Shubh Buddha Purnima— My Thoughts

Buddha, Picture by ©Chitrangadasharan

ख़ुशी और आनंद दो अलग-अलग तरह की अनुभूति होती है ।

जब हम बुद्ध की प्रतिमा को देखते हैं,

तो ये नहीं कहते, कि वह कितने खुश प्रतीत होते हैं,

किन्तु ये कहते हैं, कि वह कितने आनन्दमय प्रतीत होते हैं,

ख़ुशी तो भौतिक चीजों से प्राप्त की जा सकती है,

लेकिन आनन्द तो आत्मा के सुख से ही प्राप्त होता है,

हमें ये प्रयत्न करना चाहिए, कि अपने तथा दूसरों के जीवन में,

आनन्द ही आनन्द हो।

शुभ बुद्ध पूर्णिमा 🙏🙏

A Visit to Bodh Gaya, Bihar, India


Weekend Thoughts: Letting Go

Picture by ©️Chitrangadasharan

I am sure, all of us have some incidents of the past, which is painful.

Even if you don’t want to remember, such painful memories are at the back of our minds.

Although easier said than done, it’s wise to ‘let that go’ off the mind, walk away from those painful memories.

All this for your ‘Peace of mind.’

Love the sound of your footsteps, walking away from the things, which were not meant for you.

Thank yourself for how far you have come.

It wasn’t that easy.

Weekend Thoughts: Coffee and Outings


It’s not that we can’t have coffee at home. But nowadays, you would find most people having coffee at some reputed coffee joints, such as Star bucks, Cafe Coffee Day and many more.

I am not so young, but even I like to spend some time, especially weekends at coffee joints, with my family and friends.

You may call it as breaking the monotony, hangout with your loved ones, some stress free time or just as an emotional support beverage.

So, coffee with family and friends at a coffee joint is like happy time for me.

And as they say, A lot can happen over coffee.

(Suits well for relationship goals.)

Wordless Wednesday: Roses In My Garden

Picture by ©️chitrangadasharan
Video by ©️chitrangadasharan
Video by ©️chitrangadasharan
Video by ©️chitrangadasharan
Video by ©️chitrangadasharan

The Festival of Colours and Joy: Holi

Holi festival ©️chitrangadasharan

May the many vibrant colours of Holi bring joy, prosperity and positivity in your life.

Happy Holi to fellow writers 🌼🌸🌺