COVID Vaccine Gene Could Integrate Into Human Cancer Cells

What Mr. McKernan and his team have found contradicts the latest arguments from fact-checkers.

By Marina Zhang

Following his discovery of DNA contamination in COVID-19 mRNA vaccines, genomic researcher Kevin McKernan has recently found that the DNA in these vaccines can potentially integrate into human DNA.

The COVID-19 vaccine spike sequence was detected in two types of chromosomes in cancer cell lines following exposure to the COVID-19 mRNA vaccine. Mr. McKernan’s findings, which he presents on his Substack blog, haven’t been peer-reviewed.

These are expected to be “rare events,” but they can happen, Mr. McKernan told The Epoch Times.

DNA Integration

Since the introduction of the COVID-19 mRNA vaccines, some members of the public have been concerned that the vaccines may modify human DNA by combining their sequences with the human genome.

Fact-checkers” refuted this, saying mRNA cannot be changed into DNA. Yet Mr. McKernan’s earlier work shows that DNA in the vaccine vials may be capable of changing human DNA.

Ulrike Kämmerer, a professor of human biology at the University Hospital of Würzburg in Germany, conducted earlier stages of this research.

Exposing breast and ovarian human cancer cells to Pfizer and Moderna mRNA vaccines, Ms. Kämmerer found that about half of the cells expressed the COVID-19 spike protein on their cellular surface, indicating that they had absorbed the vaccines.


DNA Contaminants in COVID Vaccines Are ‘Beyond the Pale’: Florida Surgeon General Explains the Call for Vaccine Halt


DNA Contaminants in COVID Vaccines Are ‘Beyond the Pale’: Florida Surgeon General Explains the Call for Vaccine Halt

Billions of Copies of Residual DNA in a Single Dose of COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine: Preprint


Billions of Copies of Residual DNA in a Single Dose of COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine: Preprint

Mr. McKernan then performed gene sequencing and found that these cells and their descendant cells contained vaccine DNA.

After this, he tested to see whether any vaccine DNA combined with the cancer cell DNA, a process known as DNA integration. Integration is more of a concern in healthy cells than cancer cells because it disrupts cells’ genetic stability and integrity, increasing cancer risk.

However, because cancer cells already have unstable DNA, the effects of DNA integration are less clear.

Currently, in biomedical research, most experiments are carried out in cancer cell lines, as they are easier to obtain, experiment on, and maintain in the laboratory.

Mr. McKernan detected vaccine DNA sequences on two chromosomes in the cancer cell lines: chromosome 9 and chromosome 12. The sequencing machine detected both instances of integration twice. It is important to get two readings of the DNA integration to ensure that the integration is not a result of misreading or random error, he said.

“The integration of ‘vaccine’ genetic information into the genome of cells was not such a surprise for me—more the confirmation of what we had to expect, unfortunately,” he told The Epoch Times.

Mr. McKernan said it is unsurprising that integration was detected on only two chromosomes with two readings of each integration. This is because integration is rare, and the genes must be sequenced many times to get more sensitive results.

The current findings are still preliminary, he said. More tests are also needed to determine whether DNA integration could be passed on to descendant cancer cells and whether this may affect cancer patients.

Also, since the test was conducted in cancer cells and not in healthy human cells, it does not suggest the same integration would occur in healthy human cells.

However, Hiroshi Arakawa, a researcher at the Institute of Molecular Oncology who has a doctorate in molecular biology and immunology, wrote in his blog that “what happens in cultured cells can also occur in normal cells” after examining Mr. McKernan’s data.

His review of Mr. McKernan’s data also found signs of DNA integration at chromosomes 9 and 12.

“A wide variety of abnormalities can occur [in normal cells] depending on the site of genome integration,” Mr. Arakawa said.

Not Random Events

The two integration events into chromosome 9 occurred at the same place, as did the integration events into chromosome 12.

Mr. McKernan said the odds of this occurring are one in 3 billion, highlighting that where the DNA integrates may not be random.

“There’s likely hotspots for this,” he told The Epoch Times, highlighting that in the human genome, jumping genes—short segments of DNA sequences—tend to “jump” into highly activated areas of DNA.

Highly activated DNA tends to play important roles in the human body.

The DNA integration into chromosome 12 occurred within the FAIM2 gene. Once activated, this gene creates a protein involved in programmed cell death. Since cancer cells evade cell death, the integration at chromosome 12 may be a survival-driven change.

Vaccine DNA Is Active in the Cells

Mr. McKernan said he believes that vaccine DNA is highly active in cancer cells. His sequencing machine detected the DNA of cancer cells 30 times but detected spike DNA 3,000 times.

Not only did he detect much higher levels of vaccine DNA, but he also detected new variants in certain segments of the vaccine DNA.

These new DNA variations were not observed in unvaccinated cancer cells nor in the vaccine not exposed to the cancer cells.

Mr. McKernan said he believes that these new gene variants likely occurred because the cancer cell made copies of the vaccine DNA and created small errors.

What he and his team have found contradicts the latest arguments from fact-checkers claiming that the DNA from the mRNA vaccines cannot get into the cell, nor can it be active, he said.

DNA Contamination From mRNA Vaccine Manufacturing

DNA is present in the COVID-19 mRNA vaccines because of the manufacturing process.

This has been verified by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), Health Canada, and the European Medicines Agency.

The mRNA vaccines are made from DNA; some of this DNA persists in the final product because of insufficient clearance.

Initially, Pfizer reported that it would use a PCR machine to produce the DNA for its mRNA vaccine. The PCR machine first makes many copies of DNA, which is then sequenced into RNA.

However, because this process wouldn’t be fast enough to meet demands, the vaccine manufacturers switched to using bacteria to mass-produce DNA as the template for the mRNA vaccine.

In this process, vaccine manufacturers introduce bacterial DNA containing the vaccine spike sequences. The bacteria make many copies of this spike DNA as they divide. This spike DNA is then harvested and transcribed into mRNA in a machine. The mRNA is then packaged into lipid nanoparticles for use in vaccination.

However, some bacterial DNA containing spike protein and other sequences could be packaged into lipid nanoparticles during the process, which would then be transported into cells during vaccination. Mr. McKernan’s earlier works have demonstrated this.

Works by molecular virologist David Speicher have shown that the amount of DNA in the mRNA vaccine vials is higher than the FDA’s allowable threshold of 10 nanograms per vaccine dose.

Mr. McKernan highlighted that compared with previous vaccines, mainly composed of naked DNA that had difficulty entering the cells, the DNA carried in the mRNA vaccines presents greater health risks, as it is packed into lipid nanoparticles and delivered straight into the cells.


Bottom line, they intended to kill people.
My mom was in an AFH and had
no choice but to get the first shot, then the booster in the spring of 2021. In May of 2021 she was diagnosed with breast cancer that had been dormant for 30 years. It rapidly turned into stage 4 and on January 15, 2022 she died. No one can tell me it was coincidental that all of a sudden it returned after 30 years when she was healthy. There were many studies over the last 3 years that shows this poison will reactivate cancer. Turbo cancer is real.
Fk Fauci, the CDC, Pfizer, Moderna and every person who supports them.
They are truly evil.



Turbo cancer has become an epidemic. I never heard of turbo cancer prior to 2021

FDA Didn’t Follow Up When Alerted to Postvaccination Death of Minor: Doctor

Japanese Preprint Calls for mRNA Vaccines to Be Suspended Over Blood Bank Contamination Concerns


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Marina Zhang


RUSSIAN PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION 2024! Millions Tell REAL TRUTH about Putin & Russia! | COMPLETE FREE REPORT! FuturisTrendcast Marathon





Don’t take my word for it, just see what people say and how they really feel! Dozens of testimonials from all over the world, primarily from the West!


Link: Record-Breaking RUSSIAN PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION 2024 Over! People Tell REAL Truth about Putin & Russia!



Today, I pulled all the stops and created a very telling eye-witness expose from the horse’s mouth! This expose is colorful and diverse, just like the world we live in!

People from different countries tell the REAL TRUTH about the Russian Presidential Election, the Navalny/Ukraine opposition, and how various countries’ authorities have behaved during the polling period!

This is a very rare opportunity to transport yourself into the very thick of things by reading my translated testimonials, and watching videos from all over the world!

If you really want to make sense of the truth, you won’t find a better opportunity!

Record-Breaking, Unprecedented, Jaw-Dropping


Millions of Russians Tell REAL Truth about Putin & Russia!

The Russian Presidential Elections 2024 smashed all the records, including the record turnout: 74%; the record result: 87.28% for Putin; record queues and record resonance around the world. Unprecedented turnout not just in Russia, but also abroad, where more than 2 million people voted, despite huge lines, sabotage, bad weather and refusal by some countries to open enough polling stations!

People around the world note a great organization of the polling, and in many cases the polling centers stayed open well beyond working hours, to accommodate the unprecedented volumes of voters! In Phuket, Thailand, the queues were so huge that the venue stayed open till midnight.

And there was a jaw-dropping unity and outspokenness of the usually quiet and private Russians about WHO and WHY they voted for!

No matter what kind of threats and provocations the ‘collective’ West, Kiev and Navalny’s anti-Russian clique tried to execute, no matter what kind of lies and discriminations were planned, people came out in unheard of numbers to vote for their president.

If you listened to my detailed predictive podcast, released several days before Russian Election 2024,


You know that all my predictions about the inability to sabotage or disrupt Russian election came true in spades. And the result surpassed (honestly, for the first time ever!) my most optimistic percentage projections!

**I’ll tell you guys later, in a new podcast, why that happened!!



is available two ways:


In this FREE Report I want to show you the eyewitness videos shot by people all over the world of the multi-kilometer, multi-hour lines in various countries, where people came to vote, often for the very first time.

And I’m sharing translations of the very telling and poignant comments posted under one of the discussion videos. Both the videos and comments speak for themselves. And they speak for the REAL MAJORITY, as opposed to the extremely loud and violent marginal minority, who keep saying that ‘people stood for hours in line to protest against Putin!’

People’s testimonies reveal the real truth about the so-called ‘anti-Putin protesters’, usually the followers of Navalny and his ‘widow’ Yulia Navalnaya, who was recently received by Biden together with her daughter. Yulia vowed to ‘continue her husband’s struggle against Putin and Russia’, to Biden’s blessing and promise of support. You’ll see in comments people calling her ‘the merry widow’, due to her big smiles, despite her being ‘in mourning’.

But mostly, people talk about the incredible turnout, they talk about Russia and Putin.

Without further ado, here’s what people say:

My translations of the testimonials and comments under the video discussing the Russian election voting in France and Germany:

~ I voted in Paris. There was a huge queue all day. Many came from other cities (including myself) to vote for V.V. Putin. Everyone understands that this is a movement towards PEACE. RUSSIA FOR PEACE. Isn’t Navalnaya ashamed? She didn’t go to her husband’s funeral, but came here (Lada: meaning to Berlin) to show off her violent anti-Russian activities, and during the mourning she promotes herself. Disgraceful.


~ Yes, all of us, RUSSIANS living in the West, are almost all for Putin. Even those who are not citizens of Russia are still FOR PUTIN! I stood in Berlin for 7 hours and voted for Putin

~ Putin is the President of the World, that’s why they vote for him all over the world.

~ Even if we live abroad for many years, this does not make us anti-Russian and for the most part we are more patriots than some in Russia, and we want Russia to flourish and increase its wealth, so that the people are satisfied with their lives and so that there is no war anywhere on our blue globe. And also, we are proud when Russia has good roads, cultural services, polite motorists on the roads, etc.

~ I came to Paris from Da Grande Motte, which is 800 kilometers away. I stood for 5 hours with my French husband (by the way, he is 77 years old), and voted for Putin. My husband said that he would remember this day for the rest of his life. He is proud to have been present at this epoch-making event.

~I haven’t gone to the polls for a very long time, because I’ve been living abroad in different countries for many years. Then we lived in cities where there was no consulate. But this time I went specifically to show support for the president with my voice. Voted in Egypt, Hurghada.

~ I believe that this time there are many of us who went to vote for the first time or who have not gone for a very long time. Yes, Russians did not expect to see such support for our president abroad. Thanks to these people, a low bow to them. This caused joy in the Russian soul and, at least a little, calmed it down. The true truth cannot be hidden, no matter how hard some try to do it.

~ I came to Brussels and voted for Putin! Although there were a lot of Navalnyats (Lada: Navalny followers). I stood in line for more than 2 hours. The voting went quite calmly.

~ Well done, if I had Russian citizenship, I would vote for the only President that Russia needs. And bought-and-paid for Navalnaya, everyone already knows who she really is.

~ I voted in Egypt. In local FB groups, some tried to lie that people were fighting, that they almost forced everyone there by bussing us in. They tried in every possible way to denigrate the whole process. When we, normal people, began to confront the authors of lies, saying none of that happened, they began deleting their scribbles.

~ 75% abroad voted for V.V. Putin Election Commission data.

~ Glory to Russia and God from France, Cannes!

~Thanks to the ‘collective West’ for the united Russia

~ Add an overview of the Russian presidential elections in the USA and Greece! It was the same situation! Huge, hours-long queues at polling stations and a small handful of liberals trying to disrupt the process. This is a complete victory!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

~ Tried to vote in Toronto. We stood in the cold for 6.5 hours. But the police blocked the doors at 7:40 pm and we did not vote. The queue was 1 km long. There were strange jumping people in the queue with anti-Russian posters. It was only them that the reporters with microphones approached, not us, those who really came to vote. The posters were in English. Strange… After the interview, those ‘jumping protesters’ threw away their posters and promptly left. There were a lot of police. Someone tipped the police off to the Katyusha (Lada: a beloved Russian song) some of us were singing. The police ordered us to stand quietly and not turn on the music. They showed our line on TV and said that we stood for Navalny (a lie). I am very pleased that there are many more normal people than the ‘jumpers’. Of course, I didn’t poll everyone, but judging by the Russian symbolism and moods, people came to support President Putin.

~ My friends and I voted in Istanbul. We left at 8.30 in the morning and were at the Russian Embassy at 9:00. It didn’t take very long, we stood for about 30 minutes and voted for V.V. Putin . Then more people arrived and our friends, who came by 11 am, had already been standing in line for 5 hours. The queue was very long. Well done everyone who came! Well done everyone who voted!

~ Navalnaya (Lada: Yulia Navalnaya, the widow of Alexei Navalny) is such a cheerful widow, she can’t contain her joy that she has freed herself from her marriage. After the death of her husband, Yulenka’s smile never left her face….. maybe she’s too cheap to hire a decent image consultant….. or they don’t get what such behavior looks like…

~ With all the latest tricks from the West, even those who previously didn’t, now want to vote for VVP . (Lada: VVP is what people call Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin for short).

~ There is the Spirit of the Russian people, regardless of the current place of residence of Russians (there are no former Russians, just as there are no former children of any mother)! The president is a reflection of the people. Apparently, changes have taken place in our people, since we have become worthy of having such a president.

~ Some of my fairly close friends/colleagues were Navalnists. Not many, but some were. Standard middle class, small entrepreneurs, earning money and traveling frequently. And I want to say that over the past two years, looking at this so-called opposition — Volkov, with his eyes red from Russophobia; Pevchikh, calling for sanctions against Russians; Dud’s interviews from which one felt sick; the opposition bashes in Vilnius (Lada: Lithuania) planning a dismemberment of Russia — suddenly, the majority understood who’s who and who works for whom. Before my very eyes they all became patriots and Putin supporters. All my friends, but one, voted for Putin.

~ From a German: “The indestructible union of the free republics, the Great Rus’ has united forever. Long live created by the will of the peoples, the great and mighty Soviet Union!…” (Lada: he recites the Soviet anthem). Congratulations, brothers! I was very happy when I saw the United Rus’! I almost sang “Rise up the boundless country…”. I am a man, but shed some tears of joy… You are not a simple people, You are the Power!!! “Glory be to your free fatherland…!” (Lada: a line from the anthem of Russia). Hello, everyone, from Germany!

~ In Paris, my son and I stood for 3.5 hours at the embassy; he voted for the first time in his life. And right away – for our president! Expressing our opinion now is the most important thing for all of us.

~ Thank you, dear ones!! From Russia with love!!

~ In St. Petersburg (Russia) I voted on the first day. On the way to the voting station I saw a woman on crutches. She could barely walk, but she was still coming to vote! The workers in the building quickly helped me find the area with my address. As I entered the polling station, everyone greeted me. They served me politely and offered me a voting booth. I refused because… I had nothing to hide. I took a pen right from the employee’s desk, checked the box with the words: “It’s clear choice, nothing to discuss!” I saw sparks of mutual understanding in the eyes of those around me and smiles of support. I put the ballot in the box, and voila! It’s done. On the way to the exit I met that granny on crutches with her daughter. Workers helped her up the stairs into the building. It was also nice to see a family of three generations come to vote. Everything was sweet, simple and honest, as from a bright, hospitable buffet emanated some delicious aromas, yum…

(Lada: the election day is often turned in Russia into a holiday, with people coming out as families, with inviting fairs and yummy buffets, nice music, song and dance, people dressing up, mingling and socializing. I remember that even as a child. A nice atmosphere, which I’m glad is experiencing a true comeback in Russia.)

~ I personally witnessed a huge turnout at the elections of Russian citizens who came from different regions of France, since I myself stood in a queue for many hours and voted in Paris for our great President of the Russian Federation. It was a historical event! The world has never seen such a turnout and solidarity of ordinary people who came to fulfill their civic duty. We voted for peace.


~ I live in Italy. I went to Milan to vote. 5 hours in line. But I’m glad I could cast my vote.


~ Yesterday, I watched how the elections took place in Greece, Italy, Germany – there were indeed a lot of people, specifically for Putin. They even came with children and stood in line for 3-5 hours. It makes me very happy to see such people’s unity.

~ In Rostov-on-Don (Lada: southern Russia, close to the Ukraine border) there was a huge turnout, everyone, from the very young to the very old. I have never seen such a turnout. The people really rallied.

~ Those so-called “oppositioners” had definitely inserted themselves in the legit queues in the West!

(Lada: reference to Navalnists, who pretended they were part of the queue for the pretty picture of ‘protests against Putin’ in western press. That included Yulia Navalnaya, who showed up in Germany, with broad smiles, posing as if she stood in the queue. The fact that it’s all fake is discussed in the video. Other eyewitnesses discuss similar incidents in other countries.)

~ Voronezh Oblast’ 88% voted for V.V. Putin (Lada: Voronezh, Russia, is just north of Ukraine and Kiev regime tries to bomb it, along with Belgorod).

~ In Warsaw, my son and I stood for 4 hours in the rain and the entire huge queue stood firm, no one left, despite the unexpected cold and bad weather. People were in high spirits, everyone was smiling and talking to each other. We voted some of the last, almost before the embassy closed. People were still rushing to arrive by taxi at the very end! Also, at the exit there was an exit poll, some kind of incomprehensible girls and grannies, sort of unkempt (where did they come from?). My son and I saw our ambassador, came up to him, said some warm words, shook hands, it was very cool, as if we were suddenly back in Russia. We felt like a celebration and the unity of people, it was wonderful!!!♥

~ I voted in Dubai. The area was cordoned off by Dubai police. In general, from the conversations in the queue I understood that people came to vote for Putin.

~ For the first time in my life, I went to the polls on principle, and of course, for Putin.

~ My sister lives in Greece and also voted for Putin!!!

~ Instead of voting, opposition members took selfies holding the ballots they had spoiled. And now they are wondering why their nominee has only 3.8%, while Putin has more than 87%.

~ Same lines in Portugal, many didn’t get the chance to cast their votes!

~ My husband and I traveled almost 300 km to Milan (Lada: Italy) to vote. The queue was huge. And there were people from all different places, and even much further than us. My relatives stood in a huge line in Chisinau (Lada: Moldova).

~ I stood in Berlin for 4 hours. Unfortunately, the embassy was closed at 20:00… I didn’t get to vote, though we stayed till the end. There were also provocateurs, and just as you say, they crushed the queue. The provocateurs tried to gather their own alternative crowd, but almost no one joined them.

~ In Paris, we stood in line for 5.5 hours, voting time was extended from 20-00 to 22-00, but in the end the Embassy closed only at 22-30. So, everyone voted!

~ I would like to say that everyone in Kursk (Lada: Russia) also voted very actively this time. The unity of the people could be felt! Good job, everyone!

~ I would also gladly vote if I had a Russian passport!!! And I’m glad that so many people came and stood in line to vote! You Russians are super!!!!

~ There were many people in The Hague who wanted to vote, but many were unable to; they stood in line for hours, but in the end, the embassy had to close, not ready for such large numbers of voters.

Interesting testimonial from Portugal:

~ Strange things were observed in Portugal: we saw how some ‘activists’ bussed in the ‘protesters’ wrapped in white and blue flags (Lada: Navalny followers adopted this flag), hung signs on buildings next to the polling queue, calling for donations to Ukraine and to go out and protest against Russia. They had inserted their people in our queue and we noticed them doing the roll calls and marking those present, who, it looked like, were paid cash for their activities!

They constantly recorded videos, shouting on camera something against Russia and the president. That frantic activity was supposed to create the appearance of their numbers being larger than in reality. Many people protested against those provocations, asking them to refrain from including them as props in their orgy. But they kept shouting ‘Glory to Ukraine’. The police clearly protected them and didn’t allow us to remove the provocative posters or provocateurs themselves.

We stood for 7 hours and didn’t get to the ballot box, because Portugal sabotaged the elections, allowed it only for 1 day. The police was very reluctantly present. Trying to vote any other day was called by Portugal illegal, while a single voting station was allowed per ENTIRE COUNTRY!!!

Those bought-and-paid-for ‘navalnyats’ began chanting ‘shame’ as soon as the polling closed. But it’s the Portuguese authorities who should be ashamed for their lies. They told us ‘it was the Russian embassy’ who didn’t extend the voting time for everyone in line because ‘the regime was afraid of the result.’ But this is a lie, because mostly people came with the intention of supporting our president!

What a joy that despite all this mayhem and bacchanalia, our people have united again and showed that rotten charade and their paid sellers of the Motherland that we are the majority and that fascism will not pass. 🎉

~ Having lived abroad for 27 years, I also never voted and went to the polls for the first time this Sunday. My impressions coincide with those described by your French friend. Everything was very organized, clear, and there was a very friendly atmosphere. And a feeling of unity and pride for your country.

~ My friends and I were on holiday in Phuket (Lada: Thailand), so we stood for hours and voted only at 10 pm :). Actually, the voting station was supposed to be open until eight pm, but people began to protest the closure. From the consulate came a directive to stay open till midnight. We also got to know everyone in the queue, took turns going for a swim and a snack))). The queue was long, and many local tourists kept asking us why so many people lined-up? When they learned we came to vote they were shocked that Russians would voluntarily sacrifice an entire day of fun. And indeed, they’ve never seen so many people voting.

~ My mother, 76 years old, stood for seven hours in Berlin to cast her vote for our President. We saw that ‘Yulia’. Everything was exactly as you say. All they do turns to dust (Lada: ‘they’ meaning Navalny followers).

~ And finally, a very interesting testimonial, from the same video comment section:

Since I left for Germany, I haven’t gone to the polls, but this time I did. The election in Berlin was very ‘different’.

1) They say there have never been so many people.

2) There were a lot of ‘liberda’ (Lada: the so called ‘Russian liberals’, Navalny followers and haters of Putin and Russia). Ukrainians united with the Russian liberda against the ‘common enemy’.

3) Navalnaya really was there, I saw her. She strutted along the entire line, people with cameras ran after her, liberda created a backsplash chorus by posing with their posters on camera, but then they were whisked away to pose somewhere else. Navalnaya walked just past me… too bad it happened so fast that I didn’t get the chance to put my foot out to trip her up, sorry folks ;).

4) At the end of the day we realized that the movement of the queue was being sabotaged. Somewhere in the middle there was a gap where random people slipped in, simply not allowing the que to move (Lada: the hint seems to be that it was done deliberately by certain group described here, by apparently inserting some of their own, and then continuously adding more people). I stood there for exactly 9 hours. Nothing better to do, so I started a debate with the liberda, and the time flew by unnoticed. But the door shut right in front of my nose. I didn’t get to vote (yet I did get to loudly declare my civic position). It’s difficult to argue with those people. It’s as if they don’t perceive the reality and live in an alternate universe. Or maybe it’s youthful maximalism combined with some expert brainwashing by their curators.

However, there were more of us. We just didn’t yell, didn’t run around with posters and flags, and didn’t clown around. Many people did not have time to vote. But we were there and saw everything with our own eyes, and now we can talk about their lies and hypocrisy.


Voting results abroad compared to WITHIN RUSSIA:

Outside Russia, President Vladimir Putin received an average of 72% of the votes, per the data from the Automated Electoral System, and second place in foreign polls was taken by the State Duma Deputy Speaker, candidate of the “New People” Vladislav Davankov (16.65%). The communist candidate, head of the State Duma Committee on Arctic and Far Eastern Affairs Nikolai Kharitonov received only 2.22%, and his colleague from the International Affairs Committee and leader of the LDPR Leonid Slutsky received 1.97% of the vote.

Within the country, the proportion of votes received is different: 87.28, 3.85, 4.31 and 3.2% of the votes, respectively.



Greece! This is lovely and joyful, compared to all the other videos from the West. People are open and ALL say they came from all corners of Greece to vote for Putin.


The first woman says: in Greece most of the population support Russia and Putin, and those Russians who live there 100% support both. Note, unlike in many other NATO countries!

Antalya, Turkey, watch how celebratory this one is:

Notice the difference between these two and the yelling and screaming of the opposition – and nothing celebratory – in the West. Basically, my impression is that the few yellers are suppressing the thousands in the queue, who are afraid to express their true views.


New York consulate, USA


The video entitled: “Putin, president of the world! Russian President’s Election in New York, lines and protest.

The girl starts: ‘Presidential elections underway In New York, as in all of Russia.’ LOL

The line wraps around a huge block. Protest by the Navalny crowd together with Ukrainians. Very loud, but not very numerous. The line to vote is A LOT larger. Noticed that people were turning away in the queue from a girl standing with Ukrainian flag.

I heard that despite all that Putin won in the US.

Paris, France Выборы Президента России. Посольство РФ в Париже. Also a huge queue. The author of the video is clearly anti-Putin, but is trying to be objective. Clearly a lot of pro-Navalny in the crowd. I hear Putin only got 37% in Paris.

Berlin line

London Очередь на Выборах Президента России 2024 I think it’s safe to say that at least some, if not many, in this crowd are anti-Putin, due to the nature of that emigration. Due to the very special support of Russophobia in many western countries, those who are anti-Putin and anti-Russia emigrated recently (and historically) in larger numbers to the UK, France, Israel & Baltics. The US, Poland and Canada too, but there the spread would be much bigger and many of the older emigration would be pro-Putin.

Generally we have to assume that at least a very large percentage, sometimes the majority, sometimes 20-40% of those Russians who live in the West are pro-Navalny or anti-Putin, maybe even anti-Russia altogether. This is the sad truth. I’m talking mostly of the recent arrivals, those who hold double citizenships, or who have Russian passports.

The older Soviet immigration would in many cases be different and would understand a lot better what’s going on. Therefore, the old Soviet immigration would in many cases be pro-Putin. Ironically, they wouldn’t have Russian passports, while actually being more pro-Russian (in those days double citizenship wasn’t allowed)!

Meantime, in other countries, outside of the West, Russians – and locals too – would almost throughout be pro-Putin, as many polls show!

Kishinev (Chisinau, Moldova) Кишинёв.Как много людей возле Российского – lots and lots of people, as well. Many were very upset Moldova allowed only one polling place, the Russian embassy, and refused to allow more. There is a lone, but extremely loud ‘protester’ yelling into a loud speaker that ‘Putin is a killer.’ People seem very quiet and peaceful. I wouldn’t be able to tolerate such a screechy voice. Also a few stand with a Navalny flag and there is a Ukrainian flag, of course. No joyful celebration here. And Moldavians used to be such a merry bunch! What have Maya Sandu and association with the West done to them!

Что происходило возле посольства РФ в Риге в день – Riga, Latvia, harassment by police. Huge lines, just as everywhere. It’s shown how the police take away people’s passports under the pretext of checking whether they have legitimate documents. In other words, people came to vote and got into a trap. It’s well known that Baltic Vimirati – all 3 of them – discriminate blatantly and openly against Russian-speaking Russian-culture people. Generally, it’s an open ethnic discrimination and ethnic cleansing, when retirees and cripples are being deported with hardly the mere clothes on their backs, just thrown across the border, often separated from their families. Who needs Nazi Germany…

Israel and China – also huge lines В Израиле и Китае россияне встали в огромные очереди


CIS states – Eurasia, post-Soviet space – everyone polled says they voted for Putin

Как проходило голосование на выборах президента России в странах Содружества?

Pridnestrovie (Transnistria) had 4 polling stations, which pissed off Moldova, who tried to declare it illegal. Also huge lines, over 46,000 voters voted in Pridnestrovie. Some people interviewed said they came from Moldova, since it was impossible to vote there. One man said he came from Gagauzia (a pro-Russian autonomy within Moldova, wanting to be a part of Russia) because Sandu/Kishinev didn’t allow polling station in Gagauzia.

Overall, abroad there were 295 polling stations in 144 countries, most in consulates and embassies. Over 2 million people voted abroad.


And this is in Russia – how various ethnic minorities voted. Note how people dress up, come with children and generally make it into a holiday, with national costumes, traditions, etc. The Yakutia (Siberia) people rode into the polling station on reindeer. Some arrived on horses. The Buddhists and others also there.

I’ll tell you more about voting in Russia and my recap in a new podcast!

Stay tuned.


FuturisTrendcast Marathon


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