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Globalfreeloaders - Background Information

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- free accommodation worldwide
- meet friendly people
- no cost at all
- intercultural understanding
- no obligations
- safety features
- non-commercial
...come onboard!

number of Hospitality Club members
Every now and then we are asked if we know the freeloaders website. Yes, we do! We found the site soon after it was started in December 2000. We had started the Hospitality Club a few months earlier and immediately got in touch with Adam Staines (founder of the freeloader site) to put both projects together. We had thought the concept through a bit better, while he had the programming skills we lacked at the beginning.

Unfortunately, he did not want to - he prefered to do things by himself. In the club we are trying to involve as many volunteers as possible, to make the network a long term success. It will be impossible to run a large network alone. It is benefitial for all people interested in hospitality exchange to have one large network - especially to keep abusers and spammers out. If there are several networks, people who get bad comments in one simply move to the next one. It is also better to bundle all volunteer resources and hosts in one place.

Many "free accommodation sites" have popped up on the net in the last years. Usually with the same "best idea ever" hype. It is very easy to throw together a new site and database these days, but much more difficult to make it work in the long run. The good thing - all of them, also Globalfreeloaders are spreading the great idea of hospitality exchange. So we welcome every global freeloader in the Hospitality Club - we would be happy to have you onboard ! Even if our site is not as "cool" on first appearance you will soon discover that a friendly bunch of members and volunteers is waiting for you in the best online hospitality exchange network :-)

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All Countries
Afghanistan . Albania . Algeria . American Samoa . Andorra . Angola . Anguilla . Antigua and Barbuda . Argentina . Armenia . Aruba . Australia . Austria . Azerbaijan . Bahamas . Bahrain . Bangladesh . Barbados . Belarus . Belgium . Belize . Benin . Bermuda . Bhutan . Bolivia . Bosnia and Herzegovina . Brazil . Bulgaria . Burkina Faso . Burundi . Cambodia . Cameroon . Canada . Cape Verde . Cayman Islands . Chile . China . Colombia . Congo . Congo, DR . Costa Rica . Côte d`Ivoire . Croatia . Cuba . Cyprus . Czech Republic . Denmark . Dominican Republic . Ecuador . Egypt . El Salvador . Estonia . Ethiopia . Fiji . Finland . France . French Guiana . French Polynesia . Gabon . Gambia . Georgia . Germany . Ghana . Greece . Greenland . Grenada . Guadeloupe . Guam . Guatemala . Guyana . Haiti . Honduras . Hungary . Iceland . India . Indonesia . Iran . Iraq . Ireland . Isle of Man . Israel . Italy . Jamaica . Japan . Jersey . Jordan . Kazakhstan . Kenya . Kuwait . Kyrgyzstan . Laos . Latvia . Lebanon . Lesotho . Libya . Liechtenstein . Lithuania . Luxembourg . Macao . Macedonia . Madagascar . Malaysia . Maldives . Mali . Malta . Martinique . Mauritania . Mauritius . Mexico . Moldova . Monaco . Mongolia . Morocco . Mozambique . Namibia . Nepal . Netherlands . New Caledonia . New Zealand . Nicaragua . Nigeria . Northern Mariana Islands . Norway . Oman . Pakistan . Palau . Palestine . Panama . Papua New Guinea . Paraguay . Peru . Philippines . Poland . Portugal . Puerto Rico . Qatar . Réunion . Romania . Russian Federation . Rwanda . Saint Kitts and Nevis . Saint Lucia . Samoa . Sao Tome and Principe . Saudi Arabia . Senegal . Serbia and Montenegro . Seychelles . Sierra Leone . Singapore . Slovakia . Slovenia . Somalia . South Africa . South Korea . Spain . Sri Lanka . Sudan . Sweden . Switzerland . Syria . Taiwan . Tajikistan . Tanzania . Thailand . Togo . Trinidad and Tobago . Tunisia . Turkey . Turkmenistan . Turks and Caicos Islands . Uganda . Ukraine . United Arab Emirates . United Kingdom . United States of America . Uruguay . Uzbekistan . Vanuatu . Venezuela . Viet Nam . Yemen . Zambia . Zimbabwe .
We are hospitality exchange with thousands of members friendly members in 207 countries the world's largest hospitality exchange network!! Now we are on a mission to find 1,000,000 friendly people Help us and send an email to tell your friends about the club!

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