D’Angelo and the Vanguard


Fourteen years after his last album, the R&B star returns with a warm, expansive masterpiece. Here’s to messiahs worth waiting for. D’Angelo has kept the world fiending 14 years for the follow-up to his Crisco-thick R&B classic, Voodoo, but as the man himself purrs in “Sugah Daddy,” “Can’t snatch the meat out of the lioness’ mouth/Sometimes you gotta just ease it out.” Black Messiah shows how deep easy can go. D’Angelo and his band have built an avant-soul dream palace to get lost in, for 56 minutes of heaven. [via rollingstone]

Black Messiah by D'Angelo & The Vanguard

BLACK MESSIAH out now! iTunes! It’s definitely a great and must have album.  To find out more about D’Angelo, his music and any upcoming events check out this link: blackmessiah 

Mix of the day


Mix of the Day

abstract music

Mix of the Day


TED Talk: Mark Ronson on How Sampling Changed Music

mark-ronson-ted-talk“I can hear something in a piece of media and I can co-opt myself in that narrative or alter it, even” – Mark Ronson

Producer Mark Ronson (Amy Winehouse, Q-Tip, Adele) appeared as one of the latest installations in the TED Talk series. In a segment titled “How sampling changed music,” the talented Englishman spends a few minutes recounting the heart behind sampled music, a historical overview behind Doug E. Fresh & Slick Rick’s “La Di Da Di,” and even goes as far as live mixing aspects of TED talks and the TED theme music.

Uploaded to YouTube on May 9th, 2014, it is definitely worth the watch. See below!



Fact of the day

Your favorite song affects your brain

Musical head2

Listening to a favorite song seems to trigger a common pattern of brain activity, regardless of genre, a small study in Scientific Reports suggests. The findings may explain why different people describe similar emotional feelings and memory responses when listening to their favorite piece of music, whether it is something by Beethoven or Eminem.


[via natureasia]

Mix of the Day

Opt-Art Music Visuals

Fatoumata Diawara

FatoumataFatoumata Diawara aka Fatou is a Malian musician who currently lives in France. Diawara sings in her native Wassoulou language, but understanding the exact content of the songs isn’t necessary to enjoy them. She has a very beautiful voice and is a great live performer. Fatou’s voice accompanied with amazing melodies and rhythms is a sound that should be heard around the world. Her simplicity, strong culture and style are unique. To find out more about Fatoumata Diawara and any upcoming events check out this link:Fatoumata_Diawara