
As darkness crept in – Haiku – A Poem by Anita Bacha

as darkness crept in 

she lit a single candle 

light flooded the night 

Anita Bacha

Image source internet. Haïku cc Anita Bacha

Thank you for your visit, my dear friends!


Winter Days – Haiku – A Poem by Anita Bacha

rime  of winter days 

stranded banyan hibernates

through curtain of light 

Anita Bacha

Image source internet. Haïku cc Anita Bacha

Thank you for your visit, my dear friends


Stay With Me – A Poem by Anita Bacha

Stay with me 

Stay with me as flushes of pink

Stain the petals of the rose

Stay with me as the light

Hovers over the burning wick

Stay with me as the wine

Imbues my breath and thine

Stay with me as the moon

Smiles in the dark night

– Anita Bacha –

Photo and Poem cc. Anita Bacha

Thank you for your visit, my dear friends.


Alabaster Moon – Tanka – A Poem by Anita Bacha

Alabaster moon 

Hearkening to thunderstorm 

Petrified seamen 

Lost in the midst of nowhere 

Haunting memories of home

Anita Bacha

Thank you for your visit today, my dear friends.

Image source internet; poem cc Anita Bacha

Rainbow Butterfly – Haiku – A Poem by Anita Bacha

bright morning sunlight
awakens in a shudder
rainbow butterfly

Anita Bacha

My dear haiku friends , I have recently joined a haiku group, ‘ The Daily Haiku’ on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. The moderators come up with a prompt word every day plus one extra on weekends. Haikuists are invited to submit their poems to the group for likes and comments by the group members. It’s real fun. An addicted haiku lover , I can’t resist the temptation of contributing to the groups, bearing in mind my doctor’s advice to avoid the internet coz of my aging eyes. O la la!

I have edited my original haiku poem’ sleeping butterfly’

Sleeping Butterfly – Haiku – A Poem by Anita Bacha

To contribute to The Daily Haiku with a 5/75 poem using the prompt word ‘rainbow’.

The rainbow butterfly’s symbolism carries a deep spiritual meaning representing hope, happiness, renewal and the promise of better things to come.

Happy start of the month of October, my dear friends.

Anita Bacha

Rainbow butterfly. Image source internet. Haïku cc Anita Bacha
Sleeping butterfly. Image source internet. Haïku cc . Anita Bacha https://anitabacha.blog/2023/02/08/sleeping-butterfly-haiku-a-poem-by-anita-bacha/


Gluten Free Breakfast – Haiku – A Poem by Anita Bacha

gluten free breakfast 

smoke salmon on brown bread toast

fresh summer berries 

Anita Bacha 

Photo my own clicked at the Pullman, St.Pancras,London in June 2019. 

In that month I was attending a book event, the Jaipur Literary Festival at the British Library. I seized the opportunity to book a room at Pullman and, to kill two birds with one stone, enjoying the luxury of a hotel room vis à vis the British Library and spending memorable time with world acclaimed writers, to name a few, Irving Finkel ,author of ‘ The Lifeboat that saved the world’ , Shashi Tharoor, who has authored many books including ‘ Why I am a Hindu’ and Marcus Du Sautoy the author of the amazing’ The Creative Code – How AI is learning to write,paint and think.’

I have read the three books and other books I bought at the event but, I fell in love with the books of the Master of Haiku, Matsuo Bashō!

Hence, today’s haiku is my offering to you, my dear friends, Thank you for your visit. 

Anita Bacha.

Gluten free breakfast at Pullman
Autograph of Irving Tinkel
Autograph of Shashi Tharoor
Autograph of Marcus Du Sautoy

Obon Festival -Haiku- A Poem by Anita Bacha

Obon Festival 

The light of an old lantern 

Dispels the shadows 

– Anita Bacha –

Many thanks and heartfelt gratitude to Japan Haiku Society for featuring my haiku ‘Obon Festival’ as Haiku of the Week (Week 33).

Congratulations to all the other selected poets.


Sharing a few other haiku, thank you for your visit, my dear friends.

Image source internet; haïku cc Anita Bacha.
Image source internet;Haïku cc Anita Bacha.
Image source internet; haïku cc Anita Bacha.

Pristine Pink Rosebud – Haiku – A Poem by Anita Bacha

pristine pink rosebud

sparkling with evening dewdrops

flaunts a waxing moon

Anita Bacha

Good morning my dear friends!

Thank you for your visit!

Image source internet. Haïku cc Anita Bacha.

Write till your signature becomes your autograph

Write until your signature becomes an autograph – Anita Bacha.

Anita Bacha

After the huge success of my illustrated children’s book ‘WAKASHIO’, I toyed with the idea of writing a fiction book for children on the pandemic, Covid 19. For more than two years. I was hesitant and even fearful that children and parents would eschew such a story book.

 Covid 19 has been the greatest enemy of Man for more than a century. Children like adults lived into confinement. They missed their school and classmates. Some were ill. Some went without the noshes they love the most. Some lost a dear one. Now that Covid 19 is an unpleasant memory, children would most likely want to turn over a new leaf and forget all about it.

 Yet, one day it dawned upon me that children should not forget the passage of the deadly virus over their beautiful island, Mauritius and, mostly what they themselves contribute to stop the spread of the virus by implementing the precautionary measures recommended by the World Health Organization and the health authorities in Mauritius.  I picked up my pen and I wrote ‘IL ETAIT UNE FOIS CORONA VIRUS’ (translated into English ‘ONCE UPON A TIME CORONA VIRUS’).

IL ETAIT UNE FOIS CORONA VIRUS ‘my latest children book is a tale based on real facts told by two Mauritian children Angela and Oshin. These two Mauritian kids are characters that I created myself and, they are the two well-known characters in my book ‘WAKASHIO’. Here they narrate to our young audience their adventure with a virus, Corona. An imaginary story about the Corona Virus that will make the delight of all, small and big children.

Reading books is very important for children. Reading helps children to improve both their written and spoken languages. It also helps to develop their imagination and intellect, to carry them over lands and seas beyond the quotidian. Encouraging children to read at an early age by parents and, grandparents at home develop in them the love for reading and for the attainment of world knowledge.

“The subject of the book chosen by the author, Anita Bacha, is strong. I congratulate her for having approached the subject of Covid 19 with finesse, adroitness and fragility that only an experienced writer of children’s book like her would do. Children need to know what is happening around them, in their country and in the whole world. My children loved Wakashio, the first book of Ma’am Bacha and they love the second one too. I trust that she will continue to write stories about the history of Mauritius. I recommend IL ETAIT UNE FOIS CORONA VIRUS to everyone. Buy this book!” – Guest Speaker, Eva Palmans, mother of two endearing boys, bookworm and big bibliophile.

“Personally, I have greatly appreciated ‘IL ETAIT UNE FOIS CORONA VIRUS’, the third illustrated children’s book of the well-known author, Anita Bacha. She is a barrister and, a retired Senior Magistrate who dedicate her time to writing poems and more importantly books for children. I imagined the difficulty of the author in writing about such a perturbing topic. After delving into the pages of her book, I can only congratulate her. The author’s love for children has triumphed. I recommend that book full of colourful and astounding illustrations to all! Buy it and enjoy!” – Sabrina Patten, Mistress of Ceremony, Director of Primary School, L’Odyssée du Savoir and booklover.

“In my endeavour to encourage children to read books and to combat illiteracy, I have produced that small book.  I sincerely trust that it will be wholeheartedly read by all the adorable children of the world and, by adults too. Many thanks to the parents and children who attended the book signing event at the Gymkhana Club Mauritius.” Anita Bacha.

Thank you for your visit and for viewing, my dear Friends.

My latest illustrated children’s book
With endearing little girl, my big fan
With Karen Fook Yuen Bacha, MLA, proud mother of Ryūchi,my grandson.
With adorable children of Eva Palmans, Guest Speaker.
With Sabrina Patten, Mistress of Ceremony, Director of Primary School L’odyssée du savoir

Magnificent Orange Moon – Haiku – A Poem by Anita Bacha

Resting on the sea
Magnificent orange moon
Swayed by soft ripples

Anita Bacha

Good morning, my dear friends

Thank you for your visit

Image source internet; haïku ccAnita Bachaw

The Sound of Rain – Haiku – A Poem by Anita Bacha

the sound of rain 


summer daisies

Anita Bacha 

Good morning, my dear friends.

Thank you for your visit.

Image source internet, haïku ccAnita Bacha.

Today’s Quote – Women and Fiction by Virginia Woolf

A woman must have money and, a room of her own if she is to write fiction – Virginia Woolf.

From ‘A room of One’s Own’, an essay by Virginia Woolf, first published in 1929.

Good morning, my dear friends!

Thank you for your visit!


Maytime Pink Roses – Haiku – A Poem by Anita Bacha

Maytime Pink Roses

Taking a sip of nectar

A small butterfly

Anita Bacha

Good morning, my dear friends and readers, thank you for your visit.

Image source internet. Haïku cc Anita Bacha.

Spring Early Bloom – Haiku – A Poem by Anita Bacha

Spring early bloom 

A bumblebee devours

The sweet honey 

Anita Bacha

Image source internet. Haïku cc Anita Bacha 2023.

Thank you for your visit, my dear friends.


The First Peach Blossom – Haiku – A Poem by Anita Bacha

 In a clear moonlight 

The first peach blossom 

Amidst marshmallows

Anita Bacha

A ku inspired by Mark S’ Naturalist Weekly Micro Season prompt “ The First Peach Blossoms (2023)”

Micro-Season: “The First Peach Blossoms” (2023)naturalistweekly.com

Image source internet. Haïku cc Anita Bacha 2023.


Hari, Krishna and the Magic Pot – Short Story by Anita Bacha

Once there was a little boy who lived with his poor, widowed mother in a far away village.

His name was Hari. During school holidays he had no friend with whom to play. His mother was a loving woman and played with him when she was not busy with her household chores. One day, however, she fell ill and Hari became very lonely. His mother consoled him and told him to go out and play with Krishna.

‘Who is Krishna?’ Hari asked his mother.

‘Krishna is the friend of all!’

Hari rushed out eagerly calling ‘Krishna! Krishna!’

‘Hello!’ said a cow herd boy coming from behind a tree ‘why are you calling my name?’

“Let’s play!’ Hari uttered with joy.

They played together during the school holidays.

Back to school, Hari told the school master about his new friend, Krishna. The school master listened to his story but did not believe a word of it.

Soon it was the birthday of the school master. Hari became very sad; he had no money to buy him a birthday present. His mother then reminded him of his friend Krishna.

‘Go and talk to your friend Krishna’ she told Hari, ‘he will surely help you!’

Hari did as he was told and Krishna gave him a pot of butter milk.

‘Here! This is a birthday present for your school master!’ 

Unfortunately, the school master was not happy with the present. He scorned at it and asked his servant to throw the milk curd away. The servant complied but amazingly, the pot was filled with milk curd again. After several attempts to empty the pot, he ran to the school master to tell him about the incredible happening.

‘What!’ the school master exclaimed ‘it must be a magic pot!’ He immediately summoned Hari and asked him about the source of the pot.

When Hari replied that his friend Krishna gave it to him, the school master asked him to take him to Krishna immediately.

‘I want to see your friend!’ he exclaimed.

 The school master followed Hari to the place where he met Krishna. At the top of his voice, Hari called for his friend but Krishna did not appear. Then from behind a tree, they heard another voice:

‘Why are you calling me Hari ?’

Hari recognized the voice of his friend Krishna. He replied:

‘My school master wants to see you.’

‘The school master cannot see me, Hari because no one can see me unless he believes in me!’ said the voice gently but firmly.

The school master was bowled over. He returned to the school with his tail between his legs.

Anita Bacha

This short story is about faith and belief, my dear friends. I first heard it when I was a kid and,from my mom, a great devotee of the Indian God Lord Krishna. As a matter of fact, HARI is another name of Lord KRISHNA but my mom was very smart at story telling. Only later in life I found out her ingenuity in teaching me the use of words.

Anita Bacha

Image source Pinterest, short story cc. Anita Bacha

First Buds of Spring – Haiku – A Poem by Anita Bacha

Fresh morning dew drops

On the twigs of the plum tree

The first buds of Spring

Anita Bacha

A haiku inspired by the micro season words ‘ plants show their first buds’ of Mark’s Naturalist Weekly.See original post –


Thank you for your visit, my dear friends.


Wisp of Morning Haze – Haiku – A Poem by Anita Bacha

wisp of morning haze 

straggling through the sleeping tree 

soft buds of Spring wake

A haiku inspired by Mark S’ Naturalist Weekly prompt word ‘haze’.


Image source internet. Haïku cc Anita Bacha 2023.

Vanilla Moonlight – Haiku – A Poem by Anita Bacha

vanilla moonlight 

a swan drifting all night 

with blooms on the lake 

Anita Bacha 

Good morning, my dear friends

Image source internet. Haïku cc .Anita Bacha 2023.

Vanilla Ice cream Landscape – Haiku – A Poem by Anita Bacha

snowing the whole night 

vanilla ice cream landscape 

in morning twilight 

Anita Bacha 

Good morning, my dear friends 

Thank you for your visit 

Image source internet; haïku cc.Anita Bacha 2023.


Sleeping Butterfly – Haiku – A Poem by Anita Bacha

Bright morning sunlight 

Awakens in a shudder 

Sleeping butterfly 

Anita Bacha 

Thank you for your visit, my dear friends.

Image source internet. Haïku cc Anita Bacha 2023.

In the Full Moon Night – Haiku – A Poem by Anita Bacha

In the full moon night 

A wilting poppy reflects 

A cute butterfly 

Anita Bacha 

Good morning, my dear friends.

Thank you for your visit.

Image source internet;haïku cc Anita Bacha 2023.

Snow Powder – Haiku – A Poem by Anita Bacha

snow powder sprinkling 

on autumn brown leaves 

winter tea cookies 

~ anita bacha ~

Image source internet; haïku cc .Anita Bacha 2023.

A Desperate Tree – Haiku – A Poem by Anita Bacha

a desperate tree 

in night’s torrential rain 

dripping old leaves fall 

~ anita bacha ~

Good morning, my dear friends.

Mauritius is living the worst torrential rains and flooding after a long time, so dear ones stay home, stay safe.

Love you 

Anita Bacha


Echo of Cuckoo’s Song – Tanka – A Poem by Anita Bacha

Echo of cuckoo’s song

In the deep stardust valleys 

Electric colors 

Dawn breaks fawning reverence 

Sunset’s docile somnolence 

Anita Bacha

Image source internet. Tanka poem cc Anita Bacha 2023.

Today’s Quote – On Love and Devotion by Anita Bacha

Love is a flower,

Devotion is the purest,

The noblest variety.

– Anita Bacha –

Image source internet; Quotation cc Anita Bacha 2023

Sorting out the blooms – Haiku – A Poem by Anita Bacha

sorting out the blooms 

some to be kept for garlands 

some to throw away

~ anita bacha ~

Image source internet; haïku cc Anita Bacha 2033

Good afternoon my dear friends.

Please click on the link below for my Anthology of Haiku Poems .Thank you.



A Leaf of Your Tree – A Poem by Anita Bacha

Of your tree so mighty,

I am a leaf so green and tiny;

Neither an apple nor a fig,

I hold on to a twig;

In winter I shiver and I freeze,

In summer I sway in the breeze;

Drenched in torrential rain,

I cry in grief and in pain;

Scalded in the burning sun,

I shrivel and I shun;

A creeper I long to mime,

My arms enlacing you;

Heavenly heights to climb, 

My soul enrobing you.

~ Anita Bacha ~

Thank you for your visit my dear friends.

You will find the above and many such poems in my book ‘Soul Poetry’ published by Partridge in 2015 , distributed worldwide by Amazon & Barnes and Noble .


Image source internet. Poem À leaf of Your Tree cc Anita Bacha 2015.

Hot Tropic Sun – Haiku- A Poem by Anita Bacha

hot tropic sun

the palm tree lies

flat on shore line 

~ anita bacha ~

Photography cc Bernd Gisske ; Haiku cc Anita Bacha 2023.

Good evening, my dear friends!

Happy Thursday!


First Leaf of the Fall

Behold the first turn of the autumn leaf 
From green to amber light,
From yellow to rusty veins;
Behold the game of life,
Like the autumn leaf
We have lived,
Gracefully, we detach,
Knowing life is a gift of God,
We take our leave,
Make way for new leaves

Anita Bacha.

Illustrative/Photography/Anita Bacha/Frankfurt/Germany

Photography and Poem cc Anita Bacha 2023

Good morning my dear friends

Thank you for viewing and reading .


Little Egret – Haiku – A Poem by Anita Bacha

gliding over 

shallow water 

little egret

~ anita bacha ~

That poem was inspired by the photo of a little egret posted by the amazing photographer Michael Sammut 

Birds Photo Click 156: Little Egret.lifeexperiencesandadventures.wordpress.com

Photography of Little Egret cc Michael Sammut; haiku cc Anita Bacha 2023.

Happy evening my dear friends!

Anita Bacha


Sweet White Peonies – Haiku – A Poem by Anita Bacha

sweet white peonies 

your scent on my pillows 

nights without days 

~ anita bacha ~

Good afternoon, my dear friends 

Image source internet. Haiku cc Anita Bacha 2023

Thank you for dropping in 

Anita Bacha


On the Quay of Farewell – A Poem by Anita Bacha

On the quay of farewell 

In a covetous embrace 

You gave me your heart 

On the quay of farewell 

You wiped my tears with your lips 

You offered me your eyes 

On the quay of farewell 

You spoke to me about your suffering 

You wanted my mouth to feel your fading breath 

On the quay of farewell 

You wanted me to remember your desires 

Your thirst and your hunger insatiate 

On the quay of farewell 

You fumbled for the tenderness and sweetness that are in me

That you will never find in another 

On the quay of farewell 

You hugged me tight in your arms 

You wanted to keep me forever 

On the quay of farewell 

Heavy as a winter coat 

The separation bent you into two 

And you shouted my name 

Anita Bacha 

Thank you for viewing and reading my dear friends 

Happy evening 

For more


Photo of Nippon Maru Cruise and poem Cc Anita Bacha 2023.

Anchored for The Night – Senryu – A poem byAnita Bacha

anchored for the night 

in the lee of an island 

two amorous souls 

Anita Bacha 

Inspired by the magnificent Nippon Maru cruise anchored at the Christian Decotter Cruise Terminal, Mauritius,I penned down the above senryu ( short form Japanese poem) .

Thank you for viewing and for reading, my dear friends.

Photo of Nippon Maru cruise and poem Cc Anita Bacha 2023

Anchored for The Night – Senryu – A poem byAnita Bacha

anchored for the night 

in the lee of an island 

two amorous souls 

Anita Bacha 

Inspired by the magnificent Nippon Maru cruise anchored at the Christian Decotter Cruise Terminal, Mauritius,I penned down the above senryu ( short form Japanese poem) .

Thank you for viewing and for reading, my dear friends.

Photo of Nippon Maru cruise and poem Cc Anita Bacha 2023

Opalescent Beads – Haiku Poem by Anita Bacha

Opalescent beads 

Last night showers on her folds 

Yellow hibiscus 

~ Anita Bacha ~

Good afternoon my dear friends 

Thank you for reading

Image source internet. Haïku cc Anita Bacha 2023.

Flowers in full bloom – Haiku by Anita Bacha

Flowers in full bloom 

Summer’s kinetic beauty 

Early morning dews 

Anita Bacha 

Artwork cc. Mitchell Philip.2022.

Thank you for your visit, my dear friends!

Happy afternoon !

Artwork credit cc Mitchell Philip 2022 . Haiku cc Anita Bacha 2022.

Afternoon Drizzle – Haiku Poem by Anita Bacha

Afternoon drizzle 

Drops of rain from the tree leaves 

Slake the thirsty rose 

Anita Bacha 

Thank you for reading, my dear friends.

Above haiku poem is an excerpt from Pink Moon – An Anthology of Haiku Poems, my debut haiku collection (2022).

For more, kindly check out


Image source internet. Haïku cc Anita Bacha 2023.


Begonia – A Short Poem by Anita Bacha

Under the showering rain,

Shaken by the swells of the gale,

A sweet, pastel pink, begonia,

A petite, elusive begonia,

Beckons my heart in pain;

A flood of love carries me away,

Drifting me tenderly at bay.

Anita Bacha 

Begonia is a short poem from my poetry book‘INK – Echo of life and love’. Published by the biggest publishing house ‘Éditions de L’Ocean Indien’ of Mauritius in 2019. 

Sadly, that book is available for purchase solely on the local market. On the other hand and, happily I have a big audience in my birth country. I am loved by the beautiful people of Mauritius and my work is applauded by many.

Anita Bacha 

Thank you for your visit, my dear friends 

Happy Evening

Photo and Poem cc. Anita Bacha 2023.

The Sea Pulls Its Waves – Haiku by Anita Bacha

The sea pulls its waves 

Molten colors on pebbles 

Such a lovely dusk

Birds fly far away

Leaving a quill on the shore

A poem starts here

Anita Bacha

Good morning my dear friends.

Happy start of the week

Image source internet. Haïku cc Anita Bacha.2023.

If I were a flower- A Poem by Anita Bacha

If I were a flower,

If I were a flower for the joy of being a flower,

A leaf for being a leaf,

If I were a stem,

If I were a leaf and a stem to dress up a flower,

If I were a flower that you will place on your heart,

If I were all sleek and purple petals,

Petals to cover the nudity of a flower,

If I were a flower that you will place on your heart,

If I were the eyelids for the delight of being the eyelids,

The lashes for being the lashes,

If I were the eyes,

If I were the eyelids and the lashes to cover your eyes,

If I were a tear,

A tear running down a cheek,

A tear that loses itself in the lips, 

If I were the lips that caress a flower,

If I were the lips and you were a flower…

Anita Bacha

Thank you for reading, my dear friends.

For more,kindly visit


Thank you 😊

Image source internet. Poem cc Anita Bacha.2023.

Dawn of a New Year – Haiku by Anita Bacha

Dawn of a New Year 

I see flowers opening 

Heart of man blooming 

Anita Bacha 

Happy and Prosperous New Year to you and yours my dear friends and,readers.

I thank you from the core bottom of my heart for your support and encouragement throughout 2022.

With a wee bit of chance and, with your blessings, I will publish my new collection of haiku poems before Easter 2023.

Anita Bacha

Image source internet. Haïku cc. Anita Bacha 2023.

Today’s Quote – Happy New Year’s Eve by Anita Bacha

Live like you’ll live forever 

Love like you’ll die tomorrow 

Anita Bacha

Happy New Year’s Eve to you and yours, my dear friends and readers.


Wetting Rose Petals

Wetting rose petals 

In spring time reprise beauty 

Of waning blossom 

Anita Bacha 

Thank you for your visit, my dear friends.

Image source internet.Haïku cc.Anita Bacha 2022.

Today’s Quote by William Shakespeare

What’s in a name?

That which we call a rose 

By any other name would smell as sweet 

William Shakespeare 

Thank you for your visit 

Happy Thursday, my dear friends 

Anita Bacha


Winter Sakura – Haiku by Anita Bacha

Winter sakura 

Tenderly wrapped in blue snow 

A lingering scent 

Anita Bacha 

Photo source Flickr

Good morning my dear friends

Happy Wednesday

Image source Flickr. Haiku cc Anita Bacha 2022

Scarlet Dragonfly Journal – December 2022 Issue

Many thanks to the editor, Kathleen Trocmet and to Scarlet Dragonfly Journal for selecting my haiku and for the feature in the December issue of their esteemed journal.

Drawn by her sweet scent 

I stare with verve at a rose

On a hearth of leaves 

Anita Bacha

Image source internet. Haïku cc Anita Bacha 2022.

Congratulations to the other featured poets.


Your Light – Short Poem by Anita Bacha

In the sweet lingering darkness 

My soul pines for the full moon 

and, I behold your light 

Anita Bacha

 Above is a short poem from my poetry book Soul Poetry- Inspirational Poems, Verses and Quotes, my dear friends.

For more, 

Check this out!

Image source internet Short poem cc Anita Bacha,2022.

Hail Winter Solstice – Haiku Poem by Anita Bacha

Hail winter solstice 

Sunlight breaks through grayish sky 

Magical short day 

Anita Bacha 

Thank you for your visit, my dear friends 

Happy Winter Solstice

Snowberries – Haiku – A Poem by Anita Bacha

white snowberries

the pearls

in mom’s earrings

Anita Bacha

Photo by Eva Bronzini on Pexels.com

Many thanks for your visit, my dear friends!

Once in a Blue Moon – Haiku – A Poem by Anita Bacha

once in a blue moon 

sky watchers immensely graced 

with celestial awe

– Anita Bacha –

Thank you for your visit, my dear friends.

You may wish to view the only blue moon of 2023 on 30 August as it rises this week ( source space.com)


Image source internet; haïku cc. Anita Bacha.

Today’s Quote – Pain by Rumi

The cure of a pain is in the pain

– Rumi –

Thank you for your visit, my dear friends.

Anita Bacha

Image source internet, Rumi’s Quote