Brenda Colbath Author

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Creating worlds, characters; wielding power like a madwoman; making my characters happy, sad, angry, or have no redeeming qualities is fun. I sometimes laugh out loud when I am writing a scene, and have been known to cry when one of my favorite characters has to die. I am a left-handed Gemini; what did you expect?Leaving a “continued” at the end of my five handwritten pages, a weekly requirement drove my English teacher crazy. He suggested I “do something about my writing ”I graduated from the School of Hard Knocks Suma Cum Laude at the top of my class. During 30 years in the trenches of Real Estate, I found that truth is stranger than fiction. My books are filled with characters I met in that profession, and in our travels. Their names were changed to protect the guilty. Making up wild stories, reading bedtime stories to my two children, and creating Halloween costumes from Cowboys to a Dragon, was fun. My yearly newsletters were drafted third-person by my Love Birds, Pesty and Testy, Miranda, our motorhome, or Red Rover and Sir Fit the White Knight, our faithful Honda cars. I developed a flair for writing letters of complaint, expressing my displeasure with services or products. Our sun was kicked off the bus for making an obscene gesture at a buddy. I reminded her that the gesture is a greeting, and “obscenity can be in the eye of the beholder,” He rode the bus until he graduated. I have been married to the love of my life, Shirl, for nearly 61 years. We produced two exceptionally talented children and one grandchild, who is our pride and joy.

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