The Hospitality Club
...bringing people together!
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- free accommodation worldwide
- meet friendly people
- no cost at all
- intercultural understanding
- no obligations
- safety features
- non-commercial
...come onboard!

number of Hospitality Club members

Here are the answers to some of the questions we hear most often. If your question is not on here, please send a message to and we will answer as soon as possible. For members, there is also a Member FAQ with more questions and answers.

Who can become a member of The Hospitality Club?
Everybody. If you like to travel or just to meet interesting people then you are the right person for The Hospitality Club! Over the last years we have noticed that most of our members have one common characteristic: friendliness.

Is joining really free?
Yes. We will never charge a membership fee. There will be no costs to you. We do ask you to dedicate some time if you can and help us make The Hospitality Club better and better.

What kind of personal information do I have to provide?
You have to provide following information to become a member of The Hospitality Club: name, full address and a valid email address. All other information is optional.

Will my personal information be visible to other members?
You decide how much information you want to reveal about yourself. Other members will only see your user name, city and country. You can hide your real name and address and all other information is optional. Your email address will not be displayed, members have to contact you through the site.

Will non-members have access to my profile?
No. To log onto the secure members area you need to be an accepted member and have a valid password.

Do I have to host in order to be allowed to stay with other people for free?
No. You can sign up today and go on a trip tomorrow, if you find people that are willing to host you. Of course we kindly ask you to help other travelers with a place to stay or anything else in your power. The idea of The Hospitality Club is to give and to receive help.

So what are my obligations as a member?
You are obliged to treat all other members with respect and to follow the rules of The Hospitality Club .

What is my protection against criminals coming to visit me?
Every member who contacts you through The Hospitality Club has to give you his/her full name, passport number and the user name at The Hospitality Club. You can store this information in a safe place, or send it to where we will store it for you. When your guest arrives, make sure you check the passport to verify the identity information you received. This way the identity will be confirmed without doubt.

What other security measures are available?
Since your future guest will supply you with his/her user name at The Hospitality Club, you will be able to check the profile on the internet. There, you will be able to read the comments of other members about this member and see his/her past guests and hosts, as well as people that trust him/her. Please do write comments about other members yourself - this feature adds security for all of us.

Can couples or families sign up together with one registration?
No. We ask you to sign up individually. Of course you can use the club together and also write in your profile that you live and travel with your partner. But signing up separately gives you the opportunity to specify different interests and it is crucial for the feedback mechanism within the club.

I don't have a passport, because I have traveled in Europe only, is my identity card enough to sign up?
Yes. You don't need your passport to sign up, only when you actually use the club. When you travel within Europe, or within your own country where you wouldn't normally use a passport, your identity card is enough, since it is your legal identification there. And that is the aim of the rule - to identify you for the member of the club you meet.

How old are most members?
There are people from all ages in the club. We have many young people signing up, but there are also quite a few mature members. You will find what you are looking for.

I forgot my password - what can I do?
We can send you a new password to the email address you specified when signing up. Please use the "Forgot your password?" link under the login screen. You will have to enter the user name and the email address you used when signing up.

I forgot my user name - what can I do?
Please send an email to with following info: your full name, address, city, region and country. We will then send your user name to the email address you used when registering.

How do I contact another member?
No email addresses are displayed on the site to ensure the privacy and safety of all members and to avoid spam. To contact another member, you can use the message mechanism on the site. All messages are sent through to the email address of the member you are writing to.

How do I remove myself from the club?
Please log into the site, choose Edit my profile, click on the link on top to change your required information and fill in the form with your user name, password, full name and the email address you used when signing up. In the field for the reason of the update please write: "please delete my profile" and it would also be nice if you could give us a short comment why you chose to leave the club so we can solve problems with the site that might have caused you to take this step. When we receive this data, we will delete your profile and user account.

How can I help as a volunteer?
If you would like to help making The Hospitality Club one of the nicest things on the internet and in the real world, please send a message to or subscribe yourself directly to the volunteer mailing list we use to work together. You will then receive the latest information on how you could help. Please also regularly check the Help us! and Volunteer sections in the member area, we will post lots of ideas and requests for help there.

Why are there ads? I thought this was a non-commercial project.
We are a non-commercial project, all volunteers spend many hours because they believe in the idea of hospitality exchange. However, the more successful the site becomes, the more we have to pay for webhosting. Rather than ask the most dedicated volunteers to pay this out of their pockets, we decided to implement Google's exciting new advertisement technology on the site. We will always try to find intelligent ways of funding this project and will always keep the membership free, so no matter where you are on the planet and how much money you have, you can be part of the world wide web of friendly people.

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We are hospitality exchange with thousands of members friendly members in 207 countries the world's largest hospitality exchange network!! Now we are on a mission to find 1,000,000 friendly people Help us and send an email to tell your friends about the club!

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