U.N. Contributing Scientist: ‘Culling’ Human Population Could Avert Climate Catastrophe

The suggested way of doing this would be a new, very fatal pandemic, so reports One America News (OAN) 

Volcanologist and ultra-hysterical climate scientist Prof. Bill McGuire posted a comment on X: “If I am brutally honest, the only realistic way I see emissions falling as fast as they need to, to avoid catastrophic #climate breakdown, is the culling of the human population by a pandemic with a very high fatality rate.”

Reaction McGuire’s comment came swiftly and harshly, so much you that McGuire took down the callous comment, claiming he didn’t mean it and that readers misinterpreted the comment.

If anything, it tells us what kind of twisted fantasies are floating around in the heads of the members of the climate doomsday cult.


8 responses to “U.N. Contributing Scientist: ‘Culling’ Human Population Could Avert Climate Catastrophe”

  1. Greg61

    Or we could just implement everything these crazy people ask for – then billions would simply starve – non need for a pandemic


    Bill Mcguire should go first.

  3. Petit_Barde

    Culling Human Population to have no proven impact on a non existent climate catastrophe because it could possibly endanger Human Population …

    The very definition of Insanity.

  4. Yonason

    I can see him in an SS uniform.

  5. Val

    A deception on many fronts.

  6. U.N. Contributing Scientist: ‘Culling’ Human Population Could Avert Climate Catastrophe – Infinite Unknown

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