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Dr Martin Graff is a Senior Lecturer in Psychology at the University of South Wales, UK.  He has also been a visiting scholar at the State University of New York, Cortland, USA, Victoria University, Wellington, New Zealand and the Academic Institute for Higher Education (AIHE), Germany. 

His main research interests are in the psychology of romantic relationships, online dating and social media, and he has delivered lectures on Online Dating and Romantic Attraction, in the UK, the USA, Canada, New Zealand and Australia.  In addition to this he has carried out advisory work for dating apps LetsDitto and eHarmony.  Dr Graff has currently published over fifty scientific articles, selected publications here.

Forthcoming Talks

May 13 - Microcheating, Jealousy and Surveillance in Romantic Relationships - Tiny Rebel, Cardiff - Pint of Science Festival.

June 3 - The Psychology of Social Media - Online Talk - AIHE.

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