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Mesnes Park hits the jackpot

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Published Date:
15 October 2008
Years of dreams are set to become reality after the plan to restore Wigan's historic Mesnes Park hit the jackpot for the second time.
The announcement of a £12,000 development grant from the Lottery is now expected to trigger another £3.1m in makeover aid to add to millions already in the kitty.

In 2007 the Heritage Lottery Fund and the Big Lottery Fund awarded £1.8m to regenerate the park.
Funding from Wigan Council, Wigan Leisure and Culture Trust and Frederick's Ice Cream saw the total investment for Phase One reach £3.4m.

This part of the project will see the pavilion and bandstand restored to their former glory, the Dalton steps repaired and a multi-purpose play shack refurbished when work starts early next year.

Phase Two will see the entrance lodge fully restored and support community activities.
The main entrance, pillars, gates, railings and footpaths will also be restored and a sports zone created, including a crazy golf course, multi-use games area, refurbished tennis courts and an extreme sports zone. There will be new lighting and CCTV.

The latest grant announcement from the Lottery forms the basis for a further £3.1m investment.
An announcement on whether Wigan has secured £1.9m funding from Heritage Lottery and the Big Lottery is expected next year.

If the application is successful it will then be "match funded" via the council and trust. Rodney Hill, chief executive of Wigan Leisure and Culture Trust, said: "Our dedicated officers have spent the last five years working hard to secure this level of funding.

"This latest announcement prepares the groundwork for a further multi-million pound investment.
"At the heart of everything they have planned and designed has remained one single question: 'how would the original designer have responded to the task?'

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The full article contains 312 words and appears in Wigan Evening Post newspaper.
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  • Last Updated: 15 October 2008 9:32 AM
  • Source: Wigan Evening Post
  • Location: Wigan

Mick Meadows,

Wigan 15/10/2008 10:52:34
Whilst I , along with all users and visitors to our park, applaud the overall initiative I have to point out that, yet again, we see an article on the (long overdue) regeneration of Mesnes Park which fails to mention certain aspects of the plan viz :
The creation of a new vehicle access road into the park on an already extremely dangerous stretch of road
The movement of the park industrial depot from it's current location hidden away at the back of the park to a prominent position on Park Road.
There is a newly formed Residents Association which is gaining support from across the town. Our latest newsletter is pasted below :


From the true friends of Mesnes Park

Mesnes Park was one of Wigan’s real glories. We have for many years been pressing for refurbishment of the whole park. Having fallen into disrepair our park is now set to be vandalised further by an unnecessary corrugated eyesore being built on precious park land and spilling out onto the highway in front of the park.

We are totally in favour of any planned refurbishment of our park using Lottery funding BUT, we are against that part of the plan to do away with a superb and well used bowling green and the beautiful tree lines from the railway bridge to the first park gates to make way for an unhealthy, vermin infested noisy and smelly works depot in it’s place. We also totally disagree with the plan to create a dangerous works exit directly onto Park Road only a few metres from the railway bridge, three other exits and two hidden bends with a history of road accidents. We are equally concerned that this will set a precedent resulting in NO part of our park being safe from spoiling developments.

The esplanade running from the bridge to the park gates, and beyond that into town is used twice daily by thousands of people, many of them schoolchildren and must be kept safe.

This part of the overall plan was two years in the making but kept secret then divulged to local re

Mick Meadows,

Wigan 15/10/2008 10:58:32
End of newsletter from above

This part of the overall plan was two years in the making but kept secret then divulged to local residents only days before a planning application was to be put before the council. Even then only a tiny minority of residents were informed.

The clock is now ticking, we must all act now to prevent this act of vandalism on our park. We have set up an action group which meets every Wednesday in the cricket club at 1900, more than 50 people have attended our meetings so far. We’d love you to join us in our fight to retain the beauty and safety of our park. We have met with supportive councillors, spoken with Planners and others involved and have a dedicated committee gathering the evidence we will present to the Planning Committee should this terrible proposal be submitted.

We need your ’word of mouth’ action to ensure the widest possible number of people are aware of this plan and our opposition to it, please pass on this letter to relatives, friends and workmates. The park belongs to all of us and we should all have a say in what happens to it.

In summary, we totally support the plan to refurbish our park to it’s former glory and applaud the council for seeking funding to make this happen BUT that part of the plan which seeks to build an industrial unit spoiling an entire stretch of our park AND introducing more danger on Park Road is misguided and must be changed.

Please visit our web site at for more information about the proposal, Email us at if you want to register your protest and join us at our meetings.

It’s our park, don’t let them spoil it



Wigan 15/10/2008 14:04:51
Being one of only an handful of residents who were invited to meet the Trust for the first time in early September. Considering your article suggests the Trust have been working on the funding and the project for the last 5 years, I too was horrified to discover that in the proposal, they planned to 1. Move the depot 2. Build a new road entrance into the park on a stretch of road that is already known locally as a ‘black spot’. Anyone seen the presentation in the Café Pavilion in the Park? Nowhere on this does it mention moving the depot or the new access road.

In the letter I was sent out it said, I am writing to you to invite you to a meeting to discuss the impact of the proposed changes to the park and specifically the boundary of the park between the Park Road railway bridge and the Park Road entrance.

The important word used is impact. I believe their proposal will impact all users of the park new and old including the existing traffic that uses Parsons Walk and Park road on a daily basis. I felt so strongly about this that I contacted all the Emergency Services and through the ‘Freedom of information act’ I have obtained documented evidence showing the number of accidents and incidents that have happen on this stretch of road over the last ten years. Any who uses Wigantoday regularly will be horrified with the results. I will if need be using this evidence to make sure the two points mentioned above don’t happen and will be passing this information onto ‘The True Friends of Mesnes Park’. I recommend that the whole of Wigan supports their aims.


Wigan 15/10/2008 17:11:16
In addition to the above comments I have to agree that a fundamental piece of information is being overlooked in the excitement of the re-development plan. Whilst I agree that a depot is required for the park workers to use etc there is already one in the park - I didn't know it was there either! Its tucked away by the college. It seems really quite absurd that the 'Trust' have decided to relocate the depot. What is more absurd is that the 'Trust' decided to keep this part of the redevelopment plan quiet. Why? Well for the very reason that they knew people would object. Rodney Hill was quoted as saying 'how would the original designer have responded to the task?'. I doubt very much that the original designer would have removed a well-used bowling green and an established area of trees in order to make a depot, especially when there already is one. If the current depot is not functional then this should be redeveloped surely thats a more rational idea. As to the previous post on the road safety issues, they speak for themselves. If the 'Trust' has any sense they will reconsider this plan before its too late - not only for the park land but for the potential road traffic victims.



wigan 15/10/2008 20:21:03
why is it not possible to lock the gates at night. anyone entering the vicinity of the park when the gates are locked should be prosecuted as tresspasing. some of this grant should be used for full time security from park wardens. furthermore there should be daytime security to prevent people sitting and playing games on the gardens. there is enough green space for games without plaing on the gardens.
2 occasions i have witnessed unruly behaviour. once by these so called harmless kids who call themselves goths. drinking on the bandstands then smashing their cider bottles on the tarmac. another occasion when 3 of our friends from eastern europe where playing football on the gardens adjascent to the duck pond and using the bushes as goalposts.. incredible!
are the council so thick that they will blow the money without enforcing security. when we were kids we wasnt allowed to walk on the gardened areas let alone the activities that are allowed now.
wigans pride in the park starts with the gardens and flowers. the picturesqe views from the cafe.. spending money first and foremost on the powell statue is ridiculous. get the gardens in order. get the lawns as they were in the 70,s mown with pride, get some real floral displays. get the lodge renovated. but not only as a visitors centre but as a security lodge. keep the bowling greens as im sure there are many people who have pride in them. if the council need advise. why not list all the things that need doing and have a public referendum as to what the public would do in order of priority


wigan 15/10/2008 21:34:08
I dread to think what this bunch of muppits have got planned in their "Design" portfolio, if the rest of the borough is anything to go by it will end up looking like Disneyworld.


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