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yerel gönüllü olmak için tıklayın: Malaysia?

Bölgeler: Malaysia
Bölge/Eyalet: # Bölge/Eyalet: #
Federal Territory 1149 Penang 346
Johor 308 Perak 173
Kedah 107 Perlis 16
Kelantan 39 Sabah 121
Malacca 130 Sarawak 234
Negeri Sembilan 102 Selangor 1308
Pahang 101 Terengganu 38
Hakkında bilgi: Malaysia
Malaysia Seyahat Rehberi
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Malaysia's east coast beaches are some of the best in the world. Our food will leave a lasting impression, and we would love to have you here as our guest.

Top Things to See and Do
Useful Links: Good Malaysian travel site with lots of information, Maps of Malaysia, Virtual Malaysia - good site maintained by the Malaysian Tourism Ministry.
Journey Malaysia - excellent though incomplete travel site.

Landmarks: Kuala Lumpur Petronas Twin Towers, Dataran Merdeka:-translation :Independence Square(KL), Kuala Lumpur Tower

Shopping: Chinatown (KL), Central Market (KL), Jonker Street (Malacca)

Beaches: Pulau Redang, Langkawi (Kedah), Pulau Perhentian, Pangkor Laut, Batu Feringhi

Nature: Taman Negara (Pahang), Bako National Park(Sarawak)

Resorts: Pangkor Beach Resort(Perak), Damai Beach Resort (Kuching, Sarawak), Santubong Resort(Kuching, Sarawak), Batang Ai Resort (Kuching, Sarawak), Royal Mulu Resort(Miri, Sarawak), Tanjong Jara Resort, Pangkor Laut Resort

Food: You must experience eating at a mamak stall or restaurant and try durian while you're at it! Get over the smell of the durian fruit and i swear it ll be the best thing you have ever tasted.
Other places that are famous for their food are :
1 - Penang, The Mecca of Chinese Food--Asam Laksa, Char Kuey Teow (Fried flat rice noodles), Loh Mee, Nasi Kandar (Nasi = Rice), Prawn Mee
2- Ipoh--Ipoh Kuey Teow Soup with taugeh (Flat Noodle with bean sprouts )
3- Sarawak, Kuching : Kolo Mee (Local noodle) and Laksa Sarawak, Sarawak Pineapples are super sweet, Sarawak pepper is the best ever
4- Johor Baru--
5- Kuala Lumpur-- dry-tossed Wanton Mee, beef noodles at Chinatown
6- Malacca-- Chicken rice ball, Satay Celup(various types of meat on a skewer dipped in a rich peanut sauce), BBQ pork rice, Cendol(shaved ice with sweet gula Melaka(local brown sugar)and some peanuts, red beans inside ), Nyonya Chang (glutonus rice wrapped in leaf)

Neighboring countries:
Indonesia, Thailand, Singapore, Brunei Darussalam

Who is coming?
Hi everyone, i am Kasia from Poland (deedee85). I am planning my trip to South Asia at the end of April and then whole May 2010. I will start in Bangkok and then I am going to: Cambodia, Malaysia, Singapore, Philippines. Would be happy to see U in Kuala Lumpur. Also if U can give me the accommodation or some advices where to go, what to do and how to travel to other places. What to U think, which sequence will be the best? thanks in advice and see U there :))
We are looking forward to meet more Hospitality Club Members in this country!

Want more guests!

chiaufang: people often miss East Malaysia. Glad to help out anyone coming to Sarawak, Land of the Hornbill!

Merdeka - 50th year of Republic

There will be lots of special events or huge crowds. Culminating on August 31st

Cyclists - there is a special ride from Penang to Putrajaya 612Km leaving 28th arrive - 31st call the Penang Town Council 04-253 1415 register by August 17th

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ANNUAL HC MEETUP AT PENANG check out the topic By FiRENiCE


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Edited by: deedee85 on 08.03.2010 firenice on 12.12.2007 stewgreen on 04.08.2007 firenice on 11.07.2007 firenice on 08.07.2007 firenice on 11.03.2007 blesse on 25.02.2007 dcyc on 23.12.2006 jmelan on 22.10.2006 mikey73 on 13.09.2006 jleonard on 05.04.2006 sueanne on 10.12.2005 ema70 on 16.10.2005 ellipse on 14.10.2005 malaysianchinese on 18.08.2005 ronstgt on 03.08.2005 weedflower on 13.07.2005 weedflower on 04.07.2005 chiaufang on 23.05.2005 toytruck on 21.04.2005 pesef on 12.03.2005 balihomestay on 03.02.2005 holiday2435 on 19.12.2004 nimbus04 on 19.12.2004 holiday2435 on 01.12.2004 pesef on 14.11.2004 pesef on 13.11.2004 pesef on 24.10.2004 nimbus04 on 15.04.2004 pesef on 30.01.2004 pesef on 07.01.2004 broesl on 26.12.2003 pesef on 26.12.2003
Last postings about Malaysia from other users
sundararaj wrote:

Sight seeing in Kuala Lumpur

vincentset wrote:

tropical sandy beaches and islandsckeck it out on

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