The Hospitality Club
...bringing people together!
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- free accommodation worldwide
- meet friendly people
- no cost at all
- intercultural understanding
- no obligations
- safety features
- non-commercial
...come onboard!

number of Hospitality Club members

Welcome all Mensa members!! Do you love traveling? Do you love meeting friendly and/or intelligent people? Do you love helping people? Then you have come to the right place!

First the "official" statement:
What is the Hospitality Club?

Our aim is to bring people together - hosts and guests, travelers and locals. Hospitality Club members around the world help each other when they are traveling - be it with a roof for the night or a guided tour through town. Joining is free and everyone is welcome to join. Members are able to look at each other's profiles online once they have registered and have been accepted.

The club is supported by volunteers who believe in one idea: by bringing travelers in touch with people in the place they visit and by giving "locals" a chance to meet people from other cultures we can make this world a better place to live.

And now background information for Mensa members:
The Hospitality Club was founded by Mensa member Veit Kuehne from Germany in 2000. He had joined Mensa in 1996, fascinated by the idea of hospitality exchange and Mensa's SIGHT network. After using the network a few times and starting a similar one within the student exchange organization AFS he realized that the internet was the right tool to start a general, open-to-anyone network - The Hospitality Club.

There are now already a number of Mensans in the Hospitality Club, and members can search for affiliations with organizations easily. So no matter whether you want to meet intelligent people only, or are open to meeting anyone - the club is for you! So come onboard - signing up takes just a couple of minutes. Also, please tell all your Mensa friends about the Hospitality Club and please put a link to on your Mensa page, personal homepage, newsletter etc.

Looking forward to seeing you onboard!

Learn more - Sign up!

All Countries
Afghanistan . Albania . Algeria . American Samoa . Andorra . Angola . Anguilla . Antigua and Barbuda . Argentina . Armenia . Aruba . Australia . Austria . Azerbaijan . Bahamas . Bahrain . Bangladesh . Barbados . Belarus . Belgium . Belize . Benin . Bermuda . Bhutan . Bolivia . Bosnia and Herzegovina . Brazil . Bulgaria . Burkina Faso . Burundi . Cambodia . Cameroon . Canada . Cape Verde . Cayman Islands . Chile . China . Colombia . Congo . Congo, DR . Costa Rica . Côte d`Ivoire . Croatia . Cuba . Cyprus . Czech Republic . Denmark . Dominican Republic . Ecuador . Egypt . El Salvador . Estonia . Ethiopia . Fiji . Finland . France . French Guiana . French Polynesia . Gabon . Gambia . Georgia . Germany . Ghana . Greece . Greenland . Grenada . Guadeloupe . Guam . Guatemala . Guyana . Haiti . Honduras . Hungary . Iceland . India . Indonesia . Iran . Iraq . Ireland . Isle of Man . Israel . Italy . Jamaica . Japan . Jersey . Jordan . Kazakhstan . Kenya . Kuwait . Kyrgyzstan . Laos . Latvia . Lebanon . Lesotho . Libya . Liechtenstein . Lithuania . Luxembourg . Macao . Macedonia . Madagascar . Malaysia . Maldives . Mali . Malta . Martinique . Mauritania . Mauritius . Mexico . Moldova . Monaco . Mongolia . Morocco . Mozambique . Namibia . Nepal . Netherlands . New Caledonia . New Zealand . Nicaragua . Nigeria . Northern Mariana Islands . Norway . Oman . Pakistan . Palau . Palestine . Panama . Papua New Guinea . Paraguay . Peru . Philippines . Poland . Portugal . Puerto Rico . Qatar . Réunion . Romania . Russian Federation . Rwanda . Saint Kitts and Nevis . Saint Lucia . Samoa . Sao Tome and Principe . Saudi Arabia . Senegal . Serbia and Montenegro . Seychelles . Sierra Leone . Singapore . Slovakia . Slovenia . Somalia . South Africa . South Korea . Spain . Sri Lanka . Sudan . Sweden . Switzerland . Syria . Taiwan . Tajikistan . Tanzania . Thailand . Togo . Trinidad and Tobago . Tunisia . Turkey . Turkmenistan . Turks and Caicos Islands . Uganda . Ukraine . United Arab Emirates . United Kingdom . United States of America . Uruguay . Uzbekistan . Vanuatu . Venezuela . Viet Nam . Yemen . Zambia . Zimbabwe .
We are hospitality exchange with thousands of members friendly members in 207 countries the world's largest hospitality exchange network!! Now we are on a mission to find 1,000,000 friendly people Help us and send an email to tell your friends about the club!

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