Data Publisher for Earth & Environmental Science

Sign Up

You can sign up for a user account using this form. This account can be used to access more advanced services (like our data warehouse) or access data under moratorium, or submit data using the issue tracker.

Most of the data are freely available and can be used under the terms of the license mentioned on the data set description. A few password protected data sets are under moratorium from ongoing projects. The description of each data set is always visible and includes the principle investigator (PI) who may be asked for access.

You have not yet connected PANGAEA with an ORCID iD. It is strongly recommended to connect your new account, because ORCID provides a persistent digital identifier that distinguishes you from every other researcher and, through integration in key research workflows such as data set / manuscript / grant submission, supports automated linkages between you and your professional activities ensuring that your work is recognized. If you submit data to PANGAEA, we will link the data sets to your ORCID iD.


*, I have read the privacy policy of PANGAEA, and I agree with processing my personal data.
*, I have read, and do hereby accept the terms of use.

(* denotes a required field in this form)