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Spotting Toxic Emotions Before They Infect You At Work

Updated Jan 4, 2017, 05:20pm EST
This article is more than 10 years old.

“Emotions are contagious from the leader outward,” says Daniel Goleman, author and leadership expert whose most popular writings are now available in a single volume, called Leadership: The Power of Emotional Intelligence.

The spread of emotions is not a new discovery. Studies show that in as little as two minutes, silent strangers transmit emotions to each other, and the more emotionally expressive person’s feelings prevail.

But neuroscience researchers have struggled to explain this phenomenon. More recently, the discovery of “mirror neurons” has prompted further exploration of the social brain, and findings reveal an emotional subtext in every human interaction.

The dynamic, however, is notably different in hierarchies than in peer groups:

But in groups where there are power differences – in the classroom, at work, in organizations generally – it is the most powerful person who is the emotional sender, setting the emotional state for the rest of the group.

Therefore, in organizations, a leader’s attitude rubs off on his team, either enhancing or impeding the group’s overall performance.

Emotional outbursts known as amygdala hijacks are particularly destructive. As the oldest part of the brain, the amygdala prioritizes survival and regulates the fight-or-flight response. Faster than the neocortex (i.e., the thinking brain), it reacts to threatening scenes before rational thinking occurs.

Tune into VH1’s Rehab with Dr. Drew to see hijacks erupt. In one episode, two recovering addicts – a man and a woman – unloaded on each other. The man unknowingly channeled his resentment toward his mother for abandoning him, and the woman transferred her fear of a physically abusive ex-boyfriend. Like they say, “hurt people, hurt people.”

The signs of a hijack are simple: a quick onset, an unusually intense reaction relative to the circumstances, and subsequent regret (i.e., “why did I do that?”). There are four common workplace triggers:

  • Not being treated with respect
  • Not being appreciated
  • Not being listened to
  • Being criticized or blamed

Beware of triggering a hijack from a leader: it poisons an entire organization.

Digital technology has reduced communication costs but increased the likelihood of blowups. At Caliper’s 2012 Global Conference, Goleman said that “the new normal is an assault on the social brain.” Email, for instance, has few emotional signals and, compared to an in-person meeting or phone call, is easily misinterpreted.

Coworkers need to balance virtual communication and face time. Human moments occur when two people share the same physical space while giving each other their emotional and intellectual attention. Harvard’s Dr. Edward M. Hallowell laments their disappearance and reiterates their importance in our lives:

To make the human moment work, you have to set aside what you’re doing, put down the memo you were reading, disengage from your laptop, abandon your daydream, and focus on the person you’re with…Together you quickly create a force field of exceptional power.

Next time you need to communicate sensitive information, consider the pros and cons of each delivery option. Your organization’s emotional health will thank you.

Hijacks tend to reoccur. They hint at unconscious, ingrained emotional patterns simmering below the surface. Of the 10 noted in Tara Bennett-Goleman’s book, Emotional Alchemy, the following are those that surface most often in the workplace:

  1. Emotional deprivation. People who feel deprived are never fully satisfied, and an unavailable boss stirs their old wounds.
  2. Subjugation. Characterized by repeatedly putting the needs of others first (to an unhealthy extent), this pattern leads to compliance with underlying resentment.
  3. Perfectionism. Those with this tendency are driven to perform their best at the expense of other areas in their life. The smallest criticism focuses their attention on only what is wrong.
  4. Narcissism. The rules don’t apply to those with this pattern. As adults, they feel entitled and struggle to delay gratification.

Toxic emotions affect you at work. Be especially aware of those emanating from your boss; they’re silently shaping your attitude and performance.

If you think businesses don’t run on emotion, think again.

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