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Privacy Policy

Last updated: Jan. 3, 2024

California residents have additional rights explained here under the California Consumer Privacy Act and California’s Shine the Light law.

This Privacy Policy is applicable to any website, mobile app and other online service originating in the United States and owned and operated by Trusted Media Brands, Inc. or any of its U.S. subsidiaries and/or affiliates under its control (collectively the “Company”, “we”, “us” or “our”) that states it is governed by this Privacy Policy and/or links to this Privacy Policy as well as to consumer information that we receive from you or a third party in connection with products and services our Family of Publications (as defined below) offers to consumers (including both offline and online orders of subscriptions to magazines and other products and services) unless otherwise specified (collectively, the “Service”). Subsidiaries and affiliates of Trusted Media Brands, Inc. include, without limitation, RDA Enthusiast Brands, LLC and Home Service Publications, Inc. The Company owns and operates the Service for different brands (our “Family of Publications”), including, but not limited to:

Our Family of Publications may be updated from time to time to include new brands, publications, sites and services acquired by or created by the Company, or such new brands, publications, sites and services may be governed by a separate privacy policy as specified. This Privacy Policy will tell you what information we collect when you visit the Service or order publications or other products and services our Family of Publications offers to you (whether you do so offline or online), how we use that information and what choices you have about how it is used. Some functions and services offered through the Service may have additional privacy statements that supplement this Privacy Policy. We urge you to read our entire Privacy Policy, and any applicable additional privacy statements, so that you will understand both our commitment to you and your privacy, and how you can participate in that commitment. Please note that unless otherwise indicated, this Privacy Policy does not cover any information that may be collected elsewhere, including without limitation through any third party website.

Collection of Personal Information

Some functions and services offered through the Service require that you provide certain personal information (“PI”). We may also collect PI when, whether you do so offline or online, you order a subscription to a publication or order other products and services our Family of Publications offers to you, or furnish us with information relating to your order or account. The PI that we may collect includes:

  • Contact Information, such as your name, email address, name, postal address, telephone number, and date of birth.
  • Financial Information, such as your tokenized credit card number from our payment processor or other account number. Company may save your credit card information for use when you log in to make future purchases.
  • Demographics and your interests, preferences and demographics. For example, we may collect information about your interests in certain health, food and lifestyle topics. We collect this information for example, when you order a product, enter a contest or sweepstakes, request a catalog, or register for a mailing list.
  • Commercial Information, such as the products you order.
  • Inferences about your preferences, predispositions, behavior, and attitudes.
  • Online and other technical information, such as your IP address and your geolocation data inferred from your IP address or mobile device location.
  • To the extent we combine information about your Service usage with PI, we will treat it as PI. However, to the extent we “de-identify” (i.e., removal or modification of personally identifiable elements or the extraction of non-personally identifiable elements, including through anonymization, pseudonymization and hashing) the information we do not consider it PI for purposes of this Privacy Policy and may, subject to applicable law, use and share it without limitation. We do not make any assurance that de-identified data is not capable of re-identification.

    From time to time, we may make available certain applications for use on mobile or connected devices (each application, an “App”). The type of PI we collect will vary by App, but may include both precise and non-precise geolocation information for purposes such as to provide you with access to local service, offers and promotions relevant to the App (e.g., coupons for local stores). Each App may include its own privacy policy explaining how we collect PI (including geolocation information) when you use that App; if not, then this Privacy Policy will apply to the App. You should always read the applicable privacy policy before downloading the App.

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Use of Personal Information

We may use your PI and other information we collect about you for any purposes not prohibited by applicable law or inconsistent with the applicable Privacy Policy or any statement made by us to you in writing at the time of collection.

We may use your “Contact Information” to:

  • operate and improve the Service and our other products and services;
  • understand you and your preferences for purposes such as to enhance your experience and enjoyment using the Service, and our other products and services;
  • process and deliver promotion (e.g., contest and sweepstakes) entries, winners and rewards;
  • send you a welcoming email, to contact you about your use of the Service and to provide important Service and other updates;
  • provide the services, products or information you request and to process payments and complete any transactions in connection therewith;
  • respond to your comments and questions and provide customer service;
  • provide and deliver products and services you request;
  • request feedback and to enable us to develop, customize and improve the Service, our Family of Publications, and other products and services;
  • send you surveys or questionnaires;
  • send you newsletters, including any online newsletter(s) you have requested or, for print subscribers, those online newsletters that are editorial companion pieces (e.g. Taste of Home Subscriber Exclusive) to our print publications;
  • send you related information, including confirmations, invoices, technical notices, updates, security alerts, and support and administrative messages;
  • communicate with you about new contests and sweepstakes, promotions and rewards, upcoming events, and other news about products and services offered by Company, our affiliates and our selected partners;
  • use for editorial purposes, such as to contact you about content you have submitted to the Service or to give attribution to content you submit;
  • send an email on your behalf which contains a display or link to a recipe, article, advice or other content you have selected to share with a friend through a sharing feature on the website or similar service (however, we do not use the name and email address you provide us through this feature for any other purpose);
  • link or combine it with other personal information we get offline and/or from our affiliates or third parties, for purposes such as to help understand your needs, provide you with better service, and determine whether marketing offers from our affiliates or third parties would be of interest to you; and
  • investigate and take action against fraudulent or illegal activity or improper conduct and otherwise protect us and our users.

We may use your “Financial Information” and “Commercial Information” to:

  • provide the services, products or information you request and to process payments and complete any transactions in connection therewith;
  • provide and deliver products and services you request; and
  • investigate and take action against fraudulent or illegal activity or improper conduct and otherwise protect us and our users.

We may use your “Demographics and your interests” and “Inferences” to:

  • operate and improve the Service and our other products and services;
  • understand you and your preferences for purposes, such as to enhance your experience and enjoyment using the Service, and our other products and services;
  • process and deliver promotion (e.g., contest and sweepstakes) entries, winners and rewards;
  • request feedback and to enable us to develop, customize and improve the Service, our Family of Publications, and other products and services; and
  • send you surveys or questionnaires.

We may use your “Online and other technical information” to:

  • understand you and your preferences for purposes, such as to enhance your experience and enjoyment using the Service, and our other products and services;
  • operate and improve the Service and our other products and services; and
  • show content to you based on your location.
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Sharing of Personal Information

Company may share your PI for any purposes and circumstances not prohibited by applicable law or inconsistent with the applicable Privacy Policy or any statement made by us to you in writing at the time of collection, including without limitation:

  • We may share your PI with our affiliates, our technical consultants, auditors and other parties who act on our behalf, for example, to make the Service available, enhance functionality, or provide services related to the Service or fulfillment of subscriptions or orders for any of our publications or other products and services (such as sending emails, processing credit cards, fulfilling subscriptions and other orders, providing customer service, and performing data-, information technology-, or marketing-related services), and/or who assist us in producing, delivering, billing, collecting payment for, renewing and otherwise managing content, samples, products, and gifts and prizes.
  • We may make your PI, along with certain other information about you (such as your interest in particular health or lifestyle topics or your subscription information), available to other parties for the purpose of offering products and services that may interest you, unless you opt out of such PI sharing. (See the sections below entitled “Notice of Your Choices about Our Use and Sharing of Personal Information” and “Notice to California Customers – Your California Privacy Rights” on opting out of PI sharing).
  • We may transfer your PI and other information in connection with or during negotiation of any merger, financing, acquisition or dissolution, transaction or proceeding involving sale, transfer, divestiture or disclosure of all or a portion of our business or assets to another company.
  • We will consider, and may release, PI to other parties: to (i) comply with laws or to respond to lawful requests and legal process, (ii) to protect the rights and property of Company, our agents, customers, members, and others, including to enforce our agreements, policies and terms of use, or (iii) in an emergency to protect the personal safety of Company employees, customers, or any person.

We may also provide aggregate statistics and de-identified data about our customers, which we treat as non-PI as permitted by applicable law, including data about traffic patterns and related site information, to third parties for their own purposes, including statistical analysis.  For instance, we (or a party acting on our behalf) may convert your PI to a unique identifier, such as through hashing (which we treat as non-PI as permitted by applicable law), and we (or a party acting on our behalf) may use and share that data as permitted by applicable law, including to match data attributes to and from other data sources.  Any such activities are subject to their privacy policies and practices.

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Your Sharing of Personal Information

Please be aware that when you connect and share your actions, comments, content and information, for example, through discussion board postings on the Service, those actions are not private. Others may capture personal information you post, including your email address, and may use the data to identify or contact you, including to send you emails. We cannot control such actions by others. Please be mindful of your own privacy needs as you choose who to connect with and what to share and make public. If you share information about others, please be sure to respect their privacy and get consent for any information you may share about them. If you use our sharing via email feature or similar service, you represent that you have permission from the recipient to send them the message and you accept that your name and email will be disclosed to them as part of that message.

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Notice of Your Choices about Our Use and Sharing of Personal Information

If you do not wish to receive promotional and newsletter emails from any one of our Family of Publications, you may click on the unsubscribe link at the bottom of an email.

You can also change your promotional and newsletter email preferences for all our Family of Publications and our promotion lists for receiving offers from third parties via email by clicking here to go to the E-Mail Preference Center form.

If you opt out of promotional or newsletter emails from any of our Family of Publications, we may continue to send you certain communications such as service announcements and administrative messages, relating to the Company or the Service that are necessary to our relationship with you.

If you wish to opt out of our promotion lists for receiving offers via postal mail or telemarketing from third parties for their products and services, contact customer service at [email protected] or at:

Trusted Media Brands, Inc.
PO Box 3124
Harlan, IA 51593
Phone #: 877-342-4775

You may also use the postal address above for general customer service questions.

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Third Party Activities

If you submit PI through a form on the Service to request information from an advertiser or other third party, choose to otherwise share your PI with other parties, such as by sharing stories you read by connecting with social networking services, or click on a link on the Service to go to a third-party site that may collect information about you, we are not responsible for the privacy practices of, including any marketing or other use of your PI by, those parties. To learn more about any other company or organization’s privacy practices, we suggest you contact them directly about their privacy policy.

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Notice to California Customers – Your California Privacy Rights

California residents have additional rights explained here under the California Consumer Privacy Act and California’s Shine the Light law.

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Information for Nevada Consumers

Nevada law requires website operators to provide a way for Nevada consumers to opt out of the sale of certain information that the website operator may collect about them. This information is limited to direct identifiers (such as your name, postal address and email address) collected by a website operator through an Internet website or online service and maintained by the operator in an accessible form. When Nevada consumers opt out of the sale of their covered information, website operators must ensure that information is not sold to another business that will further license or sell the information to others.

If you are a Nevada resident and you would like to opt out of the sale of your covered information, please complete this Opt-out Form. Note that this form requires your full name, street address, city, zip code and email address. We will send any correspondence concerning your request to you at the email address you provided. We will not accept requests submitted via other means (such as telephone, postal mail, or email), and we are not responsible for any forms that do not have complete information or are not properly sent.

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Additional State-Specific Privacy Rights

Certain other states (including but not limited to Colorado, Connecticut, Virginia and Utah) have consumer privacy laws that provide their residents with certain rights related to their personal information. This section supplements the other parts of our Privacy Policy and provides additional information for residents of these states, including how to exercise the rights available under the applicable state privacy laws. Capitalized terms defined in state privacy laws that are used in this section shall have the same meaning as in the state privacy laws.

This section describes additional collection, use, and disclosure of Personal Data in these states. You can learn more about the Personal Data we process and the purpose for processing such Personal Data in the “Collection of Personal Information” and “Use of Personal Information” sections above. You can also learn more about our disclosure of Personal Data and the categories of third parties we disclose Personal Data to in the “Sharing of Personal Information” section above.

Some of the ways that we disclose Personal Data (including our disclosure of our promotion lists sold to third parties for the purpose of offering products and services that may interest you, as described in the “Sharing of Personal Information” section above) constitute a Sale. You have the right to opt-out of the Sale of your Personal Data, as described below. We may also Process your Personal Data for Targeted Advertising. You have the right to opt-out of the Processing of your Personal Data for Targeted Advertising, as described below. We may Sell or share for Targeted Advertising the categories of Personal Data listed below to the following categories of Third Parties: list rental, marketing, analytics, and advertising partners.

  • Contact information
  • Commercial information
  • Online and other technical information; and
  • Inferences

Depending on your state of residency, you may have the right to submit certain requests relating to your Personal Data as described below. Please note that rights may differ by state and some of these rights may not be available to you depending on your state of residency. Please visit our online form accessible here to submit a privacy request and learn which rights are available to you. Please note that, depending on the nature of your request, you may be asked to provide information to verify your identity before your request can be processed. We will confirm receipt of your request and respond to your request as soon as we reasonably can and no later than legally required.

Depending on your state of residency, you may have the following rights:

  1. Right to Access and Data Portability. The right to confirm whether we are processing your Personal Data, to access your Personal Data, and to obtain a copy of Personal Data you provided to us in a portable format.
  2. Right to Correct. The right to request that we correct inaccuracies in your Personal Data. Please note you can visit our online customer care center to change your address, manage your subscriptions and payments, and more.
  3. Right to Delete. The right to request that we delete Personal Data that we have collected from or obtained about you.
  4. Right to Opt-Out of Sales. The right to opt-out of the Sale of Personal Data.
  5. Right to Opt-Out of Targeted Advertising. The right to request that we stop disclosures of your Personal Data for Targeted Advertising.
  6. Right to Opt-Out of Profiling. The right to opt-out of our processing of Personal Data for the purposes of profiling. Our profiling does not result in decisions that produce legal or similarly significant effects and, therefore, we do not offer a way for you to submit such a request.
  7. Right to Appeal. The right to appeal our decision if you are unsatisfied with our actions related to the exercise of one of your privacy rights.

If you choose to exercise any of your privacy rights under this section, you will not receive discriminatory treatment from us.

Depending on where you reside, you may have an authorized agent submit a request on your behalf. If you use an authorized agent to submit a request, we may require that the authorized agent provide us with proof that you gave the agent signed permission to submit the request. In addition, we may also require you to do either of the following: (1) verify your own identity directly with us; or (2) directly confirm with us that you have provided the authorized agent permission to submit the request on your behalf. We may deny a request from an authorized agent if the agent cannot meet the above requirements.

If you make a privacy rights request, we will retain the Personal Data provided to us to fulfill your request for our recordkeeping purposes.

If you have any questions about this section, please contact us at [email protected].

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Tracking Technologies, Advertising and Analytics

We (and other parties on our behalf) sometimes utilize “cookie” technology, pixel technology, and other tracking technologies (“Tracking Technologies”) on or in connection with the Service. A cookie is a small data file that is stored by your browser on your device. Not all Web browsers accept cookies, and those that do usually provide a preference or setting that allows you to refuse and remove most types of browser cookies. If your browser does not accept cookies, you may still enjoy the Service but not all features and functionality may work.

Your browser settings may allow you to automatically transmit a “Do Not Track” signal to online services you visit. Note, however, there is no consensus among industry participants as to what “Do Not Track” means in this context.  Like many online services, we do not alter our practices when the Service receives a “Do Not Track” signal from a visitor’s browser.  To find out more about “Do Not Track,” you can visit http://www.allaboutdnt.com.

We may also use third parties to serve ads on the Service through the use of Tracking Technologies. Information collected may be used, among other things, to deliver advertising targeted to your interests and to better understand the usage and visitation of the Service and the other sites and services tracked by these third parties (“Interest-based Advertising”). Interest-based Advertising (also known as online behavioral advertising) occurs when advertisements are displayed to you based on information collected from your online interactions over time and across multiple websites that you visit, or across multiple devices or online services that you may use. Companies that engage in Interest-based Advertising use this information to predict your preferences and show you ads that are most likely to be of interest to you.

When you use our online Service, we may share information that we collect from you, such as your email (in hashed form), IP address or information about your browser or operating system, with our identity partners/service providers, including LiveRamp Inc. LiveRamp returns an online identification code that we may store in our first-party cookie for our use in online and cross-channel advertising and it may be shared with advertising companies to enable interest-based and targeted advertising. To opt-out of this use, please click here (https://optout.liveramp.com/opt_out).

Some of the content, applications, and tracking technologies on our websites and mobile applications is controlled by third parties. We may use certain third-party technology vendors (such as Meta and Google) in connection with your activity with the Service, including for advertising purposes and to understand details about your use of the Service.

You may be able to opt out of some Interest-based Advertising by adjusting the settings on your browser. To learn more about how you can exercise certain choices regarding Interest-based Advertising, visit https://optout.aboutads.info/https://youradchoices.com/appchoices, and https://optout.networkadvertising.org/. Please be aware that, even if you are able to opt out of certain kinds of Interest-based Advertising, you may continue to receive other types of ads. For example, you may still see “contextual” ads even if you opt out of Interest-based Advertising. These ads, however, are based on the context of what you are looking at on the websites and pages you visit. Also, if your browsers are configured to reject cookies when you visit these opt-out webpages, or you subsequently erase your cookies, use a different device or web browsers or use a non-browser-based method of access (e.g., mobile app), your browser-based opt-out may not, or may no longer, be effective.

We support the DAA Self-regulatory Principles for Online Behavioral Advertising.  We are not responsible for effectiveness of, or compliance with, any third parties’ opt-out options or programs or the accuracy of their statements regarding their programs.

We may also use Google Analytics, Adobe Analytics or other vendors for analytics services.  These analytics services may use cookies and other Tracking Technologies to help us analyze how visitors use our Service.  You may exercise choices regarding the use of cookies from Google Analytics by going to https://tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout or downloading the Google Analytics Opt-out Browser Add- on. You may exercise choices regarding the use of cookies from Adobe Analytics by going to http://www.adobe.com/privacy/opt-out.html.

Company participates in the Adobe Experience Cloud Device Co-op to better understand how you use our sites across various devices you use, and to deliver tailored promotions. Go to https://cross-device- privacy.adobe.com to learn more about how Adobe does this and to manage your choices relating to this linking of devices.

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Please note that no data transmission over the Internet is 100% secure. As a result, we cannot guarantee the security of the information that you transmit via the Service.

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Notice to International Visitors

Company is based in the U.S. and the information we and our vendors collect is governed by U.S. law. Company may store and process PI in the United States and other countries. If you are accessing the Service from outside of the U.S., please be aware that information collected through the Service may be transferred to, processed, stored, and used in the U.S. Data protection laws in the U.S. may be different from those of your country of residence. Your use of the Service or provision of any information therefore constitutes your consent to the transfer to and from, processing, usage, sharing, and storage of your information, including Personal Information, in the U.S. as set forth in this Privacy Policy.

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Privacy Policy Changes

We reserve the right, at our discretion, to prospectively change, modify, add, or remove portions of this policy at any time. Please bookmark this page and check it periodically. We will post any changes online.

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Terms of Use

Please also read the Terms of Use posted on each online Service to understand the additional terms and conditions which apply to use of that site or App.

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