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Obama's Leadership Lesson: Hire People 'To Tell You The Truth'

Updated Sep 19, 2012, 04:59pm EDT
This article is more than 10 years old.

President Obama accepted the Democratic nomination for a second term last night and asked the American people to give him more time to repair the economy. “You didn’t elect me to tell you what you wanted to hear. You elected me to tell you the truth. And the truth is, it will take more than a few years for us to solve challenges that have built up over decades,” he said.

That's good advice for anyone making a hiring decision, or supervising capable employees. Especially in tough times, it may be more soothing to work with people who tell us what we want to hear. But to move a country — or an organization — ahead we have to pay even more attention to bad news, tough love and dissenting opinions.

People tend to hire in their own image — alumni from the schools they attended, those who have had similar career paths, or who come from the same socioeconomic background. Sometimes they even hire people who look like themselves. That's their comfort zone, but think how constricting it is. We grow professionally and personally by being exposed not to similarities, but to differences.

Wise managers will not hire their mirror image. They may be attracted by parallels, but they should look for differences and surround themselves with people who are not only smarter than they are, but who will, as the President said, tell them the truth.

The best example of this in my own career was a very wise man named Joseph Lesser who hired me straight out of law school. He was the assistant general counsel of the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey at the time and he had the final say on all new lawyers the agency hired.

I arrived at his office for the interview never imagining it would consist of an oral exam. After exchanging a few niceties, he handed me a law book. "Read this case," he said. "Relax. Take your time. I want you to tell me what it says." While I read the case, he sat on the other side of his desk and worked.

I poured over the decision, feeling a bit like the fairytale character who has to spin straw into gold. The opinion, which dealt with the Port Authority's powers as a bi-state agency, was written by Henry Friendly, who at the time was a judge on the United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit. The issues were complicated and his reasoning was convoluted.

What was I to say about it to this prospective employer? I took a deep breath and told the truth: "I think Judge Friendly didn't want to decide this case. So he went out of his way to not rule clearly on the issues at hand."

Lesser burst into a smile. "That's right!" he exclaimed, shook my hand and escorted me out of his office.

I got the job. And once I arrived onboard, I came to understand the other important part of this leadership lesson. Hiring people who will tell you the truth is not enough. One way or another, you also have to give them the freedom to do that. Otherwise, they will be afraid to rock the boat.

As a young lawyer, I wasn't about to march into Lesser’s office. For one thing, it was on a different floor from mine, in the World Trade Center — adjacent to that of the Port Authority’s executive director. But Lesser had a way of handling that, too. Now and then he would call and ask, "Do you have a minute?" I was being summoned to his office to talk about a particular legal issue.

In time, I learned that he did that with a number of other lawyers on our staff. By comparing notes, we realized that we had each been called upstairs to talk about the same thing. He didn't want us to tell him what he wanted to hear. He wanted us to tell him the truth. And he met with us individually because he didn't want us to be swayed by each other.

During these conversations, Lesser just asked questions. I could never tell what he was thinking himself. In fact, during the six years that I worked with him, I knew nothing about his politics either, except that he seemed fascinated by Franklin Delano Roosevelt, who was president during his formative years.

Lesser had his own special way of getting people within the organization to speak up, but there are others. For example, a new boss coming onboard could meet one-on-one with each member of the staff he or she has inherited, and ask that person questions like: What do you do here? What kinds of assignments do you like best? Is there anything you'd like to do here that you haven't yet done? The second two questions would work equally well in an annual review.

Likewise, when there is a problem or a particular challenge at hand – say a new product has been introduced and isn't performing as well as the company hoped — it's painful to admit it. Some bosses send the message that they're not interested in bad news. You can spot one of these leaders by the stream of people kissing their proverbial ring.

But that's not the best way to solve the problems of a company — or a nation. Politics aside, President Obama is right about this much: The first step in solving a problem is to face the hard facts.

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Archive of Forbes Articles By Deborah Jacobs

Deborah L. Jacobs, a lawyer and journalist, is the author of Estate Planning Smarts: A Practical, User-Friendly, Action-Oriented Guide. You can follow her articles on Forbes by clicking the red plus sign or the blue Facebook “subscribe” button to the right of her picture above any post. She is also on Twitter and Google+