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Bölgeler: Norway
Bölge/Eyalet: # Bölge/Eyalet: #
Akershus 200 Oslo 970
Aust Agder 45 Rogaland 205
Buskerud 90 Sogn og Fjordane 32
Finnmark 52 Sør-Trøndelag 239
Hedmark 77 Telemark 54
Hordaland 352 Troms 138
Møre og Romsdal 82 Vest-Agder 71
Nord-Trøndelag 30 Vestfold 94
Nordland 102 Østfold 112
Oppland 61
Hakkında bilgi: Norway
Norway Seyahat Rehberi
Facts, Attractions, Transport, Food, Money, Visa, Travelogues, Nightlife, Culture, Links ...
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Norway is a ruggedly beautiful country of mountains, fjords and glaciers. It offers incredible wilderness hiking, year-round skiing, and some of the world's most scenic ferry, bus and train rides. The 'Land of the Midnight Sun' has delightfully long summer days, pleasantly low-key cities, unspoiled fishing villages and rich historic sites that include Viking ships and medieval Stave Churches. (Lonely Planet)

Top Things to See and Do
Bergen and Oslo and the train ride between them, fjords, mountain hiking/biking, skiing, Northern Norway with midnight sun during summer, Northern Lights during winter, extreme skiing and lovely fishing villages in Lofoten, night life in urban Oslo and in the student cities of Bergen, Trondheim and Tromsø.

For an updated list on festivals in Norway see the Swedish site Festivalinfo or click at Dagbladet newspaper and VG newspaper. The two principal music festivals are Hove in the town Arendal, Quart in Kristiansand, Norwegian Wood and Øya (The Island) in Oslo, Riddu-Riddu in Kaafjord, Lost Weekend in Bergen, Døgnvill in Tromsø and Storås north of Trondheim. Search these festivalnames! Other nice festivals are Hole in The Sky Metalfestival in Bergen and Skiippagurra Festival in Tana Finnmark, Northern Norway. by:Larm - Kristiansand - This festival in February every year is moving every year between the 5-6 biggest cities. In 2009 it was arranged in Oslo. It features more than hundred of Norway's new and upcoming bands in many genres, concerts at many different venues around in a large Norwegian city.
May 17th - National Day - Put on some nice clothes (if you have) and join in on the massive celebration countrywide
July 6-10, 2007 - Lonely Planet. From (zoomable, and also shows regions).

Norway is relatively expensive to travel around in. For flights, trains and buses there are, however, cheap alternatives if you are able to book early.
SAS (English) have cheap flights for students/youths(25 yrs) until day of departure, but if you book a long time in advance you might be able to get even cheaper tickets.
Wideroe (English) A very good airline on the Northern Norway regions. It services most of the airports north of Trondheim and it of course services the principal ones in Southern Norway. Try to buy a multiticketpass called "Odd", its usually quite cheap. Norwegian (English and many other languages) is an ambitious airline that offers low-fare flights. No student/youth discounts, but the flights are cheap - especially when booking early.
Norwegian State Railroads NSB (Norwegian) always offer cheaper rides online. You can go ticket-less if you pay by creditcard. If you book well in advance you might be able to get their Minipris-offer which means that you can go as far as you want for only NOK199!
Lavprisekspressen (Norwegian) offers cheap buses between Oslo and Bergen/Trondheim/Kristiansand/Copenhagen/Gothenburg. If you book early it costs only NOK49,-!
TransferCar4u or Returbil (Norwegian) is a service where companies or private persons who need to transport a car from one place to another can list their cars. You might find a car that you can drive from A to B with even petrol expenses covered.
Haiketorget (Norwegian) is a website for Norwegian hitch-hikers where you can find rides. The service is not very active though, so you will be lucky to find a match.

Cheap accommodation -

Other useful information
Customs Norway is a very expensive country - especially when it comes to alcohol and tobacco. Wether you consume these products or not, it is anyway a good idea of taking your legal quota of 1L spirits, 1L of wine, 2L of beer and 200 cigarettes as you could give them as gifts or sell them to fund other expenses. Taking more than the legal amount will involve a fine up to 6L of spirits and/or 1000 cigarettes. Exceding this amount you will have serious trouble and is not recommended. The fine follows a linear scale according to how much excess you have brought: NOK300 for 2L spirits/400 cig, NOK600 for 3L/600 cig, NOK1200 for 4L/800 cig, NOK1900 for 5L/1000 cig, NOK2500 for 6L. On top of the fine, all your goods exceding the legal limit will be consfiscated. Only people over the age of 18 can import beer, wine and cigarettes - only people over the age of can import spirits.

Neighboring countries:
Sweden, Finland and Russian Federation. Boat connections to Denmark, United Kingdom and Germany.

Who is coming? scruffydude from Scotland (Orkney Islands) is arriving on May the 5th. He will be around basing himself in the Hordaland area until the end of September. He will be happy to meet up with any other Hospitality Club members during that time. Feel free to send him an e-mail. He hopes to see as much as he can of Norway in that time. He has just finished a months trip around Denamrk :-). Just add your user name and basic info (date and places you will visit) about your trip here, maybe other members will invite you or meet up with you on the road. Use your profile to tell more about your plans.

Want more guests! Add your user name here if you would like to receive more visitors - you should get more requests if listed here, even if you live in a small town off the beaten track.

Hospitality Club Meetings
If you would like to invite other members to an activity or meeting, add the info here. You can use the Travel Guide for more detailed info.

Edited by: proooo on 17.06.2009 gillfinland on 11.03.2009 vikingbeard on 07.11.2006 vikingbeard on 13.08.2006 proooo on 12.08.2006 vikingbeard on 05.08.2006 tobixen on 14.08.2005 tindlund on 15.06.2004 tindlund on 11.05.2004 scruffydude on 30.04.2004 tindlund on 19.02.2004 tindlund on 18.01.2004 tindlund on 17.01.2004 tindlund on 04.12.2003 tindlund on 27.10.2003
Last postings about Norway from other users
mcmort wrote:

Molde International Jazz Festival (

jumang wrote:

The Olympic Arena, Maihaugen,

pekka wrote:

The nature, peolpe and lifestyle in Svalbard. If you are lucky (or unlucky) you might see a polar bear. To see a reindeer is not very uncommon. The northern lights in the winter and 24/7 sunshine from April to August!! Many people stay here longer than they initially planed:)

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