Today is the most pious day of LORD SHANI DEV’S JYANTI. He is considered to be the Lord of providing justice for our good and bad Karmas. He is the Lord of Karma or Justice. He keeps tab on all our deeds. Nobody can escape His justice bestowing Nature. Even Trinity (Lord Shiva, Lord Vishnu and Lord Brahma) could not escape His justice giving Nature. It is also termed as the Shani Amavasya. Shani Jyanti is the most important day when special prayers and Havans (Sanctified Fire ) to invoke Him, are conducted to earn His blessings

Shani Dev Ji is the son of Sun God (Surya Dev Ji) and mother Chhaya Devi.  He is the personification of Planet Saturn. We celebrate Shani Jayanti on Jyeshtha Amayasya Titi which fall on today itself.

Lord Shani Dev is estranged son of Sun God. He embodies the planet (Graha). He plays a significant role in the lives of people. Nobody can escape from the Karmic deeds he/she performs – it is said, he keeps his (tedi eye – tilted eye) a sharp eye on everybody’s deeds or misdeeds. He is the deity who favours those are empathetic towards others needs.


It is also a fact that Lord Shani Dev Ji has two wives named Mandhha and Neela and aloo two sons named Kulinga and Mandhata as has been mentioned in Scriptures such as Markandeya Puran.  It has been mentioned that Lord Shani is the son of Sun God (Surya) and mother Chhaya (Goddess of shadows).  These  are also mentioned in various rituals in order to get their blessings.


Lord Shani Dev Ji is incharge of discipline,  provision of justice for our Karma besides this he too provides blessing for our long life. He is worshipped and prayers are done by the multitudes for His bountiful graces. Since he provides justice for our good and bad karma, therefore, he influence is considered significant in our lives. It has been mentioned in scriptures that during Shani Sad Sati period 7.5 year cycle, he is quite influential.


It has been mentioned that we ourselves are responsible for our situations and conditions due to our Karmic good deeds or misdeeds. Although we get knowledge about the positive or negative influences of Shani Dev Ji from our Gurs and scriptural treasure of knowledge but we are responsible for our good or bad karma; for which we cannot escape.

It is significant to mention that we get enlightened and gain self awareness or self realization through the scriptural knowhow as well as God realized Saints which helps us to attain God’s connectivity. When we establish our connectivity with God, we become detached from the mundane things and we have a single motto in life; to remain connected with His domain, devoid of our situations or conditions in which we are place; that is we get a perfect balance in life. By so doing, bountiful blessings of our Creator are always with us in any condition we are placed.

It is also a fact that we have friends and foes. We gain spiritual growth through our own Karma. A self realized person feels that good or bad occasions should not influence us unreasonably since expect good from the good deeds we transact. Good deeds have potential for good crop of benefits to our soul and bad deeds have potential to tarnish our soul. And Lord Shani Dev Ji, being the provider of Justice for our GOOD & BAD Karma. He does not forgive us for our bad Karma. It is significant to note that we are responsible for our good or bad deeds and Lord Shani Dev Ji awards us justice in sync with our deeds. It goes to show that we ourselves are harmed or gain  credence through our own Karma.

Shankaracharya, while explaining the apparatus available to the soul, classifies the mind into four—mind, intellect, chitta and ego. We should try controlling our mind so that it works to enrich our Soul.

In the Bhagavad Gita, Shree Krishna repeatedly talks of the mind and the intellect as being two things, and emphasizes the need to surrender both to God. We should elevate our mind to the highest level. For this, we have to use our mind with our intellect. By so doing, we are able to surrender ourselves to the will of God besides having inner harmony. This will instill self confidence and help conserve our potential energy for higher goals in life.

Having attained balance after complete surrender, we can get blessings from Lord SHANI DEV JI, THE PROVIDER OF JUSTICE and evenhandedness.

More the emotional energy, more the balance, more the balance, more the inner peace and positive orientation in life. Through all this, we get healthy nourishment for our mind and soul. Lack of emotional energy results in depletion of energy which results in stress, depression and we remain seeped in negativity thus making our life a virtual heal. Then, the wrath of Lord Shani Dev Ji too remains on us due to our present state of mind and soul.

He awards us punishment and awards us for our good deeds  without any discrimination. For his rich or poor are same in this respect.

Vedic Mahamantra for Shanidev is given below:-

‘Om nilanjan samabhasam, Raviputram Yamagrajan.
Chhaya martand Sambhutum
Tamn namami shanishwaram.’

It emphasizes that those who suffer for a prolonged period of time should pray sincerely; keeping our body and mind pure. They could be relieved of all the problems persisting in an individual’s life.

It is on every Saturdays that the devotees worship Him, of course with some rituals, but with full fondest love and devotion – with purity in the body and mind. His sincere prayers cannot go unanswered. It is the day specially dedicated for Lord Shani Dev Ji.


Lord Shani Dev Ji’s bounties are required more at the present times than ever since everybody is facing hardship due to Covid-19 pandemic. The continuous lockdowns has resulted in job losses and business losses. There is anxieties about the health and wellness of everybody. Therefore, His blessings are of special significance.

While negotiating the ups and downs of our lives, we come across problems, these problems could be due to our own mistakes or partly destined. When we are unable to solve those problems, we have to believe on faith healing. If nothing works, our Creator’s healing touch works wonders.

Amongst the trinities; Lords Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesh are assigned the duties of Creation, Operation/Evolution and Destruction respectively. Lord Shanidev is responsible for punishing for our sins in this life itself. He does not pardon for our faults. Not only the humans even the Gods cannot escape His wrath. He is one of the 9 sons of Lord Sun (Surya). He also gives us rewards for our good deeds. His blessings are sought after. He is black in colour and even the colour of his robe is black. The other son is Yama whose responsibility is to take the Souls to their proper place after death in accordance with their Karma.


There is verifiable legend about the existence of Lord Shani Dev. It is said that about 350 years back, there was a heavy rain. Pananala was flooded. Villagers saw a huge stone like thing, made up of iron and stone entangled with the berry tree. This had come in the floods. The villagers, out of curiosity, poked a stick at the stone. To their utter surprise, blood started oozing from the rock hard stone.

At night one of a village devotee had a dream. Shanidev told him to pick the idol from the place but it should be done only by those who are related as maternal uncle and nephew. People tried their level best to lift the idol of Shanidev but in vain. Finally, it was decided that it ought to be installed at the place where it was found after floods. A quadrangular terrace was made since it was observed that buried portion of the idol was more than the exposed one. No shelter was made because of Shanidev’s wishes.

Sometimes back I had the privilege of visiting Shinganapur Shani Dham. It is 70 Kms away from Shirdi in Maharashtra. It is located on Highway No. 60 in Ahmednagar District of Maharashtra. The scenery on both the sides of the road is really enchanting from Shirdi to Shingnapur. The pomegranate gardens, the rose gardens, and sugarcane fields enliven our body, mind and soul. Almost two hours journey from Shirdi is indeed refreshing.

This village covers an area of 160 hectors. In olden times, the population of the village was very less only 20-30 huts but this village has increased manifold. There used to be only 20-30 kacha houses but now pucca houses, besides school, hotels, banks, imposing bus stand are also there. But one thing I have personally seen is that residents do not lock their houses because there is no thievery. Really surprising! It was also mentioned by the people that up till now there is no police complaint. People of this village are both spiritual and helpful and to cap it all hospitable.

There were many true stories attached to Shanidev. There was an incident of taking away a pair of bullock. The thieves took them to more than 30 kms from the village. Having got tired, they wanted to take a nap. When they got up, they found themselves at Shinganapur itself. The villagers found them but forgave them as they confessed their fault.


• It is a place where no theft, robbery happens. No complaints to the police till date.
• Nobody ever have seen ghost etc in the area.
• There is a peace and harmony amongst the people of different castes/religions.
• No cheating at this place. Quick justice of anybody resorts to this.
• No one behaves with distrust here.
• People are cooperative, hospitable and kind.
• Maan Lakshmi temple is located near Shasni dham.


• On the new moon day, people come to Shanidham for prayers and get protection for the misfortunes. He protects all from the enemies.
• Shanidev could be pleased when people pray Him with pious heart.
• He is Justice Dispenser. He does not forgive the evil doers that is why people fear Him the most.
• He loves black colour.
• He protects those who are shunned by the society.
• He is the Lord of knowledge and helps in facultgies like business related to iron, transportation etc.
• Welfare of the general masses is His priority.
• Nothing to be kept on the head while having his dharshan.
• Shanidev is very kind hearted for troubled souls but purity is His important condition for his boon.


It is important to mention that if we act based on our mind bereft of our intellect and other conditions, we lose our mind control and would have whimsical mindset.

  • Mind (Mana) Our mind (Mana) is responsible for our thoughts.
  • Intellect (Budhi). It is responsible for analyzing our thoughts and we act accordingly.
  • Attachment (Chitta). It is the attachment we have for living or nonliving things we are attracted or allured.
  • Ego (Self worth): when we give more credence to our status, our knowledge, attainment of wealth according to our identification with these things.

When we identify ourselves more on  our mind, we should have total control on our mind and do not perform our Karma based more on whim and fancies then our action may or may not be good. But when it is based on the combination of mind and intellect including Chita then we tend to analyze our thought and thus get its result from Lord Shani Dev Ji.

May Lord Shani Dev Ji’s bountiful blessings remain on all of us. I pray for PEACE & PROSPERITY THROUGH OUT WORLD along with PEACE and HARMONY GLOBALLY.

Describe one simple thing you do that brings joy to your life.

One simple act which gives me eternal joy in my life is providing needful succor to the accident victim. At times, we come across people who meet with an accident. Providing needful assistance gives me brings huge feeling of joy and satiety to me.

In my life, though I have met people in dire strait due to road accidents, fall from two wheelers or any other sudden incident. I relate an accident of a pillion rider, a lady, on a two-wheeler. Unfortunately, the driver of the two-wheeler did not observe that the lady had a sudden fall. She was profusely bleeding. As I was coming from my office, I requested the driver of our vehicle to stop, took another vehicle and took the lady to the hospital after informing the two-wheeler driver about the fall of his companion. As the hospital was quite near, took her to emergency ward of the hospital. Fortunately, she was provided due Medicare. The attending doctor too appreciated the act. He informed me that the life of the lady in question was save due to timely help. By this time, the two-wheeler driver too had reached. He profusely thanked me for providing succor when it is hugely required. He asked me for my contact number which I humbly refused. After I was sure that everything was fine, I left the hospital for my home with a smile on my lips and a immense sense of satisfaction, giving me eternal joy.

This is one of the cases, with the grace of God, I’ve provided needful assistance on other occasions too. One thing which is common in all these cases. Each of these provide me ETERNAL JOY and SATIETY.

Daily writing prompt
Describe one simple thing you do that brings joy to your life.

How do you know when it is time to unplug? What do you do I make it happen?

In essence, our endurance level is in concert with the control of our mind coupled with the state of our health. There are people who get tired soon, may be due to preoccupation with some other commitment find themselves fatigued sooner than the ones who have the trait of focused mentality on the topic at hand. Their mind does not waver from one thought percept to other. A focused mindset works wonders. He/she takes his work as a plaything, joyride. because he/she uses his/her knowledge and wisdom gleaned from aplenty experiences over a period of time. For such a person unplugging before accomplishing the job is rather tiring exercise.

It has been experienced that a person who works with full concentration using his/her mind on the work at hand after clarity of nuts and bolts with proper preplanning rather than haphazardly plunging on the job at hand, results in stressing soon with disappointing result ultimately. Then he/she who follows the wisdom as enunciated in Bhagwat Gita that those who focus more on the job at hand rather than ‘result’ will ultimately get negative outcome.

I, therefore, am of the opinion, if we focus on the mission accomplishment, then we need not ‘unplug’ since when a job is done to our satisfaction, it has paybacks in the form of more experience along with returns or awards which will follow which unplugging will not!


The saying, ‘A friend in need is a friend indeed’ is considered as one of the best traits of a friend. then the precept; ‘Friends are aplenty’ when your purse is full’ then you have ‘Fairweather friend’ . Also, ‘Friend who could be trusted’ in weal and woe. There are several examples of a friendship gone sore when selfish motives which come to the fore and causes hurdles in your way since a friend knows all your secrets. He could prove to be your bitter foe; coming in the way at opportune moments.

In essence, I opine, good friend is the one who knows you thoroughly and points out my drawbacks that is; offers healthy criticism when needed so that I can improve and refine. It may be with regard to my unethical behavior, unhealthy habit(s), negative thought percept(s) or helps me in how best to control my mind when it goes berserk when need is to be its master and not be a slave to it. It is a truth that we either are influenced positively by our parents or our teacher(s)/Gurus or our friend. And that too a friend who does not gloss over my flaws but pointedly has the knack of saying; ‘spade a spade’.

For this to be smooth sailing in friendship, I too have to act ‘quid pro quo’ so that this type of friendship is not single-track journey but a journey, fundamentally and profoundly’ based on ‘give and take’ and not on take and receive nothing at all since one way friendship leads to oblivion, a journey bereft of a goal. If a friend with such traits comes in our life, he is a most precious gift from our CREATOR.

The aforesaid traits in a friend I cherish for me.

Daily writing prompt
What quality do you value most in a friend?




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    You registered on WordPress.com 13 years ago.

    Thanks for flying with us. Keep up the good blogging.

    N.B. : It has been a very pleasant journey of 13 years wherein I gained knowledge from my knowledgeable fellow bloggers cultivated friendship with some and also enhancement in overall awareness in varieties of subjects. All this would not have been possible without the tacit support of WordPress.com.

    Thanks for making  my journey with this wonderful WordPress.com a most joyous and purposeful and comforting one.

    With regards


    Who would you like to talk soon?

    In essence, when we are surrounded with difficulties, seemingly, caused due to adverse circumstances then question pops up, with whom I should speak, who could deliver me from the situation I am in. Talk with friends or our own family members could be one option. But this also may prove an exercise in futility since there are events, happenings or description of ‘problems’ which I would not like to share with other lest the person(s) concerned may publicize those secrets to others; it amounts to ‘washing my dirty linin in public’.

    In such a scenario, only credible option is to our own CREATOR; the OMNIPOTENT and OMNISCIENT ONE (All knowing Supreme Being). Talking with Him wouldn’t be a pep talk but pull me out of quagmire I am in. Sure enough, talking with Him will result in infuse more confidence in Him since He will tell me the right path through various cues, when followed to the book will alleviate my problems resulting in enhancement of self-confidence along with my connectivity with Him pave the way for His futuristic interventions from our Creator; whenever I would be in dilemma of any kind; self-created or creator due to situations and conditions. This will also be in line with the dictum: When nothing works fine, His soothing voice works wonders’

    Daily writing prompt
    Who would you like to talk to soon?



    Buddha began his earthy journey in the year 563 B.C. to King Sudhodhana & Queen Maya
    His birth name was Sidharatha
    Born in Lumbini in the Kingdom of Kapilavastu in Nepal
    Wherein he had his  upbringing
    With love and affection profusely overflowing
    From childhood itself, he was surcharged with emotions.

    He used to feel much pain
    When he saw people in utter pain
    Hence the King kept him at his aloof in residence
    Profuse with a lot of opulence
    And all the comforts which a person needs for existence.

    Prince Sidhartha was married to princess Yasodhara
    So that his son remains busy in the palace life itself
    Just cut off from the outside existence
    Filled with pain and sufferings
    As his father wanted him to be the king and rule his kingdom after him
    But the seers predicted that Sidharatha would be spiritual oriented.

    A Buddha – is the most enlightened one
    The one who possesses Bodhi
    An unparalleled perspicacity
    An ideal state attained through spiritual orientation
    With scholarly and ethical perfection
    Who would transform others’ lives with all his realizations
    But what is destined will surely happen.

    One day he saw the outside life with pain in abundance
    With sickness, oldage and finally death
    He also saw a monk just wandering about
    He wished to be a monk too
    For understanding the real meaning of life in real sense
    He ultimately left the comforts of the palace
    Did strictest penance

    For six long years.

    While meditating under a Bodhi tree
    In Bodhgaya in present day Bihar
    With single minded meditative trance
    Without taking anything for days on end.
    He wanted to know the cause of human sufferings

    Which is commonly seen  

    Removing ignorance can remove sufferings
    He faced many a hurdles during his meditation so severest
    Ultimately he attained enlightenment
    And became Buddha – the one suffusing with immense wisdom.

    Got what he aspired for in case of human existence
    As prophesied by the seers!



    It is significant to note that  from the childhood itself, he was very emotionally oriented and used to get emotional on small pretexts. The seers predicted that one day he will become Bhuddha. But the King wanted to see him as a great king. With this point in mind, he told his wife to keep him away from miseries of life and  provided him all the comforts within the four walls of the palaces. With this point in view, the King Sadodna kept him away from the lives of common people and the hard lives that they lived.


    At the age of sixteen, Prince Sidhartha was married to princess Yasodhara. The king provided all the comforts in the palace so that his son may remain engrossed in the ways of the world and never leave the palace. But a person who is destined to become a great Buddha cannot be kept aloof in the comforts of the palaces.

    Therefore, one day, finding time he went outside and saw for himself the life outside his palace. Not only one, he made three trips in which he saw sickness, old age and death. On the fourth trip outside his palace, he saw a wandering monk. He determined to be like him. Therefore, he determined to leave everything including his nears and dears. He got his hair cut, changed his clothes and subsequently called himself Gautama. He wanted to know as to how to remove the suffering from our midst. For this purpose, he went to different sages and wise preachers. But none could alleviate or satiate his doubts.


    Importantly, in order to find the cause of sufferings for a period of six years, he practiced strict penance in which he took fruits, leaves and root of the trees. Many a times he remained hungry for days on end. But he could not get what he wanted. Then again he began eating health giving food in order to get what he actually wanted.


    In reality, it has rightly been said that for a determined man everything is possible. Therefore, while he was sitting under the Bodhi tree (In Bodhgaya) in meditation, he determined that he will not get up from this spot until he got satisfactory answer to his prayers. It has rightly been observed that whenever we are in quest for a truth, we have to surmount so many hurdles. In order to get pure gold, it has to undergo different processes, therefore, he too had to go through tests. Subsequently during the night Mara (an evil soul) visited him and threw different temptations to him but Gautama came over every temptation with his virtue. Finally, he realized the cause of suffering. Thus he became Buddha as destined and prophesied by sages.


    After he got answers to his strict penance in the form of enlightenment, he went to Deer Park in the city of Benares and shared his enlightenment with five holy monks who understood him and thus became his disciples. Thus the journey for teaching Bhudhist teaching started. For a long period of 45 years, he travelled far and wide to preach his dharma. During this period he along with his disciplines faced many hardships but they did not tarry from their path of spreading true teachings. There was sobriety and piety in his speech which attracted his audience immensely.

    It was during the reign of King Ashoka was Bhuddism spread from India to other countries as well.

    There is a famous story about Gautama, during his preaching trip, he found one monk down with contagious disease. He washed the monk thoroughly and rebuked the other monks as to why they were not taking care of his brother monk who was suffering in pain.

    Buddha taught that everyone of us could imbibe Buddha nature and teachings and become Bhuddha himself/herself. He also preached that we should know our ordinary nature which include our fear, anger and jealousy. But our true nature include pure, wise and perfect. We have to discard our ordinary nature nd know our true nature. This termed as Bhuddha Nature



    Matter turns into energy and energy turns into matter. We are born of our parents and our children are born out of us. If we harm others, in turn, we would also be harmed ultimately.

    • Everything changes. Nothing remains static, everything changes. Our like is like a river whose current goes on and on. It does not change. Sometimes it is smooth and the other places its current is swift. The current also passes through hurdles in the form of rocks etc. Anything could happen at any time.
    • Law of cause and effect. The third truth is that there are continue changes taking due to law of cause and effect – which is governed by our Karmic deeds and misdeeds. Everything happens to us due to our own Karma. If we are doing good to others, the good things would be done to us too and vice versa.


    (a) There is suffering. Which is common to all.

    (b) Cause of suffering. We are the cause of our suffering.

    (c) The end of suffering. One should enlighten oneself by removing ignorance.

    (d) The path to the end of suffering. This is by adopting Noble eight path – middle path which constitutes:

    • Right view. See through the eyes of the Buddha (With wisdom and compassion).
    • Right thought. Clear and right thoughts makes huge difference.
    • Right speech.
    • Right conduct.
    • Right livelihood.
    • Right effort.
    • Right mindedness – goodwill towards others.
    • Right concentration. Focusing one right thought at a time.
    • Buddha breathed his last around 486 BC at the age of eighty but his preaching are most relevant and followed round the globe.

    From the life of Gautama Buddha we can adopt the following things in our lives:-

    • Right action leads to right results.
    • If we be good to others, others will be good to us.
    • If we make right and sincere efforts, we would be successful in our efforts.
    • Our sufferings are due to our own Karmic deeds or misdeeds.
    • We should focus on good deeds.
    • We should cultivate good mannerism and conduct for successful living.
    • We should use right words during our conversation with others.
    • We should always act with wisdom and foresightedness.
    • Right action should follow right thought.
    • We should never adopt corrupt ways in earning our livelihood.
    • Our ignorance is the cause of our suffering, remove the ignorance and all our sufferings will stop.
    • Nothing is destroyed in nature should always be kept in mind.
    • Change is the ways of nature. Everything under the sun changes should never be forgotten.
    • As you sow so shall you reap should never be forgotten.
    • Nothing is lost in the nature should never be forgotten.
    • Right attitude leads to right results.

    I PRAY TO Lord Buddha to help spread his message for Peace and prosperity around the world so that the surcharged atmospheric which is prevailing is given place to his grace and blessings.





    In Bhagwad Gita, it has rightly been propagated that we have to maintain a healthy blance when we are making decisions. What is right and what is wrong should be decided on the basis of our past experiences. The past mistakes should not be repeated but in fact should serve us an example for us not to traverse the path which leads to mistake making. By so doing, our past mistakes or failings could be construed or taken as stepping stone for trying again for achieving our mission with an appropriate vision.


    A growth which is attained through sincere effort, step-by-step, with no shortcuts would be enduring and lasting for long-time rather than frittering away without even an iota of  positive impact on us; we do not move or grow even an inch both in knowhow or wisdom. Knowledge attained horridly without involvement of our faculties is drained out or removed from our mindset or memory disc of our mind in shortest span of time thus leaving us ignorant as we were. Leaving not even telltale traces of knowhow! Thus, we have to make concerted and sincere efforts to retain the sheen of our knowledge so that what we attained makes impression on our personality for use in daily life. It may be in spiritual growth or in any other field.


    In Bhagwad Gita (Chapter 18) it has rightly been proclaimed: tranquility, restraint, austerity, purity, patience, integrity, knowledge, wisdom and self belief are most significant characters for a truly learned person. It has been experienced that patience pays hugely in the long run. In other words,  the maxim; haste makes waste’ is most suitble and when everything fails, patience and then course correction works wonders. Most of the problems which are created by us on the filmiest ground could be resolved by remaining tranquil and maintaining patience at the crucial moment.


    Our home is a place wherein we feel comfortable both in weal and woe. In bad times, we have to make concerted efforts, in unison with other members of household, to come out of the specter of adverse times.  But when we make our adverse conditions public, we have lost self confidence in solving our problems ourselves and accepted our fate, and not willing to putting two and two together. Hence it is advisable to seek solutions to our pestering problems ourselves rather than publicizing them and washing our dirty linen in public will make our problem still more intractable. Rather, belief in ourselves and on our Creator will make a huge difference and work sincerely will assist us to solve our problems.   


    It should always be kept in mind that we have to earn for ourselves and make ourselves financially self sufficient with the notion that nobody will come to our rescue when we are financial stringent. Rather, we may lose self-respect and position in the society. Contrarily, if we are financially stable, this should also not be made public since this may also lead to some unanticipted problems beyond our control.


    In essence, nobody is perfect is well known but it is not logically and ethically right to make public our strengths and weaknesses. Informing about our strength may award us the tag of self-centered or a person with egocentric tendencies. Either ways, it is harmful. The best way forward is to not to anyone under the sun.


    While living in the society, we develop friendship with some people who sync with our viewpoint(s). These people come to our succor whenever there is a dire need. And there are people who do not like us and remain criticizing whenever and wherever they find opportunity. At times, even our bosom friends may turn our bitter enemies. This sort of enmity is dangerous since these ‘friends’ turned enemies know our secrets. We should remain very careful from such people.


    When we consider ourselves responsible for any work done, ignoring the contributions of our nears and dears or our friends. We resort to drumming: ‘I, me, my, myself’ for any act although others too are participants in our action. By so doing, we make a fuss of our contribution. This is clearly a egocentric tendency which needs to be curbed for our holistic growth.


    It has been seen that those who sweat in life are rewarded even in most adverse situations and conditions. Working our way up infuses in us the confidence to dig our feet in thehardest task in hand thus succeed. If we remain day dreaming, doing nothing tangible, then, sure enough, besides losing our confidence we remain static in our forward march in any field.


    Most of our problems creep in when our expectations are not met. This is true when we do not get what we expect from our friends’ circle or our relations. The best way forward is to perform our duties with utmost sincerity rather than expecting much from other. By so doing, we shall not be emotionally perturbed if we expectations are not fructified. Then we consider ourselves accountable when we are not even remotely responsible for the incident or an episode,  In Bhagwad Gita it has rightly been said: Free from expectations and the sense ownership with the mind and intellect fully controlled, they incur bo sin even though performing actions by their body.




    IN THE GREAT EPIC MAHABHARTA BHISHMA has rightly articulated: The mother is the panacea for all kinds of calamities. The existence of the mother invests one with protection; the reverse deprives one of all protection.

    In Bhawad Gita,  it has rightly been said:  I who am the Vedic ritual, I am the sacrifice, and I am the oblation offered to the ancestors. I am the medicinal herb, and I am the Vedic mantra. I am the clarified butter, I am the fire and the act of offering. Of this universe, I am the Father; I am also the Mother, the Sustainer, and the Grandsire. I am the purifier, the goal of knowledge, the sacred syllable Om. I am the Ṛig Veda, Sāma Veda, and the Yajur Veda,

    It is also mentioned in the Bhagavad Gita, that the concept of ‘mother’ is often associated with the divine and nurturing qualities of God. One of the verses that highlight this aspect is from Chapter 9, where it is said that God takes care of His devotees just as a mother cares for her children. 

    BIBLE advises mothers to train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.




    A most revered of all the relations
    Encompassing all other relations
    Endures all sorts of sufferings
    Without even a slightest of demur or objections.

    For instance, how best the Mother Nature takes care of her creations
    A finely blended analogy is the MOTHER EARTH
    On whose surface life of living beings get nourishment
    To grow, enjoying all the bounties of MOTHER NATURE
    Air, water and sun’s energy without any bias
    Providing succor to all birds and animals aplenty
    From her bosom springs the life-giving crops
    Which feed us and give us energy
    Which sustains life on this beautiful planet.

    Then the mothers of all the mammals – animals, birds, ants etc
    Are exceptional examples of motherhood
    If you care to observe their way of living
    Feeding their young ones and defending them from the predators.

    I was obviously inspired by the unique life of a queen ant
    Which although does not have more life-span on this earth
    But the Mother Nature has graced her with fine blend of motherhood
    After her nuptial flight and mating get completed
    The queen ant finds a nesting place
    Seals the entrance for laying the eggs
    Lays eggs for food of growing larvae also
    These healthy eggs grow to be active workers
    And bring food from outside for the queen (mother) ant
    Wherein the mother ant is in total control
    For taking care of everything that goes inside the nest
    That should also inspire us humans
    As to how a MOTHERS in general
    Takes care of its 


    Mother Nature has graced all mammals
    With the natural traits of motherhood
    A squirrel collecting its early morning feed for its magpies
    A crow collecting feed for its young ones who cannot fly
    A bitch feeding its pups even remaining without food itself
    That is the strangest and most exceptional proof of motherhood

    From the time of fertilization of an egg inside the womb
    Paying uninterrupted attention that is required
    For proper and continued feed inside the womb
    With the observance of precautions in abundance
    What to be taken and what for avoidance.

    Smoking and food & drinks having caffeine are taboo
    For gestation inside mother’s being
    For a period of nine months

    That is the care and caution she has to exercise inside her womb
    Mother mothers her baby in every mnner most desirable
    Mother uses her head and heart for taking due care
    More use of heart to listen to her growing child needs
    Many times forgetting even her own life’s needs indeed!

    I shall give my personal example of my mother
    Who had a far reaching impact on me
    She unfortunately has already left for her heavenly abode
    But I reminisce clearly the days whilst she brought me up as a small kid
    Showering all the care that she could extend
    Like all other mothers – who take pains in bringing up their offspring
    What to feed and when needed
    With limited resourcs at the disposal
    She slept on the side
    Where bed-spread was moist
    But protected me from getting wet
    So as to bestow interrupted care and protection as a kid!

    Provided me her warmth of the heavenly lap
    Cuddled me with her lovely hands
    I grew up in her care and protection
    She bestowed me love and affection
    Brimming with love – so Godly feel.

    Gave rock-solid protection on me day in and day out
    With no complaints at any point in time.

    A smile from me was a blissful gift for her
    My cries used to fill her heart with the deepest agony
    Calming of her heartaches happened certainly
    When my sobbing came to an end finally
    Childish prattle of mine amused her immensely.

    Whilst I crawled and learned to walk
    Or talk first incoherently
    She felt herself on the ‘seventh-heaven, factually.

    Once I was down with the severe fever
    I almost was in the coma for days on end
    Medical help could hardly make any difference
    Everyone in the family knew
    Her sincere prayers came to my rescue.

    Then came the time of my schooling
    I was a reluctant customer, a foot-dragger for going to school
    My mom knew how best to handle me in this too!
    My mother, cajoled me with eatables as the enticement or bait when required
    Reprimanded me sternly whence its necessity was felt
    As though she knew when a particular dose to be administered
    For drawing out the ills & putting the best traits
    School and then college went on smoothly under her supervision
    Worth mentioning, she was not well-read, so to say
    But knew all fine-points of life and how to live it with sincerity!
    She exhorted me to face the facts of life squarely
    Onlyweak-willed ones flee when confronted with difficulty.

    I felt her omnipresence whenever some of my chums offered any allurement
    Desisted from any of these fearing, in the bargain, matching punishment
    From my mom who could read my mind with ease
    Telling lies with her never succeeded
    Telling truth and get pardoned was only way out.

    Thence I got my employment
    Far away from my loving mother and lovely home
    A home (not house) which did not have many material comforts
    But was brimming with love and care for everyone.

    I used to visit my mom only once on weekends
    Once on a visit to home – reached late at night
    To my utter dismay and consequent pain
    She was down with cough, cold and fever
    This had taken the toll on her health despite medicare.

    There were others in the home to care for her
    In the morn the next day
    While the Sun rose from the eastern horizon
    She intended me to take breakfast in the sun – outside on the cot
    After light breakfast, she desired to keep her head in my lap!

    How fortunate I had been I thanked my God
    The one who had provided warmth to me in her heavenly lap
    Wanted to keep her head in my lap
    Having done thus she felt completely relaxed, just peaceful
    As though bidding her final farewell
    This peaceful act was not an ordinary one
    It was an eternal peace – so solemn

    A final adieu from her to us all.

    My honest confession, all the traits in me are due to my loving mother
    All negativism are earned by me from my own mistakes
    Although she is mixed with (Five Gross physical elements) PANCH BHUTAS
    Yet she resides in my heart for good with the grace of Almighty God.
    And guides me when hugely as required
    Through her value system which she imparted.


    The Mother, truthfully, is one of the noblest relationships who understands her offspring because she is graced with soft emotions which could attract even the person with brute mentality thus could have far-reaching influence.

    SRI GURU GRANTH SAHIB says: A mother does not keep note of the transgressions of her son. O God, I am Your son. Why don’t You destroy my sins?

    Holy Quran enunciates: We have enjoined on man kindness to his parents; in pain did his mother bear him, and in pain did she give him birth.

    It is a gospel truth that in the household husband is the head and the mother the heart and when head and heart combine they make the huge difference both to the children and the home as a whole. Eternal peace and tranquility in the household happen when emotions of the heart are respected by all in the family. All the important decisions which have far-reaching implications for the future of the children should be taken with an active participation of mother and father. By so doing, not only the natural say of the mother will be respected but also there would be peace and harmony in the household. The training in value system imparted by the mother remains with us throughout our life.

    It should never be forgotten that mother provides the first lesson to her child – what to be done and what to be shunned. This first lesson is the foundation on which the edifice of future education of the child is built. Profuse praise of the child along with necessary punishment commensurate with fault will do a lot of good to the child.

    There are many mothers who are not adequately educated but they understand their children better because they use their instinct rather than knowledge. Mere rebuking children will not do – a soft approach can deliver much. If nothing works then a pep-talk on the need of education by the mother can also do wonders. If this also does not work then the help of the experts in the field could be attained. This should be done after a thorough research. The purpose is to follow all norms which may help the child in acquiring knowledge besides character building.

    The mother should keep track of following aspects in mind in order to know and adopt remedial measures /take corrective steps for child’s improvement:-

    • The company the child is following while schooling. It should be done with discretion without letting the child know.

    • The progress of the child to be recorded. The mother should keep a tab of the child’s progress in all fields :

    The growth and development should be with regards to: health, education, mixing with other children, respect for all, curbing egoistic tendencies (words or sentences usage like I did it, it is due to me, my contribution made it possible etc), how to face diverse situation with courage, infusing feeling of commitment, spiritual bent of mind, games and sports, positive habit building, learning to obey the orders of elders including teachers etc.

    • Best use of internet facilities. Whenever a child is sitting on the computer, the mother should monitor as to what the child is browsing. Corrective steps to be initiated if the child is lead astray.

    • How best to keep a healthy balance between the household chores and the monitoring child’s progress.

    • Sometimes what is learned has to be unlearned. Here care and caution are required.

    • Kindle a spirit of understanding and respecting others’ privacy in the child.

    • Appropriate appreciation/reward and punishment whenever required should be made by the mother for growth of the child.

    Following goes well with Mother:

    • The mother’s love is all-encompassing.
    • The mother teaches us the first lesson in the value system.
    • The mother ‘s graces save us from all the ill-omens.
    • The mother is the embodiment of suffering.
    • The mother mothers us when we are not able to do anything on our own.
    • The mother gives us what other relations cannot.
    • We are part and parcel of our parents and in this the MOTHER plays a predominant role.

    Finally, from the above, it is evident that bringing up  child and ensure his holistic growth is a whole-time job. If quality time is not given by the mother, the child may lead astray and lose the moorings for a healthy and upward march in life. A MOTHER knows how best to mould her child.

    Further, excessive indulgence (Mou Mamta) by the mother can also spoil the balanced development of the child. Meaning, if a mother sweeps the mistakes of the child under the carpet, then, sure enough, the child will grow up to be a spoilt one. So an objective approach is: admonishing or handing out punishment when required and shower love, when called for. By so doing, a mother can change the destiny of the child





    Akshaya  is a Sankrit word meaning; that which remains unrivalled or which remains undefeated or which remains eternal. Besides Trititya is the Third Day of eternal peace and prosperity

    This day is associated with joy, hope, expectation inculcating a win-win mindset. We pray to Lord Vishnu (With Strong Vibrating Mantra: Om Namo Bhagwate Vasudevaya with lyrics  नमो भगवते वासुदेवाय).

    The purpose is to ask for His bountiful graces  so that He bestows all humanity good health and wellness. This is needed more now especially during the difficult and trying times of war between Russia and Ukraine and talk of some countries using nuclear weapons looming danger besides prevailing disquiet in many parts of the world. May peace and prosperity prevail globally and the uncertain climate should give place to mutual trust and amity.


    This festival is also known as Akti or Akha Teej festival. This festival is celebrated in the months of April or May (in the Gregorian calendar) in accordance with lunar-solar Hindu Calander of Shukla Paksha of Vaisakha month.

    Today is also the most sacred day since today is the Parasurama Jyanti – the birthday of Lord Parasurama (The Sixth incarnation of Lord Vishnu). He became instrument in removing evil from the society which was prevalent during that period of time.



    On this auspicious and most auspicious day, Sudama, the childhood Gopa (Friend) of Shri Krishna met him at his Kingdom at Dwarka. He had brought some flattened rice with him as a present for his childhood friend which he desisted to give him since he thought that Shri Krishna may not like his present. But Shri Krishna accepted the offering whole-heartedly and relished the same. After that Lord Krishna gave him riches and also blessings by which his friends fortune changed in its entreaty besides showering him with precious gifts. That is the reason why people perform charity according to your propensity.

    Akshey Tritiya is auspicious day since the temples Yamunotri and Gangotri temple are opened for the dharshan of people in general.


    Legend have it that Lord Kubera (the Lord of wealth and wellness) received his status of wealth as the Lord of Wealth on this auspicious day.

    People start their new enterprises and businesses besides investing their money in precious metals (gold and other metals).

    Women folks pray for the peace and prosperity of their male members in the family, People also distribute sprouted grams, fresh fruits, food items and sweets to the needy along with distributing provision of clean water and other health giving drinks such as sugarcane juice to the needy.

    The farmers too starts their sowing paddy for their Kharif season. People also pray to Mother Earth for prosperity.


    It is a most significant and auspicious day since on this day holy river Ganga descended on to the earth after severest meditation of King BhagiRatha to Lord Shiva – a most benevolent of the Trinities responsible for destruction for recreation. As a boon of penance Maa Ganga Ji descended on to the earth and helped his ancestors attain liberation. Ganga Maa Ji is considered sacred river since mere a bath in the sacred river along with sincere our prayers in this river removes our misdeed Paap Harni Maa along with cleanses our inner self. Hindus immerse the last remains after cremation in the Ganga Ji for Mokshha of the departed soul and peace and prosperity of the entire family.


    It is the day when Rishi Ved Vyasa dictated Mahabhaata to Lord Ganesha (The one who is known for His memory and far-sightedness).



    People purchase precious metals along with utensils. People also give alms to the needy on this day especially food items..

    On this day, Lord Krishna met Pandava in the forestswhile they were on exile and presented Akshaya Patra to Daupadi which helped the Pandavas to have food whenever required.


    As this day is of multifaceted and most auspicious since it is connected with so many deities: Lord Vishnu, Lord Shiva, Lord Krishna, Lord Shiva, and many rishis of repute therefore, my prayer to all is to bestow the humanity happiness, joy, peace and prosperity.