8 Reasons Being Married Is Better

Being married has health, social, financial and sexual advantages over perpetual singledom.

Written on Mar 19, 2012

wedding rings

Marriage, when it's good, can be a wonderful thing. It's like being allowed to spend your life hanging out with your best friend in the world. Remember how much we wanted our best friend to spend every night at our house for weeks on end when we were little? Well, with marriage, you get to do that. Happily married people wake up every morning next to their best bud.

There are also health benefits to marriage. The March issue of the Journal of Health and Social Behavior has a study that shows married people are much more likely to live longer after heart surgery than their single counterparts. The study correlated this to the generally positive outlook the marrieds had on their recovery. They just felt more optimistic.


Well, if that's not a reason to get married, I can't imagine what is. Everyone in this country, regardless of sexual orientation, should be allowed to get married. Because marriage is better. And here are 8 reasons:

Read the reasons on The Stir: 8 Reasons Being Married Is Just Better

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