Type name:  font

Subtype name:  woff

Required parameters:  None

Optional parameters:  None

Encoding considerations:  Binary

Interoperability considerations:  None

Published specification:  This media type registration updates the
   WOFF specification [W3C.REC-WOFF-20121213] at W3C.

Applications that use this media type:  WOFF is used by web browsers,
   often in conjunction with HTML and CSS.

Additional information:

   Magic number(s):  The signature field in the WOFF header MUST
      contain the "magic number" 0x774F4646 ('wOFF')

   File extension(s):  woff

   Macintosh file type code(s):  (no code specified)

   Macintosh Universal Type Identifier code:  "org.w3.woff"

   @font-face Format:  woff

   Fragment Identifiers:  None

   Deprecated Alias:  The existing registration "application/font-
      woff" is deprecated in favor of "font/woff".

Person & email address to contact for further information:  
   Chris Lilley (www-font&w3.org).

Intended usage:  COMMON

Restrictions on usage:  None

Author:  The WOFF specification is a work product of the World Wide
   Web Consortium's WebFonts working group.

Change controller:  The W3C has change control over this