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Are You The Perfect Always-On Employee? No Problem. Here's How To Fake It.

Updated Aug 11, 2012, 11:33am EDT
This article is more than 10 years old.

"I was meeting with clients all day. Didn't you see my tweets?" (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Your grandpappy had to walk four miles through waist-deep snow to get to school in the morning, uphill all the way, as he never tires of reminding you.  But in some ways, he had things easier in his day.

When he grew up and got a job, no one ever gave him a Blackberry and told him to keep it handy at all times. When he asked for a day off, no one said, "Just make sure you're available." If he was a real workaholic, maybe he called the office from vacation to check in, but he certainly didn't spend the flight answering emails. A conference was something he did in a conference room, not from the deck of his fishing boat, via Bluetooth.

If you have a job anywhere in the Information Economy -- or anywhere in the modern workforce, really -- all of the preceding will surely be drearily familiar. Even as the evidence piles up that working more than 40 hours a week kills your productivity while vacations, weekends, lunch hours and other breaks boost it dramatically, workers are ceding more and more of their free time to their employers, afraid of looking like slackers at a time when good jobs are scarce.

That's not just paranoid thinking. A recent study published by the MIT Sloan Management Review underscored the importance of being seen by one's boss as available at all times. According to the authors, telecommuters tend to get worse performance reviews than their peers who work on site, even when objective measures show their work to be of equal quality. Accounting for the difference, they concluded,

 is what we call passive face time. By that we are not referring to active interactions with coworkers or clients, but merely to being seen in the workplace. To be credited with passive face time you need only be observed at work; no information is required about what you are doing or how well you are doing it.

In other words, even when your boss doesn't have any work for you to do, she wants to know you're available if something comes up, and not just during business hours. That's supremely depressing for those of us who value our free time.

Fortunately, it can also be turned to your advantage, provided you're not above a little innocent subterfuge. Call it "perception management." The same tools that keep you tethered to your job 24/7 -- your smart phone, your email, your social media accounts -- can also be used to cultivate the impression that you're on high alert when you're actually checked out.

Here at FORBES, we're no strangers to the demands of the always-on workforce. I canvassed my colleagues, as well as some of our social media followers, with the question: How do you fake being an always-on employee while keeping your off hours as work-free as possible?

Let's start with email. In theory, an email is something you don't need to respond to right away. Otherwise, it would be an instant message, right? In practice, of course, letting an email from your boss go unanswered overnight is as good as writing back "i dont care, dont bother me, ur stupid."

Kashmir Hill is our in-house privacy expert, so it figures she'd have the best ideas for cultivating a little mystery around what goes on in your personal time. She suggests a less-is-more approach: "Choose at least one widely distributed email to respond to at 10 p.m./11 p.m. to appear as if your hours go late into the night. Don’t get sucked into reading all your email. Just weigh in on the one that everyone else is responding to. Repeat as soon as you wake up, ideally before 7 a.m."

Matthew Herper, our science and medicine writer, thinks the trick is to put other people on the defensive: "Send lots of short emails. Send some of them using an automailer when you're on vacation. Leave your autoreply on so people think you're super-engaged."

I particularly like the approach espoused by Claire Robinson, our editorial operations manager. If someone tries to engage her by email after hours, she ups the ante and puts the onus on the other party. "I put my mobile number in my e-mail signature and emphasize it in my away message," she says. "If it’s that important, call me. Most of the time, people will not abuse this. I of course check mail periodically during off-hours, but your brain needs a break. I’d rather be interrupted by a call alerting me to something truly important than checking mail constantly just in case."

A FORBES Twitter follower, Hubert Clovenhoof, also has a suggestion for making sure only urgent matters disrupt your "me" time.

A colleague who prefers to remain anonymous admits to using email to create a little strategic ambiguity as to her whereabouts. "I like to be a little selective (shady?) with the 'sent from my iPhone' message. I keep it when replying to contributors in off hours so they know they’re bothering me, but sometimes delete it when writing to anyone more senior so they don’t know I’m out and about."

Social media adds a whole extra layer to the challenge of keeping up your passive face time. If yours is one of the growing number of jobs that require you to maintain a social media presence, extended silence on Twitter/Facebook/Google+ can look too much like slacking.

Bruce Upbin, our managing editor and tech channel honcho, suggests a technological solution: "Tweetdeck has a scheduling function that allows you to stage dozens of tweets in advance so you can maintain your social presence EVEN WHEN YOU'RE NOT THERE." Amazing.

Why stop there? As long as you don't mind fiddling with a phone now and then in your leisure time, you can use those social ties to generate undeserved sympathy, says Kashmir:

If you’re Facebook friends or Twitter mutual followers with colleagues, you can imply you’re getting work done while on weekends/vacations with status updates/tweets. I.E. "It's more fun doing document review poolside with a pina colada." (Notice that statement does not actually state that you are doing document review, just that your current surroundings would make it more fun.)

Sneaky! But no so sneaky that FORBES reader Nicole Stockdale didn't suggest a similar ruse.

Perception management doesn't have to be so high-tech, or high-concept. Says Lewis DVorkin, our chief product officer, "I know some people who never turn off office lights, leaving the impression they are around late at night."

My own tip is also an analog one: If you know you'll be arriving late to the office, or leaving early, dress up a little. If you're someone who regularly has working breakfasts or job-related functions to attend after work, anyone who notices your absence will just assume you're putting in extra hours elsewhere.

At least that's what I'm told. I'd never pull something like that myself.


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Eight Ways Goofing Off Can Make You More Productive

Wasting Time Can Make You A Star At Work

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