsmarine's Atlantic supply network for U-boats and surface raiders.

The Luftwaffe bombs and damages 3176-ton British freighter Dorine off Sheringham. The ship makes it to Hartlepool for repairs.

The Luftwaffe bombs and damages 1304-ton Norwegian freighter Skum near No. 57 Buoy in the Thames Estuary. The ship is towed to Great Yarmouth, then London for repairs.

British 3001-ton freighter Gasfire hits a mine and sinks about ten miles east of Southwold, Suffolk. There are no casualties, with all 26 aboard surviving.

British 1546-ton freighter Kenneth Hawksfield also hits a mine and sinks a few miles off Southwold. There is one death.

Royal Navy destroyer HMS Arrow hits a mine off Flamborough Head and is badly damaged. The ship makes it to Middlesborough for repairs, which last until 28 November.

Minesweeper HMS Plover lays minefield BS.60 in the North Sea.

Troop Convoy TC-11 departs from Halifax bound for the Clyde.

Convoy OB-338 departs from Liverpool, Convoy SC 35 departs Sydney, Nova Scotia for the Clyde.

Royal Navy destroyer HMS Heythrop (Lt. Commander Robert S. Stafford) and ASW trawler Minuet (Lt. Alexander M. Sullivan) are commissioned.

Canadian corvette HMCS Oakville is launched at Port Arthur, Ontario.

Soviet submarine M-120 is launched.

U-374 (Oberleutnant zur See Unno von Fischel) and U-434 (Kapitänleutnant Wolfgang Heyda) are commissioned, U-87, U-158, U-436, U-455 and U-456 are launched, U-264 is laid down.

Filling vehicles in Lithuania 21 June 1941
Refueling trucks from barrels in the Baltic States (probably Lithuania), 21 June 1941 (Zoll, Federal Archive Bild 101I-208-0002-14A).
Battle of the Mediterranean: British Prime Minister Winston Churchill informs Middle East Commander General Archibald Wavell that he is being sacked. This is due both to the failure of Operation Battleaxe and also to the fierce fighting that has developed in Syria and Lebanon during Operation Battleaxe. Wavell's replacement is General Claude Auchinleck, who has held command in a backwater (India) with only minor operational experience during the Norwegian campaign.

Wavell is to replace Auchinleck as Commander-in-Chief, India and a member of the Governor General's Executive Council. Wavell's new command also encompasses Iraq, which is highly desired by all sides due to its oil supplies. He also has responsibility extending to the Southern Pacific, which also is a brewing hot zone.

Wavell's dismissal appears a bit abrupt to some but has been brewing for quite some time. Churchill long has felt that the Middle East command has required too many British resources, particularly for the minor advantages it has conferred to the British war effort. Viewed dispassionately and without Churchill's exaggerated expectations and personal animosity toward Wavell, however, most (including Auchinleck) agree that Wavell has done an outstanding job by eliminating the Italian presence in Africa, holding the Afrika Korps to a stalemate in the Western desert, and invading Syria and Iraq. The durable British presence in the eastern Mediterranean has greatly affected the course of the war, including diverting Wehrmacht troops to Yugoslavia and Greece and remains a stable launching pad for further operations against the "soft underbelly" (Italy) of the Axis.

The Luftwaffe bombs Alexandria with about 25 planes.

At Malta, there is an air raid that destroys the Della Grazia searchlight. When Hurricane fighters try to intercept the attackers, they are unable to because.... there is no searchlight.

Fixing tank tracks in Lithuania 21 June 1941
Working on tracks for a vehicle in Lithuania, 21 June 1941 (Federal Archive Bild 146-1987-024-09A).
Battle of the Pacific: The Japanese seize Portuguese vessel Guia in the neutral territory near Macau. This is the beginning of a campaign of intimidation by the Japanese against the Portuguese colony. Macau becomes a favorite haunt of local Japanese officers looking for a little fun at the gambling tables and restaurants.

Spy Stuff: Although it now is too late to affect matters, warnings of an upcoming German attack on the Soviet Union continue to flow into the Kremlin. Soviet military attaché to France Major General Ivan Sousloparov sends one such warning. Soviet sleeper agent Richard Sorge in Tokyo, who is friends there with the German ambassador, radios in another message today that he drafted on the 20th. Sir Stafford Cripps, the British ambassador to Moscow, warns Ambassador Maisky that Germany will invade the Soviet Union "this weekend." Soviet military attaché to Germany Mikhail Vorontsov sends a more definitive warning at 19:05.

Premier Joseph Stalin and Soviet State Security Lavrentiy Beria review the warnings along with Chief of Staff General Georgy Zhukov. They are meeting to plan the attack Stalin has been talking about recently against Germany (the reason for this meeting is controversial and not accepted by everyone, but it is accepted that they meet today). At first, Stalin and Beria disregard the warnings as they have all the others. Zhukov, however, is not so sure. The message from Vorontsov finally catches everyone's attention. Stalin immediately convenes the Politburo, which authorizes two new wartime fronts.

Tokyo requests information today from its consulate in Manila on comings and goings of the US Navy in Manila Bay. Specifically, they inquire about the departure of eleven US pilots who they have heard have departed for Chungking to join the Flying Tigers. The Japanese have a trained espionage agent on their staff as Vice-Consul, and he continues supplying Tokyo with detailed reports on US warships and other matters such as this. The Japanese Consulate conveniently is situated on a hill overlooking the bay.

In Panama, the Japanese Consul, Minoru Izawa, wires Tokyo that his staff there is inadequate for its duties. These "duties" include recently securing a detailed map of the Panama Canal Zone which shows US military defenses and which the Japanese military command in Tokyo wishes to see. However, Izawa is having difficulty smuggling the large maps out because airline personnel are searching through everyone's luggage.

General von Manstein and General Brandenberger 21 June 1941
General of Infantry Fritz Erich von Manstein (right center) and Generalmajor Erich Brandenberger in East Prussia as they plan their advance to the bridges over the Dubissa River at Ariogola, Lithuania, 21 June 1941 (Kriegsberichter Koch, 694th Propaganda Unit).
Applied Science: Soviet aircraft engineer A. M. Isayev comes up with a plan to use compressed air rather than a pump to force propellant into the rocket engine that he is developing for a new fighter design.

British/Yugoslavian Relations: King Peter, 17, and the Yugoslav Prime Minister, General Simovic, arrive in London to form a shadow government. Peter ruled Yugoslavia for less than a month, and now he will lead one of many governments-in-exile in London. He will never return - alive - to his country.

German/Soviet Relations: Having seen messages flooding in today from Soviet spies around the world that Germany is about to invade the Soviet Union, Soviet Foreign Minister Vyacheslav Molotov meets with German Ambassador Friedrich Werner von der Schulenburg and asks him if Germany is planning to invade. Count von der Schulenburg, who officially has not been informed of the invasion (though he has his suspicions based upon his own observations in the Reich), denies that an invasion is planned.

Wrecked Junkers Ju-52 at Maleme airfield in Crete 21 June 1941
A wrecked Junkers Ju 52 transport at Maleme airport, Crete, 21 June 1941 (Federal Archive).
US/Italian Relations: Following up on its recent closure of German consulates, the United States orders Italy to close its consulates by 15 July. Italy already has ordered the closure of US consulates on its soil on 19 June. From this point, the US will retain its embassies in each country, and Italy and Germany will retain their embassies in the US, but that is it.

While this all may seem to be "just for show" and petty tit-for-tat, consulates offer valuable listening posts that can provide useful information. On balance, the "war of the consulates" tends to benefit the Axis more than the Allies, because the Americans gathered useful intelligence "behind enemy lines" on Germany and Italy for the British.

German/Finnish Relations: By noon on 21 June 1941, German liaison officer Infantry General Waldemar Erfurth shows the Chief of the Finnish General Staff a message he has just received from his superiors in Berlin. It informs the Finns about the onset of hostilities on 22 June 1941. This, officially, is the first notification by Germany to the Finns about Operation Barbarossa. Finnish troops are deployed in defensive positions all along the front as part of "maneuvers."

After dark, German Navy and Finnish Navy submarines lay mines along the coast of occupied Estonia. This is to deter any Soviet "aggression."

German/Italian Relations: Hitler wires Benito Mussolini about Operation Barbarossa:
I waited until this moment, Duce, to send you this information, it is because the final decision itself will not be made until 7 o'clock tonight. I earnestly beg you, therefore, to refrain, above all, from making any explanation to your Ambassador at Moscow, for there is no absolute guarantee that our coded reports cannot be decoded. I, too, shall wait until the last moment to have my own Ambassador informed of the decisions reached.
The cable appears to answer the question of whether Hitler already has informed Mussolini about the invasion. However, the part about "waiting until 7 o'clock" to decide whether to invade appears to be a pure prevarication, as Hitler long ago ordained 22 June as the invasion date.

Hitler's worry about "our coded reports" being "decoded" is justified, because the British have been reading German diplomatic messages for the past year. However, it apparently never occurs to Hitler that the British and others might also be reading the Wehrmacht's coded messages - which the British also have been doing.

Trucks prepared for Operation Barbarossa 21 June 1941
A Wehrmacht column parked and ready to go at Memel, 21 June 1941.
German/US Relations: Having thought overnight about the USS Texas incident of the 20th, in which a U-boat tried to attack the US battleship, Hitler reaches a decision. He sends instructions to Admiral Raeder (head of the Kriegsmarine) and Reichsmarschall Hermann Goering (head of the Luftwaffe):
Fuhrer orders avoidance any incident with USA during next few weeks. Orders will be rigidly obeyed in all circumstances. In addition, attacks till further orders will be restricted to cruisers, battleships and aircraft carriers and then only when identified beyond doubt as hostile. Fact that warship is sailing without lights will not be regarded as proof of enemy identity.
Raeder disagrees with this decision and immediately comes to see Hitler, protesting that such incidents "warn off" the United States. However, Hitler is adamant: no attacks on the United States until Russia is defeated.

Soviet Military: Red Air Force fighter pilots intercept a Luftwaffe reconnaissance flight, but are ordered not to attack.

Soviet border guards are put on alert, but ordered to do nothing that might be "provocative."

The Red Air Force is under orders to camouflage its forward airfields, but this barely has begun.

General Semyon Timoshenko, one of the heroes of the campaign in Finland, orders troops to occupy fortifications in the Molotov Line in Soviet-occupied Poland. The local commanders, however, take their time assembling their men, and many put the task off until the 22nd.

Shortly before midnight, the Soviet Navy issues Grade 1 Alert to fleet commanders, upgrading from the previous Grade 2 Alert.

General Boris Shaposhnikov is appointed the chief of staff to the Western Special Military District. Kirill Meretskov is appointed the High Command representative in Leningrad.

Free French enter Damascus 21 June 1941
Free French troops entering Damascus, 21 June 1941.
German Military: General "Fast" Heinz Guderian, commander of Panzergruppe 2, completes an inspection of the forward units of his command. He is satisfied that the Soviets are unaware of "Operation Barbarossa," scheduled to begin in the early morning hours of 22 June. Guderian notes with satisfaction that the Soviet troops across the border are busy engaging in peacetime activities such as parade formations. Soviet strongpoints along the River Bug, the dividing line in this sector, are unoccupied. After some deliberation, Guderian decides not to cancel a planned one-hour artillery barrage just in case the Soviets have some kind of surprise in store.

The Luftwaffe moves Stab, II and III./JG 77 from airfields around Bucharest to new fields at Bacau and Roman. These forward airfields will provide good opportunities to attack Soviet airfields on the morning of the 22nd.

German commandos and saboteurs (German Brandenburg special mission units and the Polish White Guard ) set out after dark to infiltrate Soviet positions.

The Luftwaffe sends pathfinder bombers across the border very late in the day. German ships lay mines in the Baltic.

Field Marshal Bock moves his headquarters of German Army Group Center to Rembertow near Warsaw.

Finnish Military: The Finnish military lays mines in the Baltic.

US Military: US commercial aircraft under contract to USAAF depart Miami to pioneer the Trinidad - Brazil - Ascension Island - Africa southern air route across the Atlantic.

Warsaw Ghetto 21 June 1941
Inside the Warsaw Ghetto, 21 June 1941 (Albert Cusian, Federal Archive Bild 101I-134-0778-38).
German Government: Throughout the day, Hitler remains firm about the start of Operation Barbarossa on 22 June. Unlike earlier invasions, there are no postponements. However, similar to those previous invasions, there is no warning given to his victim or declaration of war prior to the invasion.

Soviet Ambassador Dekanozov asks to see Foreign Minister Joachim Ribbentrop. With the invasion of the Soviet Union about to start, the stakes are high. Ribbentrop "disappears" and tells his staff to have Dekanozov see a junior official whenever he arrives. In fact, Ribbentrop is in the Chancellery with Hitler, who is doing routine paperwork such as drafting correspondence to other dictators and official proclamations to the German public about Operation Barbarossa.

Ribbentrop is not idle, however. He instructs Ambassador to the Soviet Union Friedrich Werner von der Schulenburg in Moscow to burn his codebook, destroy his radio equipment, and request an appointment with Soviet Foreign Minister Molotov to issue a declaration of war - after it has begun.

Meanwhile, Dekanozov arrives at the Foreign Ministry at 21:30 and, as on the 19th, only wishes to complain about Luftwaffe violations of Soviet airspace - which have been quite frequent recently. Molotov complains in a similar fashion to Schulenburg in Moscow, writing "A series of symptoms gives us the impression that the German government is dissatisfied with the Soviet government." Hitler and his cronies at the Chancellery have a good laugh about how he will respond to these complaints in very short order.

Hitler stays up through the night with a small staff, awaiting reports from the Eastern Front.

Liberation of Damascus 21 June 1941
A scene from the liberation of Damascus, 21 June 1941.
Holocaust: New laws in Vichy France restrict Jewish students to only 3% of university spots.

American Homefront: New York Yankee Joe DiMaggio gets a hit in today's game against the Detroit Tigers, a single against pitcher Dizzy Trout. This extends DiMaggio's club-record hitting streak to 34 games.

Sammy Kaye and his Orchestra (using the name "Swing and Sway with Sammy Kaye") take over the No. 1 spot on the Billboard singles chart with "Daddy." This becomes the first of eight weeks that "Daddy" spends atop the charts.

Future History: Sammy Kaye's "Daddy" is written by Bobby Troup, a college student at the University of Pennsylvania. Troup enlists in the US Marine Corps after graduating from college around the time of the song's success, but he does not receive his orders until January 1942. Troup becomes an officer supervising Montford Point, a recruit depot for the first Black Marines. After the war, Troup continues his musical career during the 1950s and 1960s but due to only middling success, he branches out into acting. He reaches his greatest success in the 1970s as the star of the television series "Emergency!" (and also in a memorable cameo in the Robert Altman film "M*A*S*H"). Bobby Troup passes away in February 1999.

Joe Flaherty is born in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. He becomes famous in the 1970s as a star of Canadian sketch comedy show "SCTV" and on "Freaks and Geeks."

The occupied Polish and Soviet border 21 June 1941
Looking across the Soviet border from occupied Poland, 21 June 1941 (Federal Archives Bild 183-L25085).

June 1941

June 1, 1941: Farhud Pogrom
June 2, 1941: Massacres on Crete
June 3, 1941: Kandanos Massacre
June 4, 1941: Kaiser Wilhelm Passes Away
June 5, 1941: Death in Chungking
June 6, 1941: Hitler's Commissar Order
June 7, 1941: Commandos Strike at Pessac
June 8, 1941: British Invade Syria and Lebanon
June 9, 1941: Litani River Battle
June 10, 1941: British Take Assab
June 11, 1941: Hitler Thinking Beyond Russia
June 12, 1941: St. James Agreement
June 13, 1941: Lützow Damaged
June 14, 1941: Latvian June Deportations
June 15, 1941: Operation Battleaxe
June 16, 1941: The Old Lion
June 17, 1941: British Spanked in North Africa
June 18, 1941: Turkey Turns Its Back
June 19, 1941: Cheerios Introduced
June 20, 1941: Birth of US Army Air Force
June 21, 1941: Damascus Falls
June 22, 1941: Germany Invades Russia
June 23, 1941: A Soviet KV Tank Causes Havoc
June 24, 1941: Kaunas and Vilnius Fall
June 25, 1941: Finland Declares War
June 26, 1941: Bombing of Kassa
June 27, 1941: Encirclement At Minsk
June 28, 1941: Minsk Falls
June 29, 1941: Brest Fortress Falls
June 30, 1941: Mölders Becomes Top Ace


Friday, March 17, 2017

March 15, 1941: Cruisers Strike!

Saturday 15 March 1941

15 March 1941 Clydebank Blitz
A dead child in Clydebank. This picture of the aftermath of the Clydebank Blitz was censored during the war. On or about 15 March 1941.

Italian/Greek Campaign: The first phase of the Italian Primavera Offensive ends today, 15 March 1941. At Mussolini's insistence, ground attacks continue, but the main effort now is Italian artillery barrages. The offensive is a failure, but at least it is not a catastrophe like the opening offensive of the war in October, when the Italians not only failed to advance but were forced to retreat ("We are advancing to the rear!"). The Italian lines hold while the Generals bring up reinforcements and plan new attacks. Responding to recent strong Regia Aeronautica activity, the RAF attacks Italian airfields at Berat and Valona.

Mussolini knows by this point that he cannot lose this war because the Wehrmacht is just over the horizon and the weather is improving. However, if he is to regain any semblance of equality with Hitler, Mussolini must pull off some kind of military achievement in the few weeks that remain before the German tide washes over the battlefield. Thus, he has every incentive to throw his men into further pointless battles that wash the mountain crags and gullies with their blood, in the vague hope that suddenly his troops will find some weakness in the Greek lines and turn a disaster into an honorable campaign.

East African Campaign: Lieutenant-General William Platt finally has his forces arranged to attack the Italian strong point of Keren again. At 07:00, the 4th Indian Infantry Division begins attacking from Cameron Ridge, on the left side of Dongolaas Gorge. Their objectives are Sanchil, Brig's Peak, Hog's Back and the three peaks of Mount Sammana - essentially, the heights overlooking the gorge. The main problem for the Indian troops is that there is no cover - they are exposed to Italian fire from above, and often from all sides. Both sides take heavy casualties in this attack. The RAF sends Blenheim and Wellesley bombers over the battlefield, but bombs do little against the rocks and gravel.

On the right side of the Dongolaas Gorge, the 5th Indian Infantry and 2nd Highland Light Infantry also attack. As on the left, the problem for the British is the fact that the Italians have the high ground and can shoot down on soldiers advancing over bare rock. The British forces make little progress on this site, either. However, after dark, the 9th Brigade makes progress and attacks the Pimple and Pinnacle features. After a vicious battle, the Indian troops take the Pinnacle. However, the Italian forces at Fort Dologorodoc remain intact and plan a counterattack in the morning.

While Platt attacks the strong Italian defenses at Keren, he also wants to flank the strong point and cut its lines of communications. The Indian troops of 4/16 Punjab probe the Italian defenses on Engiahat and find them to be very strong. The British bring up artillery for an assault on Engiahat, while a Foreign Legion battalion moves up to occupy Mount Gegghiro and free troops for the assault on Engiahat.

15 March 1941 Glasgow Herald Clydebank Blitz
The Glasgow Herald reported on the recent heavy Luftwaffe raids on Glasgow and Clydebank, 15 March 1941.
European Air Operations: RAF Bomber Command puts 21 bombers over Dusseldorf. Another 37 aircraft attack the U-boat pens at Lorient.

The Luftwaffe attacks London with 101 bombers, losing two Heinkel He 111s.

Glasgow and Clydebank begin recovering from the Clydebank Blitz of 13-15 March. The authorities later calculate that 528 people have been killed and 617 seriously injured in Clydebank, and 1200 killed and 1100 seriously injured in all of Clydeside. Glasgow is calculated as having about 650 people killed. The massive number of people made homeless in Clydebank are dispersed to surrounding localities.

15 March 1941 Clydebank Blitz
"Distribution of people made homeless by the raids who were evacuated from Clydebank, 17 March 1941." National Records of Scotland, ED31/528.
Battle of the Atlantic: Operating in the Atlantic shipping lanes near the Cape Verde Islands, German heavy cruisers Gneisenau and Scharnhorst only have a few days left to find targets. Scheduled to head to Brest on the 18th, they have little time to find more victims. Normally, a few days at sea in the vast Atlantic would pass without incident, and the ships would make a quick run to the coast. However, Admiral Lütjens gets lucky. With his two tankers trailing him, Lütjens spots a dispersed convoy and decides to go to work.

The bait is tankers and other merchant shipping without an escort. They have been dispersed from Convoy OB 294. Gneisenau captures three and sinks a fourth, while Scharnhorst sinks some ships, too:
  • 5688-ton Norwegian tanker Bianca (captured, all survive)
  • 8046-ton British tanker San Casmiro (captured, two crew are taken POW on Gneisenau)
  • 6405-ton Norwegian tanker Polykarp (captured)
  • 4388-ton British freighter Royal Crown (sunk, all survive)
  • 4564-ton British freighter Myson (sunk, all survive)
  • 4507-ton British freighter Rio Dorado (sunk, all perish)
  • 7139-ton British tanker British Strength (sunk, two dead, rest POWs)
  • 6554-ton British tanker Athelfoam (two dead, rest POWs)
  • 6197-ton British tanker Simnia (sunk, three dead, rest POWs).
It is a nice, easy bag of shipping. The accounts of what happened on which day, the 15th or the 16th, are often muddled. However, these apparently are the ships sunk on the 15th. After putting prize crews on the three tankers and sending them to Bordeaux, the two cruisers of Operation Berlin continue with their attacks on the 16th. The Royal Navy quickly hears about the incident and begins diverting its own ships to the area.

German cruiser Admiral Hipper, meanwhile, has been at Brest for a month. It requires a major overhaul in Germany. Taking advantage of the attention drawn by Operation Berlin to the south, the Germans send it on its way during the day. It is bound for the Denmark Strait, then Norway. The British are completely aware of its departure.

German battleship Bismarck continues receiving supplies for its highly anticipated Atlantic raiding expedition. Today, it takes on board its two Arado Ar-196 scout planes at Scheerhafen, Kiel.

The German supply network in the Atlantic remains functional and highly useful for operations. Today, U-124 (Kptlt. Georg-Whilhelm Schulz), operating about 1000 km southwest of the Cape Verde Islands, meets German raider and supply ship Kormoran. The ship wants to give U-124 seven torpedoes and other supplies such as food and fuel. This will enable U-124 to remain at sea when otherwise it would have to return to port. These lengthened voyages are a boon to the U-boat fleet, greatly magnifying its effectiveness. This particular exchange, though, is prevented for the time being by rough seas, so the ships head south looking for tranquility.

U-110 (Kptlt. Fritz-Julius Lemp) spots a convoy south of Iceland. It is Convoy HX-112. Lemp alerts U-boat command, BdU, which begins assembling a Wolf Pack.

The Luftwaffe bombs Royal Navy minesweeper HMS Britomart at Rye Harbour. The ship is only damaged and is towed to Portsmouth, but there are two dead, including skipper Lt. Commander J.M.S. Cox, DSC.

The Luftwaffe bombs Royal Navy monitor HMS Marshall Soult in Portsmouth Harbour. The damage, however, is slight and does not require time out of service.

British 500 ton freighter Eminent hits a mine and sinks in St. George's Channel off Ballywater. Everyone survives.

British 249 ton tug Warrior hits a mine and is damaged at the mouth of the River Cart in the Clyde. The captain beaches the tug at Renfrew. It is later taken to Glasgow for repairs. The incident is a little tricky because the Warrior is towing Norwegian tanker Ferncourt at the time, but Ferncourt is not damaged further.

Royal Navy corvette HMS Bryony, submarine Umbra, minesweeper Sidmouth, anti-submarine trawler Quadrille and minesweeping trawler Rysa are launched, while minesweepers Alarm and Algerine are laid down.

Convoy HG 56 departs from Gibraltar.

U-371 (Oberleutnant zur See Heinrich Driver) is commissioned, U-82, U-433 and U-434 are launched, U-168, U-181, and U-210 are laid down.

15 March 1941 Scharnhorst Gneisenau
German heavy cruisers Scharnhorst and Gneisenau together, summer 1939.
Battle of the Mediterranean: The Vichy French government considers its North African possessions to be solid. In fact, today they announce plans to finish train tracks between Algeria and Dakar.

Convoy GA.5 departs from Piraeus bound for Alexandria. It has five British and three Greek ships.

The Luftwaffe continues raiding Malta. Most of the attacks are by lone bombers and fighter sweeps. In one of these fighter sweeps, the Bf 109s of 7,/JG 26 shoot down a Wellington bomber arriving from England. In addition, a Hurricane that is scrambled is damaged. The victory is by Staffel leader Oblt. Muncheberg.

Battle of the Indian Ocean: Tug Chabool departs Aden bound for Berbera. It is never seen again. No survivors.

Battle of the Pacific: Convoy ZK-1 departs from Brisbane carrying Australian troops to serve at Port Moresby and Rabaul.

Spy Stuff: At 07:00, the Gestapo arrests journalist Richard C. Hottelet on suspicion of spying in Berlin. The Gestapo takes him to Alexanderplatz as a "guest." As a "guest," he is treated with friendliness and courtesy, but still is fingerprinted, photographed and locked up. He is not told why he has been detained. Hottelet, son of German immigrants to Brooklyn, in fact, is not a spy - at least as far as we know.

Operation Savanna begins. An RAF Whitley bomber drops five SOE-trained Free French paratroopers about eight miles east of Vannes, France. Their mission is to ambush and kill personnel of German Pathfinder formation KG 100. This formation is based at Meucon airfield and, as far as the paratroopers know, commutes by bus from Vannes (where they are billeted) to Meucon. The idea is to destroy the bus and everyone in it. However, the mission is another special-forces fiasco, as the paratroopers find that the Luftwaffe men no longer ride a bus to work, but instead drive there individually. They disperse and make for the coast for pickup.

15 March 1941 Gneisenau Simnia sinking
Gneisenau sinks the Simnia during Operation Berlin, 15 March 1941. This photo is from the personal album of the radioman on the Gneisenau.
Anglo/French Relations: Prime Minister Winston Churchill writes a memo to the Foreign Office in which he says of Vichy France's No.2 man, "Darlan is a bad man, with a narrow outlook and a shifty eye. A naval crook is usually a bad kind of crook."

Anglo/US Relations: President Roosevelt's latest personal representative to England, Averell Harriman, arrives in London (via Lisbon) and greets Churchill. Harriman knows Churchill since 1927, and they also met at the New York Stock Exchange during the Wall Street Crash of 1929 when Churchill was on a tour of the United States and Canada (Churchill lost a relatively small sum of money in the crash). Harriman tells Churchill that requested war supplies might not necessarily be forthcoming "unless our military chiefs were persuaded that Britain could make better use of the material" than the US military. Thus, "Washington would need a lot more information about Britain's war plans and prospects" because assistance could see a "large increase."

US/Australian Relations: The British and Australian governments agree to a visit to Australia by the cruiser squadron being led by Rear Admiral John H. Newton in USS Chicago. The US cruisers will arrive at Sydney on 20 March 1941.

German Military: As part of the command shuffle before Operation Barbarossa, Field Marshal von Witzleben replace Field Marshal Gerd von Rundstedt as OB West. Von Rundstedt, highly respected by Hitler, is set to command the southern thrust of the German invasion of the Soviet Union.

US Military: Benjamin Kelsey is promoted to major.

German Government: Adolf Hitler has sent Reichsmarschall Hermann Goering to the west for the time being. There is a minor strategic reason for this: Hitler wants the Reichsmarschall's presence there to reinforce among the British the impression that the Wehrmacht still is planning an invasion - when, in fact, Hitler's eyes have drifted in the opposite direction entirely. The Allies will use the same technique in 1944 when they use General George Patton, Jr. as a decoy for the Normandy landings.

Goering has no problem with serving as a decoy. In fact, he revels in it. Going spends his time in Paris, The Hague, and Amsterdam, essentially doing nothing of importance to the war effort. He is not particularly interested in his command, the Luftwaffe, which actually is benefiting from his absence and making some progress in the Blitz with massive raids against smaller cities. Instead, Goering whiles away his days in art galleries, buying marked-down art from Jews nervously looking over their shoulders and hoping that their "assistance" to the Reichsmarschall can get them exit visas to neutral Switzerland.

US Government: President Roosevelt gives a speech to the annual White House Correspondents' Dinner. It is his first speech at the event, which usually is lighthearted and fun. This speech, however, is serious, almost somber. He states:
We know that although Prussian autocracy was bad enough, Hitlerism is far worse. German forces are not seeking mere modifications in colonial maps or in minor European boundaries. They openly seek the destruction of all elective systems of government on every continent-including our own; they seek to establish systems of government based on the regimentation of all human beings by a handful of individual rulers who have seized power by force. 
He promises, among other things, that the British and Chinese will get what they need to fight aggression, that is, "aid until victory" with no compromise. It is quite a bellicose speech for the leader of a nation that is not at war - at least militarily. The speech is recorded for rebroadcast by the BBC and ultimately is translated into over a dozen languages. He promises "total victory."

Belgium: In Liege, local politicians meet to form the Independence Front resistance group.

15 March 1941 Clydebank Blitz
Bomb damage in Birkenhead, Cheshire, 15 March 1941.
Australia: Australian troops sail from Brisbane toward points north of Queensland. The Australians will garrison Port Moresby, New Guinea, Rabaul, New Britain Island, and Thursday Island off the north coast of Australia.

Wirraway A20-132 of 12 Squadron RAAF crashes and bursts into flames at the Adelaide River Railway Station. There are two deaths. The cause of the crash is unexplained, or, as the Australian review board puts it, "obscure." The remains of the crash are on display at the Adelaide River Railway Station Museum.

Portugal: Lisbon has become the clearinghouse of Europe. As referenced in the classic Humphrey Bogart movie "Casablanca," it is the neutral waystation for travel between Occupied Europe and Great Britain or the Americas. Lisbon is a place packed with agents from both sides, one of the few places that German officials and British agents can watch each other directly. While there are other routes out of Europe, Lisbon is the main embarkation point, both by ship and plane. As such, it is a highly desired destination for people hoping to book travel to far-off climes, either permanently or for business or other personal purposes. This demand is putting a tremendous strain on the city's infrastructure, with refugees having to wait long time periods for tickets out or even to find primitive lodgings while they wait.

Today, American Export Lines, one of the main shipping lines able to pass through the blockade being imposed by both sides, announces that it is fully booked for the foreseeable future. It will no longer take reservations.

China: The Japanese have begun a new offensive toward Shanggao, Jiangxi Province, China. Today, the Japanese 11th Army attacks and takes the headquarters of the Chinese 19th Army, occupying Fengshin and heading toward Tucheng and Kaoan. The Chinese launch a vicious airstrike against the Japanese, destroying their supplies of food and ammunition. This slows the Japanese down and gives the Chinese defenders time to dig trenches, build concrete bunkers and form a solid new defensive line. There now are 65,000 Japanese troops facing 100,000 Chinese.

British Homefront: British actress Doris Hare marries Dr. J. Alexander Fraser Roberts at St. Paul's Church, Convent Gardens.

American Homefront: A blizzard hits North Dakota and Minnesota after a day of mild temperatures. It results in about 68 deaths. The storm comes under the category of "Alberta Clippers," which are fast-moving storms of brief duration.

Glenn Miller and his Orchestra continue their dominance of the brand new Billboard singles chart. "The Song of the Volga Boatmen" hits No. 1 and becomes one of the year's top ten singles.

Future History: Michael Edward Love is born in Baldwin Hills, Los Angeles, California. Mike begins playing the saxophone. He and some neighborhood boys form the Pendletones, playing in their garages. The group switches lead vocals, but Mike Love is the central go-to singer. Love also begins writing songs for the group to sing. The group eventually changes its name to the Beach Boys, and they embark on a string of classic pop tunes. The Beach Boys hit what many consider to be their peak in the mid-sixties with "Pet Sounds" and "Smile," but their career spans many decades and continues to this day. Mike Love continues to make music, much of it unreleased, and he has said (in 2013) "I've stockpiled these things for decades now, but we finally have a team to get my music out." Mike Love published his autobiography, "Good Vibrations: My Life as a Beach Boy," on 13 September 2016.

15 March 1941 Blizzard North Dakota
A casualty of the 15 March 1941 blizzard. Many deaths were caused by cars becoming immobilized, like this one, and the occupants abandoning them to try to walk to town or home.

March 1941

March 1, 1941: Rettungsboje
March 2, 1941: Oath of Kufra
March 3, 1941: Germans in Bulgaria
March 4, 1941: Lofoten Islands Raid
March 5, 1941: Cooperation With Japan
March 6, 1941: Battle of Atlantic
March 7, 1941: Prien Goes Under
March 8, 1941: Cafe de Paris
March 9, 1941: Italian Spring Offensive
March 10, 1941: Humanitarian Aid
March 11, 1941: Lend Lease Become Law
March 12, 1941: A New Magna Carta
March 13, 1941: Clydeside Wrecked
March 14, 1941: Leeds Blitz
March 15, 1941: Cruisers Strike!
March 16, 1941: Kretschmer Attacks
March 17, 1941: Happy Time Ends
March 18, 1941: Woolton Pie
March 19, 1941: London Hit Hard
March 20, 1941: Romeo and Juliet
March 21, 1941: Plymouth Blitz
March 22, 1941: Grand Coulee Dam
March 23, 1941: Malta Under Siege
March 24, 1941: Afrika Korps Strikes!
March 25, 1941: Yugoslavia Joins The Party
March 26, 1941: Barchini Esplosivi
March 27, 1941: Belgrade Coup
March 28, 1941: Cape Matapan Battle
March 29, 1941: Lindbergh Rants
March 30, 1941: Commissar Order
March 31, 1941: Cookie Bombs