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The Pool Care Handbook

The Pool Care Handbook

One book to fix all pool problems for good.

  • Pool Care Simplified: Our big book shows how to keep your pool clear all season long with lots of pictures to make it easy.
  • Save Money: Taking care of pools can be pricey. But with our tricks, you can save money and enjoy more pool time without big costs.
  • For All Pools: The Pool Care Handbook covers inground or above ground pools. It even includes chapters about saltwater and small Intex pools.
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What Our Customers Are Saying

Allen Rabideau

I bought the Handbook to help me understand how to take care of my pool. It explained everything! I feel confident now I can do this on my own. The book is great and I've marked for several pool maintenance tasks.

Lori Murphy

We've had an inground pool for seven years, and I never really understood my water chemistry. After reading the book, my pool has never looked better! Now I am confident of maintaining my pool and the chemistry properly.

Susanne Brueckner

I am a new pool owner. And before I bought the Handbook, I was overwhelmed by all the contrary information online. It was frustrating! It's great to finally have just one consistent guide that explains things step by step.

30-Day Money-Back Guarantee

At Swim University, we're proud to stand behind The Pool Care Handbook. We've put decades of real-world pool care experience into every page. That's why we offer a 30-Day Money-Back Guarantee. If our handbook doesn't answer all your pool care questions and give you completely peace of mind, we'll give your money back. And you can keep the Handbook! No returns, no hassle, and no questions asked.

Swim University Guarantee

Hey, I'm Matt, Creator of Swim University®

I joined the pool industry in 1993. And in 2006, I created to help make pool care easy for everyone.

Pool maintenance can be difficult. Especially water chemistry. And it’s hard to find a trusted source you can rely on. It’s why I created The Pool Care Handbook.

I launched Swim University in my bedroom over 18 years ago. Now I'm proud to say it's a family business with my wife and brother. We continue to help millions of people with pool chemistry, cleaning, and troubleshooting.

Matt Giovanisci Headshot

Frequently Asked Questions

Can't I just find this information online for free?

We provide tons of free content online through our website and YouTube channel. But "The Pool Care Handbook" consolidates our expert advice and proven methods into one comprehensive guide. This saves you time and ensures you get reliable and actionable information. It beats sifting through countless sources with confusing and conflicting advice.

I'm concerned the information might be outdated or not relevant to my pool. How current is the content?

Our handbook is regularly updated. It reflects the latest in pool care advancements and trends. It covers a broad range of pool types and setups to a wide variety of pool owners. If you don't get the answers you're looking for, we'll gladly offer you a full refund.

What if the handbook doesn't address my specific issues?

Our handbook covers a broad spectrum of pool care topics (including salt water pools). You'll find solutions to your specific issues. Plus, if you don't get the answers you're looking for, we'll give you a full refund.

I'm not very technical. Is the handbook easy to understand?

Yes! Our guide is written in clear, simple language to ensure every pool owner can understand it. Download our sample chapter above to see for yourself.

Is the price of the handbook justified?

Investing in "The Pool Care Handbook" can save you thousands immediately. By following our expert advice, you can prevent costly mistakes and ensure your pool remains in top condition, potentially avoiding expensive repairs and unnecessary chemicals.

How do I know I can trust the information in the handbook?

Swim University® has been providing pool care information since 2006. Matt Giovanisci has been in the pool industry since 1993. Our guide was written and illustrated by an industry expert with decades of experience. Moreover, we have numerous testimonials from satisfied customers who have successfully implemented our strategies and recommendations.

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