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Pakistan is beautiful and rich heritage country.We have f...
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Régions en Pakistan
Région/Etat: Région/Etat:
Balochistan 54 North West Frontier Province 153
Federally Administered Tribal Areas 5 Northern Areas 77
Islamabad 343 Punjab 1068
Kashmir 32 Sindh 588
Informations sur Pakistan
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Pakistan extends along either side of the historic Indus River, following its course from the mountain valleys of the Himalayas down to the Arabian Sea. Bordering on India, China, Afghanistan and Iran, it is strategically located astride the ancient trade routes between Asia and Europe. Pakistan's 796,095 square kilometers of territoryit contains some of Asia's most mind-blowing landscapes, from arid deserts to lush, green valleys to stark mountain peaks, extraordinary trekking, a multitude of cultures and a long tradition of hospitality.
here is link to some of the most beautiful landscapes collection from Pakistan
Pakistan is the site of some of the earliest human settlements, home to an ancient civilisation rivalling those of Egypt and Mesopotamia, and the crucible of two of the world's major religions, Hinduism and Buddhism, both of which have their roots in the subcontinent. It's far more than the last hurdle before reaching India.
Pakistan can be divided into three regions: the lowlands along the Indus in the south and east, the arid plateau of Baluchistan in the southwest, and the mountains of the north. The provinces of Punjab and Sindh, in the east and south, are well irrigated by the Indus and its tributaries. The land is fertile and produces most of Pakistan's food. This area, which includes the cities of Karachi, Islamabad (the capital), Lahore and Rawalpindi, is the most densely-populated in the country.
The southwestern province of Baluchistan covers almost half Pakistan's territory. The land consists of a stony plateau, sparsely populated and very dry. Outside of the provincial capital of Quetta, travel in Baluchistan is extremely restricted.
Pakistan's mountainous north contains the second tallest peak on Earth, K2 (28,250 ft., 8611 m), and over 300 glaciers. Three great mountain ranges stretch across this part of the country: the Himalayas, the Karakorams and the Hindu Kush. The region's topography is constantly changing, as frequent earthquakes help the mountains grow at the remarkable rate of 7 mm (1/4 inch) a year.
Pakistan's climate varies according to elevation. April through September are the most pleasant months in the mountains, although they bring oppressive heat to the low-lying plains of the Indus Valley, where midday temperatures can exceed 40 degrees Celsius (100 degrees F). December through February are the coolest months, as lowland temperatures drop to between 10-25 degrees C (50-77 degrees F) and the air in the mountains falls below freezing. Monsoons reach the southern areas of the country in late summer, although precipitation is minimal in Baluchistan and in the north and limited in most of the interior.

History and People
While Pakistan as a country is relatively new, the Indus River region is known as a cradle of civilization. Archaeologists have found fossils of Homo sapiens in the area which date back 50,000 years. An urban society known as the Indus Civilization developed around 3,000 BC and flourished for a period of about fifteen hundred years. One of the reasons for the rise and the prosperity of the Indus Civilization was its situation right along a natural trade route between central Asia and the Indian subcontinent. While this position encouraged the rise of an urban trading society, it also encouraged wave after wave of invasion, making Pakistan's history a mind-boggling tapestry of successive conquests.
The first of these incursions was that of the Aryans, who arrived from Central Asia around 1,700 BC, displacing the Indus Civilization and bringing Hinduism to the region. Twelve hundred years later, the Aryans yielded in turn to the armies of Cyrus the Great, and the Indus region became a part of his Achaemenid Persian empire. The next conqueror to arrive was Alexander the Great, who passed through the Khyber Pass in 326 BC, built a fleet of ships, and sailed down the Indus to conquer what is now the Punjab state. It was in the Punjab that Alexander's soldiers refused to go any further east, prompting an enormously difficult march homeward through the harsh desert regions of Baluchistan, Afghanistan, and Iran.
Alexander's successors, the Seleucids, survived for about a century, until they capitulated to Ashoka, emperor of the great Mauryan empire of India. It was Ashoka who, in an act of remorse for the suffering caused by his many conquests, brought Buddhism to Pakistan (and to much of Asia). The Mauryans were then succeeded by the Bactrians, the Saka (Scythian nomads), the Parthians, and, in the 2nd century AD, by the Kushans. Kanishka, the greatest of the Kushan kings, ruled from Peshawar over an empire that stretched across much of India. As the Kushan empire declined, various Hindu kingdoms based in India asserted their power, dividing up the territory between them. Islam was introduced in the 8th century and quickly spread throughout the region. The Turkish rulers of Afghanistan invaded Pakistan as they began their conquest of India. Pakistan then passed under the control of the Muslim sultans of Delhi.
Early in the 16th century, Pakistan became part of the Mughal Empire. Under the emperors Akbar, Jahangir and Shah Jahan, art and architecture flourished. By the early 19th century, the Sikhs had consolidated their power and declared Lahore their capital. Within a few decades, however, the Sikhs were defeated in battle by the English, and Pakistan became part of the British Raj. When India prepared for independence from the British in the 1940s, Muslim Indians pushed for their own independent state, and the republic of Pakistan came into being on August 14, 1947 as a Muslim homeland. Unfortunately, the birth of both Pakistan and India was marked by massive bloodshed, when violence broke out between Muslims, Sikhs and Hindus migrating from one country to the other. About 500,000 people were believed to have massacred in total,out of which the most effected were the region of Punjab on both sides,where majority of the slaughtered ones in riots were muslims and sikhs.
Pakistan's population of 128 million is one of the fastest-growing in Asia. The three largest ethnic groups are the Punjabis, an Indo-Aryan people who dominate political and business life,and generally are feudal landlords ,the Pashtuns, who work mainly as herders and farmers and the Sindhis who are generally in farming and agriculture and a stronghold of conservative,feudal community structure exists here.
The other significant ethnic group is Balochis,living in the Balochistan province of Pakistan.The Balochs are tribesmen and their society is of nomadic tradition.
The northern areas are home to many distinct ethnic groups, whose eclectic heritage is the result of intermarriage between local peoples and invaders from elsewhere in Europe and Asia. The official language is Urdu, and English is used extensively in official matters as well as in business.

Top Things to See and Do
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Neighboring countries: Afghanistan, China, India, Iran

Ministery of Foreign Affairs - Pakistan Ministry of Tourism Pakistan

Hotels in Islamabad, Pakistan

Pakistan Railway

Pakistan International Airlines
Pakistan Embassies Abroad Foreign Embassies in Pakistan
Voice: +92-300-4329860

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Visiting Pakistan on Motorcycle
Hi friends, we are three bikers from Bangalore, India. We are starting off on a South Asia motorcycle tour on December 3, 2006 and will be in Pakistan from December 30-January 7. We plan to visit Lahore, Islamabad, Rawalpindi and Sialkot and meet and interact with people. Please visit our website and support us. We would be happy if travellers from this community would host us for couple of days.

Last postings about Pakistan from other users
gat wrote:

I can host you in Baku

khurramkhan wrote:

In Pakistan for good Green & snow full mountains and beautifull places natural beauty people should visit Northan areas such as Bhorebon, Sawat etc

zubair wrote:

where i live there are so many intersting thing and every one can see the matching of modern cluttr and old cluttr of pakistan there are so many historical bilding and modren

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